Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1304: Two dragons clash!

After awakening and killing Ahanwu, he took off the other party's storage bag and found what he needed most from it, the mastery of Taoism in the physical realm, and dragon fighting.

He quickly read it and found that Ahanwu's dragon fighting technique was incomplete and seriously missing.

Dragon Fighting is a savage knowledge of the barbarians, and its complete version is extremely precious.

Ahanwu is naturally impossible to get.

However, just this fragmented scroll is also very broad and profound.

"There are six volumes in Dragon Fighting, and there are only the first two volumes, Dragon Claw and Dragon Tail."

"However, as long as I can learn it, I think it should be enough."

Wake up and think.

What he learned before was nothing more than the physical force skills, which was actually very crude.

But his physical realm is high, and this completely crushed Ahanwu.

In terms of the sophistication of physical combat skills, he is not as good as Ahanwu, because Ahanwu has practiced dragon fighting skills.

If he wakes up and can learn to fight the dragon, then he can make up for the shortcomings of physical combat skills and be able to deal with the next two battles.

But here is the problem.

It was impossible for Ji Lanbing at all to give him a chance to wake up and learn about dragon fighting.

Especially with the lessons learned from Ahanwu.


Shi Kaitian stepped into the void and walked up the Yuanci Mountain.

The three-foot-tall body looks very burly, bringing a strong sense of oppression.

His breath is very calm and motionless.

This is a ruthless man who dared to challenge King Xiaoshi, and defeated Ahanwu's existence with three moves.

"Do you want to treat me as Ahanwu, do you serve as a sparring partner?"

Shi Kaitian stared at Wake, and asked in a deep voice.

"You don't seem to give me that chance?" Su Xing shook his head.

"As long as you know."

Shi Kaitian nodded.


Without warning, he attacked.

The body is three feet tall, not moving like a mountain, but moving like thunder.

In the blink of an eye, he swept to wake up.

His speed is so fast that it makes people unresponsive.

The big palm of the fan, covered with rock lines, reveals an invincible sharpness, directly patted the awakened head.

Simple, direct, and straightforward.

Shi Kaitian's use of physical power was many times better than Ahanwu.

What he is displaying at this moment is the physical combat skills of the stone clan, the fossil hand.

Infinite power and profoundness.

With the urging of the fossil hand, two real dragons appeared on the surface of Shi Kaitian.

The power of two dragons!

His power is twice as much as Ahanwu's.

This is completely different from what people say, defeating Ahanwu with three moves.

Because when there is such a big disparity in power, Ahanwu will be blown under the palm of Shi Kaitian.

Obviously, he might have kept his hands in that battle.

It is also possible that he has made rapid progress in recent years, far surpassing Ahanwu.

People were horrified.

Shi Kaitian's mentality is also extremely good after his strength is removed.

The lion fights the rabbit, also with all its strength.

He didn't give him a chance to wake up and learn dragon fighting skills. He used his physical combat skills as soon as he got up. Looking at this posture, it was obvious that he wanted a quick fight.


The huge sound, like a nine-day thunderstorm, was deafening.

In the next moment, people saw the awakened body flying out.

Although he has mastered the skills of using physical power, he is obviously far from physical combat skills, and is not Shi Kaitian's opponent in power.

However, people discovered that there was no injury in awakening.

With the help of his body moving back, he removed all the power Shi Kaitian exerted on him.

And between the awakened hands, there were a series of fine lines, which showed signs of forming.

"Dragon Fight!"

Shi Kaitian's eyes sank.

Although the dragon fighting technique he woke up was very superficial and naive, he was able to display it in a short moment, which in itself was an extremely incredible thing.

The people watching the battle were also extremely shocked.

You know, even if other people have obtained the Dragon Fighting technique, it will take at least a few months to display it.

But when he woke up, he did it in a moment.

This comprehension is simply evil.

"Are you really going to treat me as a sparring partner?"

Shi Kaitian was furious.

I feel that this act of awakening is a deep contempt for him.

Wake up without explanation.

In fact, he did not deliberately use Shi Kaitian as a sparring partner, but was forced by the situation.

Participating in the battle of dragon fighting is his only chance.

And with the enlightenment, he discovered a secret, and that was himself, whether it was learning physical strength skills or physical fascination like dragon fighting, it seemed that it was much easier than others.

This and comprehension five sense organs are purely his body, as if he was born to be particularly suitable for cultivating physical combat skills.

"Is it because what I'm practicing is the cause of Chaos Eucharist?"

Awakening confirmed this guess.

Apart from this, there are no other possibilities.

The body's fit with the physical combat skills, coupled with his comprehension, is already very good, pairwise cooperation, he can perform dragon fighting skills in a moment.

"court death!"

Shi Kaitian shot again.

The fossil hand penetrates the void, launching a sonic boom, with unparalleled power and weight.

There was a boom.

Awakening was knocked into the air again, but was not injured.

The fine lines between his hands are getting more and more, getting closer and closer to the form of dragon scales.

His comprehension of Dragon Fighting was faster than people thought.

Shi Kaitian didn't say a word, and the attack poured down like a squally storm, trying to crush and wake up.


At a certain moment, awakening from retreat, a deep roar of true dragon uttered.

On his body, a real dragon phantom was once again condensed.

The power of two dragons.

With the awakening of the deeper and deeper insight into the dragon fighting technique, his strength also rapidly increased, reaching the level of the power of two dragons.

"This is a miracle!"

"Is it a natural freak to wake up?"

"It's incredible."

People are shocked inexplicably.

After possessing the power of the two dragons, Awakening was no longer defeated by Shi Kaitian under the head-on collision of power.

Moreover, with his constant understanding of dragon fighting technique, his strength is still improving, and his energy is showing signs of condensing a third true dragon phantom.

Even Shi Kaitian's complexion changed slightly.

Awakening is simply an extreme variable, full of uncertainty.

"Ultimately changed!"

Shi Kaitian let out a deep sigh, and showed off the stone clan's Taoism.

This fascinating study was created by the Great Sage Doutian, and it was extremely terrifying.


Seven clones appeared beside Shi Kaitian.

The number of clones is not particularly large, but the aura of each clone is extremely condensed, and it actually possesses the same strength as the main body.

This is extremely scary.

That is to say, awakening needs to face the attack of the eight Shi Kaitian.

The pressure increased eightfold in one fell swoop. If he hadn't started to gather the third real dragon phantom, before he changed it, he would be bombarded and killed in a flash.

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