Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1748: The queen is angry!

The first thousand seven hundred and forty-eight chapters, the queen is angry!

The current queen of the Hundred Flowers Kingdom is very tall, like a man.

The bright yellow dragon robe and natural majesty set off her exceptionally stalwart, even if the **** stood in front of her, he would unconsciously lower his head.

The appearance of the Queen of Flowers is not beautiful, it is very ordinary.

But the strong emperor's authority and strictness made her extraordinary at all.

She looked up and down Miao Kerr for a while, nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Yes, it has grown a lot."

"Mother Xie praised it."

Miao Kerr salutes respectfully and is very clever.

"You all go back! I want to have a long talk with Qi'er." The majestic voice of the Queen Baihua sounded, and a group of court ladies and eunuchs retreated and left, including Miao Qinghuan.

At the moment, she was very well-behaved, as if she was afraid of seeing the Queen of Flowers.

Awakening can also understand that although the Queen of Hundred Flowers is a woman, her majesty is stronger than that of an ordinary emperor, and she treats Miao Kerr and Miao Qinghuan more like a strict father.

"Wake up and stay!"

Just as he was awakening and preparing to leave together, Queen Baihua glanced at him.

Waking up is a little unclear, but still stopped.

Miao Qinghuan was stunned, and found that Empress Baihua's eyes were about to fall on her, and she hurriedly stepped back.

Miao Ke'er Yu made a fist and hid it in his sleeve, looking a little nervous.

The hall quickly fell silent.

The Queen Baihua sat on a chair made by the **** Jin Liuli, her manners overflowing with majesty, she looked at Miao Keer and sighed: "In two years, her cultivation is approaching to break through the fourth step of the true god. Fengwufu is indeed extraordinary. One of the three overlords of our North God Realm."

Miao Kerr explained: "Mother Emperor, the blessed land is indeed very good, and the master is also teaching me carefully, but this time the cultivation base is diligent, but there is another opportunity."

"You are a blessing in disguise. Your master came to me once half a year ago, and was very sad about your bad news. After you go back, you must respect Master Nether." The Queen Baihua ordered.

"Have the master come to see the mother emperor?" Miao Keer's eyes brightened a bit, which was a little bit beyond her expectation. After all, Elder Nether had many disciples, and he wouldn't bother too much about the fall of ordinary disciples. It's not enough just for good luck.

"Yeah! Your master not only mentioned you, but also said a lot of things about awakening." Empress Baihua said, her deep gaze fell on Su Xing again.


Miao Kerr was startled, how could she not understand what the Queen Hundred Flowers meant, the Elder Netherworld himself, the Hundred Flowers Kingdom, at least half of it was because of awakening.

And when they left the Valley of Flowing Light, the two also inquired that Shi Zun had stayed for half a year.

The two elders and three Xuantian elders have done something to wake up, and such treatment is simply a great honor.

Miao Keer was not jealous, but rather happy and proud of her awakening.

"Has Elder Nether inquired about me?" Su Xing murmured, feeling a little touched in his heart, and he did not expect that after he rejected the intentions of Shi Zun and Elder Nether to accept disciples, he still had a lot in the hearts of those two. High status.

"Originally, you put Qi'er in danger, I should punish you."

The Queen of Flowers stared at the awakening, and slowly said, "But fortunately, Qi'er has no worries about her life. It was just a false alarm. However, you are not suitable for living in Xueyue Garden."

"Mother Emperor, I have nothing to do with Brother Xing." Miao Kerr explained hurriedly.

"I know, that's why he can't live in Xueyue Garden, lest there will be a lot of rumors outside."

The Empress Baihua looked at her awakening indifferently, and said: "As a Taoist of Fengwufudi, I will not fail to speak etiquette. You live in the Royal Post, how about?"

"Yes!" Su Xing frowned, but finally nodded in agreement.

He has no requirements for a place to live, but the move of the Queen Hundred Flowers is to draw a clear line between him and Miao Kerr. Although he does not have any serious thoughts about Miao Kerr in his heart, the empress’s worry is a bit redundant, but he does not want to be affected. Man forced.

It's just that, after all, the other party is Miao Keer's mother, so she didn't look at the face of the monk to see the Buddha's face, and waking up did not make Miao Keer too embarrassed, so she chose to back down.

"Mother!" Miao Kerr looked anxiously at the Queen of Flowers.

"Come here, take Su Daozi to stay at the Royal Post." The Queen Baihua ignored Miao Kerr, her indifferent voice sounded, and soon several eunuchs walked in.

Su Xing nodded towards Miao Keer, turned and left.

"Mother, Brother Xing saved my life this time. Treating him like this will make him alienate me." Miao Ke'er looked anxiously at the Hundred Flowers Empress, and wanted to save it.

"If it weren't for him, you wouldn't be in danger." The Queen Baihua looked cold, and said: "Moreover, I wanted you to draw a clear line with him."

"Why?" Miao Kerr looked puzzled.

"Ke'er, if the awakening is just an ordinary Taoist, or an ordinary **** cultivator, then you like him, the mother emperor will not oppose it, and it will fulfill you."

"But awakening is not. He is valued by the two elders, Shi Zun and You Ming. He is extraordinary, and you must know better than me. How can such a person marry you?"

The Queen of Flowers has a serious expression on her face.

"I can marry Brother Xing!" Miao Kerr said blushing.

"Shut up!" The Queen of Hundred Flowers was suddenly furious and said coldly: "In our Kingdom of Hundred Flowers, only men marry women. Is there any reason for women to marry men?"

Miao Ke'er retorted: "Mother, there are not a few people involved in the family."

"You also said, it's a folk, not a family, who would do that kind of thing? And you are the seventh princess, who is a collection of thousands of pets, and represents the majesty of the royal family. How can you marry a man? Isn't it messed up?"

The emperor was moody, and the Empress Baihua was obviously really angry this time, saying: "It seems that I was too pampered with you before. You can even say such absurd things."

"Your birthday is imminent. You are not allowed to leave Xueyue Garden for half a step before the birthday banquet is held."

After speaking, Queen Baihua got up and left.

Miao Ke'er was lost, and it was not that she could not understand the thoughts of the Queen of Flowers, but she did not expect that this incident would so anger the Queen of Flowers.

There was a good mother and daughter together, but they ended up unhappy.

Soon after, Miao Qinghuan walked in.

"Cousin, why can't I marry Wakeup?" Miao Kerr looked at Miao Qinghuan helplessly.

"If you say this, it's no wonder that my aunt will be angry." Miao Qinghuan gave Miao Keer a blank look. She obviously also felt that Miao Keer was wrong in this matter.

"The world of divine cultivation has always respected strength. With the talent of waking up brother, how can I not be qualified to marry him?" Miao Keer retorted.

"That's outside. In our Hundred Flowers Kingdom, the sky is big, and the woman is the biggest. Let a man ride on our woman's head, what's the deal?" Miao Qinghuan shook his head.


Miao Kerr was speechless.

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