Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 14 Chapter 1859: Killing stone


The smashing stone and Qin Shi's one foot and one punch are directly tied together. The strength of both of them is very strong. In the collision place, there is a crack in the space, and then the earth continues to sag and become a huge deep pit. ????

When the mad stone and the Qin mad handed over, the heart suddenly rose a bit.

To what extent his own strength is achieved, the mad stone is very clear, and he has the blood of the fierce rock demon, his strength is enough to counter the 900,000, or even more than 950,000 meters of his own world's realm. Under the border, it is very normal to find an enemy.

"This kid can actually block my foot? And, is it so easy?" The savage stone flashed back and his face became dignified.

"Oh, boy, have to say, you really have a bit of a skill, if I am not mistaken, what you just used, should be the two forces of Qinglong and Phoenix?" said the stone coldly.

Qin Shi’s unspeakable shrug, now his body’s strength in the body has reached an extremely terrifying level. Of course, Qin Shi knows that this is not over yet. The real limit of his strength must be After he went to the animal world, after the phoenix family got the most pure blood of the phoenix, he would give him the true dragon blood and blood. At that time, his power of green phoenix will break through the limit, as to whether it will reach To what extent, he does not know now, but it must be certain that it will be very powerful.

"Well, it is the power of dragons and phoenixes." Qin Shi said faintly.

"It's really good, the power of dragons and phoenixes, in ancient times, no one can master at the same time, even you are given control, but unfortunately, if you don't accidentally enter this casting soul tower, depending on your qualifications, I am afraid It will not become long before it will become the overlord of the Megatron side, but today, you will die here, you are in the flesh, I have to fix it!" The stronger Qin Shi, the more excited the mad stone, because then, once he got Qin The physical body of the stone, the power of Qin Shi, will also become his strength, as long as he is leaving this casting soul tower, then this world, is not still let him free?

"There is so much nonsense! Since you don't do it, then I will start with it!"

Qin Shi said disdainfully. The next moment, his body shape took the initiative to burst out. He had a boxing style. The power of Qinglong and Qifeng was intertwined. It seemed to be a dragon and a phoenix, and the fierceness was going down the slate.

Seeing Qin Shi hands-on, the mad stone is also a burst of gloom, the next moment his punch with magma generally meets Qin Shi.


It was a fierce collision between the two forces. Only this time, Qin Shi was not being repulsed, his body shape was not retreating, and he was constantly attacking in a dazzling manner of attack. Qin Shi was extremely fast, plus him. The back of the bones breed, so that the eyes of the mad stone can not keep up, the mad stone frowns: "Bastard! This little hybrid, how can it be so fast?"

The seven demon statues in the distance are also a shocked jump: "Fast degree!"

"Little bastard, cracked mountain!"

"Kowloon Qianyuan!" Qin Shi's body shape is fierce. From his five fingers, he sprayed five dragons, and he explored and greeted the rocks.

boom! The ground suddenly collapsed.

"How is this willing? This little hybrid, obviously only 800,000 meters of its own world, how can it be so strong?" Hundreds of strokes in the past, the mad stone face is finally gloomy, because he is now, he can not hurt Qin Shi On the contrary, it has always been in the passive, and even he has a hunch, if he continues, he may be killed by Qin Shi.

This situation is never allowed to appear!

"Drink! Dissolve stone!"

The mad stone is not nonsense. His big hand is empty, and the ground under his huge palm is suddenly refining into magma. In the boiling magma, it gives a kind of melting pot of the ancient swordsmith. The rock power is constantly gathering. In the end, it turned into a hot scarlet blood sword, which was ten meters in size and was caught in the hands of the stone.

"Kid, this stone sword is made by me in this casting soul tower for 30,000 years. If it is placed in ancient times, it must be a presence on the list of gods. I will use you to sacrifice me today. This blood sword, you can die under this blood sword, not guilty." Wild stone holding the **** sword excited sneer.

Seeing the blood sword in the world, the seven demon statues are also envious, the scarlet blood sword seems to have the power to drink blood, just look at it, the blood will boil.

Looking at the scarlet blood sword Qin Shi wrinkled his eyebrows: "A good blood sword."

If it is placed in the past, Qin Shi will not be jealous, because he has never lost his fight, and any artifact in his hands is absolutely the best in the world, but the current situation is different. In the deep sea war, Qin The gods in the hands of the stone were seriously injured, and now there is no way to use them.

However, even if there is no way to use it, it has been swayed by the gods for many years. Qin Shi’s body has already used a kind of sacred atmosphere. Qin Shi looked at the scarlet blood sword and sneered. He suddenly reached out and the action was extremely light. Beckon: "Little guy, come."


