Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 700: Heaven and earth are me, I am heaven and earth.

Kong Xianhui was incomprehensible, but in the end she did not ask, what kind of tricks would be prepared for Qin Shi: "I know, but before the retreat, you still need to prepare something."

"Well, I know this."

Qin Shi nodded, and immediately smashed the fist, and lifted the quenching fruit slightly, and the face of Junyi showed a few embarrassment.

The cultivation of these two bodies, the chaotic domain of the Holy Spirit is good to say, after all, the practice of the law is in the hand, but the body of the quenching is a little embarrassing, he only has the quenching fruit that is indispensable for quenching the body, what else is needed, how to refine him It is completely unknown.

"I have seen the practice of quenching the body of the body, I have seen it in the inner domain, I help you: pig: pig: island: novel 3w.o." Kong Xianhui saw the bitterness of Qin Shi, smiled.

"Really?" Qin Shi was overjoyed.

Kong Xianhui shook his shoulders and patted the raised chest: "Of course, wrapped in my sister."

Qin Shi could not help but be excited. This is his last worry.

In the next three days, Kong Xianhui quietly accompanied by Qin Shi, pointing out for him, and purchasing before the two major practices, most of which were some grasses and beasts. These are cultivations. The Holy Spirit, and the indispensable thing to quench the body.

I have to say that the items consumed by these two methods are very large. Just the basic products of the beast and the grass, Qin Shi spent a full contribution of nearly one million, and felt a little bit of pain.

In the end, I still think of the never-ending spiritual power of Bening, and the power of the huge attribute of the attributeless nature of the quenching method.

"Hope, these two laws can make my cultivation be refined again." When everything is ready, Qin Shizhen's pinching fist, and always the heart of the ancient well has finally caused embarrassment.

This is like a sea that is not shocked. It was suddenly shot down by a stone. The waves of the layers spread toward the surrounding, and the water lines continued to expand. Until the end, it was a great uproar.

He has been unable to bear it.

"In a few days, I have to trouble you and help me keep the customs." The hard work of the peace of mind, Qin Shi supported Kong Xianhui's shoulder.

Kong Xianhui nodded with a smile and licked the red lips. "Go, as long as I am still alive, no one can approach you."

Qin Shi’s heart was warm and nodded gratefully.

He believes that Kong Xianhui is unconditionally convinced that he still remembers that when he was nurturing a sea injury, Kong Xianhui was moved by the three days.

"give it to you."

He snorted and entered the dark space left by Beding alone, unfolding the surrounding spiritual powers and forming a state of insulation from the outside world.

The space of this dark space is not large, but the spiritual power is unusually rich. The surrounding array seems to compress the spiritual power again, so that it has fifty times the spiritual power and is more pure.

"I hope to be successful."

Qin Shi bite his teeth, and he has a feeling in the vagueness that these two methods will become the indispensable super power in the days when he is in the chaos.

Immediately, he will put away the quenching fruit, and first put the chaotic domain of the Holy Spirit in his hands.

In both of them, he decided to cultivate the Holy Spirit in the chaos first, because he considered that if the cultivation of the Holy Spirit in the chaotic domain is successful, then his spiritual power will never end, and if you try to cultivate the body, the chance will increase a lot.

After all, Kong Xianhui and he said that the practice of quenching the body is extremely demanding, and the demand for spiritual power is very large. Now he has only four days, and can’t compare with the power of the nine days and the natural power of Tianzhu. If you have the chaotic domain of the Holy Spirit, then it is another matter.

"The Holy Spirit is pulling, the Nawan things are the sorrow, the heavens and the earth are me and I are heaven and earth."

A few simple lines of Sanskrit, Qin Shi frowned.

"Drink, claiming the heavens and the earth, this body is really overbearing!" Qin Shi heartstrings excited, and immediately he sneaked into the night sky, the eyebrows indifferently opened, which flashed a faint luster, like a star.

In succession, a rush of rushing rushing from the look of the brilliance, the five fingers quickly condensed into a seal, and Lingwei in Dantian was mobilized by him.

The Holy Spirit flower, which has been quiet for a long time, was finally awakened by him.

The Holy Spirit flower, born in heaven, produced in the earth, is the supreme sacred object. Qin Shi still vaguely remembers that in the Tianchi of the barren jungle, the glory does not float, but the gravitation of the bird does not contend.


When the Holy Spirit flower awakens, Qin Shi feels that his body suddenly has a huge sense of oppression. The five internal organs, the Ren Du, the Qi Jing, the Ling Mai, the Gong Yi, are all drawn by the gravitational pull of the fury, which is the strength of the foot and the earth to counter the gravity of the heavens and the earth.


Qin Shi's facial features violently twitched a few times, the body's blood began to flow back, a blush of blood spouted.

"The power of horror!"

Qin Shi quickly held his breath, and the body reappeared a big reversal that he had never imagined. He felt that his whole body was being pulled by the Holy Spirit, and this huge gravity would soon blast him.


His irritating low-sounding voice, he slammed his fists and kept himself as calm as possible.

His internal vision clings to the Holy Spirit flower in Dantian, and his look is slightly silent.

"I just started, I can't fail."

His eyebrows condensed, and a faint spiritual power gathered from Dantian, and the desert was desperately driven by him.


