Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 16 Chapter 1953: 3 leaf bodhi

"Ready to leave?"

The demon laughed unexpectedly.

Qin Shi sneaked his head: "The fog is good, but it is not suitable for me. I practiced here for one month and it is very helpful to me. I think it is time to return to the world. Everyone in Qin Zong is worried. That, that is where I belong."

"I know that you are staying here for a long time, but it is OK. Leave this and go back to the world. Should you go to the beast world?"

Qin Shi did not hide his nod. "The beast world is definitely going to go. I always have a hunch. Xiaomi Cai may have an accident."

"When the animal world is reached, the animal world also has a fairy house. It is not easy to use a little girl. If the demon is the lord of the beast world, if you like, you can go to the fairyland, you may go there. Cultivation is faster than practicing fog in this day. Moreover, the blood of the Feng nationality and the wing of the Peng Peng are in the animal world. These are the forces you must find."

Qin Shi nodded, there are indeed many things to do in the animal world, but it has been delayed.

Now that the chaotic domain is destroyed, the human world will fall into a short period of stability, which is an excellent opportunity to go to the beast world.

In the deep sea, Qin Shi took a real dragon blood from the dragon's hand, because his body's phoenix power is insufficient, there is no way to neutralize, there is no absorption, and there is a cultivation of the 鲲鹏骨翼, the same is because there is no blood, not Awakening the gods, whether it is the power of dragons and phoenixes, or the bones of the scorpion, is one of the most important means today, so it is time to wake them up.

Soon after, when they really fight against the squad, these forces may not be enough, but they overlap each other, and Qin Shi’s proficiency is another matter. Maybe it will bring a powerful magical effect to Qin Shi.

"Let's go, leave this, I will come back in the future, but the next time I come back, it will definitely not look like this now."

Qin Shi said, a little self-deprecating said: "This time, it really is a big gap, but after that time, it will not."

"Hey, I like the kid, you have this fight, rest assured, I will always be with you, Snow Heart, the girl, don't worry about it, that little girl, I have been watching growth, she Since it corresponds to me in the fate, it is a big deal, I am resistant to her." The demon laughed.

Qin Shidao thanked me, but I knew in my heart that things would not be so simple. Everything that was mapped out in the life frame, even the emperor could not change, and finally chose to compromise, and smashed the blood to crush the sky, so Qin Shi is very Clearly, it is very difficult to break the life.

However, Xue Xuexin, Qin Shi must be guarded, no one can take her away.

"Let's go."

When a flash of shadow flashed, Qin Shi and the cover of the sky had appeared in front of the huge void stone gate of Tianwu Xianfu.

Qin Shi back, looking at the magnificent huge stone gate, this is the remains of his ancestors.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Shichang is very determined: "I will be back in five years."

Ready to leave the fog, Qin Shi did not have a big fan, and did not inform anyone, because he believes that Ethereum their strength, even if they do not say, they will certainly be aware, so he is prepared to leave quietly.

"Little guy, are you ready to leave like this?" However, when Qin Shi wanted to follow the sacrifice of the gods and the light of the gods left the fog, suddenly a voice rang softly.

The elders of Taiyuan have appeared in the sky above the heavens and the earth.

"Yeah." Qin Shi nodded, and then he smiled: "Don't the predecessors want to stop me?"

Hearing the words of Qin Shi, Tai Yuanfu must smile: "Nature will not, this day fog, this is what the emperor left, as you said, it is your Qin family, here is always open to you, you are willing to leave, too No one will stop you, let alone, I have long guessed that you will not stay here for five years, just leaving the time, as much as I expected, is it for the snow heart?"

Qin Shi nodded without hiding.

"Before you left, I have one thing for you." Taiyuan said, faintly said: "Apprentice, give it to him."

Speaking of a figure in the void behind Taiyuan, a figure suddenly appeared, the figure is not old, is a young man, but very handsome, smiling like a wind, giving a very gentle and comfortable feeling, he is wearing a green Shirt, smiled and walked to Qin Shi.

"Qin Shi, I haven't seen you for a long time."

After seeing the youth, Qin Shiyi, then the brow wrinkled very deep.

"Have we seen it?" Qin Shi tried hard to remember that there was no memory related to this boy in his memory.

The young man in the green shirt smiled softly: "You may have never seen me, but I have seen you several times, and I know that you are always looking for me."

"I have been looking for you?" Qin Shi frowned.

"Look at this, you may understand." The boy said, he reached out and had a large piece of flame-marked marks on the back of his hand.

Seeing this trace, Qin Shi slightly condensed God: "This is the brand left by the blazing gods after being driven out of the mountain gate by the blazing field. You were a disciple of the blazing domain?"