Suddenly, the stone sword in the hands of the stone was madly shaking, and a loud and joyous cry was actually struggling, breaking free from the hands of the mad stone, and then, like a child, toward the Qin mad Excited drifted over, came to the front of Qin Shi, and kept entangled around Qin Shi, as if I found the baby.

Qin Shi reached out and the stone sword became extremely docile. He crouched at the foot of Qin Shi and let Qin Shi touch it.

Seeing this scene, the mad stone and the seven demon statues are all big eyes, dissolve the stone sword, definitely the most powerful card for the mad stone, as the mad stone said, if it is in ancient times, this stone sword must be It is a place to be listed on the list of gods. However, the ranking is about 100. As for the top 100, it is bound to go in. The top hundred gods, every **** is a kind of force. Or, if there is a divine power, the power of the gods is different, so the power generated is also different.

"Little bastard, what did you do to my solution?"

Qin Shi stroked the stone sword, and sneered: "Oh, it seems that you have a stone sword, I seem to prefer to follow me?"

"Little guy, how will you follow me in the future?" Qin Shi faintly smiled at the stone sword.

"Hey!" The dissolved stone sword immediately sounded a pleasant scream, and the excitement wrapped around the Qin stone.

"Little guy, this stone sword seems to be very friendly to you, although it is not as good as the previous hundred gods, but now that your gods are crushed, you are missing a spiritual sword that is temporarily replaced. This stone sword is a good one. Choose." The demon smiled.

Qin Shi nodded, he also has this intention, he is proficient in kendo, and now the glare of the Excalibur is broken, so that he can only use the sword of the condensed elements instead, if it can accept this stone sword, it is not bad.

"It's a pity that it is a bit too big."

"It doesn't matter, this ten-meter sword is actually just his scabbard. This is the real sword of the stone sword. In these rocks, you can see the rock shattered." The demon said faintly.

"Oh? Is this lava just a scabbard?" Qin Shi was curious. He grabbed the stone sword and pressed his fingers. He tried to force it, as if he had a sharp stone knife. He immediately gave the rock outside the stone sword ten meters. Broken, with the fragmentation of the rock, there is a dark green sword on the sword, which seems to map the power of heaven and earth.

Suddenly, the stone-splitting sword blasted fiercely. After the huge rock was destroyed, a rich ray of light flashed from the rock. The sword of dark green crystal, which was about one and a half meters long, suddenly suspended in front of Qin Shi. The most amazing thing is that on this crystal sword, there are countless color imprints of different colors. To be precise, this is not a realistic sword. It is more like a handicraft that is glued together by numerous gemstones between heaven and earth. .

However, the sides of the blade are extremely sharp, so people can't be underestimated.

"Oh, is it a colorful treasure? I did not expect that under this huge stone, this baby is hidden." The demon smiled: "Little guy, this time, but the baby, this colorful treasure, even in ancient times, They are very rare things. This colorful jade has a very strong cutting force. In terms of hardness, it is definitely the hardest jade in the world."

Qin Shi smiled and nodded. He measured the first meter in his hand and showed his satisfied smile with his very well-dissolved stone sword: "It is indeed a good sword, just to replace the glare sword for the time being, just, will A sword of such a precious price is actually not knowing the way to use it. Instead, it is sealed with rocks. It is really violent."

At this time, the mad stone clearly felt that the dissolved stone sword was in contact with him, especially after seeing the colorful jade in the stone sword, he became extremely embarrassed: "Little hybrid, still my sword!"

"Oh this sword, you can't match it!"

With a sword in hand, Qin Shi’s combat power seems to increase several times. His body is like a ghostly flash. In the air, only a faint thunder is left. The next moment, Qin Shi is already in front of the mad stone. He held the stone sword with his backhand, and the other hand rubbed his finger on the blade. A touch of sword flickered and shone: "Thirty-sixth inheritance swordsmanship!"


boom! Qin Shi instantly showed a ghostly body, and the series of continuous stone thorns of the stone-splitting swords were forty-six times. The huge figure of the mad stone suddenly stood still between heaven and earth.

Throughout the process, the seven devils were stagnant, and he did not see what was born, but when he returned to God, the singularity was full of horror, and pain, hehe! His huge body suddenly burst, and on the chest, there were thirty-six huge blood holes coming out of thin air. Every blood hole was worn and broken, and the mad stone immediately broke the soul.

The sword starts, people are gone!

Qin Shi was satisfied with the collection of the stone sword. The next moment, the loud noise of the world completely shocked the cave, and countless madmen came from all directions.

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