Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 16 Chapter 1954: Melting snow and ice plains

Along the channel connecting the fog of the sky and the sacrifice of the gods, Qin Shi swayed down and headed for the human world. ??

It’s not a long time to leave this time, but it’s not too short. Two or three months before and after, I don’t know what the human world is, and how about Qin Zong.

In the diffuse rays of the sun, not far away, about 90 meters in the clouds, Qin Shi suddenly stopped, and there was a figure of a waist-rod in the distance.

"The kid, there are people in front." The demon said.

Qin Shi nodded: "This passage is to the fog of the sky. Only the people of the fog can enter. This person should be foggy."

"Get closer."

After the kilometer, Qin Shi looked at the figure and frowned. Surprise: "The alcoholic predecessor?"

"Oh, little guy, you don't deny it, don't even call me when you leave?" The drunk turned and saw Qin Shihe's smile.

Hearing the alcoholic blame Qin Shi a bitter smile, in fact, when he decided to leave the fog, Qin Shi wanted to find a drunkard once. After all, the drunk is the most powerful existence of the human world. This decade is precisely because of his guardianship. Qin Zong can stand up, or ten years ago, he was just driven out of the human world. I am afraid that Qin Zong will be extinct, including Bai Chao and the Baizu must not escape the massacre.

However, Qin Shi still dispelled the idea. The reason was very simple. The former drunkard had no memory. He only knew that he was sealed in the emptiness of the oracle for tens of thousands of years. He thanked Qin Shi and guarded Qin Zong, and contributed to Qin Zongli, but now it is different. Qin Shi knows that he has recovered his memory and can participate in the ancient World War. It must be a giant of heaven and earth.

Qin Shi is uncertain, and the alcoholic will not follow him back.

"Qin Zong and Tianwu have a big gap, so I..."

"So you think, I will choose to stay in the fog?" The drunk smiled: "Little baby, this decade I looked at Qin Zong, rising from a humble little Zongmen in the human world, and eventually became a human being. The pinnacle, the ruler of the human world, there, your heart, but also my efforts, you can not let go, I can not let go."

"Predecessors, are you really willing to go back to Qinzong with me?"

"I still want to look at Qin Zong, the day of rising among many Xianfu." The drunk smiled.

Qin Shi smiled happily. The strength of the drunkard does not need to be questioned. Even if He Shuhan has a little tea with him, the human world or Qin Zong can have his help, and the combat power will increase a lot.

If there are alcoholic squatters guarding Qin Zong, this time they will leave the beast world, at least not too worried. As long as it is not the Xianfu level, the drunkard can now resist. If the squad is shot, the fog will definitely not Stand by and watch.

“Thank you for your predecessors!”

"Let's go, I have already circulated, and Ling Xiao said that we have to go back, everyone is waiting to pick you up." The drunk smiled.

Qin Shi and the drunkard left the fog together.

In the long starlight tunnel, Qin Shi looked at the drunkard. After the drunkard returned to the fog this time, he obviously changed a little, just like a little more soul.

"Predecessors, have you recovered?"

The drunkard was a little stunned and smiled very sorrowfully: "It's a recovery."

“Is the seniors really participated in the ancient war?” Qin Shi asked excitedly.

Now Qin Shi is very eager to know some ancient things, especially the strength of the group in the ancient war.

"I participated, but I didn't see the last battle. At that time, I was sealed in the realm of the gods." The drunkard squeezed his fist and sighed and said: "Kid, let's go, 30,000 years have passed, What happened to the ancient World War will not affect you. What you have to do is the second battle in the near future. That battle will surely come."

"This war is the real catastrophe between the heavens and the earth. In fact, as early as 30,000 years ago, this war should be exploding, but it was crushed by the blood of the emperor, and the birth of it was suppressed. Today, 30,000 years passed. The fate of the life is turned again, and the wheel of fate is turned on. This time, no one can block this battle. What can be done is to kill the sky and destroy the group. The burden on your shoulder is heavy. Said the drunkard.

Hearing the words of the drunkard, Qin Shi forced his head. The alcoholic said that he knew that the ancient war did not end, but it was extended to infinity for 30,000 years, but this time, it will not be extended, he and the heavens There must be a battle in the middle, a battle between life and death.

After leaving the fog, the two returned to Qin Zong.

On the way, Qin Shi always had a hunch. After this time, the drunkard seemed to be very vast and embarrassing. Every time Qin Shi mentioned 30,000 years ago, the drunkard could not help but reveal a bit of pain. It seems that The same was true of the great regrets that were left 30,000 years ago.

And after this time, the drunkard seems to be more attentive to Qin Zong, even the alcoholic look at his own eyes are very strange.

However, the alcoholic is not willing to say that Qin Shi is not good to ask. In short, this time the fog and the line let him know the real conspiracy of the group.

