Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 937: Extinguish

For Qin Shi, who is well-versed in the array, it is not difficult to recognize this entangled fire wall enchantment.

The fire burst is a high-ranking fire attribute seal array in the array. This method does not have too strong attack and defense. It is really a blockade.

The fire of this fire is taken from the lava fire below 300,000 meters deep in the landmark. The temperature is as high as six thousand degrees. This high temperature is a continuous situation and must be carefully faced.

The blood wizard said: "The old guy of the Korean family saw the nine stars. He knew that there was no way to run. He began to prepare. These were all planned by him. The blood of the colorful Xiangyun snake leader was not in him. On the body, he blew himself to trap you here, and then sent the news back to Han, and waited for Han (Pig-Pig-Island) novel. Zud.

Looking at the eyes, how can Qin Shi not know what the blood wizard said, once the Han family's people traced it, then with the influence of the Han family, he is afraid that there is really no turning point today: "Blood wizard, can rely on the power of space to leave here. ?"

"No." The blood wizard shook his head in a powerless manner: "This is not just you, but the space here and the outside world are also separated. The power of the space I can control is only 100 meters. And the flight attendants outside, I can't feel it at all."

"This is really troublesome." Qin Shi's face stunned.

"Little guy, don't worry, now is not a self-inflicted situation. With your understanding of the law, if you are willing to work hard, you will be able to find the flaws of this law."

The words of the blood wizard, such as the morning tomb of the ancient tomb, suddenly calmed Qin Shi, and he condensed: "Yes, I can't panic, this will only be the way of the old guy. If only I can say it myself, now Xiaomi Cai is also I have to calm down around me."

Thinking of this, he suddenly sat down on his knees, the blood in his body kept running, and his mind recalled the accumulated experience of these years, and kept muttering: "Jade sister once said that bursts of life, bursts, and everything can be Live, where the battle can be destroyed, all the battles can be broken, the world reincarnation, as long as you follow the same principle, I will be able to find flaws!"


The slight power of the soul spreads from his body, full of fire, and then constantly seeks a breakthrough from the jungle.

Suddenly, Qin Shi seems to be in a state of selflessness. From his whole body, there is a faint light blue star, like a firefly at night, very mysterious.

Seeing this scene, the blood wizards ate and screamed, and suddenly they could not help but smile. "Drink, it’s a really bad little guy. In this case, you can still realize the avenue of the law?"

Yes, Qin Shi is in the exploration, as if entering the artistic conception, is a world that is understood by the law and enchantment. In this world, he constantly travels like a free fish, which is like a Unrestrained birds, sometimes across the sea, and sometimes enjoy the sky.

"Birds, flying in the air, seemingly free, but they are imprisoned."

"Fish, swimming in the sea, like restraint, but not free."

"What is freedom, what is restraint?"

"A continent can be endless, and it can be at the foot. Everything is just the heart of the people. Everything is a vain thing."

In my mind, it was constantly flashing, and Qin Shi suddenly figured out something. In a flash, his black cockroach flashed, and a cold light came straight ahead.

In front of him, there is endless fire, and in his shackles, it reflects the blue sky, which makes his mouth suddenly rise: "Is this the avenue of the road? Oh, it turns out, I understand."

"Little guy, it looks like this, for a short moment, your gain is not small?"

"Yeah, I have seen a lot of things."

Qin Shi smiled and stood up, then he walked slowly forward and stopped in front of the blazing fire wall. Then he raised his five fingers and regarded the high temperature as nothing, and penetrated the five fingers.

Between the fingers and the flames, his black scorpion closed slightly, and he found the thoughts from the sea of ​​knowledge. A ray of blue suddenly gathered and burst out from his fingers.


Hey -! ! !

An invisible trembling.

Suddenly, from the foot of Qin Shi, the formation of a strong force, the power seems to be imprisoned by extremely powerful forces, can only roar in front of Qin Shi fingertips, just not in the square space, but it seems to be unfettered Freedom, constantly rolling.

The blood wizard's blood eyes are so big: "Hey, a very strange array of methods...! This kid, even realized the horrible array?"


A word, spit out from the mouth of Qin Shi, followed by the spread of a blue pattern from his body, the law seems to be invincible, and it seems to be indestructible, where it passes in the invisible, all the flames All disappeared.

Once again in front of Qin Shi, it is the complete green forest.

"Did you make it?"

Qin Shi also smiled, followed him around the blue formation, although he was versed in the essence of the formation, but it was always used to break the line, this is his first time, personally refining the formation.

The most important thing is that this method is still his own independent research and development, a unique understanding, which is to make him ecstatic, the heart secretly: "With the power of this array of law, now even if it encounters nine days, without the help of nine stars In the case, I think I have the confidence to fight it?"

