Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1727: Fight Gao Miao!

Chapter 1727: Fierce battle against Gao Miao!


Senior Brother Lin's body was surging with blazing thunder light, which reflected his body transparently and brightly.

At a certain moment, an extremely huge thunderball appeared between his hands and suddenly pressed toward the awakening force.

The thunderball is like a mountain, and wherever it passes, a wide scorched black road has even emerged in the void, with a terrifying momentum.

Obviously, Senior Brother Lin made a full blow, bringing his best Celestial Grade Divine Art, Heavenly Thunder and Thunderbolt Hand, to the extreme.

Su Xing's gaze was condensed, and Brother Lin naturally couldn't compare with him in terms of the rank and mastery of the magic arts, but Brother Lin's cultivation was still too high, the eighth realm of true gods.

This kind of cultivation is quite powerful even if you don't use magic arts, let alone use all your power to perform magic arts.


A dazzling light emerged from the palm of his awakening, and the seal of Tu Sheng quickly condensed, and a killing aura quickly diffused, as if a sea of ​​corpses and blood reflected in front of him.

In the next moment, Tu Shengyin and the huge thunderball suddenly collided.

In terms of body shape, the two are not proportional, and Tu Shengyin is as small as a black dot.

However, the seemingly insignificant seal of Tu Sheng, at the moment it hit the thunderball, it exploded with incredible power, which was unexpectedly abrupt, striking the surface of the thunderball with cracks.

Subsequently, Tu Shengyin got into the inside of the Thunderball.


The breath of terrifying power raged in mid-air.

The air seemed to freeze.

An invisible sense of oppression enveloped the world.

The next moment, the thunderball quickly collided, bursting out with incomparable light, and finally exploded.

Following this, an extremely terrifying breath of killing swept away.

Tu Shengyin abruptly destroyed the thunder ball, and the powerful killing aura quickly passed through the void and penetrated into Senior Brother Lin's body.

Soon the disciples of Cangyu Mountain saw that Brother Lin's body quickly collided, and with a bang, it exploded into a cloud of blood, with no bones left.

The audience is quiet.

This scene was extremely shocking. Senior Brother Lin, who possessed the ninth-level combat power of the True God Realm, was actually wiped out by the ashes of a living bombardment, and even the soul had no time to escape.

The disciples of Cangyu Mountain, looking at the awakening of the void, couldn't help showing a sense of awe.

The strong, no matter when and where, it is impossible to ignore.

What's more, he is still a powerful man with great potential and enchanting talent.

With the passage of time, what terrible level will he grow to?

After the shock, a fierce killing intent locked in and awakened, causing him to feel a tingling sensation all over his skin, and even a majestic coercion enveloped him, making him feel a strong sense of oppression.

"Killing my Cangyu Mountain disciple, today, I will not be able to forgive you." Gao Miao said indifferently, without seeing the slightest anger on his face, but instead had a feeling of joy when he saw the hunt.


Suddenly, Gao Miao shot out with a palm.

The cultivation base of the ninth level of the True God Realm was vented, and the unmatched divine power turned into a torrent, causing the mountains underneath to tremble violently, shaking the sky.

There is no sign of this palm, decisively neat.

Rejuvenating brows wrinkled, and the same palm slapped out, and in the palm of his hand, there was another slaughter mark.

It's just that this time, Tu Shengyin did not form a tendency to destroy the dead, but was directly broken by Gao Miao's seemingly simple palm.

His power is too powerful, completely above awakening, and steadily reaching the level of the gods.

The only difference from a strong man in the gods of the sky is that Gao Miao has no will to enlighten the law.

A pair of nearly transparent cicada wings appeared behind the awakening, with a flexible and elegant figure, sliding backwards, trying to avoid the surging palm strength.

However, under the blockade of the Qianshan Flying Bird Array, the range he can dodge is too small.

Although the Nine Changes of God Cicada can penetrate this formation barrier, at that moment, he will also face attacks from other Cangyu Mountain disciples, and will fall into a trapped attack.

The palm strength is surging and the scope is wide. When you wake up, you can only try to avoid it, but your own energy and blood are also shaking, and you are a little uncomfortable. This is still Shen Cicada Nine Changes smart enough and elegant, changing to another Taoist will definitely suffer severe damage.

"Fengwu blessed land's god-given magic is really extraordinary." Gao Miao's eyes flashed a light, he could see that the seal of slaughter and the nine transformations of **** cicada displayed by Awakening were all god-given magic arts, and he was very envious.

Compared with Fengwufudi, Cangyu Mountain's cultivation resources are obviously much behind.

In Fengwufudi, as long as there is divine power, you can go to the hidden treasure hall to purchase all kinds of god-given divine arts, while in Cangyu Mountain, most of the disciples practiced god-level divine arts.

Only true disciples are qualified to practice supreme divine art.

As for the god-given magic arts, the number is extremely limited, and they are the treasures of the Zhenzong, unless they are the supreme disciples, they are not qualified to practice.

This is not all Cangyu Mountain stingy, but the disciples have limited talents, and the sect does not have such magical places as Tianxin Pavilion to assist in their cultivation, even if they are allowed to practice the Heavenly Giving Divine Art, they may not be successful.

"Is the combat power of the Heavenly God Realm?" Su Xing's gaze condensed, and he was too lazy to explain to Gao Miao that his Heaven-Giving Divine Art did not come from Fengwufudi.

"It's fine if you know it, just let me see, you new Taoist, what can you use to counter the power of the gods?" Gao Miao smiled faintly, with a hint of hunting on his face.

"Then you are optimistic."

Awakening no longer said much, a halo quickly appeared on his body, intertwined and condensed into a set of divine armor, which set off him extremely mighty and extraordinary.

Heavenly Dragon Armor!

If it was just a Gao Miao, Awakening would not be too lazy to use this hole card. After all, even if he was lost, he could escape with the Nine Transfigurations of the Cicada, but in the Qianshan Flying Bird Array, his movements were restricted and it was already in danger.

In addition, these Cangyu Mountain disciples came with killing intent, and he also wanted to launch a fierce counterattack.

"A set of armor, how can I help you..." Gao Miao obviously doesn't have Huang Yin's eyesight, and he doesn't know the Heavenly God Royal Dragon Armor, so he is quite indifferent.

However, when he awakened and activated the Heavenly God Royal Dragon Armor and his cultivation base surged, Gao Miao's expression immediately changed.

"Fifth-level True God Realm!"

Su Xing used the Heavenly God Royal Dragon Armor to upgrade his cultivation to the fifth level of the True God Realm, and a powerful sense of strength emerged spontaneously. When he raised his head and looked at Gao Miao, his eyes were full of coldness.


Wake up with a fist.

Under the extreme speed brought by the Nine Transformations of Shen Cicada, his figure was completely blurred and could not be captured by the naked eye, and even if the soul was locked in, it was too late.

Gao Miao was shocked, his body radiant.

Under the terrifying speed, he could not even capture the trajectory of the awakened figure, and naturally he could not launch an offensive. The best way was to defend.

Suddenly, the awakened figure appeared in front of Gao Miao, and the fist roared out like an angry dragon.

With a bang, Gao Miao was hit and flew out by this punch.

And the divine light on the surface of the body shattered like glass.

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