A ridiculous force collides with the Holy Spirit flower, and the power of absurdity makes the heavens and the earth ridiculous. Everything belongs to the dust, and the gravitation of the Holy Spirit flower is suppressed by him.

"It's now!"

Stabilizing the Holy Spirit flower, Qin Shi did not dare to have a delay. He knew that now is his last chance. If he let the horrible gravity break out, he will be out of control.

Suddenly, the electric phoenix fluttered under his black robe, and all the way to the thunder and shadow, like a sensitive thunder snake, broke into the Qin Shi Dantian.


Four palaces, five spiritual veins.

The nucleus of the nucleus of Dantian is suspended in the center, just like the stars holding the moon. In the next rush, the nucleus produces a slight tremor.


And this kind of tremor, every time he continued, he felt the temperature in the body doubled and the skin began to reddish slightly.

A lava-like hot irrigated whole body, even with the air in the dark grid, appeared warm, like a mirage, the sweat of the beans madly dripping down on the forehead of Qin Shi.

"Stars and tyrants!"

In the midst of it, once again, he runs the Famen, a cumbersome handprint is facing the eyebrows, the skin, the meridians, the bones, the sea, and the four fate gates, and he is fully protected.

This will slightly reduce the temperature of the burning sky.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Shi is not in delay. If the Eucharist fails in three hours, he believes that he will be countered by this anger.

The Holy Spirit flower above the nucleus flashed a few times, and the gravitational pull of the previous scorpion was finally rich.

Qin Shi in the dark grid rushed to breathe, and suddenly he felt that the dark grid was shattered, and a mini light group rose from the Holy Spirit flower.

Everything went slowly, and Qin Shi was careful.

He knows that if during this period he let the Holy Spirit flower take the lead again, then his previous efforts will be equal to all.

To this end, he had an unprecedented color, the light group fluttered gently in his sea of ​​knowledge, and at the moment when the palace and the spiritual pulse were about to get out of control, his black scorpion suddenly slammed, and a smattering of the darkness.

In succession, his big hand slammed into a bullet, and an invisible wave swayed. The space ring on his index finger was blue and white, and the force of the force was turned.


Dozens of spirit grass, beast Dan, was summoned by him.

These are all the pieces that he collected before and with Kong Xianhui, and are also indispensable elements of the chaotic domain.

Under the many spirit grasses, there is a millennium drug that is cold.


Qin Shi palms forcefully hold a grip, a powder of force is poured into the roots of the peony roots, which is crushed into a green color powder. The powder is affected by the gravitational pull of the Holy Spirit flower, and the autonomous suspension floats in the dark space, sometimes flashing a faint halo. It is amazing.

This peony is cold, the temperature in the dark grid only cools a few points, Qin Shi big mouth spit out the turbidity, his breath is full of heat waves.

He is sure that this chaotic domain is the most difficult trick he has cultivated over the years.

It is the most dangerous trick.

He is really using his life in Bo.

Under the relief of the thousand-year-old peony, Qin Shi's palm was quickly exerted, and dozens of rushing tens of dragons condensed in a row, tumbling in a layer of vain spiritual clouds, rushing to the remaining thirty-like spirits.


Under the violent shaking of the dark grid, this dark space in the darkness, dozens of different forces quickly rotate around the Qin stone, from his nose and mouth into the abdominal cavity.

These different forces are so dazzling that they quickly condense in his dantian.

In the end, in his dantian, the Holy Spirit flower is like the red sun in the Milky Way. Thousands of powders are the stars, which rotate rapidly under the traction of gravity.

In the rotation, the endless spiritual power was pulled, and Qin Shi now feels that his Dantian is a small version of the small universe, Xiao Yuyu.

The speed was getting faster and faster, and even the spirit of Qin Shi could not be captured at the end. At this time, his brows gradually solidified, and his fists were pinched.

"Is it going to the most critical moment?"

The method of the Holy Spirit of the chaotic domain flashed in my mind, and Qin Shi’s throat rolled, and the positive color that could not be said flashed through.

"This time, if it becomes, if it is not possible...!" Qin Shi whispered, but in the future, he did not dare to spit.

Because this last moment is to completely release the Holy Spirit flower, if it is unsuccessful, it means that Qin Shi will be shattered by the gravitational force of this Holy Spirit flower.

At that time, there will be blood flow countercurrent, the five internal organs are dislocated, and the roots are shattered. In this case, I am afraid that Da Luo Jinxian reincarnation will not save his life.

He estimated the power of the Holy Spirit flower.

The power of the Holy Spirit is beyond his imagination.

"The last blog!"

Qin Shi has made countless bets in this But he dares to say that this time it will be the most serious one, it is gambling with life.


Suddenly, in the Dantian, the palace and the spiritual veins that blocked the Holy Spirit flower were suddenly lifted by Qin Shi. They saw only the endless spiritual pressure, such as the wind and the wind, and the distance fluttered toward Qin Shi.


During the wheezing, Qin Shi’s black robe was shredded by life, and the kind of gravity that countered the heavens and the earth would be exhausted from the infinite endlessness of the darkness.


Qin Shi suddenly felt the blood and blood collapse, and fiercely smashed the black scorpion.

The reversal of blood flow is like a macro, and his life rushes into his mind. Even his black sputum is covered with blood, which is no longer black, but blood red.

"Don't you have to fail?"

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