Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 840: Magical

Muran, the gas field of the two reached an unprecedented height, the two stood in the middle of the room, as if there were two imaginary gas fields that shrouded the two, pressing the audience.

Feeling the volatility, everyone was shocked to be sluggish, and several people couldn't help but glance at each other and clenched their fists.

"Is this the breath of the king?"

"Well, the two of them, five years ago, met each other. At that time, they were just a family abandoned, carrying the waste of nickname, while the other was troubled by the imperial power and Wang Zheng, and they had to go out and find a way to survive. Falling down the emperor."

"But after five years have passed, they are now? Pig? Pig? Island? The novel w.uu has achieved different achievements in different fields. One is famous, and it is the legendary figure who is resounding throughout the red. The sect of the sect, and the other, is the emperor of Chiyan, with countless glory."

"Five years, enough to change too much, but the only thing that hasn't changed is their friendship. For five years, they still care about each other."

An elegant and beautiful voice sounded from the crowd, as beautiful as the sky, so that countless people could not help but look at it.

A woman in a veil and a slightly raised belly walked into the crowd. She wore a ponytail and painted an elegant look. It looked so fresh, but it instantly became the focus of everyone’s eyes. At this moment, she is So beautiful.


When I saw this woman, a lot of red-hot soldiers were screaming.

On the other side of Qin Zong, many people were also showing joy. Su Ming saw the woman, and the corner of his eyes unconsciously showed his gentleness and smiled: "Zhou Qin."

I am able to know so many people about the two people. I am afraid that she will only be her. She walks into the crowd step by step. After seeing Qin Shi, her eyes are slightly scattered: "Stone...!"

"You are here too?" Qin Shi saw Zhou Qin, and that killing was only a few points. Looking at this familiar woman, everything seems to have returned to four years ago. At that time, both of them participated in the ancestry from the fire. Trial, Zhou Qin is just a savage little girl, now she is already a wife, and she is the mother of two children.

"Yeah!" Zhou Qin nodded, and then Lin Yu turned around. After seeing Zhou Qin, he was sluggish for a long time, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Finally, Zhou Qin first spoke and smiled: "Don't say, I understand, let go, do it, because it was because of me, for a few drops of dew, I told you to blame for so long, this time, I don't want to be because of me, Be a stumbling block to your progress, don't want you to regret, stone is our benefactor, there is nothing wrong with your choice, my man, what I do, I support it."

Wen Yan, Lin Yu's eyes are red, and Zhou Qinyi's eyes are held in his arms: "When you get a wife, what do you want, thank you."

Qin Shi is also a faint smile. He knows what Zhou Qin said, it was the burning test four years ago, but he never cared about it.

"I have done it, don't get tired, look at people envy, really disgusting, even if I know that I can't find a better wife than Zhou Qin, then I can't use it to stimulate me?" Su Ming is next to the big I laughed and broke this serious atmosphere and provoked laughter.

Lin Yu also loosened Zhou Qin, and immediately he turned back and looked at Lin: "Mother...!"

"Go, the piano is right, your choice is not wrong." Lin Wei gently moved the dagger.

When all the worries were gone, Lin Yu only looked up, and the breath of the king broke out instantly, making everyone show admiration.

"Well, my red inflammation has also been forbearing for a year. In this year, we have repeatedly retreated. They have been constantly insatiable. We really thought that our red inflammation is a soft persimmon. This time we let them, this year’s debt. , all repaid!"




Followed by a thick and heavy voice, bursting out from the mouths of countless red Yan, perhaps because of Qin Shi's reason, as early as a year ago, Qin Shi led them to defeat Xiao Chong, when the four districts were unified, Qin Shi became The backbone of their hearts, so they did not show a bit of twilight because of Lin Yu's choice, but the fighting spirit is high.

Feeling the breath, Qin Shi was moved.

But he didn't say anything, just patted Lin Yu's shoulder hard and said: "I said, you dare, then the three empires, you are the red-hot mountains, I said to do it!"

Lin Yu has a tacit understanding: "That Jiangshan, I don't care much, but at this moment, the brothers fight side by side, it has been a long time."

"Okay, this time, we will fight side by side!"

After reaching a consensus, Qin Shi turned back and looked at Yuluo, and he said: "Ruosha, where the people go, do you remember which direction you went?"

Yuluo brakes the dagger: "Well, it is the south."

"South?" Wen Yan, everyone can not help but frowned, Ling Xiao could not help but ask: "Mrs. Sovereign, are you sure you have not read it wrong?"

