Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 910: Planning to save people

"Adult, what do you mean by this?"

Qin Shi was silent for a moment and shook his head: "In short, you should calm down first, don't be impulsive when you meet something, I will help you, let's go in."

In the fog, I heard a pass. Obviously, Tong Tong didn’t understand the meaning of Qin Shi. However, because of the thought of the boy’s heart, I didn’t think much, and nodded and pushed in.

But the door was just opened, and the picture that caught the eye made him stay in the same place, and he couldn’t step in at the same time. It seemed like stupid: "How, how could this be?"

I saw that this lonely house was a mess, as if it had been swept by a bandit, it was full of dust, [pig] [pig] [island] novel www.huhu.m fallen leaves, all of an old tree It was cut off, the furniture of the tables and chairs fell to the ground, and these were not the most important. The most important thing was that Tong Tong was under the roots of an old tree, and he even saw the red blood, the blood. It has not been sticky, and it has a slight fever. It can be seen from this that it has just been caused.

"Children, Zixin...!"

Tong Tong suddenly returned to God, and immediately he ran into the house, and then, looking for a room, each room, like the house, was messy.

After a while, he almost looked through every corner of the room, but he never saw the figure in his heart. This made his heart more and more uneasy. He fell from the house and kept using his hands. Excavating on the loess of the earth, it seems that even if he digs three feet, he will find Tong Qing and Tong Zi Xin.

This is called Qin Shi and Xiaomi Cai. It is slightly heavy from the rear. Qin Shi sighs. The picture he most wants to see is finally there. In fact, when he first arrived outside the house, he used it for these years. The power of the soul will detect it, and therefore, he will frown before, and talked with Tong Tong about those who told him to remain calm.

He took a few steps: "Don't dig, they are not here."

"How, how could this be like this!!" Tong Tong Liu Shen has no owner, the whole person is desperate, can see that this has dealt a great blow to him: "Why, why, our brothers and sisters, experienced so many, can finally be stable Life, why do you want to treat us like this...!"

"It’s Zhao, it must be Zhao’s, it’s Zhao Tianyun’s revenge.” He whispered, his voice was not very big, but he made great moves. He suddenly turned up and rushed outside the house. Just rushed out.

Qin Shi can see the look of death from his face, and stop him: "What are you going to do?"

"Adult, you let go, I am going to the Zhao family, I am going to save them."

Qin Shi wrinkled his frown: "Is it by you? You know very well, with your ability, let alone go to Zhao to save people. Can you go into Zhao? It's hard to say, you go, just die!"

"Yes, it is to die, I have to go to death!" But unexpectedly, the voice of Tong Tong suddenly increased: "Our brothers and sisters have said that even if they die, they will die together. Now they are still dead in Zhao, I must To save them, can't save them, I will die with them! Adults, you let go!"

Qin Shi’s heart trembled. He could see that Tong Tong was not joking. This kind of feeling called him to move, but he still did not retreat: “If I said, you don’t have to die?”

"Well? Adult, what do you mean by this?"

"Before I came in, I told you that you should not be impulsive. No matter what you encounter, I will help you. Since you also said that this matter is still due to me, then I naturally have to bear the consequences for my sin. Besides, I also want to see you. This is a gimmick that I have never met, but has a lot of fate." Qin Shi smiled faintly.

And his smile, for Tong Tong, is like a dark abyss, like a twilight of extravagance, excited: "Big, adults, you mean, you have to help me, you have to help me save the boy , rescued Zixin?"

Qin Shi did not rush to promise: "Well, but the premise is that you can calm down and not make impulsive things. If it is really what Zhao has done, then they will take away Tong Qing and Zi Xin, certainly for revenge. You, if you are also under their control, they will have no worries. At that time, killing the child, Zixin is also possible, although I can promise to help you save people from Zhao, but want to grab people from the palace, I There is no such thing."

Qin Shi’s words, like a huge stone firmly holding the children’s copper, plus the unique king’s gas field, Tong Tong’s quiet nodded: “I know, I will not be impulsive, as long as I can save Zixin. , tell me how to do it."

Said to be calm, his heart still can not suppress the anxious, hesitant and hesitant, and asked: "But adults, how do we do? This Zhao family in the city that never sleeps, has a high status, defense is not strict, Zhao family is more It’s an elder who has a layer of Scorpio and three people in nine days. It’s hard to get outsiders to want to mix in and save people.”

"Don't worry, just wait here, this Zhao family is not difficult to enter, or more people will come to invite us." And Qin Shi is very calm, even sitting alone from the house on the knees, closing his eyes repose.

