Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1354: Secret!


There was an extra figure under the laurel tree, with a stalwart body, deep eyes, and a touch of vicissitudes of life.

It is Li Tianxiao, the domain master.

Li Tianxiao looked at Yutianguan with emotion in his eyes, and a gratifying smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "The Taoist heart is eternal, it is sublimated to the extreme, the **** gate is coming, Qinghong, congratulations!"

Qinghong is the real name of Yutianguan.

Her surname is Mu and her name is Qinghong.

Mu Qinghong. From ordinary people, one would only feel that the aura of the imperial official at this moment, revealing endless mystery, and Li Tianxiao is a god, his eyes can see everything clearly, and appear in the imperial official’s mind. Out of a portal


That portal, revealing an indescribable sacred atmosphere, is vast and ethereal.

It is the gate of God.

Open the door of the gods, accept the laws of the gods into the body, you can achieve the position of gods.

"I owe Wake up a great favor." Yu Tianguan sighed with emotion.

In the past, although she had a high level of cultivation, she did not descend from the gods, because her Taoism hadn't reached the level of the gods, and she was lacking.

Three days ago, she heard the words of awakening to ask Dao. After she was infected, she had enlightenment in her heart, which made her Dao heart stable, and the gate of God came instantly.

She said that she owed a great favor to Wake up because of this.

"Yeah! But this is also your chance." Li Tianxiao smiled gratifiedly, and then asked: "Qinghong, why are you going to retreat? Being a teacher can help you."

Yutianguan’s cultivation base savings were already enough.

Now that the gate of the gods descended, she had the opportunity to impact and become a god.

Coupled with the help of the **** Li Tianxiao, there is great hope to open the door of the gods and become a god.

"I want to rely on myself to open the gate." Yu Tianguan said, with Li Tianxiao's help, it is naturally simpler. The gate that can be opened with external force will not be as good as opening the gate by myself.

"Alright!" Li Tianxiao nodded, not reluctantly, but asked: "Qinghong, do you want to take over this domain master?"

In the past, in Li Tianxiao's mind, Ji Changkong was the most suitable candidate for the next domain master, but now, since the imperial official has the talent to become a god, Li Tianxiao's mind has changed.

They are two masters and apprentices, a pair of gods, and they are re-elected as the domain master. It is also a good story to spread.

"Master still has a few hundred years of life. It's a bit early to talk about this." Yu Tianguan paused, and then said: "Master, don't you think it is weird? The previous Zixiao Star Region, only you There is a god, and there is only Ji Changkong behind. Although Ji Yuyue is a thousand-bones divine body, he has not yet formed a complete **** root before.

base. "

"But now, with the addition of Ji Yuyue, Awakening, You Xuan, and me, as well as Master and Ji Changkong, in the near future, there will be six gods in the Zixiao Star Region alone. This is too exaggerated. Up."

Under normal circumstances, there are only four domain masters in the four star regions, who are gods.

There are no more than four people.

But now, just in the Zixiao Star Region, there will be six gods, which is incredible, as if an unprecedented flourishing age is about to appear.

But in this heyday, are there any huge hidden dangers?

"You found it too."

"Yes, after the arrival of the gods, my vision has changed a lot."

Li Tianxiao nodded in satisfaction.

"It seems that Master had expected it a long time ago." Yu Tianguan was not surprised, even she could detect things, Li Tianxiao had discovered the clues early, and it was normal.

"I investigated for the teacher, and finally found that the source vaguely pointed to awakening." Li Tianxiao did not hide it either.


"Why is this?"

Yutianguan looked puzzled.

"It's not particularly clear to be a teacher. It seems that the arrival of awakening has changed the original Taoist rules of our four star regions. This world seems to be quietly changing something." Li Tianxiao sighed.

"How is this possible? The awakening potential is great, but after all he hasn't even stepped into the holy monarch, how can he have such a big impact?" Yutianguan's mind was shaken, affecting the original rules of the world, which is too shocking to hear .

"I don't know exactly how it is as a teacher. It may be related to the awakening from the Central Shenlu." Li Tianxiao said.

"Then what is Master going to do?" Yu Tianguan asked, raising his head.

"This kind of situation has never happened before, and I can't make a decision as a teacher. Even my deduction may be wrong. Maybe some horrible existence deliberately deceives the secrets and misleads me." Li Tianxiao said with no secret. .

Yu Tianguan's heart shuddered. He knew that the terrifying existence Li Tianxiao said was referring to the existence that he had speculated to be imprisoned in the lower realm.

That being must want to get out of trouble and return to the God Realm, but no one knows exactly how to do it.

"Master, although I haven't been in contact with Awakening for a long time, I can see that this child is not a bloodthirsty generation, and his xinxing is actually as pure as one." Yu Tianguan said.

"I understand what you mean, and I won't hurt my awakening, but you have to know that since this matter has been noticed by the teacher, soon, the other three domain masters will also be affected."

Li Tianxiao sighed, "What they really want to do, they can't stop being a teacher, especially Ye Liancheng and Qi Fengtian. They are the youngest of the four domain masters, and they can dominate the star domain for tens of thousands of years. ..."

Yu Tianguan's expression sank, she already understood what Li Tianxiao meant.

The two gods Ye Liancheng and Qi Fengtian respectively control the Gouchen star field and the Apocalypse star field, and they are not very old and are in their prime of life. How can they be willing to threaten their dominance?

They are likely to want to kill the source of the threat in the cradle.

If that were the case, waking up would fall into an extremely dangerous situation.

Faced with the murderous intent of the two major domain masters, no one of the four major star domains can bear it.

"Can the master help to wake up and deceive the secrets of heaven?" Yu Tianguan asked, for the present plan, it is not to detect the clues by the other three domain masters.

"You can give it a try, but in the end the paper won't hold the fire. As the awakening cultivation base gets higher and higher, the difficulty of being blinded will get higher and higher." Li Tianxiao said.

"Then hide it for a while before talking." Yu Tianguan suggested.

"When I wake up and walk out of the palace hall, I will cast the spell for him myself." Li Tianxiao nodded.

"Thank you, Master!" Yu Tianguan hurriedly thanked him.

"You are my apprentice, and this time you have accepted such a great favor from awakening. Naturally, I have to thank you for being a teacher." Li Tianxiao shook his head.

Time passed, and in a blink of an eye, another six months passed.

In the fifth hall, the awakened enlightenment has already moved from the first idol on the left to the twelfth idol. The aura on his body also seemed more mysterious.

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