"I also participated in the sacrifice of the gods." The young man in the green shirt smiled.

Suddenly, Qin Shi’s black scorpion wrinkled and suddenly remembered something. Then his hands were shaking. He seemed to recognize the boy. This, once in the human world, caused a thousand years of panic, the former world. Genius, with one person, overthrew the defiant disciple of the blazing blaze, this person, is He Yunqiu?

"You, is He Yunqiu?" Qin Shi's lips all dry up.

Indeed, if this boy is really He Yunqiu, then he really looked for him for a long time, very very long. In these years, Qin Shi has been confessing to Qin Zong, so Ling Xiao kept looking for this in the human world. He Yunqiu, who killed one person at a time, just looked for it anyway. Even if he turned the human world over again, there was no news.

This boy seems to have disappeared from the air two hundred years ago.

Qin Shi also stepped into the chaotic cemetery alone, because when He Yunqiu was wanted by the blazing domain, he was included in the list of the eight-domain bad list.

However, since the overthrow of the flaming Danta two hundred years ago, no one has ever seen him.

Now Qin Shi finally understands why, originally, he has been in the fog.

Joining the fog, as long as He Yunqiu does not want to, then even if the human world is looking for a place to go out, I am afraid I will not find a trace related to him.

Qin Shi has been looking for him, just because he has a plant in his hand that awakens the last taste of the book.

Qin Shi searched for countless years of grass: Sanye Bodhi.

"It turned out that you joined the fog."

Qin Shi suddenly burst into a bitter smile, no wonder no matter how Qin Zong looked for, he could not find any clues related to He Yunqiu.

He Yunqiu smiled and said: "Two hundred years ago, the blazing domain had been infiltrated by the scorpion group. I was aware that I wanted to leave the blazing field, but it was very serious with Yan Yansheng, so he wanted to secretly remove me. Fortunately, in the sacrifice of the gods, I was fortunate enough to be chosen by the elders of Taiyuan. I was saved from the disciples and I was saved from death. Now, I am a member of the fog. I am alive and dead."

Hearing the words of He Yunqiu, Qin Shi suddenly realized.

"This is what you want." He Yunqiu extended his hand and handed a grass with three leaves to Qin Shi.

I saw this three-leaf leaf, each leaf contains a deep and angry fairy grass Qin Shi slightly moving, three-leaf Bodhi, he knows that these three leaves of the grass is the three-leaf bodhi, he has searched for countless years The fairy grass, now, finally found him?

Qin Shi became very excited. With this three-leaf Bodhi, he will be able to refine the Cangyan Fu Ling Dan, and he will be able to awaken the jade in the book.

In the past two decades, Qin Shi finally awakened the jade in the book, and Qin Shi’s big hands began to tremble slightly.

"Jade sister, have you seen it? I finally collected it." Qin Shi put the three-leaf bodhi up, and he gratefully looked at He Yunqiu and Taiyuan.

"Predecessors, He Xiong, Da En does not say thank you, I am gifted today, Qin Shi wrote down." Qin Shi said.

Taiyuan Fushou nodded: "Go, come back five years later."

Qin Shi nodded, then he turned and left along a passage.

In the sacrifice of the gods, a beam of light connecting the fog of heaven is like a galaxy connecting the heavens and the earth. The figure of Qin Shi eventually disappears into the Milky Way.

Looking at the figure that Qin Shi gradually disappeared, Taiyuan showed a look of expectation.

"Five years, the bombing command, in my eyes, is not worth mentioning, but for this little doll, these five years, it is very different, five years, can make him grow too much."

"I have a little expectation, and he will return to here five years later."

The void around Taiyuan is constantly distorted. If Qin Shi is present, he will be surprised. Because Gu Lie, Huo Duo, including Han Tao, the first sword in the world has been hidden in this piece of void.

"Five years later, if he does not improve, I will not be merciful, and I will not recognize him." Han Tao snoring Oh, little guy, look at it, five years later He won't let us down. ”

"Hope, the squad now dominates the situation, and the blood is afraid that it will be running. Five years, if this kid can't grow up, there will be no chance in this world. This is the last five years. If he fails, Hey group will not give him five more years." Han Tao sighed.

Everyone raised their eyes and looked down at the Star River. After five years, what will happen?

However, Qin Shi did not know what he was after he left. He is now in a torrent of light, and his heart is full of waves.

It is another five years. In the next five years, what will happen again, Qin Shi takes a deep breath.

But in any case, Qin Shi will definitely stop the group, this will not change things.

Now, one thing that Qin Shi has to do is to refine the jade that is revived by Cang Yan Fu Ling Dan.

He had waited for a few years on this day and he could not wait.

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