Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 699: Fu Jun’s embarrassment

“A good idea to make money?”

Hearing, Qin Shi could not help but be interested. After all, his demand for contribution value is very large.

"Yeah yeah." Ning Yu immediately hit the snake on the pole, and the face of the meat doodle smiled: "I think so, are you not a magician? It is better to have two partnerships, you refine the magic, I Help you sell, you must believe me, my mouth is really not blowing in the outer domain, if I dare to call the second, absolutely no one dares to say that it is the first, even if it is a fart, I can sell you ""

For the condensate rain, Qin Shi really has no doubt.

There is no advantage in condensate rain, so this is a place to admire. "Pig", "Pig", "Island" novel

He thought about it. He also intended this way. During the refining of the magical characters by the Wumeng disciples, he also wanted to refine some of his magical symbols and auction them, so that he could get up to 9 million huge contributions at an early date.

"That's good, I promise you." Qin Shi nodded and promised to condense: "But first, I will make 80% of the money I earn."

He is not difficult to condense, but his demand for contribution value is really too big.

But the condensate rain shook his head: "No, big brother, 80%, what joke are you doing?"

Qin Shi frowned: "80%, do you still feel dissatisfied?"

"No, I think, I don't do anything, just take the magic character you sell and sell it for 20%. I don't want to go to my heart, let alone you are my big brother, Jiucheng, you are 90%."


Qin Shi blinked, but it was quite an accident. He did not expect this fat man who couldn’t afford to be early, and he would take the initiative to choose as long as 10%.

"It seems that this fat man is not bad."

What he doesn't know is that Ning Yu is really treating him as a big brother. It is really lonely in the past few years. He doesn't want to give up Qin Shi. Moreover, the benefits of the magic symbol are very large, even if it is 10%. More than the condensate rain to sell news.

"That big brother, let's just say that?"

Ning Yu was afraid of Qin Shi’s remorse, and smirked at the bedroom. He was about to push all kinds of spiritual grass treasures to Qin Shi and quickly retired to the room.

Looking at the movement of the rain, Qin Shi could not help but laugh.

"This dead fat man!"

In the following days, Qin Shi entered the whole process of retreat. In just half a month, he blocked himself in the wilderness mountain range and continued to refine the magic.

Together with him, Kong Xianhui, and the ten-day five-day Wumen disciples, who helped Qin Shi in the wilderness mountain range, made Qin Shi feel a lot easier.

Ye Ling will come here to give them food every day. This is a happy thing. After all, it is very hard to refine the magician.

During this period, the condensate rain came once every three days. Every time, he took away dozens of magic symbols from Qin Shi, and then handed over a large amount of contribution to Qin Shi.

So day after day, Qin Shi’s pockets are getting fuller and fuller. From his first goal, four million broken snow cuckoos are getting closer and closer, and his enthusiasm is getting more and more.

It is also worth mentioning that in the constant refinement of the devil, Qin Shi's mental power is more and more full, he has been completely stabilized in the four curse, and Ye Ling's food catalysis, his spiritual power is also Get a qualitative leap, he feels that his dantian is full, the glittering golden light, with a bit of meaning to break free.

He believes that it will take a long time for him to break through to five days.

Overall, he was very satisfied with this half-month harvest.

In the half month of Qin Shi refining the magic symbol, the relationship between Wumeng and the creation group was also completely cracked. During the period of hundreds of small conflicts, even once, Shen Fengchun took the lead, and Liu Ming battled thousands of rounds, and finally paid Both the army and Xu Yan came forward to stop the war.

"Big brother, the creation group is too much. If you want me to say it, don't hold back, just declare war with them?"

"Yeah, big brother, not to mention the magical charm of Qin Shi's brother refining, we may not be as good as they are in combat!"

One day after half a month, noon, Fu Jun, You Qing, Qin Shi, Dunhuang, Shen Fengchun, and all the high-level members of Wumeng gathered together.

The faces of everyone were angered by the anger.

Fu Jun’s face didn’t look good, but in the end he shook his head: “No, it’s not the time, let your brothers be careful later.”

"Fart! Their creation group is too deceiving. They are riding on our necks. Do you still want us to bear it?" Shen Fengchun vigorously photographed the table, and the square table created by Xuanjing was depressed. He grinned. The martyr said: "Big brother! In the past two months, my dragon group lost more than 30 brothers, this is what you asked me to give them?"

"Great Spring!"

Dunhuang pulled the clothes corner of Shen Fengchun.

But under this kind of persecution, Fu Jun looked up indifferently and stared at Shen Fengchun: "I ask you, this fog alliance, is it what I said or what do you say?"

"I...!" Shen Fengchun wanted to speak when he was red, but in the strong gas field of Fu Jun, he finally choked: "It's you!"

"Then do what I said!" Fu Jun cold drink.

