Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 629: Guo Danyang's magic

"Sister Lin, can you talk to me more about this Western Region?"

Lin Qi nodded. She knew the position of Qi Xuexin on Qin Shi: "Before, the Western Region is slightly different from the other seven domains. The Western Region is the most barren region in the eight domains, and it is also the most serious place in the war. The reason why the Western Region is Can be combined with eight domains, mainly because of the Western Region Ice Emperor, it is a legendary existence, it is said that she has the top three in the eight domains, and it is this way to ensure that the Western Region is not swallowed by the remaining seven domains."

"Western Ice King?" Qin Shi knows that it is the master of Xue Xuexin, the lord of Qing Xuezong, who seems to be called He Shuhan.

"Well, but I heard that the Western Region has not been peaceful recently, and it has caused a very terrifying force. No one knows where this power comes from." Lin Yi = Pig = Pig = Island = novel ww.zhuzh knows her Things, one by one to Qin Shi.

Qin Shi frowned, Lin Qi did not know, but he knew that the horrible power would be undoubtedly a group.

"It seems that the squad has begun to start on the snow heart?" I was worried, and the snow heart was like dry wood, pushing the fire in Qin Shi's heart to the peak.

"Snow heart, you are still far away from me, but I will not give up, even if I put this life on, I will not let the group hurt you."

"I said, I am practicing swords, just to protect, and now you are the one I want to guard, everything is for you!"

For a long time, Qin Shi laughed, and the smile was so pale.

He clenched his fists, restrained himself from thinking more, and then he turned back to the rushing squatting voice: "Lin Sister, what about the other seven domains? What are their lords?"

"The remaining seven domains, not counting the swords, are in the name of the domain. The hegemon of purgatory is purgatory. The hegemon of the wind domain is the wind domain. There is nothing special about them. They are the legacy and inheritance of Wannian." Road.

"Does this?" Qin Shi silently wrote down in his heart and said again: "So, if I want to join the eight domains, what should I do?"

"I don't know this. I only know a few skins about the eight domains, but if you want to join the eight domains, I think you can give it a try and start from the chaotic domain."

"Chaotic domain?"

"Well, after all, Chiyan and Baizu are in the chaotic domain, and they have to pay huge amounts of tax every year to the chaotic domain." Lin Biao nodded.

"It turns out that." Qin Shi stunned, he only knows about this, but is the chaotic domain really so good?

"Of course, this is an opportunity. You will have a long way to go. I believe that even if you don't go to chaos, you will find a way to suit you based on your intelligence." Lin Biao saw Qin Shi's bitterness and comforted him.

Qin Shi nodded, and he also believed.

Nowadays, he knows a little about the eight domains. For this reason, he did not ask more questions. Then he will wait until he leaves the Baizu and rely on himself to sway.

"Stone brother, what are you talking about? Come and see my wedding dress." At this time, Yin Xueer, accompanied by Guo Danyang, jumped to Qin Shi.

Just thinking and upset, after seeing Yin Xueer, Qin Shi nodded a little, and scraped the nose of Yin Xueer’s quite awkward: "Good."

When I came to the mortuary, Yin Xueer changed her wedding dress. It was a big red phoenix Xia shawl. She just wandered around Qin Shi in front of her body, so Qin Shi couldn't help but lose her heart.

"Snow is really a beautiful man." Qin Shi thought in his heart and praised: "It's really good. It is estimated that on the wedding day, the blood dragon will see Cher, and will not move any more?"

"Stone brother...!" Yin Xueer's shy voice.

Qin Shi smiled and shook his head. The girl is like this. He can see it from Yin Xueer’s jade face. The smug smile and the happiness that can’t be concealed. For a girl, perhaps the day when they became a relative, they are countless The day that one night looks forward to is the most important moment in their lives.

I didn’t feel it, but this time I saw Cher wearing a dress, Qin Shi’s heart was inexplicably hot, until Yin Xueer went to change clothes, and he was still in the same place.

He can't wait to give him the snow heart, Yu Jie, Raksha, to set up a wild wedding on the wildest.

"How? Sichun?" Guo Danyang saw Qin Shi lost his heart and told him about it.

Qin Shi waist was sour, forbidden to ban the nose, breaking the thoughts: "Hey, I said you, can't you be gentle?" When it comes to this, he wanders around Guo Danyang: "You say you, a cold face Like everyone who owes you money, I said that you are a woman when you fall to the ground? Wouldn’t it be a man to pretend?"

"What are you talking about!" Guo Danyang is beautiful.

"I don't talk nonsense? Or do you let me identify?" Qin Shi's inferior character could not stand.

But apparently, he picked up the wrong object this time. He didn't wait for him to reach out. Guo Danyang's arms were feathered. The beauty was killing him, and he rushed to him. "Don't talk nonsense, don't blame me for being rude to you. ""

"stop and stop!" Qin Shi quickly stepped back and said: "It is really overbearing."