"No, certainly not. You see there, there are traces left by the grandfather when they chase it out." Yu Luo brake shook his head, and surely reached out and said, sure enough in the south wall of the Qin family. There are a few traces of friction that have been rubbed.

And when they got affirmed, Ling Xiao’s eyes glanced at each other, but they suddenly became confusing: “It’s weird, we are all coming from the southern region. If we encounter the great power on the way, we can’t be unaware. Ah, let alone that kind of strong person."

In this regard, Qin Shi is also puzzled.

"They used the power of space, and there was residual space cracks and breath in that position." At this time, the blood wizard opened from Qin Shi's body.

"The power of space? Is it a domain?" Hearing the words of the blood wizard, Qin Shi suddenly became a color. If the domain is powerful, then he will have no chance.

"That is not, even if it is a group, it will not easily use the domain. The degree is too great in this continent. Once you leave, you will be alarmed." The blood wizard shook his head and immediately turned him The eyes suddenly became fierce: "The one who uses this power should be the magical demon."

"Fantasy Mozu?"

"Well, the magical demon, and my empty-empty demon are the same family thousands of years ago. They are the fierce demon who later went out of the accident because of the accident. They are also very good at the power of space, just the power of our space. There are differences. The power of our empty space to use space is still in line with humanity, and it goes with the sky. However, the power of space used by the magical family is against the sky. It is to smash the space and then reorganize it. Their power is extremely fierce, and sometimes even the power of the space they condense cannot be manipulated by themselves."

"Is there such a thing?"

The blood wizard nodded: "It is also like this. The magical demon family and my empty-empty ancient demon family are always not very harmonious. I didn't expect the group to send them out, this time!"

Wen Yan, Qin Shi slightly stunned, and immediately he smiled and said: "Look at this, isn't it just not so simple?"

The blood wizard clenched his teeth and did not conceal Qin Shi. He said: "Well, a hundred years ago, the magical space and the void were fighting for the orthodoxy, and finally they did not hesitate to make a big shot. At that time, our Nether Devil lost thousands of people, even me. The younger brother was also killed in that battle..."

At the end of the day, the blood wizard choked. This is the first time Qin Shi saw him revealing his true feelings. He couldn’t help but be amazed, but it was also his time that the blood wizard was angry: "How? Look down on our Mozu I tell you, our Mozu also have feelings. Our Mozu is just a race. Not everyone is as savage and violent as you are in your human mouth!"

Was awakened by the blood wizard's anger, Qin Shi quickly shook his head, and then he was serious, said: "I have not looked down on you, I am now just a personal, non-devil."

When it comes to this, his mouth is gently rising, and the domineering is so full of infection: "I just want you to know, your brother's hatred, I will help you report."

"Well?" The blood wizard was shocked, but immediately awakened, a few strange lusters in his eyes, and took a deep breath: "That, I thank you first."

After all, the blood wizard said: "You don't have to worry too much. Your grandfather and your daughter should not be in danger. I just used the power of space to pursue it and found the space gap they left. Your grandfather and you. The daughter's breath is inside."

“Is there still no danger?”

Qin Shi breathed a sigh of relief. This was not to say a lot, but to look at Lin Yu. The two exchanged a lot of confidence with their eyes. He said: "If I didn't guess wrong, I think they should be back to the holy. The wind empire, my grandfather should be there too."

"What do we do next?" Lin Yu said: "I want to organize the army, go to the holy wind?"

" yet, they just took the golden words, I think the holy wind is definitely armed now, and now they are fighting with them, they are their home, we definitely have no advantage." Qin The stone shook his head, and then his eyes turned, and there was a bit of violentness between the eyes, and he wanted to open his mouth.

However, all of a sudden, he felt the light of his eyes behind him, and he looked directly at him. This called his mouth that he wanted to open suddenly closed. After turning back, his eyes and Qiu Shuyao looked at each other.

From the latter's beauty, there was full of worries, and he couldn't bear to whisper: "Mother...!"

"You go, I believe you!" Qiong Shuyao shook her head and tried to restrain herself. In the end, she still lost her voice: "Just, Niang tells you that nothing is important here. Mother wants you to live. ""

"Mother, you can rest assured that I will come back alive, the child is not filial, and when I am back, I must respect you two old!"

"Go, you grow up, your own business, your own way, to master it yourself, I am waiting for you at home with your mother." Qin Tianqing lived in Qiong Shuyao, nodded to Qin Shi and settled: "Remember I don't have any kind of Qin family. Don't give us a Qin family. You are the son of Qin Tianqing."

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