Once again, Shen Fengchun’s face was green, and his fists were angered with anger. “Okay, I know.” After he disappointed, he turned and left the conference hall.

Shen Fengchun left, Dunhuang, Wang Kun, several high-level sighs all sighed away, a touch of low atmosphere enveloped the fog alliance.

In the downturn, Qin Shi frowned. He knew that all the people in the fog alliance were temperamental. The Fu Jun suppressed them and they would be counterproductive and incomprehensible: "You can do it, you will do something bad." Is it?"

He knows that if this continues, even if the creation team does not shoot, the fog alliance will collapse from the inside.

Fu Jun leaned on the wooden chair alone. He heard that Qin Shi’s question was somewhat disappointing. He was silent for half a moment. He said nothing, but with one hand, he used a little force to flash a red mark between his eyebrows.

Seeing this imprint of Qin Shi’s blasphemy, he suddenly said, “This, is this the thunder of the eight days? The brother of Fu Jun has touched it?”

Fu Jun helpless smile: "Well."

Affirmed, Qin Shi suddenly realized: "No wonder, the creation team is so excessive, you are still forbearing, it is you to break through?"

"No, in fact, I have already suppressed this thunderbolt for a long time. I was able to retreat a few months ago, but under the pressure of the creation team, I dare not retreat." Fu Junyi's teeth: "Otherwise, I Once retreat, the creation team will launch a general attack on the fog alliance. Without me, this kind of attack fog alliance can not bear, I can not let the brothers have an accident."

Qin Shi’s big dream woke up and hurriedly said: “But if you do this, it will have a huge impact on your cultivation.”

The demon once said that the breakthrough of the heavens is different from the spiritual environment. After the spiritual environment reaches the breakthrough, you may be able to continue to bear the pain, compress the spiritual power to the extreme, and then break through.

Even continuous breakthroughs.

However, the heavens are not good. Every layer of the heavens needs the baptism of thunderbolt. If the thunderbolt is forcibly suppressed, it will probably cause irreparable damage to the future cultivation road.

In serious cases, it stops.

"No way, I want to wait for a while, Yu Qing and Shen Fengchun's current repairs are all seven days later, only a little bit far from the peak, I want to wait until they can be independent, I am retreating." Fu Jun shook his head: "For my sake These brothers, even if they want my life."

"Then why don't you tell them?"

"Don't you know about these days? If they know that I want to break through, I will let me break through the consequences. At that time, the fog will die!"

Qin Shi is silent. He knows that Fu Jun is right. Anyone in the fog alliance will look at the feelings very seriously. If they let them know the truth, they will not allow the army to delay the breakthrough for them.

"This thing, you have to help me!" Fu Jun was a lot of pale, patted Qin Shi's shoulder and smiled: "Believe me, everything will pass, as long as our brothers are united, there is nothing to do." ”

Originally wanted to refuse, but see the truth of the army, Qin Shi is dumb.

He didn't know how to refuse this big brother who had sacrificed so much.

"I know." Qin Shi sighed.

Saying goodbye to the army, Qin Shi’s heart is heavy, and he feels that Fu Jun really sacrificed a lot to Wu Meng.

Back in the mansion that Bedin left for him, he leaned on the room and thought about it.

"The fog alliance can't go on like this, otherwise it will be a big deal."

He took a deep breath and he has discovered the potential crisis of the fog alliance. Although this crisis is only a point now, if it breaks out, it will cause irreparable disaster.

Through these days of contact, he is very fond of the friends of the fog alliance, each of them is really revealing, he wants to help the army.

Moreover, even without this relationship, he does not want the fog alliance to have an accident. After all, only the fog alliance can be countered in the foreign domain.

If the fog alliance has an accident, Jane will definitely not let him go.

But he also knows that he wants to help the fog alliance, he must have enough strength.

For this reason, he was silent for a long time. He took a big hand and took out two items, one of which was a scroll, with a hint of emerald green five powerful characters were engraved on it.

"The chaotic domain of the Holy Spirit."

The other item is a blue fruit, which is the quenching fruit obtained by Qin Shi in the top hole of the Wild Mountain.

"Would you like to refine the body of the quenching spirit?" Kong Xianhui stepped down on the second floor of the pavilion and saw the movement of Qin Shi smashed his eyebrows.

Qin Shi nodded: "Well, these days refining the magic symbol, delaying a lot of time, it is time to do fine."

Kong Xianhui taps the dagger. She understands the meaning of Qin Shi. Immediately, she glances at the scroll of the Holy Spirit of the chaotic domain. I don’t understand it: "That is the chaotic domain, do you want to sell it?"

"Sell it?" Qin Shi smiled strangely: "Of course not, such a good baby, if it is sold, isn't it a violent thing?"

"Well?" Kong Xianhui was puzzled.

But for her incomprehensibility, Qin Shi did not explain, just smiled: "You should not rush to ask, how long will it take you to witness the miracle."

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