Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 630: That 3 years

Qin Shi shook his head hard and shouted: "Hey! What do you think about it? Guo Danyang is not a mouse! Interested in what interests!"

The demon is interested in the monster. He is interested in Guo Danyang. If he is known by outsiders, he thinks they are sick.

Take what people are.

There is a feeling of spoof in my heart.

But, to be honest, he is really interested in Guo Danyang!

No, this interest, he can not suppress.

[Pig_Pig_Island] novel w.zhhuo.m finally irritated, he still found Guo Yilong.

"Guo Jiazhu, can I ask you something?" On the periphery of the blood family, Qin Shi asked Guo Yilong.

In the face of Qin Shi, Guo Yilong is very bold: "What is it? Qin Laodi said nothing."

Qin Laodi... Hey, Qin Shi is helpless. He is now more and more confused about his own generation. He now feels that even an old man who is over half a hundred calls his uncle to him. He can accept it.

Fortunately, this does not matter, it does not affect anything.

"It's about Yanger." Qin Shi took a deep breath and said: "I want to know, what happened to her when she was ten years old? Why did the Guo family ban her for three years?"

The original atmosphere of Guo Yilong, heard this paragraph is obviously low, the old eyes flashed a few vigilance.

Seeing the difference of Guo Yilong, Qin Shi quickly explained: "Guo Jiazhu, don't be nervous, I am not malicious."

Speaking of this, he took a deep breath, and he was about to roll up his hand sleeves. The black tattoo on his left arm was exposed: "Guo Jiazhu, I don't want you to say, I think I should have had the same experience with Yanger, so I took the liberty. Inquiring about her private affairs, maybe I can help her."

Guo Yilong’s old eyes condensed, and he stared straight at Qin Shi’s left arm. At this time, the demons totem flashed a few murderous murders, causing him to step back a few steps.

Qin Shi had expected: "Guo Jiazhu, do you believe now?"

After a long silence, Guo Yilong spit out the turbidity of the mouth. It can be seen that the turbidity has been squeezed in the chest for a long time: "I know."

"Actually, it is not that we are in prison, but when she was ten years old, something happened and she was self-enclosed. In those three years, she did not see anyone, even me and her parents. In the same way, she locked herself in the room for three years. After that, she became like a person, and everyone was very cold.” Guo Yilong said sadly.

"Is she shut herself for three years?" Qin Shi frowned, sharply said: "What happened?"

"That should be said when Yang is three years old. In the year when Yang Er was three years old, Yang Er and her parents went out. As a result, she encountered an enemy attack. Her parents were afraid of hurting her and hiding her in a hidden place. In the crypt, I didn’t want that battle. It lasted for half a month. After half a month, Yang’s parents repelled the enemy. At that time, we all thought that Yang’s child would die. You know, a three-year-old baby. In a dark crypt, how can it live for half a month?"

"But, there are eyes in the sky. When I and my parents took a lucky heart and rushed to the crypt, I was told that there was a wounded wolf in the crypt. The wolf would love Yang like his own baby. Every day, Yang Yang culled those wild animals that gave birth, and took milk from the top to feed Yang, and Yang Er was so lucky to survive."

"Later, we brought the spirit wolf back to the Yin people. The spirit wolf is very human. It has been with Yanger. It has been in the same seven years, and it is even better than the parents of Yang. Meaning, Yang Erguang is called a butterfly."

Qin Shi was amazed, so Guo Danyang is still a wolf girl?

"In this way, until the child was ten years old, the butterfly suddenly left. I still remember that when the butterfly was leaving, there was a very strange vision over the entire Yin family. The vision lasted for three days. Three nights, the center of the vision, there is a radiance, wrapped in the sun, since that time, Yanger is like a person, you will know in the future, because the butterfly's parting, she will block herself For three years." Guo Yilong's old eyes are wilting.

Qin Shi frowned, and at this moment, the demon suddenly said: "Little guy, ask him, that vision, what it looks like."

"Guo Jiazhu, what is that vision?"

"Vision... I can't say it, but I remember it was a very fierce gas, and the gas is very similar to this tattoo on your arm...!" Guo Yilong thought thoughtfully.

Be sure, the demon to Qin Shidao: "It seems that I guess it is right, the so-called Spirit Wolf, should be the magic that affects the little girl doll."

Hearing, Qin Shi frowned. "You mean, that butterfly?"

"Well, I can't be wrong. I was curious before. In the body of the female doll, I can't feel the magic of a little bit. If it is eroded by the monster, even if the monster is separated from her, she should have a residual magic. The family atmosphere, but this can be said." The demon explained.

Qin Shi suddenly realized that he spit out the turbidity: "I didn't expect that there is such a guy in the Mozu."

"That guy is the knot of the female doll. If she doesn't open this knot, she will be covered in shadows for a lifetime. I will continue this way." The demon shrugged.

