Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 839: Lost gold

"I, I don't know, just after you left, the Qin family was suddenly attacked and the people who attacked the empire were very strong."

"Do you know who it is?" Qin Shi’s angry question.

"I don't know, I just listened to a few words that they said. They faintly felt that they were like the three empire of the wind, the sea of ​​clouds, and the mountain. They were not many people, only a dozen people, but they were very strong. All of them are above the horizon, especially the people they lead, terrible, just like monsters, he just waved his hand and ruined the entire desert town."


Wen Yan, Qin Shi frowned, the three empire attacked him against the Qin family? pig? pig? island? The novel ww.uua. is not unexpected. Accurately speaking, it should be expected. It is just the leader in Qin Feikou. It is that he feels a bit strange. It is necessary to know that Qin Yongfeng has reached three days, plus these. In the year, he continued to give resources to the Qin family and help him or her. Even the usual four-day situation is difficult to be an adversary. But the man can avoid Qin Yongfeng and destroy the barren town.

"What is the leader of the leader?"

"What's the matter?" Qin Fei recalled, and immediately his pupils contracted, as if thinking of something terrible, and quickly shook his head: "I, I did not see clearly, he has no face, only the shadow of black pressure, wearing all over the body Bloody robes."

"Bloody robes?" Qin Shi Meng's spirit, the anger in the burning swearing: "Drink, it really is a group!"

As soon as he thought of the group, Qin Shi was so upset and slammed his head down at Qin Shi. "What about Rakshasa? Where is she?"

"Younger brother?" Qin Fei stunned, and then he raised his hand in amazement and directed at the Qin family's wing area: "The last brother and sister are there, the group's goal is the younger brother!"


Qin Shi’s heart was shocked and he couldn’t care too much. Putting Qin Fei down and leaping into the house, when he jumped into the house, a sly woman was falling to the ground, but it was empty, but there was no What injury, this made him slowly relieved, gently stepped forward: "Rah, how are you?"

Yuluo was uplifted in confusion. When she saw Qin Shi, the beautiful woman was red, and she grabbed Qin Shi with tears: "Stone, stone, sorry... I am not good, I lost the golden words. It!"

"Golden words?" Qin Shi snorted, holding a fragrant shoulder of Yuluo, and his voice increased by a few decibels: "What is going on? What happened to Jin Yan?"

"I am not good, I am not good, I have not protected her, you blame me, you punish me, but I beg you, go to save her, beg you not let her be taken away by them!" "The jade of the jade has been stunned, sobbing and sobbing, crying at Qin Shi."

When I heard this sentence, all the Qin Shi knew, and Jin Yan was taken away. At that moment, he almost killed himself, and his eyes spurted out the fire.

But right away, he calmed down and looked down at the sly woman. The heart was like a knife with a wind blade. He licked the jade in his arms and gently patted the jade. Rakshasa’s crisp back, biting his lips, is the **** smell that fainted, and told him to have the courage to say: “Hey, hey, don’t blame yourself, it’s not blaming you, it’s me, it’s not good for me, is I didn't think that I shouldn't leave you, I really don't blame you."

"No, no, I blame me. I didn't protect her. I didn't have the responsibility of a mother. It's not good for me. She was born. She is so big. She will blame me, the wicked, that. Group of wicked people, I want to kill them, I want to go with them!"

Speaking of this, Yuluo suddenly pushed away Qin Shi, and there was no luster in the beauty. It only felt empty, numb, and it was distressing.

"I want to kill them, my daughter, and my golden words!"

"Ruosha!" Qin Shi’s heartache snorted. He tried his best to control his emotions. To be honest, he also collapsed. It was his flesh and blood. It was his daughter.

Since she was born, he hasn’t hugged her well. He hasn’t loved her so much. He said that he wants to give her happiness. He said that she should be carefree for her life. How can he take her? Lost?

However, he still controlled. The golden words he had already fallen into the hands of the group, he could no longer watch the woman he loved hurt. He held the hand of Yuluosha and bit his lip: "Luo Brake, beg you, don't you be like this? I beg you, you hit me, you yell at me, as long as you don't, you want me to do anything."

After hearing the words filled with the color of prayer, the jade robes were all over the power, and she slammed hard, and the beauty finally showed some color.

She looked up and looked at Qin Shi quietly.

Suddenly, she said: "Stone..."

Wen Yan, Qin Shixi was in tears, and looked at Yuluo with a blink of an eye. "Ruosha, have you recovered? Have you finally recovered?"

Yuluo brake lightly daggers, although the jade face is still so pale, but she has recovered her mind, Qin Shi awakened her, she looked at Qin Shi, biting her lips: "Stone, gold words she will be fine, right? ?"

