Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 862: Deal with Yuan Bo

Wen Yan, Qin Shi faint smile: "Awaiting for a long time? That is to say, Yuan boss has long known that I am coming?"

Lin Qingshui concealed a smile, did not say clearly, but she was eagerly swayed, and the slight turn of the pace, has undoubtedly proved Qin Shi's speculation.

Qin Shi frowned, but still got up and kept up with Lin Qingshui. The no-door auction house in Huacheng was very similar to the lotus city. The interior was also composed of a huge seal array, and then like a maze, followed by Lin Qingshui. He turned dozens of bends left and right, and finally stopped in front of a dark corner. In front of it was a closed stone door. Lin Qingshui pointed to the inside: "The son, our boss is inside."

Qin Shi nodded and looked around from the surroundings, looking at the walls that created very similar, + pig + pig + island + novel ww.zhom at this time he has completely lost the way to come, called him secretly: "It's really secret. If there is no one to lead the way, then you really can't get there."

After that, he did not delay, and when he opened the stone door, he stepped into it.

The room was very dim. Because it was not seen in the sun all the year round, it was cold and humid, and the facilities were simple. The central table was covered with a fire on the wooden table. Qin Shi was able to see through the faint halo. On the wooden table, Yuan Bo, sitting in the dilapidated chair.

"Yuan boss is really good Yaxing, as a red Yan, no, it should be the biggest rich businessman in Baichao, but hiding in such a dark corner? Why, is there any place that can't be seen?" Qin Shi Yin Yang strange Laughter.

Yuan Bo sat up straight, faintly said: "Oh, Qin brother, nothing to go to the Three Treasure Hall, you fly from the imperial city to the flower city, should not only be to dig me? And, I think If there is something to ask me, you are not an attitude of asking for help."

Qin Shi did not agree with the smile: "Oh, Yuan Bo boss is really a magical calculation, I really have something to ask you, but also have to look at you first to answer me."

"Is it for the holy wind?"

Yuan Bo’s warm and unhappy laughter, the tea cup on the wooden table was lifted, and a few mouthfuls of cool air were gently blown, and a sip of one was satisfied. “Yes, it’s a good cup of tea.”

But seeing him so calm, Qin Shi is not calm, the luster between the black scorpion looks very heavy: "Do you know?"

"Qin's brother is a big knife. When he came back in January, he continued to destroy the Beastmaster, Yunhai, and Wangshan. This is probably in the midst of the tide. No one doesn't know?" Yuan Bo spread his hand and immediately said: "However, this thing we have no door auction house may not help you much. After all, I am just a businessman. If I say that the mall is fighting, I may be able to help you one or two, but this kind of fight is not killing. My long term."

"Is it?" Qin Shi did not have a deep sense of Hang Seng, and immediately sneered: "Not a long term. Before that year, the Holy Wind sent a 10,000-strong army. How was it swallowed when it invaded Hongyan? This thing, I have verified that it should have nothing to do with the Red Army, but also has nothing to do with my Qin Zong disciple. Then, I think Yuan Bo boss should give me a reasonable explanation?"

"Otherwise, if you say that the holy wind knows about it, you are in the doorless auction house in the holy wind empire, can it still operate normally? I remember that in the holy wind, the assets of the auction house did not seem to occupy the The door is in the midst of the tide, half more?"

"You are threatening me?" Yuan Bo's old eyes obviously flashed with anger, but immediately he calmed down and smiled: "Oh, indeed, a year ago, the 10,000-strong army of the Holy Wind was swallowed by me, I I don’t hide you, I’m spending money to hire mercenaries who survived the empire.”


"Yeah, you know, the group of people one by one, all of them are desperate. If they have money, they will do everything, even if they are offended by the holy wind, and I, on the contrary, I have nothing. More, it is more money, a money, a hard work, a natural thing, how? Qin brother even this kind of thing to manage?" Yuan Bo full of disdainful laughter: "Of course, you can pass these to the holy wind But what about that? Is the holy wind knowing this, do you think he will be mad with me? You know, the economic lifeline of the holy wind is in my hands, but it is you, I have to remember Wrong, is your daughter in the hands of the holy wind? I am tempting to kill your daughter, and I will go to the holy wind. Will they promise? Will you kill your daughter? You said that time Can red inflammation still be saved? Oh, so I think, you rely on this threat to me, is it not self-sufficient?"


Qin Shi suddenly became angry, and when he reached out, he grabbed Yuan Bo, and the power of a golden soul wrapped around his arm, like a giant cicada, biting down Yuan Bo’s neck.


But at this time, Yuan Bo’s body moved and he was very agile to open Qin Shi. After that, he opened his fingers and a huge force exploded. The power was so strong that even Qin Shi was condensed, and he was most surprised. The power is actually spiritual? Use spiritual power in the enchantment of Feng Ling? is it possible?