This point, Qin Shi understands.

But he was powerless to change. He thought he helped Guo Danyang, but now this situation can only rely on Guo Danyang himself to get out of that shadow.

Seeing Qin Shi’s embarrassment, Guo Yilong chuckled: “Qin Laodi, in fact, you don’t have to blame yourself. You can do it for the sake of Yang Er. Your heart is what we Guo Guo’s heart is.”

With a sigh, Qin Shi shook his head.

The truth of the matter, Guo Yilong smiled and said goodbye to Qin Shi.

Looking at the old back, Qin Shi was depressed.

But I don't want him to think too much. The demon suddenly became dignified and warned: "The little guy, someone is coming."

“Well?” Qin Shi screamed: “Who is it?”

"The man of the sword."

"What?" Qin Shi's black scorpion condenses: "Where is the sword sect? Where?" He wants to expand his mental strength.

Without waiting for him to act, the demon slammed his anger and pressed Qin Shi from the sea of ​​knowledge: "Don't use mental power, don't do anything with your reaction, keep it like this, listen to me."

Being stopped, Qin Shi did not dare to shake.

"Three points, a total of seven people, all of whom are disciples of Jianzong, an eight-day beginning, three seven-day peaks, and the rest are all six days."

"Hey...!" Qin Shi pours in the air, what is this lineup?

Eight days, eight days, that level has exceeded the cognition of his life.

"Don't be excited, they don't seem to be malicious to you. Otherwise, they will be swept away by the seven people, but they will be watching outside. They should be looking for something." The demon appease, these seven people He also feels pressure.

Qin Shi thought about it: "They should want this sword-shaped necklace."

"Well, in short, don't act rashly, look for an opportunity these days and hurry to leave the Baizu."

Qin Shi nodded. He really should have left. He didn't want to be tired of him because of his enthusiasm. The sword sect wanted this sword-shaped necklace. As long as he left, he should not be awkward.

But before he left, he still had to attend a wedding. He promised Yin Xueer that he must attend. He could not lose his faith.


"I know, if they do, I will try to help you stop them."

Qin Shi’s glimpse, the heart is flowing warmly: “Thank you...!”

"Less nonsense, can you have any way, your temper is the same as that of the first cow. If you say it, it will definitely not change. If I don't help you, I don't have good fruit to eat. Fortunately, this time, the spiders and the creatures Silver fir, let me recover a lot, if they really do, can resist one or two."

Qin Shi smiled brilliantly.

He knew that the demon was joking with him.

In the next seven days, he felt that there were countless pairs of eyes staring at him every day, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

The most important thing is that he dare not show it, nor dare to tell the people of the Baizu, he is afraid of causing unnecessary commotion.

During this period, he went to Guo Danyang every day. He never mentioned Guo Danyang about the three years. During this period, he only accompanied Guo Danyang. He hoped to help Guo Danyang open his heart.

Guo Danyang was not angry with Qin Shi. She was very quiet every day. She occasionally chatted with Qin Shi. When there was nothing to say, the two men looked up at the sky.

"I heard that you are going to the eight domains?" On the night before the blood clan wedding, Guo Danyang and Qin Shi were on the ridge of the back of the Baizu.

Guo Danyang supported the rock under the hip, and the jade legs swayed under the cliff.

"Yeah." Qin Shi did not hide.

"When did you leave?"

"At the end of the wedding, I will leave when the wedding is over." Qin Shi nodded and spread his arms: "It has been delayed for too long and cannot be neglected."

"So?..." Guo Danyang's beauty, flashing a faint wave, fleeting: "Then you have to be careful, there will be a period."

This is her, the first time she cares about Qin Shi, but under this concern, I don’t know why, Qin Shi always feels a little different.

Shaking his head, he didn't think too much.

But then he realized that the period of this period will be close.

The next day, early morning.

This day is the most lively day for the Bai people in the past 100 years. Even the previous Baizu group competitions are not lively Xue Xiongfei invited the heroes of the Baizu, and the wedding was very lively.

Qin Shi prepared three hundred magic characters for the wedding of the two, including fifty soul charms. He really has no choice. The spirit stone on his body is completely used up. This is the most he can think of. A good gift.

Of course, these three hundred charms have become the highlights of the wedding. All the small families in the Baizu are exposed to envy. Where is this a casual gift?

In addition, he gave him this sister, a very special gift: "Snow, your wedding, there is no gift for the stone brother, these three minds are left behind, as long as you need it, you will pinch this power Broken, I can feel that there is something you need at that time, I will help you."

"Really?" Yin Xueer said happily.

Qin Shi smiled slightly: "Speaking of it!"

Waiting until the evening, the wedding is over. This is Qin Shi’s second wedding. The last time was Nangong Bing and Tai Shihua. Every time he attended the wedding, he always felt uncomfortable and couldn’t help himself.

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