Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 883: Li protects the law and loses

The crisp sound penetrated the clouds and continually echoed from the heavens and the earth thousands of miles away, so that everyone was heard clearly, and then continued for a little while, during which time as if time was still, no one opened. No one gasps, they are calm, waiting for the final result.

The sound seems to have magical power. After penetrating the air, it falls on the crystal nucleus of the chest of the law, forming a special Sanskrit, which is in harmony with the crystal nucleus.


Then, the nucleus seems to have been bred for a long time, and has reached the ultimate crater, receiving the Sanskrit sound wave of Qin Shi, opening the last opportunity, releasing the infinite power.

 (Pig) (Pig) (Island) (Fiction) www.zhu; suddenly, the huge blasting sounds through the heavens and the earth, as if the whole hundred tides are shaking, the body of the law is full of people’s bodies. Going out and knocking over a tens of meters high mountain in the rear, the power is big, the mountain peaks collapsed fiercely, and a piece of stone of several people size was crushed into powder.

The heavens and the earth are disturbed by power, the wind whistling, the clouds are shattering, the mountains and rivers are destroyed beyond recognition, and they are fluttering in the shock, calling them tens of thousands of people, they can clearly perceive that the main direction of the explosive force is external use. If the direction is reversed, the fear of being among the thousands of people present will be crushed by power, and no one can survive from it.

Even the holy wind empire is estimated to be destroyed.

But even then, the national wall of the holy wind has disappeared, not collapsed, but it seems to be wiped directly from the world. The inner walls of the city are affected. The buildings above three floors collapse and the earth cracks open. The cobweb-like gully is still splitting in a deeper direction.

The moon that was hit by the force from the sky was frowning, and the lips raised slightly and smiled: "This kid, this is to destroy the Baichao area, but it is like a disciple from my sword."

Yu Wei was still spreading, and finally it lasted for a few minutes. When Yu Wei was exhausted, there was no sound around him. The birds were silent, not that they did not speak, but everyone was shocked.

This is simply the result they can't imagine.

Qin Shi released this force, his face was pale and pale, and eventually he was summoned to the nine stars, and he was lifted into the ruins with the palm that was not destroyed by the protector.

However, Li Lifa is not so lucky. After he turned into a magic body, he was already very large. Most of the power was on his body. The black blood was like a spring, and it was constantly from the wolf. Squirt upwards.

When the blood stopped, everyone looked down and looked through the sandstone of the soil. I saw that the law had been broken, and the huge body was lying in the ruins of the absurd, motionless. It is a giant mountain.


Li protects the law and breaks the air, and Lin Yu’s eyes follow the ecstasy.

Among the tens of thousands of people, there was a sudden violent cheer. The moon was also a few stunned eyes. He took the lyrical sword and raised his head, as if looking at the underworld outside the Nine Miles: "Teacher, I finally replaced You take revenge."

But under that pleasure, Qin Shi did not suffer too much infection, but the black scorpion always remained serious. I don’t know why he always felt a little strange. He knows the power of the attack just now. Yuanshen and Lingjing The fusion is indeed the most tyrannical trick he has ever published, but will Li Fazhi be defeated like this? No, this is impossible. In that case, he is not a group.

"Little guy, be careful, that at the last moment, the spirit of the law removed the spirit from the flesh. Now it should be hidden in the ruin. Don't give him a chance to let him run away." The blood wizard faintly said.

Qin Shi black and sullen: "It really is not that simple."

Immediately, his dynasty suddenly spread, with a huge aperture covering 10,000 meters, every inch of the surrounding, every minute of the wind blowing, all converge into the sea of ​​knowledge, especially under the huge body of the law, ultimately from this Position, he noticed a very faint black light and shadow, his eyes suddenly slammed: "Is it hiding here?"

Under the huge corpse, the spirit of the Guardian Law apparently felt locked by Qin Shi, and told him to unknowingly hit a shackle. This is why he can’t hide what is hidden, smash it, cut through the sky, and become a black one. The shadows flew towards the holy wind.

"Want to go?"

I have already spelled this to the point. If I scream for it, I can't even tolerate this kind of mistake. I can't tolerate this kind of mistake. The empty body of the body is swept away, and I walk through the clouds in a strange way, blocking the retreat of the law.

Seeing the movement of Qin Shi, everyone was stunned and revealed a few shocks: "After experiencing such a terrible explosion, the law has not yet died?"

Lin Yu’s eyes are sinking, and their heavy weight is not the law of protection. Because they know the character of Qin Shi, today’s law can’t run away, just to make them look ugly, this group is too powerful. Alright?

