Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1305: Mysterious man in black robe!

Yuan Magnetic Hill.

Shi Kaitian exhibited the fascination of the Taoism of the stone clan, and finally evolved into seven avatars.

Plus his body.

All of a sudden, it became eight Shi Kaitian, and its combat power surged.


Eight Shi Kaitian acted together, besieged and killed to wake up.

This scene was extremely shocking.

Even the hard magnetic element ground oscillated.

"Awakening will be defeated."

"Shi Kaitian didn't give him a chance to grow up at all."

People shook their heads and sighed.

But waking up did not give up, on the contrary, the fighting spirit became very high.

He has bright eyes, unprecedented concentration of energy and spirit, while using the ancestral dragon clone to understand the dragon fighting technique, while resisting attacks from all sides.

"Boom boom boom!"

The mighty power poured out like violent showers.

Awakening, both fists moved together, his arms were stained with golden light, and the dragon scales were densely covered. Under the tremendous pressure of Shi Kaitian, his speed in comprehending dragon fighting technique became faster.

"Boom boom boom!"

The awakened body is like a spinning top, spinning around in place, welcoming attacks from all directions.

The stone fist collided with the dragon claw, spurring a series of sparks.

Awakening showed extremely strong resilience, abruptly resisting Shi Kaitian's terrorist offensive, which was shocking.


At a certain moment, a loud dragon roar sounded.

Awakening hands turned into dragon claws, and both arms were covered with dense scales, and a terrifying force spread out.

There was a boom.

A third real dragon phantom appeared behind him.

"What a powerful force!"

The awakening momentum greatly increased, the fist wind was fierce, and he struck out horizontally. In a short moment, eight stones were blown out of the sky.

"The power of three dragons!"

"The awakened physical strength has actually reached the strength of the three dragons."

The audience was in an uproar.

People's eyes widened and they could hardly believe this scene.

"This little beast!"

"How high is his physical realm?"

"Just by comprehending the first volume of Fighting Dragon Technique, can you have the power of three dragons?"

Ji Lanbing's face was pale.

The power of the three dragons is enough to crush Shi Kaitian.

Shi Kaitian also lost.

Like Ahanwu, he became a stepping stone to awakening.

"The physical body becomes a saint, and it is very close to Consummation."

A voice came from Ji Lanbing's side, coming from a mysterious person shrouded in black robe.

"Can you kill him?"

Ji Lanbing asked in a deep voice.

"You can kill or capture."

The mysterious person in the black robe has a calm tone, but is full of incomparable confidence.


Ji Lanbing spit out a word.

She hated her awakening, but killed her, it was difficult to get rid of her anger.



Below, awakened bravely and unparalleled, with his own power, fighting against eight stones to open the sky, not only was completely pressure-free, even showing a crushing trend.

However, awakening did not immediately kill Shi Kaitian.

With the help of Shi Kaitian, he honed himself uprightly and comprehended the second volume of Dragon Fighting, Dragon Tail Volume.

There are six volumes of Dragon Fighting, and each volume of enlightenment will increase your strength.

For the third mysterious person in black robe, Su Xing had a very bad premonition in his heart and had to make preparations in advance.

However, he was not too afraid.

Because he still had the trick to press the bottom of the box, he didn't use it.


A clone of Shi Kaitian could not stop the awakening fist, his body collapsed and turned into rubble.



Such a scene appeared one after another in the next moment.

In the end, all seven clones disappeared, leaving only one Shi Kaitian. His expression was cold, his eyes showed a trace of hideousness and unbelievableness. The growth rate of awakening was too terrifying.


Awakening no longer kept his hands, under repeated attacks, Shi Kaitian beheaded.

The audience was silent.

People looked at this scene with emotion again and again.

"Fei Shi Kaitian is not strong enough, but awakening is too abnormal."

"Looking at this posture, it is very possible to wake up and win three games in a row!"

"That's not necessarily. Haven't you seen Ji Lanbing still full of confidence until now? The last mysterious man in black robe is probably extremely powerful."


Under the attention of all the people, the mysterious man in black robe walked towards Yuanci Mountain step by step, and finally stopped thousands of meters away from the awakening.

"The physical body becomes a saint, it means the distance is perfect, and it's only a fine line."

"It's been a long time since I met an opponent like you."

"Wake up, you make me feel happy."

The voice of the mysterious man in the black robe is very deep, but people can hear his words clearly.

Affected by Yuanci Mountain, everyone's cultivation base and holy soul dare not leave the body, and the physical power is very cryptic, not as obvious as the division of cultivation base, so everyone does not know the specific state of the awakening physical body.

At this moment, I couldn't help but suddenly realized it also brought many shocks.

The flesh becomes a holy!

That is, the distance is perfect, and there is only one line apart.

This is already extremely powerful.

The eyesight of the mysterious black robe is also very extraordinary, and he has actually observed this.

What is even more surprising is that he doesn't seem to worry at all. In his calm and calm tone, he shows a strong sense of confidence.

It seems that all this is nothing to him.

Wake up and narrow his eyes slightly.

He smelled an extremely dangerous breath from the mysterious man in black robe, as if an ordinary person had encountered a jackal and a hungry tiger, and his body could not help but tighten.

The black robe mysterious man hasn't taken any action yet, but the pressure to wake up is actually greater than that of Shi Kaitian, who used the ultimate transformation, which made the Zulong clone's speed in comprehending the dragon fighting technique increased by a lot.


As if some kind of shackle was broken.

Relying on the pressure of the opponent, Suwaken realized the second volume of Dragon Fighting, Dragon Tail Volume.

The dragon tail scroll corresponds to the position of the waist and abdomen, which can make the power of awakening increase again.


Loud dragon roar sounded.

After waking up, a real dragon phantom appeared again.

His power has actually increased to the power of the four dragons.


People exclaimed, shocked inexplicably.

The potential for awakening is simply terrifying, as if there is no end.

When he fought Ahanwu, he didn't even possess the power of a dragon.

Unexpectedly, after the two battles, he actually possessed the power of the four dragons.

It's unbelievable.

"Not bad!"

"That's interesting."

The flat voice of the mysterious black robe sounded again.

Awakening possessed the power of the four dragons, and he didn't panic, on the contrary, there was a sense of war in his body.


The dragon chants sounded one after another.

Behind the mysterious person in the black robe, phantoms of true dragons emerged one after another, which were also the power of the four dragons.

And looking at his appearance, it seems that there is still something reserved.

"I will use the power of the four dragons to play with you."

The mysterious man in the black robe lifted it with one foot and stepped on it heavily.

"Kacha!" The hard magnetic element ground cracked in response.

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