Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1491: Murder hidden!

The first thousand four hundred and ninety-one chapters hide the murder!

In the case that Yan Jin did not continue to increase the price, naturally no one would compete with Wake. He successfully sold the nameless stone at the price of 2.3 million lower grade Shenjing.

But Luo Qingxue found that her brows wrinkled slightly without a trace.

"Box 10 will only increase the price once. It is indeed very strange. It seems to be testing your bottom line and determination." Luo Qingxue said softly. She has the wisdom and delicate thoughts that match beauty. This guess is actually related to the truth of the matter. Not leave ten.

"It's okay!" Su Xing shook his head and smiled, and there was a fierce flash in his heart. If he wanted to make an idea, he had to weigh the things he bid for, because his head was long and not strong.

Next, a few more items were auctioned, but no more interest in awakening.

In fact, the **** crystals on his body cost almost the same, with only a few hundred thousand left, and he still needs to take the teleportation array to go to the sky fire **** city.

As the auction ended, people who did not bid for the treasure left one after another.

But like Wake, those who bid for treasures will stay and pay for the treasures.

Under the leadership of a guard, Su Xing and Luo Qingxue left the No. 7 box and met Lin Mofan head-on. Judging from the appearance of the other party, most of them were waiting here.

"Your Excellency, Mu Xiuyulin, do you understand the truth that the wind will destroy it?" Lin Mofan looked aloof. The meaning of this sentence obviously meant that Awakening had over-exacted at the auction and would be dangerous.

Especially the nameless stone, will cause many people to covet it.

"Are you the wind?" Su Xing said lightly.

"I am not the wind, but there is natural wind." Lin Mofan said.

"At least you are not, then just stay." Su Xing took Luo Qingxue and walked forward, not too lazy to talk to Lin Mofan.

In the end, under the leadership of the gods, the two walked through the corridors and came to a palace.

"In Xia Tanyue, compared with the two have already met me."

The one who spoke was the beautiful woman who apparently presided over the auction. Her gaze stayed on Luo Qingxue for a while, and then fell on Su Xing. She smiled charmingly and said, "Unexpectedly, you are so young."

Although his awakened appearance was disguised, he did not seem to be very old, like a young man.

"I didn't expect that you would receive us." Suwa is indeed a little surprised. Tan Yue is not only beautiful, but also not weak in strength. He is already a cultivation base at the God-level Realm, and his status in Yancheng is not low.

"I'm just curious. I want to take a look. Lin Mofan, who dared to offend Xuan Jingzong for a piece of ice-snow sacred veil, is even spending a lot of money to bid for the nameless stone.

The corner of Tan Yue's mouth twitched, and she smiled sweetly, which was also charming and enchanting.

However, there is no interest in waking up.

In terms of beauty, although Tan Yue is not bad, compared with Luo Qingxue's peerless elegance, it looks eclipsed.

In terms of cultivation strength, Luo Qingxue, who possessed the gods of good fortune, even smashed Tan Yue hundreds of streets.

"Then you see it now, let's hurry up and trade!" Su Xing was too lazy to say, throwing out a storage bag casually, and said lightly: "You count, the number of Shenjing."

"Okay!" Tan Yue is obviously good at sociability. Seeing that Su Xing was unwilling to talk more, she seemed to be simply. She glanced at the storage bag with her soul and smiled: "The number is correct, this is your ice and snow god. Yarn and nameless stone."

Su Xing checked it again and was sure that he gave both things to Luo Qingxue, and then he arched his hand towards Tan Yue, took Luo Qingxue's jade hand, and walked outside.

"Sir, don't you tell Tan Yue, your name?" Tan Yue asked.

"Su Mu!"

Su Xing said without looking back, his real name, He's family, obviously knew it, so he used a fake name casually to avoid a lot of trouble.

Soon after Wake and Luo Qingxue left, there were two more people in the room, it was Yan Jin and his confidant Silver Snake.

"How?" Yan Jin asked.

"Very vigilant, I didn't dare to ask too much. I only found out that his name is Su Mu, but it is probably just a fake name that was reported casually." Tan Yue shook her head.

"You did a good job!" Yan Jin asked again: "Silver snake, where is your side?"

"They are all unfamiliar faces. The possibility of disguise is not ruled out, but the disguise skills are very high and it is difficult to see through.

The Silver Snake paused, and then said: "They should have no power background behind them. The purpose of coming to Yan City is to use the teleportation array to go to the Sky Fire God City."

"It doesn't matter if you have a background of influence, as long as it is not the He family, and the influences of Wuyinzong and Yuchanshan." Yan Jin shook his head lightly.

With his strength and status, in this Fire Spirit State, he can be jealous, and only a few of the top ten forces will be removed from the He Family, the lord of the state.

But obviously, if it was those who came, they would not do anything to pretend, and there is no need to keep their identity secret.

"So, what does the city lord mean?" Silver Snake asked.

"Find an opportunity to use the'Viper Void Hole Formation', move them outside the city and start again. When the time comes, Silver Snake will deal with that Su Mu, and Tan Yue will deal with that woman." Yan Jin ordered.

"The woman who Su Mu values ​​her very much, even the nameless stone is placed on that woman." Tan Yueying smiled.

"Unexpectedly, this Su Mu is still a lover, so it's better. After the capture, use that woman, so you won't be afraid that Su Mu won't speak." Yan Jin's eyes lit up.

"City Lord, are you not going to go?" Silver Snake asked.

"The city lord will naturally go. For such an important matter as the nameless stone, no mistake can be made." Tan Yue rushed to answer: "It's just that since Uncle Snake is all out, the city lord naturally doesn't have to do it. ."

"Tan Yue knows my heart!" Yan Jin teased, patted Silver Snake on the shoulder and said: "Silver Snake! Our brothers have been for so many years, when can you become more flexible in your mind?"

"I have this temperament, and I can't change it in my life. Anyway, it's the right thing to do with you. If you let me kill someone, I will slash with the knife. Hasn't it been this way for so many years?"

After Silver Snake finished speaking, he glanced at Tan Yue again, and said: "Besides, Xiaoyue is lying under you all day long, she is almost becoming a roundworm in your stomach, she naturally understands you better than I do."

"Hahaha..." Yan Jin laughed openly.

"Uncle Snake, you are too upright." Tan Yue didn't feel embarrassed, and smiled charmingly.

These three, headed by Yan Jin, control the entire Yancheng.

Silver Snake is very loyal, just like the sharpest knife in Yan Jin's hand. Yan Jin asks him to kill anyone. Without blinking his brows, he just lifts the knife and slashes.

Moreover, his strength is extremely powerful, he is the master of the entire Yancheng, second only to Yan Jin, and he has reached the eighth stage of the Profound God Realm.

And Tan Yue, although her cultivation base was much worse than Silver Snake, she only had the ninth level of the God-Sounding Realm, but she was flexible in her mind. Not only did she know how to please Yan Jin, she also helped him organize the entire Yancheng in order.

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