Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 911: Enter Zhaojia

After that, he asked again: "How is the space array in the explosion of beads?"

"No, this explosion is actually an independent space. This space seems to jump out of this continent. I tried several times to start a space gap and grafted it to the outside world, but the results failed."

"Can't you?" Qin Shi was slightly disappointed.

The blood wizard said again: "But you don't have to be too depressed. Although I can't do it now, I have found some clues. Just because I can't do it now, I think, when I complete the breakthrough, I should There will be opportunities."

"Well, wait until the end of the night, the first thing, "Pig", "Pig", "Island" novel, start your breakthrough." Qin Shi promised, following this, the Zhao family's house door opened, A few consecutive figures in the robes walked out of it, and they couldn't help themselves.

"Hey, this is the young Zhao family. This time, I don’t know who I’m offended. It’s too embarrassing to start. It seems that in this life, I have to become a waste."

"Well, but in fact, this is what he asked for. How many enemies he has accumulated so many years, and he is the eldest son of Zhao Zhijian, he has been lawless."

"Hey, you whisper, you don't want to live, don't bother us. Now the Zhao family has been angry, and the man who has to pay a large sum of money to retire the legs of Zhao Shaoye, I heard that he is still a young man."

"I have offended the Zhao family. The kid will die soon. Zhao Jianjian asked us to come over. We haven't been able to cure Zhao Tianyun. Now he is in the air, and it will inevitably spread to us."

"Also, he is still looking for a doctor for Li Yuntian, and he is leaving, let's leave."

The crowd rushed to leave.

From their mouths, it is more nervous to call Tong Tong, hiding in the far lane of the lane: "Adult, or else, you still don't go, you have heard it, now the whole city is waiting for you. If you go to the Zhao family now, then you will die."

"Come on, come, why can't you go in? At least go in for a cup of tea, right?"

However, Qin Shi was not as nervous as he had imagined. He had experienced these years, not that he boasted. This Zhao family is really too pediatric in his eyes, and there is a saying that he did not say, that is, now Zhao The sword is not there. It is the perfect time to save the child and the boy. After all, he has no absolute grasp with the heavens. He does not want to miss this opportunity. For this reason, he will throw a peace of mind for Tong Tong. Eyes, smiled and stood up, and Xiaomi Cai went directly to Zhaofu.

This is called Tong Tong's helplessness, but he still squats up.

The three of them came to the gate of the Zhaojiafu Temple. When they first appeared, they were blocked by several guards. The guards who led the head screamed coldly: "Where are the three little devils, do you know where it is? Speed ​​back!"

"Call who is a little ghost!" Xiaomi Cai is not happy.

However, Qin Shi stopped her and smiled at the guard quite deeply. "Oh, are you sure to let me go? Well, then we are gone, but if there are any consequences, you may not be able to withstand it. From the beginning."

After all, he took Xiaomi Cai and turned to leave, but the guard frowned and suddenly opened his mouth: "Wait a minute, I will announce it."

Qin Shi shrugged and motioned him to hurry.

The guards entered and exited very quickly, and when he reappeared, he followed several Zhao disciples who were in the square market and Zhao Tianyun. The group of disciples saw Qin Shi’s heart sinking suddenly: "Yes, are you?" Stinky boy, do you dare to come to Zhaofu?"

"Don't you ask me to come?" Qin Shi opened his hand at random.

The action of Qin Shi is even more irritating to a few people. The guard is slightly puzzled by the side and asks: "Several young masters, this person is?"

"He is the kid who cuts the big brother's leg!"

"What?" The guards were suddenly shocked, and the disciples were even more shouting: "What are you doing? Don't give me the speed!"


This group of guards should be busy, and immediately look forward to Qin Shi.

But at the same time, Qin Shi moved. On the speed, this group of guards is really out of reach. Almost when they just pulled out their legs, a group of afterimages has been passed from his ear, and the swords are falling, several guards. Already fainted.

Then he turned and stared at the bodies of several Zhao disciples. This suddenly made them feel creepy and timidly step back: "You, what do you want to do?"

"What do I have to do, I think you should be very clear?" Qin Shi is not in a hurry, taking a gentle pace, approaching a few people closer.

"Kid, you dare!" Several disciples were afraid of color.

"Don't you dare?" Qin Shi sneered, and immediately he sneaked into the body. He had already arrived in front of a three-day disciple. He was as a chicken in front of Qin Shi and could not resist.

Qin Shi’s palm was in one fell swoop, grabbing his throat and his voice was extremely cold: “Where is Tong Qing and Tong Zixin locked?”

"I, I don't know!"

"Don't know?" Qin Shi increased his efforts.

