Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 507: Poetry

The roar of resentment, shrouded in the bleak burning peak of the Lord of Heaven, resounding in every corner of every inch.

Yu Liner’s young and delicate body screamed fiercely, and the jade hand tightened the jade hand. The modified nails were slightly sharp, and a small gap was made in her white palm, so that the blood leaked out.

Looking at the black robe teenager on the Scorpio, she Zhīdào this young boy in the past three years, step by step can go to today, pay too much, Xīshēng too much, leading to his endless backlog of resentment, when this resentment is thorough After the outbreak of the outbreak, it was the terrorist force that killed the thousands of disciples.

"Everything, it's over!"

&! Pig! Pig! Island! Novel.zuzudo.nbsp; The golden light of the sky, overflowing under the black robes of Qin Shi, the wind and the clouds rolling the dust sand, whistling the swallows to the disciples of the burning Tianzong.

"Don't!" Yu Liner’s painful sorrow.

Ye He looked at Yulin’s struggling look, and took a sword wound in his chest at the back. He said: “Liner, this is the grudge between Burning Tianzong and Qin Shi. You were expelled one year ago. Door, it’s not your business here, you are leaving.”

"Do not!"

Desperately shook his head, Yu Liner said: "All this is caused by me. It is because I ruined the Tianzong, which should be made up by me."

"Noisy!" Ye He replied: "In those days, I acquiesced in your practice. I asked you to use Qin Shi to steal the jade, which has nothing to do with you."

"But the fuse is the end of me." Strong smile, Yu Liner's bitterness: "Master, do you believe in life? Some things can't hide, this is my life, let me personally come. End it all."


After she finished speaking, she screamed at the moment of Ye He's loss of consciousness. A rushed to the green scorpion and blocked in front of Qin Shi. The jade hand squeezed a sharp sword and said: "In any case, I am also a burning Tianzong. Teacher, if you want to kill the words of the Burning Heaven, you will win me."

Reaction, Ye He quickly surprised: "Liner, don't!"

Let her call, Yulin is indifferent, but she has no choice but to go to Qin Shi to go: "Qin Shi, Liner is the teacher of Shilan, look at Shilan's face, don't hurt her..."

Without waiting for the voice to fall, Qin Shi’s five fingers indifference stretched out from the sleeves and interrupted Ye He: “Don’t think that every time you hit the name of Shilan, you can make me feel soft, Shi Lanlan is such a Can the Burning Dogs be captive?"

After all, he didn’t look at Ye He’s eyes and stared at Lin’s greetings: “I can’t kill you, it’s not because of Shilan, but because I said it, I want you to live forever. Under my aura, I will give you three time to leave, to burn Tianzong, otherwise... die!"

One word of death, swaying.

Yu Liner’s beauty has shrunk. Under Qin Shi’s glaring eyes, she felt an inexplicable sense of crisis. In the end, she still bite her silver teeth and decided to say: “I said that I want to burn myself. Tianzong, then I will win over me!"

"I don't know what it is! I have given you a chance. Since you don't know how to cherish it, then you can't blame me!"

After three times of blocking, Qin Shi’s patience has long been wiped out. He does not want to delay a point. He just wants to burn the Tianzong immediately, and use the blood of the disciples to pay homage to the seals and the death of Qin Zong’s disciples. In the dead of the sky.

call out!

Qin Shi’s black robe suddenly twisted a bit, and his figure became blurred. Then it was not equal to Lin’s reaction, and dozens of afterimages flashed out.

The afterimage was swayed in front of her beauty, and a voluminous force rushed down the crown, like a huge mountain, let her instinctive want to dodge the calf, all of a sudden deadlocked in place.

"Good, how is Kěnéng?"

Sudden power made her panic. Before she looked at Qin Shi, the spiritual power of Qin Shi was almost the same as that of her. She also touched the peak of the mysterious spirit of the thunderbolt. I thought that even if I could not win, at least I could Stick to hundreds of rounds.

Can this power in front of me be really a mysterious soul?

Under the chaos, her hand was busy, and the three blazing flames ignited, and the fingers disappeared from the forehead above her forehead.


I don't want to, the flame just wants to leave the finger, the side is inexplicably rolled up in the breeze, a black light and shadow come into view, from the black light and shadow, a slender big hand pokes out, holding her wrist and bending downwards Let the three flames change their direction, and the front side hits the broken Burning Temple.


With a loud bang, the smoldering fire swelled like a tiger.

Emei was tight, Yulin did not wait for her return, and she grabbed her big wrist and turned a circle. Five golden lights rolled up and became an indestructible chain, suddenly clinging to Lin's limbs. Neck.


Jin Guangzhen is now, the explosion is repeated.

Under the heavy pressure of Yu Liner, the students were shocked and flew hundreds of meters away, then the black light and shadows were scattered, and a black robe fluttered. Qin Shi cold road: "Although we are the peak of the mysterious spirit, If I want to kill you, how many strokes are enough!"


In a word, the big hand firmly grasps her white jade neck, as if it is a little hard, it can be twisted off immediately.

A phoenix phoenix, a few rounds, he was completely subdued by Qin Shi, Yu Liner is full of police squatting in the same place, remembering the power of horror, she believes that envy is really dead in the hands of Qin Shi .

