Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1747: The queen is here!

The first thousand seven hundred and forty-seven chapters, the queen arrives!

"In this way, this Taoist should be extraordinary?"

Miao Yuhe knew that her intentions had been exposed, so she no longer circumscribed, her eyes fell on Wake, and said with a smile.

"This has nothing to do with Sixth Sister?" Miao Kerr stopped in front of her awakening, she didn't want the latter to get involved in the muddy waters of the Kingdom of Hundred Flowers. This trip was just for peace.

"Let's go!" Suwa really didn't mean to blend in these things. He said to Miao Ke'er and stepped into Xueyue Garden.

"Yeah!" Miao Kerr nodded obediently, and followed behind her.

"Is it so cowardly?" Miao Yuhe did not stop, staring at the back of Wake and Miao Ke'er, her spiritual eyes narrowed slightly.

"Six princesses, count the time, the birthday of the seventh princess is near, and this trip has finally come back. With the empress's pampering on the seventh princess, it is bound to be run wildly. This is an opportunity for us."

Beside Miao Yuhe, a handsome man said.

"This matter needs to be discussed with the princess." Miao Yuhe nodded.



Wake up and Miao Keer take a walk in the garden.

"Brother Xing, are you angry?" Miao Ke'er looked at waking up, Qiao's face was a little nervous. She was worried about her misunderstanding when she woke up, thinking she deliberately brought waking back and was involved in this vortex.

"You can't help yourself, why am I angry?" Su Xing smiled and shook his head, then said: "But it seems that you, the seventh princess, behind the glamorous and beautiful, are also suffering a lot of grievances!"

"The most ruthless emperor's family, even if I don't fight for anything, others will not believe it. They always want to kill you, and even feel that you should not be born." Miao Kerr smiled helplessly.

"That six princess is very powerful?" Wake up trail.

"She is just the right arm of the elder sister." Miao Kerr shook her head.




Among the seven princesses of the Hundred Flowers Kingdom, the eldest princess is the oldest, has a strong cultivation base, has a large number of party feathers, has power in the ruling and the opposition, and has a status as a prince.

Excluding Miao Keer, two of the remaining five princesses are attached to the eldest princess, one is the sixth princess, and the other is the fourth princess.

In addition, the three princes are all the princesses.

In this case, almost no one can compete with the eldest princess for the throne, but the current empress is very fond of Miao Kerr, and Miao Kerr's talent is indeed extremely outstanding.

She is the first among the younger generation of the royal family to enter the ranks of the Five Tribulations.

In a world where strength is respected, the queen's spoiling, coupled with her own talent, even if Miao Kerr has no party feathers, it is enough to pose some threats to the status of the princess.

What's more, the "Xuanyin Palace" where Princess Qinghuan resides has always been extremely supportive of Miao Kerr. Because Miao Ke'er's father came from the Xuanyin Palace, and she had a good relationship with Princess Qinghuan since childhood.

This time, Miao Ke'er became Feng Wu Fu's Dao Zi, and his status had risen invisibly.

The eldest princess was obviously very nervous. Miao Ke'er had just returned and didn't even enter the gate of Xueyueyuan, so the sixth princess came to find out the news of her awakening.

"Ouch, what did I see?"

"You are so concubine, should I avoid it?"

Accompanied by an exaggerated exclamation, a violent figure broke into the garden, it was Miao Qinghuan.

After learning that Miao Keer had returned, she rushed over as soon as possible.

Miao Qinghuan has good looks, fair complexion and moisturized skin, tall figure, with the charm of a mature woman, staring at Awakening and Miao Keer with a smile on her face, saying she wants to avoid it, but her eyes did not move away. .

"Cousin, don't talk nonsense." Miao Kerr's face blushed.

"You have no conscience, made my old lady worry about you for a whole year. I don't know how many tears you secretly stalked, and you almost got crushed by your hopeless brother-in-law." Miao Qinghuan poked Miao Keer with a jade finger. Suddenly.

"Cousin, brother Xing is present." Miao Kerr was moved, but also a little embarrassed.

"This kid almost killed you. I haven't asked him to settle the account yet." Miao Qinghuan stared at Reawakening.

"It's my negligence, cousin, don't blame it." Su Xing smiled and apologized. He didn't dislike Miao Qinghuan's turbulent character, and the latter helped out in Liuguang Shengu, which was also an adult favor.

"You guys have a sincere attitude." Miao Qinghuan's expression softened, and then said suspiciously: "What was going on at the time, I always felt that some other force was involved, but I couldn't catch it."

The Yunmeng's dark hall did not leak water, but Miao Qinghuan participated in the confrontation after all. After thinking about it, she still noticed the slightest abnormality, but there was no evidence.

"It's true that someone is plotting against me." Su Xing nodded, thinking of Yunmeng, and there was a little coldness in his eyes.

Upon seeing this, Miao Qinghuan stopped talking.

The performance on the day of waking up was already extraordinary enough, since he knew it in his heart, he didn't need to say much.

"I heard that the lady Miao Yuhe came to trouble you?" Miao Qinghuan looked at Miao Kerr, and said to Miao Yuhe and the slightest respect.

In fact, Miao Qinghuan and Miao Yuhe have never dealt with each other. They are the same age and have had many conflicts since they were young.

"It's okay!" Miao Kerr didn't want to talk more, she didn't care about imperial power, and she didn't want to involve Miao Qinghuan and Xuanyin Palace into the vortex of this battle.

"Huh! Big sister really doesn't have the temperament of a big sister." Miao Qinghuan snorted coldly, thinking of something, and said coldly: "At the beginning, you were forced to go through the cycle of life and death. Don't give up."

"Cousin, don't talk anymore." Miao Keer shook her head to stop her, her ugliness should not be revealed, she didn't want to expose too much embarrassment of the royal family in front of her awakening.

After all, she was also a royal person and would feel dull.

"The queen is here!"

At this time, a sharp voice sounded.

Miao Ke'er and Miao Qinghuan were stunned at the same time, and they were also a little surprised to wake up.

"My aunt still loves you as always. After hearing your bad news, during the year, I heard that my aunt is in a very bad mood. You should comfort me." Miao Qinghuan whispered towards Miao Keer.

Miao Ke'er nodded lightly, with a look of expectation on her delicate Qiao's face, and when she glanced at her side to wake up, she was a little nervous.

Awakening was calm, she was a little surprised for the Queen of the Kingdom of Hundred Flowers who came to visit in person, but it can also be seen that the queen should be really fond of Miao Kerr, and this is how she hurriedly came instead of waiting for Miao Kerr. Please Ann.

The three of them walked out of the garden to the main hall of the banquet.

The court ladies and eunuchs stand in two rows in groups, neat and orderly.

In the hall, a stalwart figure stood holding hands.

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