Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 882: End-of-life


The thunderous bangs fell from the clouds, and within a radius of 10,000 meters around the holy wind, they were all filled with crisp metal collisions, as if they were everywhere.

Haoyue continued to swim in the ten fingers of the Lifa Law. The ten fingers were like the invincible blade. In the moon, he used his own kendo and was anxious in it. He could see that after several confrontations, he had already shown signs of collapse and subtlety on his forehead. The sweat ran down.

However, he is still insisting that the broken nine stars are constantly waving big punches, and attacking the shackles of the shackles in order to fight for the scent of Qin Shi, but with the status quo of the two, it is not a magical illusion. The opponent of the body's strong protection method, Li Hufa has taken advantage of it, deliberately playing the two, his repair is the real % pig% pig% island% novel ww. is too strong.

Looking at the distant situation, Lin Yu and other people's hearts all mentioned the mouth of the scorpion, silently praying in the heart, and several of them set their sights on the clouds, sitting on the face of Qin Shi.

Qin Shi fell into a state of selflessness. From his surroundings, he formed a unique barrier, which separated him from the world. The volatility formed a ripple in the air, and it spread slightly, and the tens of thousands of people became serious.

"This power is so unique."

All the emperors will be in phase, and all the people with heads and faces in the hundred tides are frowning and are attracted by the movement of Qin Shi.

After such a long war, these people have some understanding of Qin Shi. In their view, Qin Shi is not the kind of boy, but the sophisticated appearance, so many of them must sigh, so They almost dared to conclude that Qin Shi’s squatting is not a hole in the wind, and must be sure.

"That boy seems to be preparing."

"Well, look at this, it should be a special kind of martial arts. This martial arts may also be his last card, and the outcome is here."

Lin Yu clenched his fist and said in his heart: "Stone, come on."

In Qin Shi’s self-world, it is a vain darkness. He drifts from this sea without light, and between the vagueness, he can see a huge figure from the darkness. The dragon lion body, with antler horseshoes, resembles the ancient auspicious beast: Kirin, but it is somewhat different from the previous unicorns. This is not a colorful cloud, but when the heavens are first opened, the chaos is like a chicken. The arrogance is undoubtedly the body of swallowing the sky.

Qin Shi will open the black scorpion slightly: "Here, is it inside the demons totem?"

This is also the first time he has come here. After a battle in the chaotic domain, he was swallowed by the demon spirits. The demon wakes up and passes on all the power of the demon, but he has never used it.

But it didn't work, but it didn't mean that he didn't find it. Before he was in the Chiyan Empire, Su Ming had studied it in the past few days because he knew that the enemy he was facing was a group, not like In the face of ordinary enemies, more preparations must be made, so during this period he read countless books about the historic ancient war of 30,000 years ago, and also made a deeper understanding of the demons. Interpretation.

"Demon, lend me your strength."

Qin Shi gently whispered, and began to leap into the giant shadow, and finally stayed under the giant mouth of the huge shadow.

From that huge mouth, it is a dark brown, full of great power of light.

Qin Shi held the light group with one hand, and a surge of power like a river surged into his body, causing him to tremble with his body and exclaimed: "Good strength, this is the **** of the demon." ?"

For the Yuanshen, Qin Shi once heard the evil devil said.

The evil spirits, the wild beasts, the human beings, and the cultivation systems of the three major races are all different. The human being is the hub of the nine spiritual veins, relying on the spirit of the tiantian Lingjing to accumulate the aura of the heavens and the earth, and then achieve the effect of cultivation, and the wild animal is With the beast, the fierce demon is the god.

That is to say, this **** is equivalent to the ordinary person's Dantian Lingjing, but Qin Shi can feel it. Nowadays, although the demon's **** is also in the natural world, it has a large part of it still in the open field. It can be seen that the devil's injury has not recovered yet, but it also shows how powerful the demon has been. It is even stronger to Qin Shi and even dare not imagine it. When this **** is completely saturated, what kind of horrible cultivation will be achieved? .

Then, I am afraid that the domain can not be measured by the existence of it?

He did not delay, just as the emperors would have guessed, this is his last card. The spiritual power passed by the gods made him feel very painful, but he was awkward and clenched, letting the stock Power broke into his blood.

The battles of the outside world have entered a white-hot battle, and almost all of them have been destroyed within a hundred miles. Seeing the hard pursuit of the law, the moon and the nine stars have been struggling, and they are already at the end of the battle. They can only dodge from it, and then continue to dodge from it. Do not be killed, this is called Lin Yu and other people's hearts are hanging up.

