Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 938: Mysterious helper

"I can't die here."

Struggling desperately, Qin Shi’s fist clenched.

However, he is really powerless. The card he can imagine is not useful at this moment. Now, unless the demon can wake up, he thinks that he must die.


The old man shook his head indifferently. Qin Shi’s life and death were in his eyes. It was like pinching an ant, and his attention was all focused on Xiaomi Cai’s body. He licked the cracked mouth: “This girl, I took it away!"

&nbs Island>Fiction www.zuzud; "These two people, you can not hurt!"

However, in the precarious situation, Qin Shi thought that he would die when undoubtedly, a strange figure suddenly fell from the clouds, a thin, large hand raised, forcefully grip.


Immediately, the flame was crushed by life.

This sudden figure called the Han family old man to frown, and the old eyes that had always been plain before, also flashed a bit of vigilance.

Think about it too, you can stop the smoldering fire by hand, showing that this person's cultivation is extraordinary.

Han’s boss swept up the figure, but the figure was black and covered, and he couldn’t see the appearance. This is called Han Laodao’s cold road: “Oh, where is the mouse generation, I dare not see people with true faces. Is it because of what is invisible?"

"Oh, what do I do, it’s not as good as Han’s boss, so bullying a younger generation, I’m afraid it’s a bit of a benevolence?”

The laughter of the shadows, and the face of the Korean family is more and more gloomy: "Well? You know me? Who are you? Since I know that I am a Han family, then I can dare to do things in my Han family?"

"Who am I, I don't bother to know Han Da, but today's two younger generations, I really have to decide, as long as I am, you don't want to hurt."

"you wanna die!"

The voice of Han’s boss became hoarse, and he screamed at the palm of his face with anger.

boom! boom! boom! ! !

The three palms of the heavenly dynasty are amazing, and they have caused great screams in the sky, and the sky was light and cloudy before, and it was dark at this time.

However, if it is said that the three bosses of the Korean boss are like tigers, then this figure is the dragon and the sea, the same three palms, silent and silent, all the flames of Han Laodao are suppressed.

This scene is called Qin Shi from the rear slightly condensed: "This person, is also the six layers of Scorpio?"

Through the dust, he looked at the shadow, even though the figure covered his face, but it was only for Han Da, Qin Shiben stood behind the figure, plus the strong three palms collided, causing no The small wind, the mask of the figure opened a corner, the truth under it just fell into the eyes of Qin Shi.

Judging from the wrinkles on the forehead, this figure is an old man who is less than a hundred years old. His hair is fluttering through the mask, and the length is very harmonious.

However, seeing his face, Qin Shi is more and more puzzled. He constantly searches for the sea, but can't find a half-point memory related to it.

"Little guy, who is this person? The strength is not simple, the old dog of the Korean family is in his hands, and he can't even get a little benefit." The blood wizard asked.

Qin Shi shook his head helplessly: "I don't know."

"Don't know?" The blood wizard said: "This is strange. Since you don't know, why should he not hesitate to offend the Han family and help him?"

Wen Yan, Qin Shizhen did not respond to the eye, because this is also the place where his heart is inexplicable.


The two sides were able to re-apply, and the strong collision continued to pass on Cuifeng Mountain. In a short period of time, the two played against each other. In the case of equal strength, no one could have anybody for a time.

"I am right with my Han family. Don't you want to live?"

One after another, the electric light flint, the two men once again opened the distance, the roar of Han’s boss.

The figure was free and easy, and it didn’t matter. "Your Han family may be able to hold others, but it doesn't do much to me."

Immediately, he turned back and looked at Qin Shi. Seeing Qin Shi still stayed in the same place and couldn’t help but say: "Hey, your kid, how are you here? Quickly, hurry to leave, I am being asked by others, but I don’t want you to have an accident. Then I really can't explain to him."

“Is it supported by people?” Qin Shimeng woke up and asked: “Don’t ask the seniors, can you tell, who are you trusting?”

"Oh, then you don't have to worry about it. Sooner or later, you will know all this. Now hand it over to me. You must take the little girl here to leave."

Wen Yan, Qin Shi frowned, but he did not ask again, because he knew that since this person is not willing to speak, then he will not have any results after questioning.

"The younger generation once again thanked the predecessors. If there is a chance in the future, today's kindness will be repaid." Qin Shichong hugged his body and embraced the fist.

"If you pay back, don't forget that you promised him." The figure smiled deeply.

Qin Shi squatted, and even if he wanted to understand, this figure should mean that he promised someone who had entrusted him to save himself, but he couldn’t remember it. Finally he simply didn’t want to, nodded: “Although I don’t know. Who is this benefactor, but the younger generation is in a hurry, as long as it is what I promised, I will not go to the appointment."

"That is the best, go."

The figure satisfactorily caressed the beard.

