Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1728: Beheaded!

The first thousand seven hundred and twenty-eight chapters are beheaded!

After using the Heavenly God Royal Dragon Armor to improve the cultivation base of the two realms, his awakened cultivation base is equivalent to reaching the fifth stage of the True God Realm, and he has entered the Six Tribulations Hinayana stage.

In other words, at this time, his combat power has reached the second level of the Heavenly God Realm.

Of course, compared with the real second-order super powers of the realm of the heavens and gods, there are still some shortcomings. After all, awakening did not understand the will of the law, but Gao Miao also did not have the will of the law.

Moreover, Gao Miao's combat power was one level lower than Awakening.

This directly formed a crush.

When Su Xing used Shen Cicada Jiubian to get close to Gao Miao, a punch smashed the opponent's body guard and sent it flying away.

However, Gao Miao's life-saving trump card with him saved him in distress.

It was a circular shield, forming a light curtain, enveloping Gao Miao. Although he was shot flying, he was not injured.

"Tier 2 combat power in the Heavenly God Realm!" Gao Miao stared at the awakened Heavenly God Royal Dragon Armor with unbearable shock, intense jealousy and greed in his eyes.

Although he didn't know the Heavenly God Royal Dragon Armor, it didn't prevent him from seeing the Heavenly God Royal Dragon Armor. Wake up was wearing the Heavenly God Royal Dragon Armor, and his cultivation soared so much that his combat power surpassed him.

"Give me a shot and smash him!" Gao Miao knew he would not let him go when he was awakened. At this time, he could only fight to the death.

As his words fell, the disciples of Cangyu Mountain started one after another, they injected their cultivation base into the Qianshan Flying Bird Array, and a majestic threat poured down.

The huge flying bird pattern in that mid-air seemed to come alive, making a sharp scream.


Asuka protruded a huge claw and grabbed it toward awakening.

The giant claws are as big as mountains, pierce through gold and cracked stones, exuding majestic power fluctuations, not weaker than Gao Miao's combat power, just like heaven has sent down anger and punishment to destroy the world.


Awakening and drinking coldly, he raised his hand and shot towards the sky, the mighty divine power collided with the giant claw like a volcanic eruption.

Regarding power, awakening had clearly formed a crush. What surprised him was that even though the giant claw was knocked down and flew out, there was no sign of collapse, and it was extremely strong.

"This Thousand Mountains Flying Bird Array is not bad. Sitting on the three sects of God's Domain, the background is really not to be underestimated." Su Xing said softly, and his eyes fell on Gao Miao.

Under the control of the giant claws, Gao Miao finally had the opportunity to perform divine magic.

With him as the center, the fire wave quickly emerged, and then turned into a fire hurricane, with countless runes flashing inside, like blocks of fire meteorites, filled with an extremely hot, majestic breath.

The red fire is vigorous!

A heavenly magical technique of Cangyu Mountain.

Motivated by the first-order combat power of the Gao Miaotian Divine Realm, the power is quite impressive.

"Go!" Gao Miaoduan shouted, the huge fire-colored hurricane awakened head-on, covering a very wide area, which made people unable to avoid it, and a violent breath of power vented away.

"Open the mountain!"

He woke up with an indifferent expression, a mountain mark appeared in his palm, and he slapped out suddenly.

Compared with the huge fire-colored hurricane, the momentum of the opening of the mountain is not obvious, but when the two collided together, there was a terrifying torrent roaring out of the opening of the mountain, and wiped out the fire-colored hurricane with a force of destruction.

At this time, the awakened figure disappeared from the same place, and when it reappeared, it came to Gao Miao's back, slapped down with a seemingly fluttering palm, but it easily shredded Gao Miao's recondensed body protection light. .

But at this moment, the circular shield ignited another light curtain, guarding Gao Miao inside.

There is no accident when he wakes up, his face unchanged, he cast his body skills to the extreme, attacking the storm-like attacks around Gao Miao, fists and palms, bumping against the light curtain time and time again.

Visible to the naked eye, the light curtain quickly became thinner. Obviously, although its defensive power was strong, it was not unbreakable.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Quickly change the formation and try your best." Gao Miao shouted, with a deep panic and horror on his face. He could really feel that the shadow of death was covering himself step by step, almost dead. All risk.


The disciples of Cangyu Mountain changed rapidly, no longer waking up together, but stood in a row, and the flying bird pattern also quickly landed and merged with them.

From a distance, the disciples of Cangyu Mountain seem to have become the wings of a huge bird, making the bird more spiritual and aura more majestic and powerful.


With a sharp scream, the flying birds fanned their wings, and suddenly, an extremely terrifying hurricane was born. It stretched from the ground to mid-air with a shocking momentum.


However, in the face of this hurricane, awakening was unmoved, and still struck Gao Miao, and accompanied by a cracking mark, the light curtain on Gao Miao's body was shattered, and he held it in his hand. The round shield on the side also clicked and broke to the ground.

Without the round shield body, Gao Miao was instantly awakened and punched through his chest, shattering his internal organs.

His spirit rushed out of his head and wanted to fly away, but he was caught by his awakening, pinched hard, and suddenly flew into an ashes and annihilated.

At this time, the hurricane instigated by the huge Asuka had arrived behind him.

It wasn't that the hurricane was moving fast enough, but that it was awakened to kill and decisively. The offensive was too fierce. It took almost an instant of effort to kill Gao Miao.

Wake up without dodge or avoid, walk against the hurricane, the whole body is shining.

His combat power at this time was too strong, like a killer who had returned from hell. The hurricane couldn't help him at all, and was squeezed out by his body guard.


The indifferent voice is like the sentence of death.

Awakening rushed out of the hurricane, like a tiger entering a flock, killing a group of Cangyu Mountain disciples.

He had already given these people a chance, but they were not sure, and came to siege him unwillingly. Since this is the case, there is no need to relentlessly.



The divine light is gorgeous and dazzling, but it is the most life-threatening artifact.

One after another Cangyushan disciples fell.

Their Thousand Mountains Flying Bird Array is indeed good, but the awakening at this time is even more terrifying.

After a while, all the disciples of Cangyu Mountain fell, none of them survived.

Awakening body is bathed in divine light, body is stalwart, hair is flying, clothes hunting.

He took all the storage bags of the disciples of Cangyu Mountain, but was disappointed. One word is poor, and two words are too poor.

Including Gao Miao and Senior Brother Lin, the wealth of all the disciples of Cangyu Mountain is less than 500,000 middle-grade **** crystals, and this is the result of waking up and converting.

The real situation is that there are a lot of miscellaneous things in the storage bags of these Cangyu Mountain disciples, and there are not many middle-grade **** crystals.

"What is this?"

Su Xing took out a piece of animal skin paper from Gao Miao's storage bag...

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