Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2128: Reveal the crime

Chapter 2128 Revealing Crimes

Su Xing squinted and stared at Bai Yunfei.

He also had to admit that Bai Yunfei was very difficult to deal with, and in a few words, he left himself clean.

If he didn't have any other material evidence, but only Wu Bing was the witness, then it would be really hard to get Bai Yunfei today.

After all, Bai Yunfei is the supreme Taoist, and Jinkui Mountain Lord supports him, and the death of Xingdust really has nothing to do with him, and the anger of the Starry Mountain Lord can not be poured on his head.

"Wake up, what else can you say?" Mountain Lord Jin Kui also spoke, putting pressure on Wake up.

Su Xing glanced at the Lord Jin Kui faintly, his eyes returned to Bai Yunfei again, and said: "You are a good calculation, but, do you know that Wu Bing quietly collected a lot of evidence to prevent you?"

"Really?" Bai Yunfei didn't change his face and showed no signs of panic.

Awakening no more words, a round mirror appeared in the palm of the hand, the surface of the mirror, carved with many Taoist patterns, this kind of mirror, called "holographic shadow mirror", can record what happened within a certain period of time thing.


Along with the awakening, the divine power was injected into the holographic shadow mirror. After a while, the divine patterns on the surface of the mirror emitted bright brilliance, intertwined and merged with each other, and soon turned into a picture.

"Wu Bing, you go and leak the news about Lei Xueyi and Li Yixiao in Broken Sky Valley to the Seventh Son of Beizong. Remember, this must be kept secret, and don't let anyone else know about it except you."

"Leader, Lei Xueyi is Elder Sanxuantian after all. If something happens to her, I'm afraid the above will conduct a close investigation! And because of the contradiction between us and Awakening, it is easy to think of us."

"Just let it go and do it, don't have any scruples. You have to know that I am the Supreme Daozi, and there is no full evidence. Even if others guess that I did it, they can't take me anymore."

The first picture took place in the Tianzhu God Realm, with only Bai Yunfei and Wu Bin on the picture.

Seeing all this, everyone inside and outside the Phoenix Palace calmed down, their gazes invariably gathered on Bai Yunfei.

irrefutable evidence!

If Wu handle is just an important certification, then the picture in front of him is a mountain of iron proof, and the picture recorded by the holographic shadow mirror cannot be faked.

"Bai Yunfei, you are very good at using the identity of the Supreme Daozi!" Lei Xueyi stood up and stared at Bai Yunfei coldly.

In this regard, everyone can fully understand.

In this case, Lei Xueyi was the most direct victim. He was trapped in the Valley of Broken Heaven. If he didn't wake up and arrive in time, the consequences would be disastrous.

"It's really hateful. I was also in Broken Sky Valley. If Brother Su hadn't appeared in time, I would already be a soul under Broken Sky Valley."

"It was originally suspected that Bai Yunfei did it, but it really is him."

"Everyone is the same. In order to deal with Brother Su, it is cruel to treat our lives as nothing!"

Outside the Phoenix Palace, Li Yu and other true evangelists were furious.

They were also the most direct victims at the time, and now in retrospect, they still have lingering fears.

Subsequently, many pictures appeared, some of which were Bai Yunfei directly instructing Wu Bing to do it, and many others were the plans that Wu Bing began to implement after receiving Bai Yunfei's call.

The time in those pictures is uncertain, but the pictures in recent years are basically aimed at awakening.

For example, in the assassination plan in the Valley of Flowing Light, the largest operation was the Diyou Riverbed. The Yunmeng sent many elites to assassinate and awaken.

"Audacious! The Yunmeng really has committed crimes."

"It's so chilling, I have always suspected Yunmeng misbehaving, but I didn't expect them to be so mad."

"Seeing that, there are actually quite a few Sanxuantian elders who are also colluding with Yunmeng. It is too dangerous for us to stay in Fengwufudi."

"If the Yunmeng is not eliminated, I will withdraw from Fengwu Fudi!"

Outside the Phoenix Palace, the sentiment was indignant.

The images in the holographic shadow mirror chilled many Taoists, and some even tried to leave Fengwufudi.

This scene changed the face of Yushan Master slightly.

If a sect force loses popular support, then the distance will be destroyed and it will not be far away.

What Yunmeng did put the entire Fengwufu land in danger of overturning.

The face of Yushan Lord, who had always been calm as water, fell coldly, especially when he glanced at the elder Sanxuantian who had colluded with Yunmeng.


Master Yushan shot and put away the holographic shadow mirror. In fact, there are still many pictures that have not been finished, but she has not dared to let the holographic shadow mirror continue to release those images.

Today's Fengwufudi is already in panic, and the situation cannot continue to expand.

Regarding this, Su Xing didn't say anything, and he didn't want Feng Wufu to have a problem because of this.

And the picture just released was enough to condemn Yunmeng, Bai Yunfei, and the elders of the Three Profound Sky who colluded with Yunmeng.

"Bai Yunfei, what else can you say?" Yushan Master stared at Bai Yunfei coldly.

"I shouldn't have established an organization like Yunmeng."

Bai Yunfei sighed for a long time. Just when everyone thought he was repenting, he said again: "Although Yunmeng has allowed me to accumulate a lot of cultivation resources and wealth, it has too many loopholes and flaws. "

"Really? Then, what do you think you should do?" Yushan Master asked with a sullen face. Even now, Bai Yunfei still has no repentance, which obviously made her quite angry.

And when he woke up, he squinted his eyes and looked at Bai Yunfei. He didn't accidentally Bai Yunfei's repentance, but now, Bai Yunfei still looks calm, as if he didn't realize that the next crisis made Su Xing feel suspicious.

He believes that with Bai Yunfei's cleverness, it is impossible not to know what kind of fate he will face, it is absolutely impossible to recover, and even the Lord Jinkui cannot protect him.

However, why can Bai Yunfei be calmly treated?

"Bing is precious!" Facing Yushan Master's question, Bai Yunfei said calmly: "You only need to train a few capable confidants, and you must be able to grasp their lives and deaths at any time to reduce flaws and loopholes."

This is like summing up experience and lessons and preparing for the next comeback. It is not a dying person at all and should be said.

"Then do you think you still have that chance?" The Lord Yushan naturally heard Bai Yunfei's implication and couldn't help but sneered.

"Naturally!" Bai Yunfei smiled faintly, and then bowed to the Lord Jinkui: "Master, thank you for your years of cultivation. I am afraid it will be difficult to meet again in the future."

The Lord Jin Kui nodded gently.

Bai Yunfei looked at awakening again, the corner of his mouth twitched, and said: "Wake up, you deliberately delayed for three months before releasing Wu handle. It was to paralyze me and worry that I would flee when I saw the situation is bad, right?"

"Then, do you know that I also used these three months to plan for the worst?"

"Is there a feeling of being smart instead of being misunderstood?"

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