Suppressing Qin Shi, Yuan Bo smiled and laughed: "Qin Laodi, don't be angry, I am telling the truth, don't always target me, tell your disciples who are inspecting me to give up, after all, we still cooperate now. Partner, if the people below accidentally tore their faces, we don’t look good on their faces."

"Of course, if it is to be discussed, there is no talk about the holy wind. However, I will not show up. If you say the same, I still have to do business in the holy wind, but I can hire you for employment. The soldiers are right, and I can promise you to help you save your daughter."

"Can you save the golden words?"

There are some changes in the look of Qin Shi, and Jin Yan is still his lifeline.

Yuan Bo jokingly shrugged: "I can, but if I don't do it, it depends on your performance."

"what do you want?"

"Ice and snow plain." Yuan Bo is getting up.

"Sure enough!" Qin Shi calmed down and thought: "This old ghost must have a secret in the snow and ice plains."

Immediately, he said: "I am very curious, the ice and snow plains are extremely cold, not to mention the grass, ordinary people are also difficult to survive from it, what do you want to do in that place?"

"If I do anything, I will not bother Qin Qin's more questions, but you can rest assured that you will know how long it will take, and then you will be grateful to me at that time." Yuan Bo deliberately avoided the topic and asked Road: "So now, are you promised or not?"

"That place, Xun old is not promised to you, has it been handed over to you without a door auction house?"

"Really, but what I want is not like this. It is because you want to evacuate your Qin Zong disciples. After all, it is always so stared. It is very uncomfortable." Yuan Bo said bluntly.

Wen Yan, Qin Shi thought with amazement: "Is it all discovered? Is it that there has been no movement in the snow and ice plains recently."

As early as when he returned to Chiyan and learned about the movement of the auction house, he arranged people in the snow and ice plains. It was only since then that the auction house was very quiet and had not been in a month. Ice and snow plains, this is also very helpless.

But now, when it comes to safety, he took a deep breath and said: "Yes, I can promise you, but I really want to know, how do you save the golden words?"

"That doesn't worry about Qin's brother. When you attack the holy wind, I will naturally send someone to meet you. You just have to wait for my news." Yuan Bo laughed.

Qin Shiyi looked up: "Can I believe you?"

"You now, besides believing me, do you have a better way?" Yuan Bo’s face doesn’t matter: "Of course, if you have a better way to save your daughter, then I don’t want it in the snowy plain."

As for the words, Qin Shi is silent. To tell the truth, if he is engaged in the battle with the holy wind and even fights with the squad, he still has confidence.

No, maybe it’s not confidence, it’s just full of blood, but at least he dares, but he really has no way to save the golden words. He has been thinking for a long time, and there is no one-size-fits-all policy.

"Okay, I promise you." In the end, Qin Shi still nodded. He didn't dare to make jokes about the life of Jin Yan, and he wouldn't miss any way to save the golden words: "But you better not play with me, otherwise you will How powerful is the power in Baichao, then I will ask you to pay a heavy price!"

At that moment, Yuan Bo ate it. From the black shackles of Qin Shi, he seemed to have seen a dragon lying on the plate. It was like if he couldn’t do it, the dragon would come back at any time. Tore him apart, and told him to smile: "Oh, it’s a crazy kid."

"This is for you." Yuan Bo waved a piece of crystal clear crystal to Qin Shi: "This is a film and television conveyor. After I rescue your daughter, I will pass it to you, so you can rest assured. What?"

After picking up the crystal, Qin Shi had a lot of heart, and then put it back and said: "So, what did you say before, mercenary?"

Yuan Bo smiled and shook his head: "It’s an insatiable little guy, well, this is for you, a thousand mercenaries, all above heaven."

A spiritual card with a soldier's character was thrown at Qin Shi, and Qin Shi used it. This was a satisfying laugh: "Thank you Yuan Bo."

After that, he was not staying, leaving the doorless auction house, like a rushing lightning, leaping in the direction of the palace.

But what he didn't know was that, after he left, the doorless auction house suddenly announced that it would be closed, and even the ongoing auctions were forcibly terminated.

When all the idlers were dispelled, Yuan Bo appeared alone in the central conference hall of the no-door auction house. In the middle of the conference hall, a vain space was suddenly torn apart, and the rolling wind blew out. With the gap in the space, two thin figures came out of the hand.

One of them, wearing a blue gold-plated robes, always holding a string of rosary in his hand, constantly playing with his mouth and laughing at the corner of his mouth, making people feel very mysterious.

For this person, if Qin Shi is here, perhaps it will be extremely shocking. This person is afraid of him, he will not forget it in his life, so familiar.

The other person, compared to this person, is a little old, full of pale snow, but in spite of this, his face is like a baby, the blow can be broken, delicate and embarrassing.

Seeing the two people, Yuan Bo’s face finally showed a slight smile, and the smile was as if Qin Shi was as sincere in the face of Lin Yu and Su Ming.

"Fufeng, old urchin, long time no see."

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