This action made Tong Tong more urgent, but he did not dare to say anything, because he knew in his heart that if there was no help from Qin Shi, then he had absolutely no hope. When he went to Zhao, he could only be like him. As said, there is no way to save the child, the boy, and only to die with them.

The process of waiting is very torturous. In fact, it has not been how long it has been. It is only three or two hours. For a practitioner, it is a bombardment of the command room, but Tong Tong seems to have spent centuries, and has been in the house. Keep shaking.

Looking at him, Xiaomi Cai was fascinated, she thought she was enough to make trouble, I did not expect that there are people in this world who are still more troubled than her, and finally directly to the eye-catching Jiao Jiao: "Hey, I said you this person Can you be a bit honest? A lot of shaking in this shake, shaking, owing?"

Tong Tong heard the words, not happy, in the past he will certainly not compare with Xiaomi, but he is joking, now his brother and sister have been taken away, life and death are unknown, suddenly angry: "Do you think I think? You know, don't you know? It's a torment and a torment for me now!"

"Isn't I promised you to help you save your little girl?" Xiaomi painted her waist.

The two kept squashing. This is called Qin Shi, who was always calm and calm. He finally opened his black hair, and his face was helpless. It was also this moment. His flash of light flashed and his body flashed and blocked in front of the two.


Followed by a crisp sound, a sharp arrow came out of the air, and he was caught by his hands. The scared Xiaomi Cai and Tong Tong quickly shut up, Xiaomi Cai said: "Hey, are you okay?"

"You two, quiet for a while, I will be fine." Qin Shi did not have a good snoring, followed by the boy's copper road: "Well, you don't worry, I have already said to you, will Someone came to ask us to go to the Zhao family. Now we will leave."

“Really?” Tong Tong was a happy first, and he stumbled at it randomly. He said: “Adult, the person you said is...!”

"Look at it yourself." Qin Shi handed the arrow to Tong Tong. This is called Tong Tong. On the arrow of Li Jian, there is a piece of leather letter paper with a small line of words written on it.

"When the night falls, I don't want to give Tong Qing and the boy a good corpse. I will bring the stupid boy who helped you out to Zhao Fu!"

After reading the letters, Tong Tong suddenly realized that this is a request, this is clearly the ultimatum that Zhao Tianyun gave them, and looked at Qin Shi, who looked worried: "Adult, no, this is clearly a banquet, this Zhao family The power is huge, Zhao Tianyun has eaten your losses outside, and now the Zhao family must be the sky, waiting for you to pass, let's do this, isn't it in their tricks?"

"That's not it? Do you want to give Tong Qing and Zi Xin a corpse?" Qin Shi said bluntly, and called Tong Tong silent.

Immediately, he took a picture of Tong Tong’s shoulder: “Do not worry, I want to kill Qin Shi. The average person can still do it. The face must always face, first ensure the safety of Tong Qing and Zi Xin, then, Feel free to change it."

Originally, I wanted to speak, but because of the safety of Tong Qing and Tong Zixin, Tong Tong nodded with a long sigh and followed him: "But adults, if you are in danger, you must keep your life, don't Scruples me, if you can, just hope, you can help me save my little girl, the sky is unfair, she has suffered too much in her life."

Qin Shi relieved him and shook his head: "Since I promised to help you, it will definitely not call any of you three people, something goes wrong, peace of mind."

After that, he did not give the opportunity to open the children's copper, and Xiaomi Cai got up and left the lonely house, and went to Zhaojiafu to go to Tong Tong lost his eyes for a long time, looking at the thin figure in front of him, from On Qin Shi's body, he seemed to find out that he supported the power invisibly, and told him to clench his fists and follow him up.

Zhaojiafu, on the most prosperous street in the city that never sleeps, covers a very large area. From the outside, it looks like a deserted town. It is very rich.

"This Zhao family is really a small one." Qin Shi said in his heart.

The voice of the blood wizard also sounded: "Little guy, you can think about it, you don't forget the purpose of your trip. This Zhao family is the first big family in the city that never sleeps. The strength of the homeowner is awkward. You have provoked them, and the city that never sleeps will have no place for you, and by that time, you are looking for a ridiculous heart ru, it is really hard to add."

Qin Shi took a deep breath, and the blood wizard said that he also understood, but he was struggling in his heart. He couldn’t watch it, and Tong Qing and Tong Zixin had an accident. In the end, they were helpless. What do you say about it? I have already promised Tong Tong, I don’t want to hit my own face, ruining the reputation of these years, taking a step and taking a step. As for the ridiculous heart, I must get it. In the end, if it doesn’t work, it’s at all costs, even if it’s grabbed, I’ll grab it!”

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