The more she did, the more she lost her. Three years ago, this boy was arrogant to her, and three years later, the boy was standing at the height she could not look up to.

The lord of Qin Zong, the horror of the entire empire, shocked the empire of this empire, so how many women are the dream companions? However, three years ago, she personally trampled on the full love, and pushed the man who could have been hand-picked to the endless abyss, and even broke the relationship between the two. The divide.

She regrets, and she really regrets that if time can be reversed, she would rather not know Qin Shi, nor should she endure this pain.

But in this world, where is the regret drug sold?

The jade neck was grasped by Qin Shi. Yu Liner struggled to bite the lips and began to have a hard voice. It became a sorrowful moment, even praying: "I was wrong in the past, I should not deceive you, use you. The feelings of stealing jade, can burn the Tianzong has reached this point, there is no threat to you, the rest of these people, can you not let them go? Do you have to kill them?"

Without any pity, the black stone smashed, Qin Shi coldly said: "Three years, as you said, after all, it is necessary to make a break, Qin Zong's blood debt must be repaid."

"Then you killed me, these are all because of me, I will pay back." Yu Liner trembled: "I only hope that you can let go of my master and the disciples of Burning Tianzong."

"Why?" The angry fire inexplicably ignited, Qin Shizheng said: "Do you think that you alone will be able to repay the lives of thousands of disciples of Qin Zong? If I want to kill you, you have been a year ago. Dead! Why are you paying back?"

The deafening roar made Yulin’s heart lose her heart. Yeah, why is she?

"I Zhīdào, I have no half-point in your eyes. My prayers are also worthless. If it is her?" Under the sorrow, Yu Liner’s voice suddenly became lost, and the jade’s hand was strenuous. Start and point toward the distance.


This action allowed Qin Shi to sneak a glimpse of it, looking at Liner’s point of view. After a ridiculous rock, there was a graceful figure in sight.

The shadowy and timid pinching of the jade hand, a familiar golden brown long hair, and the pitiful gesture, made Qin Shi the whole person violently trembled.

"Poetry... Shilan?"

Unbelievably whispered, and then the look was changed, suddenly stunned, and then no longer cares about Liner, a step jumped toward the figure, snarled: "Shi Lan!"

Falling next to the shadow, Qin Shi forced her shoulders hard, and the black sorrow couldn't help but wet: "Shi Lan, Shi Lan, is it really you?"

Looking at Qin Shi, the shadow is a bit embarrassing, struggling for a few times: "Big brother, Shilan is my sister, my name is poetry."


Yan Ren’s fierce contraction, which was full of hollows, the hope of just igniting was extinguished in an instant, and Qin Shi looked at the girl in front of him.

For a moment, those different differences were earned, and Qin Shi’s soft powerlessness said: “Yes, you are not my poetry, Shilan’s courage is big, always big sister, she will not call other brothers. she was……"

The more I said later, the voice choked, and a drop of tears and sweat couldn’t help but slipped down from Qin Shi’s cheeks. It was here a year ago. He watched Shilan’s farewell, and he was separated from his yin and yang, but could not stop.

All of that is a regret that cannot be remedied.

"Big brother, don't be sad!" Listening to Qin Shi's sorrowful voice, Shijiao's petite jade hand wiped gently for him, screaming at the small mouth: "Do you know my sister?"

"Well, she is a brother's life, a very important and important person." Deeply took a breath, Qin Shi tried to calm himself down, looking at the girl in her arms, the pitiful and pitiful, let People can't help but hold them in their arms: "In the future, big brothers will protect you and never let people bully you."

Suddenly warm, so that the shadow can not help but sigh, and immediately did not refuse, but found a comfortable position, gently down.

Relying on Qin Shi's body, she felt inexplicably comfortable: "Big brother, can you promise me something?"

"You said, no matter what, I promise you."

"Don't hurt Lin's sister, is it good?" Shiger said quietly: "Thanks to her, I can bury my grandmother. She is taking care of me this year."

When he trembled, Qin Shi returned to God with a hesitation, and the black scorpion looked toward Yu Liner in the distance. The latter prayed for his purpose and looked at him silently.

Silence for a long Qin Shi sighed and sighed the hair of the poem, and walked back to Lin’s body. Before all the approachable people, the moment became cold and ruthless: “This Year, are you taking care of poetry?"

"Yeah." Yu Liner softly daggers the dagger and said: "Look at her face, let go of the burning heaven, I will use my life to make up, okay?"

"Poetry doesn't want you to be hurt, and I won't let you die. I said I want you to live, watching me go to the peak. If you are dead, the disciples of Burning Tianzong will accompany you." Qin Shi indifferent road.

A familiar speech resounded, and Lin Lin’s painful look up: "Do you still want to kill it? It is also the place where Shilan is, after all, even if it is for Shilan to burn the Tianzong, is it not?"

A moment of contemplation, Qin Shi fell into a long struggle, looking around for thousands of miles, the body of the thousand people, dyed the blood flow of the river, indifferently, sighed: "Shi Lan, saw it? Your hatred, I Already reported, you said that everything is here, is it really enough? After all, this place was where you lived."

Taking a deep breath, Qin Shi’s face was chilled, leaving a period of empty voice: “The Tianzong will be dissolved within one month, otherwise I will personally help him to be removed from the empire!”

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