After all, she did not wait for Qin Shi to open her mouth, but suddenly used the jade hand to hold Qin Shi’s face. The two phoenix eyes looked directly at Qin Shi. Qin Shi even turned her head and wanted to hide the sharp gaze from the past, but Immediately she stopped Qin Shi hard and said: "Don't move, you look at me!"

"I...!" Qin Shi bite his teeth, and this is no longer to dodge.

Yuluo brake gently said: "Stone, we have known each other for so long, you have never lied to me, you said, your words, words must be done, you look at my eyes, don't lie to me, tell me, Jinyan She will be fine, right? Gold, she will be fine, right?"

Oh, for a time, Qin Shiyu was stuffed.

Young, he did not know how many rhetoric he said. He always thought that he was very talented in language, but at this moment, he couldn’t say a word because he really didn’t know, he couldn’t guarantee that he’s too After being brutally ruined, he was not sure what the group would do with Jinyan.

"Stone, tell me!" Yu Luosha asked.

Looking at the pitiful woman, it is so Qin Shi distressed, finally, he said his life, the first lie, nodded hard: "Well, Jin Yan she will be fine, I promise you !"

But right away, he shook his head hard and expelled the idea that had just emerged from his mind. At this time, how could he think so? This is not a lie. This is true. He comforted himself so much that his voice became very serious.

"I use life to guarantee!"

After receiving Qin Shi’s response, Yu Luosha’s inexplicable stability, Qin Shi’s words, even if it is a lie, she is willing to believe, not to mention her confidence, Qin Shi will not lie to her: “Well, I know, Jinyan There must be no problem, she is our child, she will be as strong as you are."

"Yeah." Qin Shi gently embraced Yuluo, holding her in her arms, and then, with his fingers, gently passed through the resilience of hair.

"Stone, the one who took the golden words, is the group of people who took the seals, right? Is the enemy of the snow heart right?" Yu Luochao asked in the ear of Qin Shi.

Qin Shi wants to conceal, he already has a woman who loves to struggle in this fight. He does not want to be involved in the vortex in the jade, but when he looks up, he looks at it with Yuluo. At that moment, he couldn't bear it. How could he lie to the girl who loved him deeply?

So he nodded. "Well, it’s a group. They are coming to me. I’m tired of you, and I’m tired of gold.”

"No, you have not said, you will save the golden words, will also save the seal, and then revenge for the snow heart, I believe in you." Yu Luo brake shook his head.

"Yeah, I said...!" Qin Shi squeezed his fists hard, so that the pain irritated his nerves, keeping him awake and keeping his hatred.

"Hey group, one day, I will definitely ask them to pay the price!" After all, he carefully remembered something, but he always felt that something was missing. Suddenly he looked up and his mental power spread out, but he could not find it. The figure he was looking for, asked: "Right, grandfather? Where did the old man go?"

"Grandpa?" Yuluo's apricot eyes flashed, and again a few surprises: "Don't he, Grandpa, he hasn't returned yet?"

"What happened?" Seeing Yuluo was so surprised, Qin Shi was upset.

Yuluo was silent for a while, and the voice was anxious. "After you left, the group suddenly killed the Qin family. Grandpa, he saw contempt, sent me and Jinyan into the room, and then in the room. The enchantment was set, but this enchantment could not resist the group, and soon the enchantment was broken."

"Then the group of people all surrounded this place. The person in the group who took the lead took the gold words and took away the golden words. They retreated. Grandpa, he saw the golden words and was taken away, and went straight out..."


The fierce anger suddenly spread from the body of Qin Shi. At this time, outside the Qin family, all the people who took the lead were chased, all falling in the compound of the Qin family.


But they have not yet established a firm foothold, and the huge impact has broken through the interior of the room, calling a group of people to step back a few steps.

"Good terrible resentment...!" Lin Yu squeezed his fist.

"Fast, go ahead and see what is going on!"

A group of people glanced at each other and quickly rushed into the room, and they just entered the room, one by one was amazed by the picture in front of them, only to see Qin Shi body filled with fierce black air ~ That murder has reached the limit.

I am afraid that in this way, he will soon be enchanted.



"Little guy, don't forget what you said!"

Wen Yan, Qin Shi calmed down, and immediately his shackles, the anger that could not be said at the bottom of his heart, saw Qin Shi safe and nothing, Lin Yu and other talents sighed, Lin Yu went forward and asked: "Stone, what exactly what happened?"

"Lin Yu, I want to slaughter the Three Winds of the Holy Wind. Next, you just need to tell me, you dare, or you can't dare, you dare, then these three empires are your red mountains!" Qin The stone suddenly opened.

As for the news, everyone was shocked. Lin Yu was silent for a long time, because he knew his next words, it is likely to change his entire life, even red inflammation.

In the end, he nodded.

"What are you afraid of!"

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