Forced to retreat Qin Shi, Guo Danyang will ease some.

The two were in Yin Xueer's mortuary, no one was talking, such silence, made Qin Shi somewhat uncomfortable, whispered: "I said Miss Guo, I ask you something?"

"what's up?"

"It’s about three years when you were forbidden."

Guo Danyang’s beauty was shocked, and the angry anger glared at Qin Shi. A real killing rushed out: “You dare to mention this, I killed you.”

Qin Shi’s heart was cold, he could feel that Guo Danyang didn’t make a joke with him. If he said more, she would really kill him.

"Yang sister, stone brother, what are you doing?" So dead for half a second, Yin Xueer changed clothes, and the two men who saw the sword were shocked.

Cher's sweet voice awakened Guo Danyang, and the surging killing gradually faded away.

"Snow, I am leaving." She looked different and turned and left the boudoir.

Looking at the back of the departure, Yin Xueer squinted: "Gold brother, Yang sister, what happened to her? Why did she want to do it to you?"

"Nothing." Qin Shi shook his head, but his heart was not smooth.

Once again, Qin Shi clearly felt the magic that was passed from Guo Danyang.

"Wrong, it is absolutely devilish, but why? Why am I in my body, I can't feel any magic? What is going on?"

"Little guy, the magic of this little girl is not because there is something in her body, just as you feel, there is no magic in her body."

"Demon?" Qin Shi stunned, first concerned about: "Are you awake?"

"Actually, I woke up early. When I came to the blood family, I woke up, but I just watched this little girl doll."

"Do you feel it too?"

"Well, this little girl, very interesting."

"You just said that the magic in her body is not because she contains a monster. What does that mean? If it is not a monster, how can she have magic?"

"Don't worry, I just said that she doesn't have a monster in her body now. It doesn't mean that she has never had it. I just heard from you that she was imprisoned for three years when she was ten years old, is it?"

Qin Shi nodded, and he also listened to Yin Fengqi.

"That's right. If I guess it's right, it should be three years. This little girl is separated from her original monster."

"Separation?" Qin Shi frowned, not explaining: "But if the magic is separated, then she should not be restored? How can it still have magic?"

"This is her interesting place. The magic of her body is not caused by the magic, but by the assimilation of the magic."


"Yes, that is to say, it is in her relationship with the monster, and it is precipitated little by little. I will give you the simplest example. Just like you and me now, you have my magic blood in your body. Even if one day, I am out of you, but if the blood is activated, you will have the same magic."

Qin Shi's enlightenment, immediately shocked: "That said, Guo Danyang, she was also replaced by blood?"

"How is it possible to exchange blood for human beings? Our Mozu will be hit hard. When I exchanged blood for you last time, it cost me nearly a thousand years of cultivation. Which magical thing do you think is as generous as me?" The demon disliked.

Hearing this statement, Qin Shi was a little accidental. The demon had never mentioned it before. He never thought about it. That time, he changed the blood and even consumed the cultivation of the demon.

For this reason, my heart is not warm.

Seeing the strangeness of Qin Shi, the demon smiled slightly: "Oh, it is your own choice. In fact, you are really courageous. I have lived for tens of thousands of years, and those who dare to bear the blood, except me." I haven't seen the second yet. I told you that when humans changed their blood, it was destined to be a remnant of heaven and earth."

"But, you didn't leave me, didn't you?" Qin Shi shrugged.

The demon stunned and shook his head: "I think, the problem is that I can't live without you."

"That's right, you are guilty of me." The two men were joking in their mouths, but their hearts were getting closer and closer.

"First, let's say this little girl." The demon converges, and the color is a little bit: "This little girl, it should be assimilated by the smell of her original body. But this assimilation only has one situation. Appeared, that is, she used to not reject the monsters in her body. I can see that she has been very harmonious with her body, even on you and me."

Speaking of this, the demon is low: "Although the monster in her body is gone, I can still feel that the monster left her a very precious treasure. Now she is repaired, half of it is due to the magic. ""

"Is there such a thing?"

"Well, that monster, not only left her with a very strong spiritual power, but also helped her to open all the meridians in her body, so that her cultivation is smooth and smooth." When it comes to this, the demons are excited: "I am now, this The monsters in the female dolls have become more and more curious. There are not many guys who can do this in the devil world."

Qin Shi thought for a while, he remembered that Yin Fengyi and he said that Guo Danyang did improve his talents several times after three years of ban.

"Is this really true? On this continent, apart from me, there are really people who can get along with the Mozu?" Qin Shi’s interest in Guo Danyang is becoming more and more intense.

Today is also guaranteed the third, this is the second more.

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