Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 506: Yu Liner Huizong

The black scorpion, full of killings, such as a hanging blade, swept across the burning peak of 10,000 meters above sea level, causing countless people to burn the hearts of the disciples.

On the ruined square, it suddenly became silent.

There was a countless change during the reunion of this world, and it was a complete drop of the curtain when the arrest of the seal disappeared.

When the envy of death, the desolation of the Yuan, the burning of the Tianzong will no longer be able to withstand Qin Shi’s revenge, and then it is time for Qin Shi and Burning Tianzong to calculate the general ledger.

"This time, burning Tianzong is in jeopardy."

The novel; the old eyes of Qin Zongzhi are all condensed, they Zhīdào Qin Shi next want to do things, they can not stop, even as a grandfather, his father's Qin Yongfeng and Qin Tianqing will not work.

Ye He took the lead to return to God and stepped forward: "Qin Shi, now the Burning Heavenly Emperor, the Sovereign is no longer there, the elders are also degraded, the Burning Tianzong has been retaliated, and the rest are innocent disciples, things and they have not Relationship, don't you still want to stop, can't you open the net?"

"Well open one side? Oh, a net open side! You said this to me now, then I ask you, envy Hua Ke once read the innocent people of my Qin Zongzhi and open them to the net? If not I rush back in time, I am afraid that Qin Zong, who is now in the blood, has been dyed into a river for a long time! All of this is the burning of Tianzong. I laughed, Qin Shi Han Kai opened and closed, staring at Ye Hedao: "You are the master of Shilan. I don’t kill you in Shilan’s share, but if you dare to stop me, don’t blame me for not thinking about any feelings!”


The heart trembled, and Ye He's teeth bite his lips. For a time, he was speechless.

As an elder who burned Tianzong, she was told that the lord was killed. She should be revengeful, but the black robes in front of her eyes could not afford to hate.

As Qin Shi said, all of this is all about the three years since the burning of Tianzong.

"Today, burning the heavens must die!"

In a word, the power of horror, mixed with spiritual power, spiritual power, the power of the soul, and the three forces, at the same time, poured out in the body of Qin Shi, and became a huge net, shrouded all the disciples dressed in the burning Tianzong costumes. among them.


Numerous hurricanes, in order to destroy the ruin, suddenly ignited the raging stones in the peak of the burning of the Lord, in which none of the disciples of the burning Tianzong could be spared.

The mourning continued, the military heart of the burning Tianzong was completely defeated, and all the disciples had no resistance.

"In this case, then I will be your last opponent!" Looking at the foundation of the millennium, under the ravages of Qin Shi, one inch and one inch of smoke disappeared, Ye He’s jade hands were tight, sharp nails pierced the palm, and finally could not see The leaping up, a magnificent spiritual sublimation, forced to Qin Shi.


A loud bang, since the war began, Ye He has never had a shot, this shot does not matter, so many people condense a cold: "Take the second layer of heaven? Can not think of it, burning Tianzong in addition to the left and right to protect the law, there is still such a person ?"

"Fortunately, she did not participate in the war just now. Otherwise, Qin Zong’s casualties will never be the same as it is now. I am afraid it will be more than double."

"Well, a two-tiered heavenly environment can cause too many changes." With this in mind, countless people are grateful.


With a single blow, Qin Shimeng was forced to retreat a few steps, and for a time he couldn’t help but condense God: "Ye He, you don't have to take a shot!"

"I will eventually burn the elders of Tianzong. Since you have to destroy the Tianzong, then I will kill them together. As long as I am still alive, I will not allow you to go further." Ye He said palely.

Hearing, Qin Shi’s face was iron and blue: "You are looking for a dead end!"


Both hands converge on the chest, the golden light of horror, the approach of a group, the soul of a layer of soul temple, along the skin of Qin Shi, and the palm of the hand is the palm of the hand.


Under the palm of the hand, Ye He quickly resisted, and a group of fires were sacrificed from the body. In the two days, she actually sacrificed the celestial body to be a palace armor.

Suddenly, the power of the attribute made Qin Shi’s black squad shrink. After a long battle, he was scared by the scars.

Fighting a hundred tricks, a group of tossing fire dragons spurted out from Ye Hekou, so that Qin Shi had to mad back, half a sigh in the air looks grim.

Looking at the hard Qin Shi, a few people in the air crossed the air: "The sovereign, you are too hurt, the next thing, give it to us?"

"No, this time, I have to be hands-on!" Interrupted Coach, Qin Shi took a deep breath and stared at Ye He with a stern look: "I finally asked once, you still let it!"

A forced question, countless burning Tianzong disciples have a tight heartstring, their life and death are now in the hands of Ye He, as long as Ye He retreats half a step, they will die.

Under the snoring of Qin Shi, Ye He’s delicateness was struggling, and he could see the panic on the face of the burning Tianzong disciple. He finally shook his head in a decisive manner: “If you want to destroy the Tianzong, you will step on it from me. !"

"That's what you want!"

After several obstacles, Qin Shi couldn't bear it. One hand was pinched in the void, and a black stalk with a corrosive gas was used to hold it. He held the Nether Sword and held it up. A slogan gathered on the blade: Sword!"


