Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2127: Wu Bin Appears

Chapter 2127 Wu Bing Appears

The Lord of the Starry Sky Mountain went to find the cause of Stardust's death more than once, but there was no result.

But now, Su Xing actually took out Stardust's Fengwu Order, how smart the Lord of the Sky Mountain is, he can tell at a glance, Su Xing knows a lot of the truth, it is not aimless.

Moreover, he even guessed that this matter is most likely related to Yunmeng.

After all, Yu Xing stood up today and was targeting Yunmeng.

"Wake up, you release the witnesses. I can assure you that no one will dare to do the kind of murderous things." The Starry Sky Mountain Master slowly raised his head and said with cold eyes.

At the same time, an extremely majestic coercion overflowed from his body, as vast as the starry sky, covering the entire Phoenix Palace.

Although the Starry Sky Mountain Master knew that waking up was borrowing power, he didn't care at all.

All he cares about at the moment is the truth about his son's death.

When people watched this scene, they couldn't help being frightened.

Everyone's anger can be splashed with blood in five steps.

The Master of the Starry Sky Mountain was angry, and the entire Fengwufudi was trembling about it.

At this time, everyone realized that it was prepared to wake up the ringing gods and gather everyone to come to the Phoenix Palace.

The several elders Sanxuantian who were clamoring for awakening before gradually became silent.

The Lord Jinkui sat on the **** seat without a word, looking gloomy.

At the same time, everyone is very curious, what exactly has been mastered by awakening, and confidence can bring down the Yunmeng.


Awakening opened the Chaos Pool and released Wu handle.

The appearance of Wu Bin naturally caused a great commotion.

He is the deputy leader of the Yunmeng and holds great power. In Fengwufu, no one knows it, and it is a nightmare in the hearts of many Taoists.

"Senior Brother Su actually captured Wu Bin."

"This witness is really powerful enough. If Yunmeng did any shameful deeds, Wu Bing must know very well."

"You really don't know what Yunmeng looks like in private? Today, I think Yunmeng is about to end."

Outside the Phoenix Palace, whispering ceaselessly.

Wu Bin had no injuries on his body and had not undergone severe torture, but he seemed to have expected his end, and his mental state was very depressed.

When Wu Bing found out that he was in the Phoenix Palace, with three mountain masters on the first seat, and many Sanxuantian elders around him, Bai Yunfei was also standing not far away, and soon understood his situation.

He glanced at the furious Star Mountain Lord, unconsciously showing fear, lowered his head, and said nothing.

"Bai Yunfei, what position does Wu Bin hold in your Yunmeng?" Su Xing looked at Bai Yunfei.

"Wu Bing is someone from Yunmeng. Everyone knows. If you have any words, you can just say it directly. There is no need to go in circles." Bai Yunfei did not follow the words of awakening. He was very smart and would not let himself talk. In the passive position.

"Xingkong Mountain Lord, Wu Bin is the deputy leader of the Yunmeng. When Bai Yunfei is away, the Yunmeng will be taken care of by him." Su Xing looked at the Xingkong Mountain Lord, paused, and said: "Stardust, it was Wu Killed by the handle."


"Wu Bing actually killed Stardust?"

"My God, I thought Mu Shuyang was brave enough, compared with Wu Bing, it's nothing short of a big deal!"

Outside the Phoenix Hall, an uproar sounded.

Even in the Phoenix Palace, the many Sanxuantian elders sitting upright were also agitated.

Shi Zun narrowed his eyes, and the aura of Elder You Ming became very cold.

Even Xingkong Mountain Lord's son dared to kill. Wu Bing's courage and crime made it difficult for them to hide their anger.

The Lord of the Starry Sky Mountain had stood upright, looked down at Wu Bing, and said in an extremely cold tone, "Hold your head up."

Wu Bin underwent unimaginable pressure, so he had to raise his head, looked at the starry sky mountain lord, and said, "You don't need to ask any more, Stardust, I did kill him."

By now, he couldn't deny it, because he had already grasped the evidence of the crime in his hands when he woke up, so he simply admitted it directly.

"Really you?" The starry sky mountain lord's eyes became unprecedentedly cold and sharp, and his whole body was murderous.

"Xingkong Mountain Lord, please calm down, Wu Bing can't kill for the time being." Wake up to see Xingkong Mountain Lord falling into a rage, he might kill Wu Bing at any time, so he hurriedly stopped.

"I want him to die, can you stop me?" Xingkong Mountain Lord's killing intent was indeed extremely irritating, and he treated him coldly even to stop him from waking up.

Awakening did not blame the Starry Sky Mountain Master. He was able to understand the other party’s feelings. He just said: "Starry Sky Mountain Master, I naturally can’t stop you, but you want to seek justice for Stardust’s death, and I want to do more The dead, ask for justice."

"Stardust is not the only person who died in Wu Bin's hands. His numerous crimes should be made public."

Lord Yushan hesitated for a moment, and he also said: "Starry sky, Awakening makes a lot of sense. It is natural for you to kill Wu Bing, but it is too cheap to kill Wu Bing like this?"

The starry sky mountain lord's killing intent was slightly reduced, but he didn't sit back again, stared at awakening, and said, "You continue."

Su Xing gratefully glanced at Yushan Master, then arched his hand towards the Starry Sky Mountain Master, then looked at Bai Yunfei, and said: "As the leader of the Yun League, Bai Yunfei, what else can you say?"

"I didn't expect Wu Bing to do such a frantic thing behind my back." Bai Yunfei sighed.

"Do you want to retreat all crimes to Wu Bing's body?"

Su Xing shook his head, and said with a cold expression: "The death of Stardust was done by Wu Bing alone, but what about the others killed by Yun Meng? Without your guidance, how can Wu Bing make Yun Meng change? As a butcher knife reaching out to the Taoists?"

"Wake up, this is just your imagination."

Bai Yunfei glanced lightly to wake up, and said: "You want to be disadvantageous to me, you can just say that there is no need to use a Wu handle to identify what I have committed."

"I admit that I have the responsibility for insufficient supervision of the Yunmeng, which caused Wu Bing and Mu Shuyang to make big mistakes behind my back. After today, I will dissolve the Yunmeng and accept the three mountain owners' consultation. punishment."

"But this doesn't mean that you can slander me indiscriminately and get along with Wu Bin and the others."

I have to say that Bai Yunfei is quite smart, and can grasp a little initiative in any situation.

After the crimes of Mu Shuyang and Wu Bing were revealed, Bai Yunfei was only left behind, a guilt of insufficient supervision, and this undoubtedly hardly affected him much.

The biggest loss was just disbanding the Yun League.

But this kind of loss is actually even more painless, because as long as Bai Yunfei is still there, the Yun League is only a nominal dissolution, and in private, everyone will still gather by Bai Yunfei's side.

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