Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 863: Re-enter the cold pool

The two people in the void saw Yuan Bo, and the clear eyes were soft and clear. They could be seen. It seems that there are ten years, centuries, millenniums, or eternal years. For a long time, it is no longer possible to express the feelings with time.

Fufeng was still the same casual appearance. He and Yuan Bo were holding each other together. The two men patted each other's shoulders and helped the wind laugh: "Yes, it really has been gone for a long time."

"How, is everything going well?"

Yuan Bo smiled and said: "Success is smooth, but that kid, the opinion on me is really big now, and he is too careful now, too alert."

&nbs? Pig? Pig? Island? novel w.uup; "Haha, when you have a loss?" The old urchin laughed from the side, and immediately he took a deep breath in the air, the breath of Qin Shi, unexpectedly said: "This kid is really an accident. When I last couldn’t control the magic, I just reached the beginning of the mysterious spirit. Now I have reached this point?"

"Well, this time I went to the chaotic domain. The things I experienced have played a big role in his growth. To be honest, I have never thought about it. He will grow so fast, but this is just the right thing. The bigger, they seem to have found a way to resurrection, this kid is our last hope." Fufeng nodded, and immediately he turned to Yuan Bodao: "The three people under the throne are your most temperament. Calm, the rest is handed over to you."

"Let's give me a high hat here. If there is a choice, do you think I am willing to be here?" Yuan Bo glanced at Fufeng and immediately smiled: "Hope, everything will go well."

"Yes, the life is turning, and the boy will understand the emperor and our good intentions one day sooner or later." Fufeng looked up at Tianzhu, and immediately when his voice fell, the figure of him and the old urchin had disappeared. Leave Yuan Bo lost in the empty room.

The other side.

Leaving the doorless auction house, Qin Shi Expressway traveled, like an eagle to cut through the sky, and called the countless people on Hongyan to marvel.

Soon, he came to the northern region.

He overlooked the ground below, and countless pictures in his mind were put together. He couldn't help but remind him of the five years, every picture, vividly in sight.

From the northern region, when he passed the desert town, he paused. He felt the situation of the Qin family in the desert town through his thoughts. Yuluo was taking care of Qin Tianqing and Qiong Shuyao. Xu Qiaoer was also there.

"What? Don't you go back?" asked the blood wizard.

Qin Shi hesitated and shook his head: "No, now go back, nothing can be solved, only to ask them to increase their worries, and wait until after the rescue of the golden words."

In a word, he yelled at the direction of the Qin family and said to himself: "Hey, mother, Raksha, forgive me, pass by the house and not wait, wait a minute, wait until I rescue the golden words, save the grandfather. I will definitely bring them back. At that time, our family was reunited, and I was in the same family, and told me to accompany you well."

Immediately, he resisted the repression and disappointment in his heart, turned his head and jumped in the direction of the ancient city.

The ancient city is the base of Qinzong. Now it has been expanded into the largest city in the northern region. It used to be only a wall of more than ten meters high. It is now as high as a hundred feet, towering into the clouds, even compared with the red wall. It is also beyond the reach.

Looking at the prosperity, Qin Shi could not help but feel sigh and pride: "Oh, I still remember that when I first entered the ancient city, it was just a three-level town in the northern region, a blink of an eye, five years, Time is really fast."

"Don't worry, only five years, your road is still far away. After five years, there will be fifty years, five hundred years, or even five thousand years, there are more glory waiting for you to create." Blood wizard shrugged Shrug.

Qin Shi was surprised: "Hey, when did you start, you also learned to flatter me?"

"It is not flattering, it is serious." Unexpectedly, the blood wizard is very serious: "To tell the truth, when I first saw you, I also thought about it. You are a hairy boy in his early twenties, just entering the heavens, what is it? I can call the group so much, but now, I have known you for more than a year. Many things that you have experienced have made me feel incredible. Sometimes I even think, maybe I was defeated by you. Good things, at least if one day, if you really destroy the group, in our current relationship, you will let me kill, oh, right?"

Wen Yan, Qin Shi haha ​​laughed: "Well, if one day, I will destroy the group, then I will let you." After that, his eyes could not help but a lot, so he clenched his clenched fist. : "Just don't know, how far it will go this day."

But right away, he adjusted his state: "Of course, no matter how long, I believe that this day will always become a reality."

"Okay, then continue on the road, try to get me back free soon."

Qin Shi admitted: "It really shouldn't be delayed."