"Really, this method is really strong, it is a good killing trick." The blood wizard agreed.

Qin Shi nodded, and immediately couldn't help but sighed and sighed: "Jade sister, I have all the skills of the formation, are you taught, have you seen it? I am now able to refine the formation myself... No Know, when can you wake up and give me some advice."

But in the joy, Qin Shi did not forget me. He looked down and stared at his fingertips. He knew that this understanding was purely coincidental. It was Han Daoda’s self-defeating and helping him to break through in the cultivation of the formation. It is a beginning. If it is completely mastered, it will be spared a lot of hard work in the future.

Moreover, he knows that it is not the time to forget the shape. The news of Han Laodao is coming out. I am afraid that the Han family is already on the way to pursue it. He must hurry and leave.

At the thought of this, he turned back and wanted to take Xiaomi Cai away, but suddenly found that the charming face was full of sorrow, called his heart a fierce pain, he bite his teeth a few steps forward, I took a scent of Xiaomi Cai and said, "Small girl, do you remember my words? I said it will definitely be done."

Xiaomi color eyebrows are timid, sloppy, half-sounding, biting the teeth of the teeth: "I know, I believe 爹爹...!"

"Well, let's go."

Qin Shi picked up Xiaomi Cai, and the foot was forced to step on the mountain.


But a moment before his feet fell to the ground, a rattan suddenly entangled, followed by the end of the tree roots, winding around the fiery fire.

"Hey, little guy, just want to go, isn't it naive?"

A hoarse voice penetrated the forest.

Qin Shi’s heart suddenly woke up, and looked in the direction of the sound. A rough old man held his hand and stood in the air, sneering at him.

Hey! Looking at the old man, an inexplicable uneasiness sounded from the bottom of my heart.

"Han family? Is it too late?"

The old man bowed his head, and the old eyes never stopped from Qin Shi for a moment. They kept gazing at Xiaomi Cai. The mouth of the dry mouth was full of greed: "I didn't expect that there would be descendants of the colorful Xiangyun snake here, and look at the second child. The sound of the sound, the strength of the blood, should be the royal family, really help me Han family."

"If you can have this beast, plus the blood before, the beast will be able to succeed, as long as it is not possible at that time, my Han family dominates the mall."

The greed of the old man did not shy away. This is called Qin Shi could not help but frown: "Old guy, you Han family, one dead, one more, is this the rhythm of taking turns to die?"

"Well?" Was awakened by Qin Shi's words, the old man smiled quite deeply: "Oh, little guy, have timidity, look at your root bones, hand over the snake in your arms, I will Let you go."

"When are you an idiot?" Qin Shi's foot slammed, and a rushing thunder broke the flame cane, holding the millet color back 100 meters, and sternly said: "I want to hurt my niece, then unless I die!"

"I want to die? It is not easy. I am fulfilled." The old man shook his head in disappointment, and immediately he underestimated the situation, as if he had judged Qin Shi’s life and death, followed him to Qin Shi’s hand, faint Dao: "What is the use of retreating? What is the same for me? It is the same for me."

"Although I don't know what you used to kill the second child, but if you think, I am like him, it would be too naive, die here." After that, the old man grasped empty.


The palm of the hand was aimed at Qin Shi’s heart. Qin Shi’s five internal organs tumbling fiercely. He couldn’t even know what was going on. A blood spurted out of his mouth. The whole body seemed to be held by the strong force of the stock. Let him go back half a step, but the body is still uncontrollable and flies toward the old man.

"This is... heavenly environment?"

Qin Shi’s eyes are cold, and the strength of this old man is beyond his imagination.

The heavens and the earth, the six layers of the Tianzhu... That is Qin Shi can not resist, even if the power of the evil spirits is not used, and now, in this case, he has no time to transfer the totem.

"Nine stars!"

The space ring flashes Jiu Xing's huge body jumps out.

"Hey, Scorpio?" The old man squinted, and suddenly realized a smile: "Oh, I didn't expect you to have this kind of baby. If I didn't guess wrong, the second child should die in this hand, that would fall. It is also dead."

Then his voice suddenly became violent: "However, this is not useful to me!"


Jiuxing just jumped out of the mountain, a jet of meteorite burst from the sacred, and the nine stars lived on the mountain, a deep pit.

Immediately, the old man's index finger pointed to Qin Shi's eyebrows, a smoldering fire, called Qin Shi black shackles, an unprecedented crisis, rising from his heart.

It’s all too much, the blood wizard shouted: “Little guy!”


However, everything does not help, the smoldering fire is like a beast that is hungry, and the red-blooded fangs swallow the Qin Shi.

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