Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1709: Xiao Du's suspicion!

Chapter 1709 Xiao Du’s Doubt!

On the ground in front, fragments of the Tianmo Mountain scattered everywhere, exposing a lot of devilish energy.

Those demon qi was very strong, forming a puff of black smoke, rushing into the cloud.

And when the devilish energy rushed out, the fragments of the Tianma Mountain quickly returned to normal in color, gradually glowing, and even glowing, looking sacred and extraordinary.


"That old ancestor shot so hard?"

Li Yixiao's eyes were almost staring out, with a look of astonishment.

The 12th method not only smashed the Heavenly Demon Mountain, but also used a domineering cultivation base to force the devil energy out of the mountain, and then purify it by the law of God. In this way, the fragments of the Heavenly Demon Mountain will soon Become a **** of gold and earth of infinite value.

"Fatty, this is what you said for as little as a year and a half, or as long as a dozen years?" Su Xing stared at Li Yixiao with a deep smile.

"It's also possible that Fatty's concept of time is different from ours." Ding Xi twitched his mouth and said with a smile.

"You two, don't get cheap and sell well." Li Yixiao said with a black face.

Xiao Du watched this scene with a smile on his face. At the time he was in Fengwufudi, he also had a few close friends who could rely on his life. It was a pity that all those people died on the battlefield of the gods and demons.

Thinking of those close friends, Xiao Du's eyes narrowed, and he could bear the grievances of more than 20 years, but the deaths of his close friends and family relatives were a vengeance. revenge.

"Brother!" Su Xing felt a little bit, and looked towards Xiao Du. He could understand Xiao Du's feelings. When he was in Xiliang Prefecture, the Life and Death Fighting Sect was almost perished. At that time, he was not burdened with blood and deep hatred?

"It's okay!" Xiao Du forced a smile.

"Brother, I didn't find the Nine-Colored Demon Lotus this time, how about you go back to Fengwufu with us?" Su Xing asked.

Xiao Du was shocked.

Ding Xi and Li smiled, and looked to wake up in surprise.

This proposal is really awakened. It is a little bold and crazy. They believe that Xiao Du was wronged, but Feng Wu Fu Di will not write it. Once Feng Wu Fu Di’s high-level officials discover Xiao Du’s identity, it will be bad for Xiao Du. In other words, it is definitely a disaster.

"How did Junior Brother plan?" Xiao Du asked.

"You may have to wrong your brother a bit, and enter the blessed land as a servant." Su Xing said.

Xiao Du, Ding Xi, and Li Yixiao suddenly realized.

There are many servants in Fengwufudi, so if Xiao Du pretends to enter Fengwufudi as a servant, it will be difficult for others to find out.

The most important thing is that in everyone's eyes, Xiao Du was dead a long time ago, and he would never doubt anything at all.

"Senior brothers have lived without humans and ghosts for more than 20 years, and have suffered all the grievances, just pretending to be servants, and nothing else, but I'm afraid it will hurt the brothers." Xiao Du sighed.

"It's okay." Su Xing shook his head. He didn't know how many life and death crises he had gone through, and how he cared about this little thing.

"I still have to tell my younger brother about the specific situation. After calming down and thinking over the years, I found that the person who wronged me back then was probably the Lord Jinkui." Xiao Du said.

"Jinkui Mountain Lord!"

Hearing this, Suwa, Li Yixiao, and Ding Xi were all a little surprised.

The other party is one of the three major mountain masters in Fengwu Fortune Land, with a very high status, and his cultivation is unfathomable, and he can even decide the life and death of Daozi in a word.

"Brother, take the liberty to say, as the master of Jinkui Mountain, it seems that there is no need to waste troubles to wrong you?" Ding Xi asked in doubt.

"I just doubt it, but there is a reason."

Xiao Du slowly explained: "Back then, a few friends and I accidentally captured a demon clan on the battlefield of gods and demons. Soon after returning to Ningwang City, several of my friends were killed one after another. There are rumors that I killed them, and then Ningwangcheng suddenly went into chaos, and the Lord Jinkui also appeared and shot me."

"The scene was extremely chaotic back then, but after the Lord Jin Kui caught the demon clan, his expression was so excited that he didn't carefully check whether I really died, and because of this, I escaped."

"And the demon army, at that time, also went straight to the demon clan, but Tucheng did it by the way, or it was more like hiding something."

Xiao Du fell into the memory, frowning.

"Later, I inquired about it and found that not long before the accident in Ning Wangcheng, on the ninth heaven of the battlefield of Gods and Demons, a very sensational event happened."

"Wu Xi, the ninth son of the Devil Emperor, and Ren Xiantian, the first titled Daozi of Xiantian Daochang, had a shocking collision."

"In that battle, the two men met each other, and the tip of the needle faced Maimang. In the end, Ren Xiantian won. Wu Xi was hit hard and his whereabouts are unknown."

Ding Xi was stunned and opened his mouth: "Senior Brother Xiao, don't you want to say that the demon clan you accidentally caught is the ninth son of the devil emperor, Wu Xi?"

Xiao Du nodded and said: "Wu Xi's original form is an ancient chaotic beast. The demon clan I caught is very similar to the ancient chaotic beast recorded in ancient books, and his aura at that time was indeed very similar. Decay, we almost effortlessly captured it."

"Then what does this have to do with Jinkui Mountain Master?" Ding Xi asked again.

"If the Demon Race has found Wu Xi and exchanged huge benefits with the Lord Jinkui, will the Lord Jinkui be tempted by this?" Xiao Du asked rhetorically.

Ding Xi took a deep breath: "If that's the case, it's really a big deal."

Xiao Du's expression returned to calm, and said: "This is just my guess, not necessarily true, but no matter what the truth is, I will investigate it clearly."

"Hey! I will help you investigate." Li Yi smiled with excitement, as if he had discovered what a novel thing, for fear that the world would not be chaotic.

There was also a wave in Suwa's heart, but all of this is just speculation at present, and it's hard to say anything.

During the conversation, the devilish energy in the fragments of Tianmo Mountain had all been forced out.

The fragments of the mountains exude a glowing glow and a sacred and extraordinary aura. They no longer hesitate to wake up, call for help from Li Yixiao, Ding Xi, and Xiao Du, and use storage bags to take away the fragments of the Tianmo Mountain.

Soon after, the four left the area where Tianma Mountain was located.

On the way, I encountered a lot of divine cultivators. On the 12th, the battle with the undead demon ancestor made a lot of noise. Even the divine cultivators in the city of Huode have a sense of it. Come to investigate the situation.

"Patriarch Huang!"

The group ran into Huang Tianbing, and Li Yixiao returned the order of the God of Fire God. This token was very magical. Even if they didn't return to the original owner and did not practice the corresponding exercises, it would be difficult for them to exert its power.

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