After that, his body swayed, and a step disappeared above the ancient city. When he reappeared, it was already on an endless grassland. The faint cold wind smashed from above, and the grass that was half-human was shaking, like a Just like a sickle.

Qin Shi fell to the body and smelled the fragrant smell of the face. The eyes flashed a little bit of sorrow, and it made people feel sad.

He still remembers that the last time he came here, the one who followed him was the innocent girl who was noisy at the last minute and gave up his life for him.

"I don't know, how Shilan is now in the sky." Qin Shi Chang Shu breathed, trying to control himself not to think too much, this is going along this grassland, and walked to the front of the natural cliff.

"From this going on, it is the cold hole."

Qin Shi looked through the silver chain-like waterfall and jumped.

This is the second time he came here. When he walked into the cold hole, he remembered the last time he was suffering from cold poison, so he was very instinctive.

"Look at your cautious appearance, the cold poison here is caused by spiritual power, and it is very powerful for people below heaven, but it is useless to those above heaven." The blood wizard laughed.

Qin Shi heard the words, only to relieve the tone, and then only to run the spiritual power, with the spiritual power of the continuous crying in the cold pool: "Zi Lingsha, Zi Lingsha, Zi Lingsha!"

But when the sound echoed for a long time, in addition to the light sound of the water falling in the cold pool, there was no response from the cold hole, and he could not help but frown: "Is it not?"

He went a few steps deeper, and the blood wizard suddenly said: "Kid, look at that side."


Qin Shi stunned and stared in the direction pointed by the blood wizard. I saw a high-pitched stalagmite in the central position of the Hantan Cave. The milky white luster revealed from above can be judged and should be weathered for thousands of years. It is corroded, and the light is the bell emulsion precipitated above, which contains a strong fragrance.

On the top of the stalagmites, there was a letter, and the letter was pressed by a clear blue vial. Qin Shi was still able to see a few small handwritings from the corner of the letter: Zi Lingsha's handwriting.

Qin Shi went to the stalagmite and opened the letter. The above is a small and elegant handwriting. I read it line by line: "Qin Shi, when you come back, I should have been out of here. You should come to me for the purpose. Poison, this bottle of queen bee is poisonous, you keep it, it is a kind of royal jelly refining by the gods of the gods, and it has strong toxicity."

"Of course, this poison is not for you. Don't forget that you promised me that the snow cuckoo, I will come to you for it."

When Qin Shi finished reading, the blood wizard was curious and asked: "Boy, what is in this small bottle? Good fragrance."

"If you are good, you can try it. Of course, if you are poisoned, I will not be responsible."

Qin Shi glanced at the letter to the blood wizard, and immediately the face of the blood wizard changed. He warned: "The soul-seeking queen! That is the king of poison, once this kind of poison is planted, unless it is a big domain. Yes, otherwise it will break out and die."

In other words, the blood witch is the color of the rushing Qin Shidao: "The kid, this purple Lingsha, what is the character? The soul of the soul-eater bee king, but not everyone can get it."

Hearing this statement, Qin Shi was caught in a long silence. In these years, there is a saying that he always remembers in his heart, that is, when Zi Lingsha and he said, we are a kind of person.

"What does this kind of person mean?"

Qin Shi shouted, and finally there was no clue, but he was never the kind of person who was willing to find trouble for himself. If he couldn’t figure it out, then he didn’t want to, anyway, he knew that one day, one day, he and Zi Lingsha would still Goodbye, for the feeling of Zi Lingsha ~ ~ as if he is like Yuan Bo, he always feels that this purple Lingsha is not simple.

Picking up the poisonous bee king's poison, Qin Shi only left the cold pool, of course, before he left, he also swept all the bell lotions in the cold pool: "These are all treasures, Chi Yan is training elite disciples, just right Can be used."

When he made sure that there were no more treasures in the cold hole, he would just leave here and return to the palace. I am afraid that Zi Lingsha would know his style and would be mad at him.

Three days after returning to the Imperial City, Qin Shi did not rest, but trained with Lin Yu on the elite disciples. He personally gave these disciples a martial art and pointed out the maze. In just three days, he called this group. The progress of the disciples is fast.

Finally, at the end of the third day, when the night was just over, the meteor broke through the night sky and looked very beautiful.

Qin Shi closed his eyes in the palace, and the meteor fell directly from his top, causing him to open his eyes and reach out. A note was held by him.

Open the note and enter a small line.

"The group appears, speed is coming!"

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