"Sky, I will never allow the blood to come." Qin Shi made up his mind.

In the human world, the vast mountains and rivers are endless, the mountains are winding, and the trees are lush.

Nowadays, the four major domains in the chaotic domain have been disintegrated. Among them, the disciples of the blazing domain and the chaotic domain have been transformed into the emptiness of the Qin Shi income, and the suffocating curses of the body, the forbidden domain and the wind domain, and the two domains are not corroded. In the past three months, several elders of Ling Xiao and Qin Zong have cursed the disciples of the two domains.

Qin Shi left Qin Zong for almost three months. In these three months, the human world has changed a lot.

The human world, which was almost turned into a dark ruin because of the chaotic domain, gradually began to show in a good direction, thriving, and the buildings that were destroyed were gradually restored. In the process, Qin Zong, and the rest The four major domains are all involved.

In these three months, Ling Xiao broke through to the boundary, Lin Yu reached 900,000 meters of his own world, and eventually stopped because there was no destiny.

After Qin Zong’s people learned that Qin Shi came back, everyone was excited to meet in Chiyan Imperial City.

The current Chiyan Imperial City has also become the bustling center of the human world.

"It is the lord, and the elders of the alcoholic!"

After the appearance of Qin Shi and the drunkard on the same day, everyone cheered.

"You haven't seen you for a long time."

Qin Shi Shuang Lang laughed and landed on the wall of the Imperial City, and then turned to look at Lin Yu and Ling Xiao, Qin Zong created, Ling Xiao has always been the core of Qin Zong, Lin Yu is the emperor of Chi Yan, even now Chi Yan And Qin Zong has been merged into one, but some things are still separate. After all, the rule of the country cannot be confused with the Zongmen faction. All the major events of Chi Yan and Qin Zong are basically responsible for Ling Xiao and Lin Yu.

"When I left this period, what happened to the group?" Qin Shi asked.

"No, after the death of Liu Xianzun, the group seems to have disappeared into the human world. In the past three months, there has been no trace of the group, but even if there is, it should be fine as long as it is not the level of Xianzun. Now He Zongzhu and Qi Qing Both the Sovereign have already broken through to the realm of the realm, and the sect of the Qingqing has reached the habitat. Now the human world is not a decade ago, even if the chaotic domain has not been destroyed, now the enchanting can not afford any waves." Said.

However, Qin Shi has frowned, which seems to be a good thing in Ling Xiao. The group does not do it. It may be a strong person in the human world. However, Qin Shi is very clear, how terrible the real strength of the group is. It is this time to go to a fog, to understand the level of Xianfu.

Qin Shi is clear again. Although the human world is much stronger than it was a decade ago, it is still like an ant in front of the scorpion group, without any resistance.

The more the group is not doing this, Qin Shi is more uneasy because he has been skeptical that the group seems to be planning a plot.

"What will it be?" Qin Shi thought impatiently.

"Kid, you don't have to care, it's not good. This time the beast world is back, the group will not do it, we will take the initiative to attack, with my current strength, plus the space power of the blood wizard, connect a human world to the devil's space. The transfer should be ok."

"Well, anyway, this time the beast world is coming back, I have to pay a little price for the group. In these years, they have always been in the human world, taking the initiative, and it is time for us to take the initiative to fight back." Qin Shi Nod.

"For the Sovereign, there is one more thing in this March."

"what's up?"

"The ice and snow plains have melted and have caused three avalanches." Ling Xiao said, "In the past three months, the doorless auction house completely blocked the snow and ice plains. We can monitor a little before, but now we can't monitor at all. Just know that the temperature of the snowy plain has risen recently and began to melt, which has caused three avalanches."

"No door auction house?" Qin Shi wrinkled his eyebrows, this mysterious and ancient power has always been a heart knot in Qin Shi heart.

When he was swimming in the deep sea, Yuan Bo was the only one who could show himself, and Yuan Bo also knew that he would have a robbery in the deep sea and needed an opportunity to be rescued.

According to the dragon, the deep sea disaster is manifested in life, that is to say, Yuan Bo knows the life, and the understanding of the life is absolutely not under the dragon, then this has been played in the Red Yan Empire. The guy who is a businessman, who is it, and what background does he have?

The most important thing is, what is the secret in the snowy plain?

For more than a decade, the Ice and Snow Plains have been dominated by no-door auction houses. What else do they have to do?

"And the lord, the doorless auction house did not know what happened, suddenly a lot of strong, and another avalanche caused Lin Yu's dissatisfaction, he took people to a snowy plain, but was given by two boundaries Blocking, neither of the two borders is under the sovereign."

"Two boundaries?" Qin Shi frowned, although for today's Qin Shi, the boundary is no longer so far away and powerful, but he always knows that the boundary is for the human world, Still a peak.

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