The earth trembled fiercely.

Ye He panicked, did not wait for her to block, Jianguang is already near her head. Originally, she took the second floor of her repairs. It is not difficult to hide the sword, but her skirt is burning. As for the disciple of the sect, as long as she is slightly biased, 100 people are killed.


The clever chest was hit in the middle, and Ye He was directly shot into the ruins. The whole body kept twitching a few times, and a pair of Qingyun embroidered dresses were eroded by the power of the eclipse.

"You insist on doing this, then die!"

Indifferent buzz, Qin Shi lifted the Nether Sword and slowly waved toward Ye He.

call out!

She was ragged, feeling the sharp edge of the Nether Sword, and her heart was helpless. She smiled bitterly: "Perhaps this is life, can have such a ending, but also Bùcuò."

"Master! No!"

At this moment, a beautiful body shadow did not know where to suddenly jump, the void is in front of Ye He.

Inducted into the breath of the shadow, Qin Shi raised the hilt suddenly: "This power... is she?"

Jiaojiao is a beautiful woman who looks like a flower. A pair of emei is like a beautiful picture. Three thousand blue silks pass over the waist, and they are all close to the hips. That one is not weaker than Xiaomi, only after the snow and the jade in the book. Charming and charming, so many men can not help but praise: "a beautiful girl."

The sudden appearance of the figure allowed many people on the field to slam the fists, especially the Qin disciples, the burning Tianzong disciples, and the books in the jade, Qin Shi, Ye He.

"Lin? You...what are you coming back?" Ye He was shocked. The familiar Jiaorong was not the one who left Zongmen a year ago, Yuliner?

"Master, what is going on here?" Holding Ye He, Yu Liner felt the bleakness and blood of the audience, and couldn't help but cramp: "How can it be burned?"

Hearing the inquiry from Liner, Ye He shook his head bitterly and whispered: "Liner, this time, burning Tianzong is afraid that it is over, you should not come back."

After rubbing his eyebrows, Yu Liner felt the strange atmosphere around him. Suddenly he turned back and looked into the sky. A black robe fell in the beautiful, and the thin figure was so familiar that her delicate body was inexplicable. Trembling: "You... is Qin Shi?"

Three years, one year, once again, she never expected, it would be such a situation.

Sweeping over Lin, in her eyebrows, she was aware of the imprint of a flash of lightning, which made Qin Shi quite surprised and laughed: "Oh, thunder and robbery? I didn't expect that one year will not see, your progress is also Don't take a peek."

Looking at Qin Shi, Yu Liner has no need to ask more, she Zhīdào these are the so-called Qin Shi, but she never expected, the teenager who used to play with her in the past, will be so strong that it was once The person believes that it is a revenge for madness, and seeing this is as he wishes.

Suddenly, I remembered what Qin Shi said to her a year ago: "I will not kill you, I want you to live, and always live under the aura of my own."

The jade hand creaked, Yulin’s remorse, looking at the Burning Heavenly Peak, once known as the Holy Land, is now such a desolate scene, shaking: "Why? For so many years, you still refuse to forgive. Me? What is it, you come to me!"

Faced with Lin’s question, Qin Shi smiled indifferently and ironically: “Oh, don’t be passionate. I said a year ago that you have no meaning to me. If you made these kills, you really don’t. value."

Listening to the ridiculous sarcasm, Yu Liner felt inexplicably sad and gritted: "Not because of me? Then why are you doing this?"

"Why?" Hearing the scent of Liner, Qin Shi whispered indifferently, and then suddenly he made a wild laugh, and there was no joy in the laughter. Instead, he was filled with resentment and coldly said: "Haha, Hahaha, why are you asking me? Then I ask you, in the past three years, how do you burn me, do you still need me to repeat?"

Looking at the boy's jealousy, Yu Liner bit his silver teeth and didn't know how to respond.

Seeing Lin’s speechless Qin Shi satirically said: "How? Can't answer it? Well, let me think about it for you. Three years ago, you hurt me." Broken, ruined my parents in the Qin family, and took away the Qin family's Zhen people collapsed jade, is it true?"

"Two years ago, burning Tianzong forced me to retreat to the sect, and almost killed me. Is it true?"

"A year ago, the burning of Tianzong hijacked my sister, hurting my Qin family's disciples' lives, the harm of the jade sister's weight loss, and Shilan's tragic death! Are these true?" A period of snoring spit out, Qin Shi glared at Ye He , said: "You tell me, which one is not a crime of death?"

Listening to the anger, Yulin was silent.

Her Zhīdào, what Qin Shi said, any one is true, and it is enough for Qin Shi to roar and burn Tianzong, without any reason for relaxation.

"What do you want?" Yu Liner blushes.

"How?" Yu Liner’s questioning made Qin Shi even more angry. He started to scream and snarled: "Even if it is just now, my hands and feet are also harmed by your burning of Tianzong. You are coming out and asking me how to do it. Ok, then I will tell you now! I want to burn Tianzong, blood debts to pay!"

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