Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1708: Nine blows!

The first thousand seven hundred and eight chapters, nine blows!


No. 12's fighting spirit is even greater.

As he punched out, there was also a general trend of heaven and earth being moved.

Unlike Moying, the world on the 12th actually came from itself.

He regarded himself as a heaven.

Your body is a world.

Visible to the naked eye, the light of destruction was quickly destroyed, and it fell apart every inch.

At the same time, No. 12 stepped forward and landed not far from Tianmo Mountain. His aura was stronger and his fighting spirit was even more amazing. As the second punch came out, a more majestic world emerged than before. .


There was a terrifying voice in the void, as if this world was about to be destroyed.

The Demon Shadow roared again and again, and his body rose stiffly, dancing like a mountain with his fists, contending with No. 12.

However, his strength is not as good as No. 12, a pair of mountain-like fists, beaten flesh and blood, torn apart.


At this time, No. 12 threw the third punch.

This third punch seemed to condense the surplus of the previous two punches, and the power was even more terrifying.


"I am the Undead Demon Ancestor, you can't kill me."

The Demon Shadow made a terrifying roar, and his tall and lofty body, under the power of the third punch on the 12th, quickly collapsed and broke, gurgling blood, rushing out like a mountain torrent.

"Who in the world can survive?"

"It's something the Devil Emperor can't do, let alone you?"

No. 12 is indifferent, cold and ruthless.

The fourth punch came out.

Unprecedented terrifying power swooped down from the sky, the demon shadow was completely annihilated, and the entire Tianma Mountain was trembling violently.


The mountain cracked, turned into countless pieces, and flew in all directions.

This is a terrifying riot, turned upside down, like the end of the day.

After a long time, everything gradually returned to peace.

Heavenly Demon Mountain disappeared, the Demon Shadow flew into ashes, and the figure of No. 12 also did not know where it went.

Su Xing, Li Yixiao, Ding Xi, and Xiao Du stood in the sky, looking at the destroyed Tianma Mountain. Everyone's face was shocked.

This is a stunning showdown, and finally won on the 12th.

The four of them are not far away, but they have shelter on the 12th, and they have not been affected by the terror of the fighting.

The most memorable thing is the last four punches on the 12th.

A punch is stronger than a punch, terrifying.

"What magical technique did that senior perform? It's terrible." Ding Xi was deeply moved.

"Nine blows from the sky!" Li Yi smiled.

Everyone couldn't help being silent again. Judging from the name, most of that kind of boxing has nine attacks, and the existence that claims to be the undead demon ancestor, although extremely powerful, is still not qualified enough, let the 12th perform Tian Qing Nine strikes.

In just the fourth blow, the immortal demon ancestor was wiped out.

The sky is clear and the sun shines down, giving this devastated land a ray of life.

With the fall of the undead demon ancestor, the original Tianmoshan area has disappeared, and the devil energy inside has also lost the capital against the laws of the gods and will be gradually purified.

The four of them flew over the Tianmoshan site and found that the magic pond had disappeared. The magic pond was a world of its own. Obviously, it was a very good treasure, but it was taken away by the 12th.

However, Su Xing, Ding Xi, and Xiao Du were not depressed, but their eyes brightened.

On the 12th, the magic pond was taken away, but for the magic treasures here, he did not look at it, so he did not collect it. Undoubtedly, this will be a very rich harvest for the three.

But Li Yixiao had no feelings, for fear that others would not know that he was wealthy.

When the Undead Demon Ancestor reorganized the Tianmo Mountain, the magic treasures also gathered. Although the Tianmo Mountain was broken up in the end, the magic treasures were not too scattered.

Of course, many magic treasures were destroyed in the course of the confrontation.

Suxing, Ding Xi, and Xiao Du began to search for magic treasures.

Li Yixiao couldn't catch his eyes, and the vicious divine cultivators in Heaven Demon Mountain had long since died because of the confrontation between the Immortal Demon Ancestor and No. 12.

With the character of No. 12, it is obvious that he will not be distracted to protect those wicked people.

Because of this, no one and the three of Suwaken robbed the magic treasure.

After a short half-day, Wake, Ding Xi, and Xiao Du returned, and everyone's faces were filled with happy smiles. Li Yixiao just curled his lips in response.

"Go!" Su Xing smiled, too lazy to pay attention to Li Yixiao.

"Tsk! Someone really has good eyesight! I picked up sesame seeds, but they want to throw away the watermelon." Li Yi smiled and laughed while looking at Wake.

"Speaking!" Su Xing said with a black face.

"Is the Demon Mountain the most precious? The Demon Treasure is only born from the environment of the Demon Mountain. The magic soil and the magic gold in the Demon Mountain are the real valuable things."

"I only know about picking up magic treasures, but giving up magic earth and magic gold, instead of picking up sesame seeds and throwing watermelon, what is it?"

"Furthermore, it seems that someone's Kunxu Peak has a great demand for Demon Earth and Demon Gold!"

When Li Yixiao caught the opportunity, it was a sarcasm.

"...Magic soil and magic gold contain demon nature, can they be refined by Kunxu Peak?" Su Xing Qiang resisted the urge to beat Li Yixiao violently and asked.

It was not that he had not considered this issue, but subconsciously believed that the scattered fragments of Tianmo Mountain should not be refined by Kunxu Peak.

"Even the undead demon ancestor is dead, and the Tianmo Mountain is even shattered. How can there be the ability to resist the purification of the laws of the gods? Demon earth and magic gold, etc., when the demon energy inside is purified, they naturally become Divine soil, divine gold!"

After Li Yixiao explained, it was a habitual sarcasm: "I don't even understand this point, so I am embarrassed to come out?"

Su Xing took a deep breath. After realizing the value of magic soil and magic gold, even Li Yixiao's irony was automatically ignored.

This is really a great wealth, especially for him.

You know, Tianmo Mountain is an ancient magic mountain. Although it has gone through many hardships and is not as good as before, the scattered fragments, the magic earth and magic gold contained in it are also an astronomical number, which is of great use to the Kunxu Peak.

Originally, the growth of Kunxu Peak had always been a headache.

But at this moment, after collecting the fragments of the Tianmo Mountain, not only can the Kunxu Peak grow rapidly, but for a long time, there is no need to wake up and worry about the problems of the gods and the gold.

"Don't be happy too early, it will take some time for the laws of God to purify the devil energy." Li Yi smiled.

"How long will it take?" Su Xing asked.

"At least a year and a half, and as long as a dozen years!" Li Yixiao said lightly.

"So long?" Su Xing was stunned.

"This is normal. After all, Tianma Mountain is the Primordial Demon Mountain, and the demonic energy contained in it is still quite tenacious..." Before Li Yixiao finished speaking, he opened his mouth in astonishment.

Not far in front, on a fragment of the Heavenly Demon Mountain, a gurgling demon energy quickly emerged, disappearing between the heaven and the earth.

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