This is not a matter of desperation. When they raised their eyes, they noticed a bit of darkness from the face of Qin Shi. Even the half-sky sky around him was dull, and his brows wrinkled.

"Well, this appearance, the stone he was countered by martial arts." Su Ming several people in a big heart, now the situation, Qin Shi is their last hope, if he has any mistakes, then the red inflammation will be defeated .

At that time, it was the result they could not afford.

The flowers are beautiful and sad, and gently said: "Little guy, don't let us down."

In that dimly lit space, Qin Shi was deeply trapped in the mouth of the giant shadow. The impact of that huge force called him painful, but in this unbearable, he made an extremely amazing action.

If someone can see this scene, it will be thought that Qin Shi is crazy. He hangs on Dantian with one hand, and the five fingers are slightly bent. He raises a breath and actually forces his Ling Jing out of Dantian and floats to his palm. Above.

"Demon, since you and I have been integrated, let us blend more thoroughly, call my Lingjing, and merge with your god."

Qin Shi five fingers together, the next one he black opened, the palm of the hand against the natural **** of the gods forcefully photographed, suddenly, the crystal of his palm and the gods touched into a group.

No matter the Yuanshen or Lingjing, they all have a huge aura of heaven and earth. When the two collide, they are like two shells that destroy the world. A fierce tremor, like a cosmic explosion.


The wild volatility shook the Qin Shi's meridians, but in the midst of such great pain, he still did not step back, letting the fault formed after his blending through him.


He screamed, and this giant scorpion seemed to drive the meridians of his body, and the beginning was just a pure sound wave, which turned into a fascinating spiritual power, and the entire dim space suddenly became bright.


At this moment, Qin Shi, who was sitting on the top of the cloud, suddenly opened the black scorpion. From his glory, there seemed to be a very clear glimmer of light. At that moment, the audience was sluggish for a while, countless people. Go up and go.

Even the emperors frowned at each other. From Qin Shi’s surroundings, they felt a murderous spirit. The breath was never released by human beings, but it was not like a monster.

It was a kind of gas field that belonged to Qin Shi. His body shape changed. The Lingjing at Dantian exudes a slight darkness. It is also in this moment that his eyebrows have a fourth blood.

The **** four is already an experience he has never had before. The strength of the early days of the Scorpio has once again expanded, causing his body to vibrate several times.


Qin Shi screamed.

Hearing the words, Haoyue stunned, and immediately he admired the moonlight moonlight. From the perspective of the moonlight, the time should be just half-column, and he smiled palely: "It is very punctual."

Immediately, he did not delay, the lyrical sword in his hand swayed several times in a row, and the claws of the Guardian Law were broken by gravity, and the body slammed back and forth.

Haoyue just flashed back, Qin Shi Nianli sacrificed, with the gold grain branding control, the nine stars were retracted into the space ring, when the huge figure like the giant mountain disappeared from the front, the magic body of the strong protection law was unveiled from his eyes.

"Yuan Ling is one, the end of the world is bursting!"

His handprints condensed, and it was between the lips and teeth. A mouthful of suffocating snorting, followed by two different forces, condensed from his mouth, turned into a thorough tiny nucleus, and finally shot from his mouth, such as A sword that shoots through the sun and the moon in a foot, generally runs through the chest of the law.

The sudden attack of the crystal nucleus called the Guardian Law is also a shock to the heart. The huge magic eye has dried up a few times. From the nucleus, I feel a few crises that can threaten his life. The magic eye is fusion: "Terror Power, how can this kid release this martial arts?"

Thinking of this, he did not hesitate, the magic body turned into a black shadow and flashed quickly But he discovered that the crystal nucleus was locked on his body, no matter how he turned, crystal nucleus It will follow very quickly, which makes him no longer calm.

When the nucleus continued to expand from him, it was less than a kilometer away, and he could see through two completely different forces: "This is, swallowing the gods, and the spirit of this kid? He will swallow The power of heaven has reached this level?"

Qin Shi heard the words in the distance, but also the eyes became murdered. This sturdy law actually recognized his tricks? This is not good news, although he does not care that the group knows his identity with the demon, but he does not want to circulate back to the group for this card.

Therefore, his killing of the law of protection is becoming more apparent.

"Give me broken!"

Qin Shi five fingers stretched out, forcefully slammed the shackles of the law, and the nucleus suddenly collapsed, and it was posted on the heart of the law.

Being stuck by the nucleus, the smattering method is full of surprises, but he is obviously too late to break free. Qin Shi’s mouth is rising, and the faint road: “Protect the law, you are defeated.”


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