Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1389: The miserable Lin Chi!

This scene was extremely shocking!

The two **** sons of Tianbaozong came violently.

As a result, Sui Longchao and Xiaoshiwang, with an extremely arrogant attitude, were bombarded and killed!

At this moment, everyone finally reacted. Before they took the shot, they stretched out their fingers to make a gesture.

This is a comparison, who can kill the enemy with a few moves!

Sui Longchao is more conservative, with three fingers outstretched, preparing to kill the enemy with three moves.

Little Stone King is simple and rude, and directly wants to kill the enemy with one move.

This also inspired Sui Longchao's blood.

In the end, both of them completed a single move to kill the enemy.

"You wait for me!"

"You natives of the lower realms will die in my hands sooner or later."

Zhou Feiyu screamed, and walked away again.

His distance is far, but the speed of escape is extremely fast, even if he wakes up, it is difficult to catch up for a while.

But obviously, Zhou Feiyu's heart was also extremely shocked.

In his understanding, the natives of the Lower Realm are very weak, but now, these natives have turned into wild beasts that kill people without blinking.


"You two are really hiding it!"

When Sui Longchao and King Xiaoshi returned, everyone immediately applauded.

"Really good!"

Su Xing and Ji Yuyue also nodded.

Both Sui Longchao and Xiaoshiwang's combat power reached the level of the seventh rank of the sage.

And the two gods of Tianbaozong, the cultivation base is not too high, but the third rank of the holy monarch, the combat power is fully calculated, and it is only comparable to the sixth rank of the holy monarch, naturally it is easy to be crushed by the Sui Longchao and the little stone king.

The group set off again.

As time goes by, it is getting closer and closer to Tongtian Valley.

Soon, everyone discovered other powers of the gods, many gods appearing, but the number of them is not too large, usually only about three or five people, but all are elite.

It seems that the God Realm's restrictions on entering the God's Blessed Land are stricter than the lower realm.

And the gods of the gods, most of them dismissed everyone, they were just like the eyes of the city folks looking at the hillbilly, their posture was very arrogant.

But there was no conflict.

The most important thing is the gods of the gods, who are completely indifferent to everyone.

Zhou Feiyu did the same before, and left after a few mockery.

The reason why I did it later was because of the crystal veins and the wealth that moved people's hearts.

The group of people hurried silently. Although there was anger in their hearts, they all endured. They had already offended a Heavenly Treasure Sect. If they offended other powers of the God Realm because of impulse, the situation would be very unoptimistic.


"Isn't that Lin Chi from the Apocalypse Star Region?"

"Why is he alone, and seems to be seriously injured."

A few days later, everyone stopped. Between the mountains and forests, a figure was walking awkwardly. He was ragged, shaped like a beggar, with a sluggish breath, and blood overflowing from the corners of his mouth.

This look is seriously injured.

But he didn't seem to dare to stay, gritted his teeth and rushed, as if he was afraid that he would die here if he stopped.

It is the **** son of the Apocalypse Star Territory, Lin Chi!

If Lin Chi felt it, when he looked up, he also found a group of people awakened.

"It's you!" Lin Chi couldn't help feeling relieved, and fell to the ground. In this godly blessed place, he found them who are both in the lower realm, and Lin Chi suddenly felt cordial.

"Lin Chi, what did you do? What about you people from the Apocalypse Star Territory?" Li Zhouxing asked, who was fairly familiar with Lin Chi.

"They... are all dead." Lin Chi thought of his companion, the dignified son of a realm, but he actually left tears and his face was sad and sad.


Although everyone had guesses, when Lin Chi had told the truth, they couldn't help being surprised.

There were a total of twenty people in the Apocalypse Star Territory, all of whom were not considered weak. They were almost wiped out. Only Lin Chi was left. Even Lin Chi was severely injured, apparently escaping from death.

"Who did it?" Ji Yuyue asked in a deep voice, after all, they all come from the lower realms, and they are somewhat of the same hatred.

"He Yan of Dahezhou!" Lin Chi's eyes were red, and he would never forget that scene in his entire life. The opponent would only kill them and leave them alone.

If it were not for his companion to sacrifice his life for justice, he would not escape at all.

And if the other party insists on chasing and killing him, he is also unable to escape.

The tragedy was that the other party seemed to slap a group of flies to death, and did not bother to chase him.

"Why is there such a big conflict?" Su Xing asked with a frown.

"Because we went to the Tongtian Valley!" Lin Chi gritted his teeth. He took the people from the Apocalypse Star Territory. He wanted to go to the Tongtian Valley to find a chance for the gods, but didn't want to. It turned into a nightmare.

"Just because you went to Tongtian Valley, that He Yan did it?" Su Xing was startled.


Lin Chi gritted his teeth and nodded: "In the eyes of the gods of those forces in the God Realm, Tongtian Valley is a forbidden place for the people of the lower realm. We are not allowed to set foot. Once they hit him, we will almost kill them."

"Too overbearing!"

"It's so deceiving!"

Li Zhouxing and the Li Family's Tianjiao all flushed.

Those forces in the God Realm simply regard Tongtiangu as their territory. This behavior is not overbearing.

"Are you also going to Tongtian Valley?"

"Don't go there!"

"A total of 18 forces have come from the God Realm this time, and you will be wiped out from any force you encounter."

Lin Chi discouraged.

Su Xing did not answer positively, just asked: "Do you know the power of the gods well?"

Lin Chidao: "I wandered outside the Tongtian Valley for a few days. From the other party's conversation, I quietly inquired that there were 18 forces in the God Realm, and they all seemed to come from the same place called the'Northern God Realm'. ."

"There should be many states in the Beiyin God Territory. The He Yan who destroyed our Apocalypse Star Territory is the He Family from Dahe Prefecture. He is the leader of the God Son who entered the God's Blessed Land. He is a God Son of One Calamity."

"But He Yan is not the strongest. Among the 18 forces, one God Child of One Calamity is generally the leader, but among the three forces, there is a God Child of Two Calamity as the leader, which is very powerful."

Wake up and said, "Do you know the names of the three forces?"

Lin Chi nodded and said, "Yes! They are Lu Tianqian from Huolingzhou, Xuan Yuqing from Xuan Jingzong, and Zhou Qiyu from Tianbaozong."

"Tianbaozong, Zhou Qiyu!"

These words attracted everyone's attention.

For a while, everyone fell silent.

They remember very clearly that Zhou Feiyu, who was in conflict with them, came from the Tianbaozong and was the younger brother of Zhou Qiyu, the son of the Second Tribulation.

Undoubtedly, this is bad news.

"Then do you know what level of cultivation the three of them are at?" Su Xing asked again.

"The cultivation base is the fifth rank of the holy monarch, but they are all gods of the Second Tribulation, and their combat power far exceeds their own cultivation base, and it is said that they are not comparable to the demigod existence." Lin Chi said.

"Demi-God combat power!" These four words, like four big mountains, weighed on everyone's hearts.

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