They think that Qin Shi is already perverted, but this one of the group sent by the group has such a power to attack the sky. It is necessary to know the explosion just now, fearing that any one of the entire hundred tides will be hit by the front. In the words, they will be killed on the spot, or even turned into fly ash, which can still survive the stagnation of the shackles.

How exaggerated will the whole group be? And all of them know that there is a battle between Qin Shi and the scorpion group. This is a fate, and they will be an indispensable part of this Su Ming.

Seeing Qin Shi, Li Bingfa is like a ghost. He lost the body of the devil. He is only the size of a mortal body. No, even an ordinary person. He only has a little more at the waist of Qin Shi. It looks very good. Petite, but exudes a sneaky dissatisfaction with his body shape: "Hey, kid, what do you want to do? You can't kill me, I am a group of people. If you kill me, it will bring you a murder." ""

"Are you going to kill yourself? Oh, do you think this kind of threat is useful to me? I won't kill you, will the group let me go?" Qin Shixiao shook his head and smiled, with a subtle relationship between him and his group. The two have long since reached a point where they cannot be alleviated.

Li Hufa blinked his eyes, and he was dumbfounded by Qin Shi. He was forced to swear and swear: "Okay, good, good, kid, since you have to do things, then I am fighting for the last." In one breath, it won't make you have a good life!"

"The devil's explosion!"

Li Hufa suddenly opened his hand, and the action called Qin Shi also frowned. The blood wizard quickly exclaimed: "The kid, flashing away, he wants to blew the soul, the savage of the heavens, this one hundred miles will be Flattened to the ground."

Qin Shi heard the words, but he was shocked, but he did not retreat. Instead, he used his eyes to look at the position of Lin Yu and others. The distance from Li Li was less than 10,000 meters. If the distance is strong, then They must be seriously injured.

But when everyone thought that the law would be a desperate attempt, he took Qin Shi's loss of God, and the palm suddenly recovered. He slammed it and rushed out in the opposite direction of Qin Shi.


Qin Shi stunned and provoked his sneer. This guy’s feelings are just doing what he is doing. There is no courage to blew himself.

call out!

However, the law of protection has just come out, and a swordman has fallen from the sky. He will directly cut off the land in front of the body. He is so scared that the law has stopped quickly. He did not dare to step forward. He only looked up and saw that he had intercepted him. .

"You killed my younger brother, I said that you have to pay the price, you can't run today." The lyrical sword points to the law, and the cold moon.

Li Biao’s eyes are awkward. This time he has a wolf in front and a tiger in the back. It’s really nowhere to escape. The more fear of the eyes is invented: “You, you can’t kill me, I’m dead.” I will receive the news, they will send support to it immediately. If there is a magical move, then let alone you are red, even the entire hundred tides will be destroyed."

Haoyue shook his head indifferently. He didn't care about the words of Li Hufa. The lyrical sword in his hand was lifted up, and the sword gas overflowed from the blade, and it was shrouded in the law.


But suddenly, a large hand with a golden scale held the blade, Qin Shi shook his head and shook his head: "Don't kill him first."

The moon frowned, and the law of protection was the smirk: "Hey, kid, how? Are you afraid? Hey, I said, you can't kill me, you let me go now, maybe I will spare. You, otherwise I want you to die sooner or later, and slaughter your **** in the morning and evening."


Qin Shi licked his mouth, and immediately he did not explain the rushing month. Instead, he waved his palm and took out the blasting beads. In the blasting beads, there were still many medullary sputum taken from the volcanic volcano 300,000 meters~www.novelmtl .com~ Geositic spurting out, immediately igniting the hot high temperature, giving people the feeling that it is going to burn the sky, so many people can't help but look red, and sweating out.

Qin Shi is very direct, and the control of the central medicine will trap the law, and said: "Reassured, I will not kill you, but it is not because of fear, but I still have a lot of things to ask you, you are now inside. Let's be honest."

In other words, Qin Shi will recover the heart and heart inflammation, together with the soul of the Li Hufa seal into the explosion of the beads.

Under this time, Qin Shi only relaxed, and when the tight heartstrings were loose, an extreme exhaustion emerged from his heart. When everything was over, he was really tired, from the day he decided to fight with the holy wind, until After destroying the sea of ​​clouds, slaughtering the mountains, and now the holy wind, this month, Qin Shi did not have a moment of rest, a few degrees of spiritual exhaustion, a few degrees of physical overdraft, he really reached the limit The heart is exhausted.

But he still couldn't take his rest. From behind him, there was a burning gaze. He told him to go back to the first place. He was staring at him. The murder in his eyes had not dissipated. He said: "Do you want to Give me a reasonable explanation?"

This time, Qin Shi called for trouble, could not help but smile, and for a time he forgot the moon.

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