The disciple immediately had difficulty breathing and his face turned red, but he still shook his head in panic: "Big, adult, I really don't know, this is all my big brother did, it has nothing to do with us, you, you put Let's go over us."

Qin Shi frowned, like the scorpion brother of this city, with his current soul detection, he can see the bottom at a glance, so he knows that this person does not lie, he really does not know the whereabouts of Tong Qing and Tong Zixin.

But therefore, calling him is very disappointing.

"It seems that I can only see it again, this Zhao Tianyun." Qin Shi thought secretly: "I just think, he should not want to see me."

At this time, a sense of crisis suddenly rose from the bottom of my heart, asking him to look up slightly into the Zhao House, followed by the palm flipping fast, the other hand outstretched from the sleeves, bending and pointing, forming several beams of light .

Those light columns just fell, and a dry shadow leaped from above. The palm of the hand took a picture at the chest of Qin Shi: "The kid, dare to make trouble in the Zhao family, you are looking for death!"

"Zhao Jia Er Elder!"

Tong Tong was shocked at the rear. This person was one of the three nine-day elders he said. He followed the hurriedly: "Adult, be careful!"

In the palm of the hand, Qin Shi did not panic, but instead took the easy footsteps, easily sneaked away this head-on blow, and then when the shadows returned to God again, when he launched a storm, he already had the Zhao family in his hand. The disciple was in front of him, and the shadow had to change direction. One palm was shot on the stone pillar of Zhao’s house.


The stone pillar was built by Xuan Jing, but after being hit by a huge blow, it was still unbearably shattered and turned into a powder.

"Kid, don't want to die, let go of the seven young masters!"

"Let him?" Qin Shi smiled and said: "I let him go, will you let me go? Old guy, do you think I am an idiot?"

"You...!" The shadow was obviously poked, but he still pretended to be calm: "Boy, I said it is done, you only have to put seven young masters, I will let you leave Zhaofu, okay?"

"Oh? Speaking of it?" Qin Shi hesitated for a moment, followed by a smile: "Well, I want to see, how do you say it, then I will give it to you."

"Adult, can't!" Tong Tong eagerly shouted, but he was late, Qin Shi had thrown the disciple in his hand and told him to be completely desperate: "Well, Zhao is two old, is famous. Yin and evil, being awkward, able to speak eloquently, will not follow any promises. If there were Zhao’s seven in the past, he might still be jealous, but now there is no Zhao’s seven cards, he will not put Too big a person."

However, at this time, Xiaomi Cai grinned: "Just rely on him? Hey, you are too young to marry me."


Tong Tong was puzzled. This was curious and looked ahead. Everything was as he expected. When Zhao’s seven were thrown out by Qin Shi, Zhao’s two old men stepped on the air twice, and they would In the hands, followed by his old eyes, a cold, exposed: "Boy, you are fooled, I want you to die!"

After all, he ran out with his hands, and the five fingers formed a huge brown cyclone, which was nearly a hundred feet in size and fell against the eyebrows of Qin Shi.

Just when the audience died, all Zhao’s disciples showed excitement in their eyes. Qin Shi suddenly bowed his head alone and said: “It’s really a non-trustworthy person, then there is nothing to say.”


Zhao Jia Er Lao was surprised, and followed by Qin Shi suddenly looked up, black as a pair of sharp sharp edges, directed at him, as if torn his dirty body, once pierced in his soul The same, it made him feel a little uneasy.

Hey! Subsequently, Qin Shi rushed to his fingers and gently slammed his fingers. He saw that the air around Zhao’s two old people was slightly illusory, suddenly generating huge fluctuations. Then, several consecutive beams of light rose to heaven~www.novelmtl. Com~ Like a sleepy cage, he sealed it firmly.

Even the huge cyclone in his palm was destroyed after being affected by the light beam.

"This is the formation?"

This is why everyone is shocked. Tong Tong is even more incredible. This makes me realize that Xiaomi Cai said to him before, he took a small stone.

At this time, Qin Shi was in his eyes, as if he was a godlike god, too powerful.

Qin Shi sneered, long before he felt the crisis, and then he would not leave a good hand for himself? Otherwise, he will not throw the Zhao family seven times so easily. The reason why he will do this is to lead the Zhao family to the second place. He said: "Old guy, you are here in the mountain road. Let's be quiet for a while."

Immediately, his face was grim, and he turned back to Tong Tongdao: "Well, we are hurrying. This law can't hold him too long. We have to save the childhood in half an hour, and the boy is happy."

Then he took the lead to get up, and the direction he went to was not what everyone expected, and it turned out to be Zhao Tianyun's healing place.

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