Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1490: Bidding for nameless stones!

The first thousand four hundred and ninety chapters bid for the nameless stone!

"Tianhe Jedi!"

As soon as these four words came out, the voice of doubt in the audience was reduced by more than half, as if anything that had something to do with that place would not be a mortal thing.

In fact, the Tianhe Jedi is indeed one of the few strange places within the territory of the Beiyin Gods.

Judging from the name alone, the word Jedi already shows that the place has a very high risk factor.

But every year, there are still a large number of holy cultivators and gods going to the Tianhe Jedi, going forward and succeeding, risking life and death for chance.

Because in history, there are many cases in which people found great opportunities in the Tianhe Jedi and soared into the sky.

Undoubtedly, if this nameless stone came from the Tianhe Jedi, it would probably have something mysterious.

"Then how do we know if this stone comes from Tianhe Jedi?" Someone questioned it, obviously not convinced.

"After the city lord found someone to appraise, the stone did carry the breath of Tianhe Jedi, and there would be no fakes." The beautiful woman on the stage explained with a smile.

The city lord in her mouth is naturally the lord of Yancheng.

Although Yancheng is not as good as the He family, it is also a major power in the top ten in the Fire Spirit State. Yancheng's lord Yan Jin has the cultivation base of the ninth-level Profound God Realm. Since he is guaranteed, Everyone has no objections.

"The nameless stone began to bid, with a starting price of 500,000 lower grade Shenjing."

"600,000 lower grade **** crystals!"

"700,000 lower grade **** crystals!"

"800 000!"

As the voice of the beautiful woman fell off the stage, a lot of auctions suddenly sounded off the stage.

Basically, all participants in the bidding have the cultivation base of the Profound God Realm. As for the Gods of the God Realm, most of them do not have such strong financial resources.

In the blink of an eye, the price of the nameless stone was lifted to one million lower grade **** crystals.

At this time, someone started to withdraw. After all, it was just an indescribable stone. Even if it came from the Tianhe Jedi, there was too much risk of gambling.

If you buy it back, but you can't find the mystery, then the huge amount of Shenjing will be lost.

However, there are still stubborn people who continue to compete, raising the price of the nameless stone to 1.3 million lower-grade Shenjing.

"1.35 million lower grade **** crystals!"

"1.4 million lower grade **** crystals!"

The remaining two elders are still competing. The two are from the other two powers in the Huo Ling State, namely Wu Bian Sect and Yuchan Mountain. They have profound backgrounds, and like Yancheng, they are among the top ten powers in the Huo Ling State.

But they have also become very cautious in increasing their prices. They can increase the price by up to 50,000 lower-grade God Crystals at a time. Obviously, they have almost reached the limit and are holding their teeth.

Su Xing glanced at Luo Qingxue. The latter smiled and nodded at him. Then he raised the bidding card unhurriedly and said indifferently: "2 million lower grade **** crystals!"


The audience was silent for an instant.

The two elders of Wuyinzong and Yuchan Mountain, under gritted their teeth, only raised the price to 1.5 million lower-grade **** crystals. They thought that the final result would come out, but they didn't want to, and suddenly they made Cheng Yaojin halfway.

Moreover, he added 500,000 at a time, directly raising the price of the nameless stone to 2 million lower grade Shenjing.

People looked up one after another and their eyes fell on the 8th box where they were awakened, but they couldn't see through the forbidden sister arranged outside the box, and couldn't see the real face of the awakened Lushan.

"Who is it in Box No. 8?"

"Definitely not an ordinary person."

"Before I didn't give Xuan Jingzong Lin Mofan's face at all, this time I directly offered 2 million lower-grade Shenjing, which is really rich!"

People are full of curiosity.

The two elders from Wuyinzong and Yuchanshan also sighed and gave up the bidding.

It is crazy to spend two million to buy a nameless stone of unknown purpose.

Of course, Su Xing and Luo Qingxue would not feel that way. The nameless stone alone can induce a wave of the gods of good fortune. Not to mention 2 million low-grade gods, it is 20 million, which is also worthwhile.

"It should be done." Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief, he deliberately increased the price, just to deter others, so that he could successfully take down the nameless stone.

"2.1 million lower grade **** crystals!"

Suddenly, there was a deep voice in another box.


Su Xing frowned and glanced at Box 10.

If he expected it to be correct, this box had been silent before, but now suddenly participating in the auction, always giving him an unusual feeling.

"Is there a problem?" Luo Qingxue Bingxue was smart, and could not help asking when she saw that her expression was wrong.

"It's not clear yet." Su Xing shook his head.

"Do you want to bid?" Luo Qingxue asked.

"Wait a minute!" Su Xing did not rush to make a move, as if waiting for something.

Box No. 10, here sits a middle-aged man wearing a Chinese suit, beside him is a man with a cold breath like a poisonous snake and wearing a silver tights.

"City Lord, does that kid know the function of the nameless stone?" the cold-breathed man asked.

"See if he will continue to increase the price." The middle-aged man sitting still said, he is the city lord of Yancheng, Yan Jin.

Yan Jin also got the nameless stone with great difficulty, but he couldn't understand its mystery, but he was convinced that the nameless stone was an extraordinary god, so he took the nameless stone to auction.

This is not to abandon the nameless stone, but to throw the nameless stone as a bait to see who will take away the nameless stone at a high price. This probably means that the other party will probably know the purpose of the nameless stone.

Then, Yan Jin secretly shot again and took the Wuming Stone with the opponent.

This kind of bandit maneuver does not match the image of the lord of a city, but in fact, the competition of the gods is cruel, this kind of black hand is not uncommon, as long as it is seamless, there is no problem.

Those who resemble the kind of emptiness are almost extinct.

Yan Jin seemed to sit there calmly, but seeing that he was awake and did not increase the price, there was a hint of eagerness and anxiety in his eyes.

"2.1 million lower grade **** crystals, is there any higher bid?" The beautiful woman on the stage, her eyes flowed, her eyes looking forward to the 8th box where she was awakened.

She got the order in advance, deliberately not in a hurry to make a final decision.

However, there was still no reply.

Box 8 is silent.

"Then...the winner of this auction is No. 10..."


"2.3 million lower grade **** crystals."

Just as the final word was about to be finalized, the voice of awakening sounded without haste.

"it is good!"

"Box 8 bid 2.3 million lower-grade Shenjing, is there any higher?"

The woman on the stage smiled happily.

Yan Jin in Box No. 10 also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then there was a hint of eagerness in his pupils. In this case, the price of Awakening is still increased, so it is not only gambling, but most of them know the purpose of some nameless stones.

"Silver snake, send someone to investigate the situation in Box 8." Yan Jin ordered, and the man beside him quickly disappeared.

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