Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1388: Sui Longchao and Xiaoshi Wang!

What makes Awakening quite puzzled is the division of the gods in the God Realm.

"Are the gods of the gods, like me, are walking the road of the kingly way?" Su Xing shook his head, there is no return to the way of the kingly way, and few people in the gods dared to take this road. This idea is not realistic. .

"It seems that most of the God Realm has a special method that causes Thunder Tribulation to come." Su Xing secretly guessed.

"Just now Zhou Feiyu, it seems that he came from what Tianbaozong? There is also an older brother Zhou Qiyu, the son of the Second Tribulation God?" Sui Longchao suspiciously.

"I did say this, but I don't know if I'm bragging." Li Shui murmured.

"Soldiers will come to block, water will come to cover." Wake up to see that everyone feels a little worried, and said: "People in the gods don't necessarily have the time to pay attention to us. Even if they do, we don't need to be afraid."

"Of course, if anyone wants to leave, I won't force it!"

"I won't leave if I'm killed, hey! I'll have meat with you." Shang Yan grinned first.

"Walking all the way to black, is there any reason to withdraw halfway?"

Others also spoke up, and their positions were firm.

Everyone also understands the awakened character to a certain extent. He is never soft to enemies, but he is very generous to friends.

With such a precious thing as Shen Jing, he gave out 800,000 Shen Jing without blinking his eyes, so that everyone could take more.

"Then go!"

Su Xing smiled faintly, and the group continued on the road and flew towards Tongtian Valley.

Although Li Zhouxing was injured, he recovered very quickly, and he recovered after a few days without major problems.

A few days later, everyone came to a big river and did some repairs.

"over there!"

"It's them!"

At this moment, Zhou Feiyu went and returned, and he had two more companions around him.

The costumes of the three are different, but the same jade pendant is hung on the waist, with the word "Tianbao" on it.

Those two companions were also members of the God Realm Tianbaozong.

"Really comfortable!"

"Feiyu rest assured, leave it to us."

The two young men flew over the river, their faces arrogantly scanning the awakened group of people.

"It's really lingering!"

The group frowned. This was the third encounter with Zhou Feiyu, and this time, the other party was clearly revenge.

"A group of natives of the lower realms are so bold that even Feiyu dared to hurt them." One of the young people spoke with a murderous expression on his face.

"What do you do with them so much, just kill it directly." The other person seemed a little impatient, but the killing intent was even sharper.

These two people are also gods, and their cultivation bases are higher than Zhou Feiyu's, and they have reached the third rank of sage.

Because of this, they felt that everyone was overwhelmed.

"That guy broke my arm."

Zhou Feiyu stretched out his finger to Cang Leng Xiao, with a spiteful expression on his face, and said with a grimace: "Boy, you should be the strongest person among you! I will crush your bones and make you die in pain."

"He has the ability to fight again." Cang Lengxiao said contemptuously.


Zhou Feiyu was furious, but although his arm was repaired, he did not have the courage to fight again. The opponent's swordsmanship was too fierce, and the key was his cultivation level, which was a step higher than him.

"Feiyu, let us come!"

The two young men's cultivation base was released, and a star-like holy light appeared on the body, exuding a strong sacred breath.

Sui Xing's face was slightly cold, and when they were about to take action, Sui Longchao and Xiao Shi Wang looked at each other, and they walked out and said to Su Xing: "Leave this small role to us!"

Su Xing was quite surprised. The two gods of the Tianbao Sect were not even Cang Lengxiao opponents, and he was a little worried about them.

"Be careful!" In the end, Xing Xing nodded in agreement, choosing to believe in Sui Longchao and Xiaoshi Wang, and the two were never reckless.

"Do not worry!"

Sui Longchao and Xiaoshi Wang smiled faintly, and they looked at each other again.

Sui Longchao stretched out three fingers and looked aloof.

Little Shiwang glanced at his mouth, then stretched out a finger.


Sui Longchao rolled his eyes.

The next moment, the two moved together, rushing to the two gods of Tianbaozong.

Sui Longchao's cultivation base broke out in an all-round way, and the astrological holy light was radiant and blazing. It was wrapped around the Kowloon, and roared up to the sky, exuding an extremely powerful atmosphere, setting him off like a bright sun!

"Holy Monarch Tier 4!"

Wake and others, could not help but shine.

Sui Longchao's cultivation was the Nine Heavens True Dragon Skill. The cultivation base was extremely vigorous, and the current cultivation level actually broke through to the fourth level of the holy monarch.

Undoubtedly, he is the highest cultivation level among the people present.

The cultivation base of the fourth-order sage, coupled with the nine-day true dragon skills, caused the cultivation base of Sui Longchao to be terrifying. The **** son of Tianbaozong who faced him also changed his face and felt the majestic pressure.

On the other side, Xiao Shiwang's aura is not inferior.

King Xiaoshi is the leader of the Shi clan generation and the third place in the Lunwu Conference.

His cultivation is not great, but his physical strength is extremely terrifying.


Accompanied by the loud and high-pitched dragon roars, behind the little stone king, a full seven-headed true dragon phantom appeared, and the body's essence was like wolf smoke, very exaggerated!

"The Power of Seven Dragons!"

"Little Stone King's physical strength has actually reached the strength of the Seven Dragons!"

Li Zhouxing and others exclaimed.

Even when he woke up, he was very surprised.

These two are worthy of being the most outstanding figures in the young generation of their respective forces. In the past five years, their strength has improved by leaps and bounds.


At this moment, Sui Longchao and Xiaoshiwang, respectively, collided with their opponents.

They were clearly not **** sons, but their aura at the moment overwhelmed the two **** sons of Tianbaozong, and they didn't have the slightest reservations, and they used all their strength when they came up.

Sui Longchao's body was shining brightly, his hands were sealed, and accompanied by the loud sound of dragons, a primitive large cauldron evolved out of the ancient cauldron, Nine Dragons flew away, and pressured towards the **** son of Tianbaozong.


Accompanied by the huge sound of earth-shattering, Dading crushed everything and arrogantly tore through the attack of the **** son of Tianbaozong, the Nine Dragons rushed away, entwining the son of Tianbaozong.

The next moment, the **** son of Tianbaozong was strangled into flesh.

At the same time, Xiaoshiwang’s iron fist was also bombarded. The simple and unpretentious fist had the momentum to shatter everything. The power of the seven dragons rolled out wildly, tearing through all the attacks of the **** son of Tianbaozong, and finally bombarded his On the chest.


With a thunderous explosion, the **** son of Tianbaozong's body was torn apart and turned into a rain of blood.

"The Son of God?"

"But so!"

Sui Longchao and Xiaoshiwang smiled faintly. In an instant, the whole audience was petrified!

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