Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1734: Smooth negotiation!

Chapter 1734   Smooth negotiation!

Streaming God Valley, central.

The terrain is relatively flat and a small hilly area.

The superior geographical environment here seems to have been favored by the light of God. According to historical statistics, the number of light of God falling here far exceeds that of other places, just like the trend of a battlefield for military strategists.

Probably because of this, on the contrary, there is no power that can sit on this central place.

Everyone stared at each other, and feared each other.

Whoever wants to eat this piece of meat is bound to be attacked by the wolves all around.

Gradually, this unowned and fertile land attracted a lot of spiritual cultivation.

This includes the people of the Kingdom of Hundred Flowers, Cangyu Mountain, Danxia Valley, Great Heaven Sect, and Wind Lei Sect, as well as a large number of small forces and idle spiritual cultivation, which can be described as a mixture of fish and dragons and extremely lively.

Naturally, this central place is also the place where most bloodshed occurred.

Every time the light of God appears, it will attract a lot of competition.

In addition, it has also become the fastest place for news circulation and the best place for judgment and other things.

At this time, on a hill, four figures stood.

They are ten seniors, Ji Xuelin of Danxia Valley, Yu Yan of Qingtianzong, and Zhu Yuan of Fengleizong.

Everyone's cultivation base aura is very strong, not at all weaker than ten senior brothers. Obviously, their combat power level has reached the third level of the heavenly gods, and they are the leaders of their respective sects in the Valley of Flowing Light.

But compared to the ten seniors who were empty behind them, behind Ji Xuelin, Yu Yan, and Zhu Yuan, there were a group of people standing behind them, with great momentum, and the ten seniors were more lonely and lonely.

Farther away, there are many figures standing there.

The leaders of the four forces of Cangyu Mountain, Danxia Valley, Qingtianzong, and Fengleizong gathered together. This is a rare and lively scene that can easily attract people's attention.

What's more, in the eyes of Cangyu Mountain, where the entire army was almost wiped out, the content of this discussion has been tacitly understood by everyone.

Senior Brother Ten wants to avenge that Fengwu Fudi Daozi, to avenge his fellow students.

But can he succeed?

You know, Danxia Valley, Sky High School, and Feng Lei Zong are not profitable, and they won't play any **** with you and accompany you to take revenge.

Especially, the other party is still Fengwu Fudi's Taoist, and it is a situation of stealing chickens and losing rice.

Senior Brother Ten took a deep breath. His mood was not as calm as it seemed on the surface. It took a lot of effort to invite Ji Xuelin, Yu Yan and Zhu Yuan.

In fact, Senior Brother Ten also sent an invitation letter to the person in charge of Baihua Kingdom, Miao Qinghuan.

Not to mention Miao Qinghuan, the rest of the Hundred Flowers Kingdom is also a non-human dojo. Obviously, Miao Qinghuan doesn't intend to mix this muddy water.

Even if Ji Xuelin, Yu Yan, and Zhu Yuan were invited, Senior Brother Ten knew that it would be difficult to invite these three to take action without paying a price.

But what can he give?

Ordinary things, those three do not look good at all.

And for things that are too important, such as cede Cangyu Mountain in the site of the Valley of Flowing Light, Senior Brother Ten can't sit on the lord at all. After all, he, the person in charge, still has to follow the instructions of the sect.

Thinking of this, Senior Brother Ten, holding a dead horse as a living horse doctor, quietly took out the gray incense and used the sacred fire to light it.

Others also noticed the movements of Senior Brother Shi, but they didn't express anything, mainly because they really didn't see anything famous.

The gray incense was burning, and it burned very quickly, unlike ordinary incense, it took almost a few breaths, but it burned out, and there was no powder ashes left.

As the gray incense burned cleanly, strands of strange energy invisible to the naked eye drifted on the hill, and was inhaled by Senior Brother Ten, as well as Ji Xuelin, Yu Yan, and Zhu Yuan.

There was no unusual reaction, Senior Brother Ten just felt that his anger and hatred towards Awakening were constantly rising, making him impatient to kill Awakening.

That kind of feeling, it was like waking up and killing his whole family, with a hatred of hatred.

Senior Brother Ten took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, looked at Ji Xuelin, Yu Yan, and Zhu Yuan, and said, "Three, if you can help me be awake this time, I will be regarded as an adult that Cangyu Mountain owes. Please, I will return it later."

This condition is really not very attractive.

You're welcome, it's just a bad check.

The favor of Cangyu Mountain is still worthwhile. The crux of the problem is that Senior Brother Ten made this condition without the permission of the senior Cangyu Mountain. What if the senior Cangyu Mountain does not admit it? Isn't it a waste of work?

Senior Brother Ten also knew the problem, so he looked at Ji Xuelin, Yu Yan and Zhu Yuan very nervously.

To the surprise of Senior Brother Ten, Ji Xuelin was the first to nod and agree, and said, "I agree, what about the Daozi who awakened from Fengwufudi? The strong dragon can't beat the local snake, and he must be told how powerful we are. "

Then, Yu Yan also nodded and said: "We have always been in the same spirit as Cangyu Mountain. When we wake up and step on Cangyu Mountain under our feet, it is tantamount to not giving us face. This hatred must be avenged."

Zhu Yuan immediately said: "Then let us go and slaughter the dragon."

Senior Brother Ten was stunned, he didn't expect things to go so smoothly.

The trio of Danxia Valley, Qingtianzong, and Fengleizong were also a little at a loss.

Those other spiritual practitioners who stood in the distance watching the excitement all had a stunned expression. They didn’t understand why things were going so smoothly. Ji Xuelin, Yu Yan, and Zhu Yuan promised to use them together with the Qi Lianzhi. It's good to discuss.

When did Cangyu Mountain and Danxia Valley, Qingtianzong, and Fengleizong join forces?

Is it a secret alliance?

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and they all saw confusion in each other's eyes.

This scene is undoubtedly a bit weird.

However, no one doubted the grey incense that had burnt out and disappeared.

Everyone guessed more that Cangyu Mountain, Danxia Valley, Great Heaven Sect, and Fenglei Sect had secretly formed an alliance. After all, the situation in the Streaming God Valley, under the seemingly stable surface, often has undercurrents and treacherous.

Only ten seniors understand the specific reasons.

He was sure that all of this was the gray incense, which had an effect, and it had virtually affected the judgments of Ji Xuelin, Yu Yan, and Zhu Yuan, or, in other words, made them feel a sense of awakening.

Thinking of the black shadow, Senior Brother Ten suddenly felt shuddering.

too frightening.

The incense given at hand has such a magical ability.

"Wake up, it seems that there are many people who want to kill you, so you are destined to not get out of the Valley of Flowing Light." Senior Brother Ten thought viciously in his heart, and his confidence in killing Awakening suddenly increased.

This is not only thanks to the help of Ji Xuelin, Yu Yan, and Zhu Yuan, but also because Senior Brother Ten knows that the black shadow will certainly not let go of awakening.

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