Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1353: Dao heart is eternal!

Shrine Palace.

In the blink of an eye, half a year passed.

At a certain moment, waking up from the futon woven with dry grass.

He has already comprehended all of the more than 80,000 inferior sacred methods in this first hall, not to mention the integration, but the memory is deep.

He opened the heavy stone gate and walked into the second hall.

In the second hall, there are more than 30,000 medium-level sacred methods, which are less than half of the number, but the degree of preciousness is higher. Each sacred path is more profound and mysterious.

"Goblin holy way, smelting iron into essence, transforming qi into virtual."

"The holy path of ice, gathering water into ice, a kingdom of 30,000 miles of ice and snow."

"The Holy Way of the Blood Body, turning into a sea of ​​blood, to kill the Dao."


It took half a year to wake up again to comprehend the more than 30,000 medium-level sacred methods in the second hall.

Then he walked into the third hall.

In the third hall, there are more than 8,000 high-level sacred methods, and the sharp decline in number is due to the higher degree of preciousness.

"Tianhuo Dadao, burn the sky and destroy the enemy, the mountains and rivers are burnt away, and the sea is withered."

"Dragon King Dao, in the form of a dragon, breaking the mountains and rivers with fists."

"Black Heaven Road, night falls."


The first-class sacred path is very precious, and most of the faculties of the major clans are derived from this. Once you have cultivated to the extreme, you can finally jump into the realm of the gods.

With more than 8,000 high-level sacred methods, it still took a full half a year to wake up.

Finally, he pushed open the heavy stone gate of the fourth hall.


Walking into the main hall, he was enveloped by an extremely sacred breath.

In the empty hall, the number of light clusters is very rare, count them carefully, but 108 light clusters represent 108 divine methods.

Shendao method is a method that can be cultivated into gods.

The major clan forces are also extremely strict custody and guardianship, and only the leading talents who have been selected are qualified to learn and enlighten.

Each sacred teaching method is very broad and profound, with a breath of heavy vicissitudes, just like an ancient book.

"Nine Jianyi!"

Reawakening first set the goal on the nine chapters of Jianyi.

The nine chapters of sword intent, and the ninth chapter, you can step into the realm of Shinto, will be respected as the sword god, above the sword master.

But even the old antiques of the four star regions did not learn the ninth chapter of Jianyi.

It is naturally impossible to wake up. In a short period of time, he can understand nine sword intents.

What he needs to do is to engrave the gods of the nine sword intents into his mind, and then step by step to understand and ponder.

This is a general insight, a glimpse of the whole picture, without nuances.

In the previous halls, awakening also used this method to comprehend.

If it is a meticulous study, even if it is only an inferior holy way, it will take countless time.

Manpower is exhausted at times, no one can do it, to meticulously comprehend every sacred way.

Furthermore, even if it can be done, it will not really be done.

The greatest magical effect of the Shrines and Palaces is to give people a glimpse of the full picture of the many holy ways and methods of the gods, to increase their own experience and knowledge, to enhance the foundation of Taoism, and to find a path that suits them.

"Here are nine sword meanings, the most complete."

"There are nine sword intents on Pirate Star, and only the practice to the eighth chapter."

"In this way, it can make up for my deficiencies in the Nine Sword Intents."

It took nearly two days to wake up the **** of Nine Sword Intents, perfectly comprehend it, and imprint it in his mind.

It is equivalent to getting the inheritance of the Nine Sword Intents, and you can practice anytime in the future.

"Fist is shocking, this is a boxing chapter."

"The meaning of the sword opens the sky, this is the meaning of the sword."

"A sharp spear is like a dragon, this is a spear."

Awakening couldn't help but feel a move in his heart, and memorizing all the methods that can communicate with the gods, this can greatly improve his experience, and it can also allow him to compare and reflect the nine swordsmanship and other methods.

When he returned to Central Shenlu, he could also teach it to Dong Fengxue and the others.

Dong Fengxue loves swords like his life, if he can get the sword intent of the opening chapter, he will definitely be ecstatic.

Half a year later, all 108 divine Taoisms were awakened and comprehended all at once, and his Taoism background has been improved by a large amount at once.

Originally, he knew very little about the illusory Shinto, but now he knows a lot, just like a person on the top of a mountain, he finally managed to see the mountains.

Then he pushed open the stone gate of the fifth hall.


The breath of the vast vicissitudes of life rushed forward, like billions of thunder bombarding people's souls, awakening and shaking.

The aura of divine Dao in the fifth hall is rich to the extreme.

This is regarded as a restricted area of ​​Taoism.

Anyone who wants to walk into the fifth hall must face the Dao heart formed by the divine Dao aura here.

The champions of the previous martial arts conferences and the Tianjiao leaders of the Li family, such as Li Shuiyi and others, couldn't enter this fifth hall, and couldn't bear the kind of Dao-hearted questioning.

Ji Changkong succeeded, and he was worthy of the name of the **** son of the Ji family.

"Why practice?"

"What is practice?"

Two voices of the vicissitudes of life, from the wake of his mind, he said without hesitation: "The way of martial arts cultivation, understanding the life and death of reincarnation, only wishing to go to the Yaochi with the clouds and water, wandering outside the world, a bright moon, alone."

The words are sonorous, the look is firm, and they point to the heart.


The clouds in the fifth hall dispersed, revealing twelve statues of gods, lined up, solemn and majestic.

These twelve idols are exactly the twelve domain masters of the Zixiao Star Territory who personally cast for themselves during their lifetimes. Each idol contains their Taoist inheritance, vast and profound, as vast as a starry sky.

In front of each idol, there is a withered futon.

Wake up and salute respectfully, go to sit down on the futon of the first idol on the left, and start enlightenment.

"The way of martial arts practice, to realize the life and death of reincarnation, I only wish to go to the Yaochi with a happy cloud and water, wandering outside things, a bright moon, and alone..."

"It's a Taoist heart that is free and easy."

Under the laurel tree outside the palace hall, the imperial official chewed on what Wake had said, and his mind was rippling and lost for a long time.

At the beginning, Ji Changkong faced Daofa questioning, thinking for three full days before giving the answer, but only got the approval of 5 idols.

But now, wake up gave the answer without thinking, showing that his Taoism is eternal and stable as a mountain.

The most amazing thing is that his answer was approved by all the twelve idols.

This shows that his answer is definitely the most perfect answer.

His Dao heart is recognized by the masters of the past dynasties.

This situation has never happened since the completion of the Shrine’s Palace.

The twelve gods are enlightened, open their hearts, and teach the Fa to Su Xing.

Under the laurel tree, Yu Tianguan's expression was blurred, and it lasted for three days and three nights before he recovered his clarity, and there was an unprecedented mysterious meaning in his body. Mysterious and mystical, all wonderful gods open for the king.

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