Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1735: The temptation of the fairies!

The first thousand seven hundred and thirty-five chapter   the temptation of the fairy!

The Central Land gave full play to its characteristics of rapid news circulation. The cooperation of Cangyu Mountain, Danxia Valley, Great Heaven Sect, and Fenglei Sect quickly spread and caused a great sensation for a while.

And after the forces of the four parties joined forces, they were also vigorous and resolute, quickly gathering their troops and marching toward the original site of Cangyu Mountain in the north, with great momentum.

Such a lively scene naturally attracted a lot of spiritual practitioners to wait and see.

For a time, more than 90% of the divine cultivators in the Valley of Flowing Light rushed to the north, as if it were a great migration.

In a certain mountain forest, Miao Qinghuan led a group of beautiful women from the Kingdom of Hundred Flowers. After learning the news that Cangyu Mountain had joined forces, she couldn't help falling into contemplation.

"Princess Qinghuan, did the four parties really form an alliance in secret?" a beautiful woman asked.

"I don't know, I haven't received any wind in advance." Miao Qinghuan's expression became serious.

Although the Hundred Flowers Kingdom is the strongest, it would be no small trouble if Cangyu Mountain, Danxia Valley, Qingtianzong, and Fengleizong join forces.

In addition, Miao Qinghuan was most worried about Miao Keer, who had already rushed to the North, and if it was involved, it would be difficult to get out.

"Rush to the north at full speed, don't let Kerr have anything to do."

After Miao Qinghuan finished speaking, she thought of waking up again, and couldn't help cursing: "I'm going to meet that kid for a while to see if he has three heads and six arms. It is also Fengwu Fudi's Taoist. Others acted in a low-key manner. There was such a big movement."


In the north, the original site of Cangyu Mountain.

With the influx of a large number of spiritual cultivation, especially the intrusion of the ten senior brothers, as well as the elites led by Ji Xuelin, Yu Yan, and Zhu Yuan, even if they are separated by countless miles, the awakening still feels.

The cultivation base reaches the true **** realm, and the perception of the aura of the gods has become particularly acute.

If the cultivators do not deliberately converge their breath, then the other side, even if they are far away, can still be sensed by the fluctuations in the breath of the laws of the gods between heaven and earth.

As for the higher levels of the will, the fluctuations that can be caused are even more terrifying.

However, under normal circumstances, a strong person who has comprehended the law of will will not be discouraged by accident, and others will not notice anything.

Su Xing looked to the south, his eyes especially deep.

Suddenly, there was another wave in his eyes, and he saw a graceful figure, step by step reflected in the exercise.

Today's Miao Kerr, wearing a dark green slim dress, outlines the body curve to the extreme perfection, the divine body seems to be shining, and every inch of skin is full of endless temptation.

With impeccable facial features, people can't help but want to kiss Fangze.

I have to say that this woman is a well-deserved fairy in terms of body and appearance. It is no wonder that from the Kingdom of Hundred Flowers to Fengwufu Land, many people covet her.

But, it seems nothing, can capture her heart.

Under the seemingly unruly appearance, there is a haughty and critical heart hidden.

Except for his appearance, Miao Kerr's cultivation talent is also very good. After following the elders of the Netherworld, his cultivation has become more and more exquisite, and he has already stepped into the second stage of the true god.

This is the fourth person who has broken through the realm of cultivation after Awakening, Bai Yu, and Ding Xi among the new Daozi.

Unknowingly, Miao Kerr had already been one step ahead of Feng Yuqiu and Khan Khan.

In terms of combat power, according to Awakening's estimation, Miao Kerr should be even more terrifying, because Miao Kerr is taking the line of spirit and soul, attacking weird and impossible to defend.

"Why are you here?" Su Xing was a little dazed and couldn't help asking.

"Isn't people worried about being a widow in the future! Someone's troubles this time are not small." Miao Ke'er raised her red lips and smiled.

"You don't know, we all got the Void Profound Sky Talisman before we came in, and we can save our lives at the worst." Su Xing shook his head, he was used to Miao Kerr's joking tone and didn't take it seriously.

"Does someone suggest that I am not a widow?" Miao Keer stood in front of her awakening, looking at him affectionately.

"Ahem..." Su Xing was almost choked.

"Okay, stop joking with my man."

Miao Kerr turned around and said, "Brother Xing, you have to know that although the Void Profound Sky Talisman is a life-saving card, it is not omnipotent. If the Void Profound Sky Talisman is imprisoned before the space is activated, or If the cultivation base is blocked, the Void Profound Sky Talisman will also lose its effect."

"It is true. If Zong Hao wants to activate the Void Profound Sky Talisman in front of me, I have a 50% chance to kill him first."

Awakening cannot be denied, he paused, and then said: "However, that ten senior brother, is not that capable yet!"

"This time, not only the ten seniors from Cangyu Mountain, but also Ji Xuelin from Danxia Valley, Yu Yan from Qingtianzong, and Zhu Yuan from Fenglei Zong, they brought three elites. Fight to the death." Miao Keer said.

"Danxia Valley, Qingtianzong, Fengleizong?" Su Xing's eyes were narrowed, and he didn't remember that he had offended those three parties.

Miao Keer was very empathetic and saw the thought of waking up, and said: "This matter is indeed a bit weird. Danxia Valley, Qingtianzong, and Fengleizong have always been at odds with Cangyu Mountain. There are no fewer contradictions. This time Cangyu Mountain suffered such a big loss, they should be gloating, but they did not expect to choose to join forces."

"It doesn't matter for any reason, since they dare to come, then be prepared to come back and forth!" The awakening voice was somewhat cold, and his eyes were deep and far away.

He couldn't figure out the intricate relationship between the native sects of Cangyu Mountain and Danxia Valley for a while, but since the other party had put the sword on his neck, the most important thing was a counterattack.

"Your Hundred Flowers Kingdom is not small in Flowing Light Valley, why didn't you join this time?" Su Xing suddenly asked, he didn't know that Miao Kerr had gathered with the people of Hundred Flowers Kingdom.

"Because they all know that Brother Xing is my man and their son-in-law!" Miao Ke'er leaned forward to wake up, exhaled and said quietly.

He wakes up to look at his nose, and his nose at his heart, but the charming body fragrance of Miao Ke'er still penetrates the tip of his nose, and the warmth of that graceful body, like nephrite, makes him feel a little confused, and the corners of his mouth shake violently.

"It turns out that Brother Xing will blush." ​​Miao Ke'er looked at Wake up close, with a smug smile on her face. As a cultivating magical method, she has full confidence in her own charm.


Wake up dress coughing, to resolve the embarrassment here.

In fact, Miao Kerr didn't use the magical method to seduce him just now, but because of this, the natural charm exuded by the natural intimacy of a woman is the least indifferent.

To wake up to a sigh of relief secretly, Miao Kerr took a few steps back and did not continue to make progress.

The awakening mood fluctuated violently, and I didn't notice that, two red clouds appeared on Miao Keer's face, and a heart was beating violently.

She looks unruly, but she is limited to verbal teasing. From childhood to adulthood, she has never been so close to a man, and her heart is also very nervous.

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