"Want to go? Not so easy!" Seeing that Qin Shi was leaving, Han’s boss was anxious, and then he rushed forward a few steps without thinking.


However, his journey was blocked by the figure, and the figure flew to the boss of Han, waving the palm of his hand. The hurricane caused by the wind blew the sound of the forest, and forced the Han boss to retreat 100 meters. Your opponent is me."

"damn it!"

When Han’s boss was holding his body, Qin Shi had already used the blood wizard to disappear into his vision through the power of space.

In the space tunnel, Qin Shi always kept silent, constantly thinking about the figure, but in the end there was no clue.

In desperation, he shook his head: "Forget it, this time is really dangerous. It is a fluke that you can survive. The rest will have a chance to figure it out."

Immediately, when he left again from the void, he had already appeared at the foot of Cuifeng Mountain, standing on a steep branch. He turned back and looked at the mountain. He sighed: "Han’s old dog will definitely not let Xiaomi Color, it seems that the refining of the magic symbol must be stranded."

"Well, but you don't have to worry, Li Qi that kid didn't promise you, will you sell the next year's snow ganoderma in half a month? That kid is not lying."

"Li Qi?" But Wen Yan said, but Qin Shi blinked, suddenly remembered what, like a hard shot: "Damn, how to forget him."

"Big brother, big brother!"

When Qin Shi was annoyed, a sudden buzzing sound came from the secluded forest. Li Qi rushed out and saw him Qin Shiyi: "Li Qi?"

"Call, scream!" Li Qi held his knees and kept breathing, and he recovered some physical strength after half a sigh: "Big brother, I can find you. Where did you suddenly go? I am hurting." I have been looking for you for a long time in this forest, and I was almost let the beast leave."

Qin Shi smiled lightly: "What do you have?"

"If you don't have it, you are a little worried about you."

Li Qi grabbed his head with great enthusiasm. A few simple words were called Qin Shi’s heart. He said: "It’s rare to know a few days of this kid, but it can pay so much for me."

"For the big brother, do we still practice the magic charm?" Li Qi asked.

The thoughts were pulled back to reality, and Qin Shi’s face was embarrassed. He hesitated for a moment and said: “Li Qi, I want to discuss things with you.”

"What's the matter? Big Brother, although you said, as long as I can do it, I will definitely help you." Li Qi patted the chest very derogatoryly.

Under hesitation, Qin Shidao: "I think, after half a month, you will help me to photograph the blood of Ganoderma lucidum for a long time, and then promise your magic charm before, can you give it to you afterwards."

In other words, Qin Shi felt that something was wrong. "Of course, I promised you a lot, but I said it."

But unexpectedly, what seems to be very important in Qin Shi, like Li Xiao’s ear, is like a trivial thing. He is generously waving his hand: "Hey, what am I going to do, is this something? No problem, Anyway, I believe that I have a big brother, then after the auction is over, my eldest brother will refine the magic to me."


Qin Shi was ecstatic, and his gratitude to Li Qi became more and more intense.

In this way, it is also the heart of his heart, and immediately his eyes gaze at the direction of the former Han Laodao and the figure confrontation. From his black shackles, the meaning of the chill is extremely obvious.

"Han family, today's business, definitely will not be so calculated, you owe me, owe Xiaomi Cai, one day, one day, I will get it all back!"

Qin Shi vowed in the bottom of my heart.

"Little guy, don't be too big, this Korean family is not simple. The old beast said in the old guy's mouth that you don't know if you remember?" The blood wizard suddenly said.

Wen Yan, Qin Shi recalled, nodded stunnedly: "I remember, you know what it is?"

The blood wizard shook his head: "I don't know, but the actions of the Korean family in the past years, plus the old guy's greedy eyes on Xiaomi I think this person is changing, it should be a kind of The mystery of the wild animal."

"Well, there is such a possibility, but no matter what mystery, I will not let them succeed." Qin Shi clenched his fist, then turned back, and Li Qi, Xiaomi Cai three got up and left Cuifeng Mountain.

Next, Qin Shi returned to the mall inn, began a retreat for a small half-month, ready to meet the memorial auction after half a month, only to get Wan Nian Xue Lingzhi, he was able to find the Korean family without any scruples.

No manicure is cultivated, and half a month is fleeting.

When Qin Shi’s black cockroach opened again, the room in which he was in the room was rolling in a hurricane, and a thick and powerful force that was infinitely close to seven days rushed into the sky.

The blood wizard felt this power and stunned: "Kid, this power, your sixth thread is about to be saturated?"

Qin Shi converges, only smiles and nods. Immediately, his black squat flashes and excites, looking at the rising sun in the east. When the light is full of mottled in the room, the corner of the mouth rises.

"The calculation is the same, and the time from the auction is almost the same."

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