Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 14 Chapter 1858: Fierce ancient demon

The remnant of the soul controlled by Qin Shi was reluctant, but there was no way. He had to point his head. As soon as he turned around, there was a fierce color in his eyes.

"Kids, you don't have to be proud of you, enter the cave of the mad stone demon, even if you have a great ability, you must die here!" The soul of the soul is fierce.

Qin Shi walked to the Dongfu with the remnant soul. Just as soon as he approached the Dongfu, there were three powerful devils coming forward. The three magical souls all reached the boundary.

"You should know what to do for a while?" Qin Shi was very calm, with a faint voice that only two people could hear.

The controlled spirit of the soul twitched, but when he just wanted to speak, Qin Shi took the first step: "According to your thoughts, I am the one you caught and gave to this mad stone."

Hey! The demon soul was shocked, the magic eye shrunk, and looked like a ghost to Qin Shi. He couldn’t figure out how Qin Shi would know what he was thinking.

"You, you know?" The devil was shocked.

Qin Shi could not shrug his shoulders and did not make a sound. This made the spirit of the devil more puzzled. Qin Shiming knew that it was a trap. Why did he have to let himself do this? The devil can't figure it out, but he doesn't care. Since he has been seen by Qin Shi, he is not doing any concealment: "The kid, since you know, then I will tell you the truth, since you entered the twenty-story, Then you can't leave alive, mad stone demon, but to achieve a perfect situation, and is still a descendant of the fierce devil, not my little demon can be embarrassed, his strength, very terrible, you must Will die in his hands."

"Oh, I am dead or alive, you should have no time to care, but if you do not follow what I said, I promise you will die immediately." Qin Shiyi said that the human and the animal are harmless, but in his black Under the hustle and bustle, it was a chill of chill, so that the air around the demon soul suddenly became cold and wrapped in a smell of death.

"Damn!" The soul of the devil is unwilling, there is no way to go, but faintly said: "I didn't see it? This is what I caught, a human being, entered the casting soul tower, I sent it to the mad stone demon, as long as there is The body of this kid can leave the soul-casting tower. Do you dare to stop this kind of thing?"

"Really human?" When I heard the demon soul, the other three remnants were also slightly surprised, and the eyes immediately flashed greed and evil.

"Want to swallow it alone? Don't you want to die?" The demon seemed to see the meaning of the three people under the eyes of sneer.

By the words of the demon soul, the three remnants of the soul at this moment, the eyes are continuously flickering a few fierce, but in the end, it is a flash of glory, choose to let go.

As the devil said, the mad stone is on the twentieth floor, with great majesty, and inviolable power. The boundary is perfect, plus the descendants of the fierce devil, even the regulators of several layers. Seeing the mad stone is also a three-point refuge.

"Hey! A bunch of waste that is not self-sufficient!" The sneer of the demon taunted, then took Qin Shi into the cave.

Just stepping into the Dongfu, the oncoming is cold and cold wind, very embarrassing, is the biting cold, flashing the glory from time to time in the Dongfu, can be seen, the four outside are full of suffocating suffocation.

The demon soul controlled by Qin Shi also has a good position in the twentieth layer. During the period, he met his remnant soul. They are all respected. The last sentence: Seven Devils, Seven Devils seem to be here. The mad stone cave house has a small official position.

In the cave house, about a kilometer away, it is a promenade, at the end of the promenade, there is a repressed light.

Walking out of the promenade, it is an extremely empty square. As soon as I walked out of the square, a compelling arrogance was left in the air.

"There is a perfect situation?" Qin Shi suddenly frowned, and then his black scorpion turned and landed on the square. In the middle of a huge troll, the troll scorpion seems to be composed of rocks. The most amazing thing is In the whole body of this rock troll, it is covered with a thick magma pattern, which is extremely hot, leaving air waves in the air.

"It's really a descendant of the fierce ancient demon family, huh, huh, a little bit interesting." The demon glory is also aiming at the trolls lying on the high platform and smiling.

"The fierce rock ancient demon family, is it strong?" Qin Shi asked.

"It's not powerful, it's similar to the Nethergut, but this fierce rock has a troublesome power, that is, they can integrate the whole body into the rock. Do you see the hot flame pattern on them? It can melt the rock, then change it into any shape, and integrate it into the body, turning it into its own power." The demon is faint.

Qin Shi was quite surprised and nodded. This is a very unique force.

"Seven Devils, you took the initiative to visit me, isn't this like your character?" The mad stone saw the Seven Devils, and smiled arrogantly.

The seven devils trembled at the bottom of the heart, and were strongly suppressed by the blood of the evil spirits. He smiled diligently: "The mad stone demon, I am a kid on the twentieth floor, it is a human being, I think, if you can Take away his body, I think, leaving this soul-soul tower will not be a problem."

"Hey, human? I really didn't think that 30,000 years, the soul tower of the town finally entered here, and, is it still a human?" The singer noticed Qin Shi, and the huge magic eyes suddenly flashed and excited.

boom! The mad stone stepped forward and stared at Qin Shi: "Oh, this taste is really exciting!"

But soon, the screaming calmly grinned: "Kid, tell me, where did you enter the soul-casting tower? Casting the soul tower, where was this 30,000 years sealed? Why has there been no one? Have you come in? You told me truthfully, I may be able to leave you with a remnant of the soul, so that you have a consciousness, but you must give it to me, haha! As long as there is this flesh, I will be able to leave the soul. Tower!"

Qin Shi looked at the greedy mad stone and dismissed it: "I think, you may not have figured out the current situation. Now, it is not the question of killing or killing me. I am going to leave you a life."

"Well?" When the stone heard Qin Shi’s words, he suddenly squatted, and immediately heard the most ridiculous joke in the world: "Oh, boy, are you broken your head? And don't say, you are a little human, How much wind and waves can be turned up, even if it is, I am caught in my cave, do you dare to say this to me?"

"Who told you, I was caught?" Qin Shi was extremely small in front of the mad stone. However, from his body, there was a thick gas field, as if his power was enough to smash the heavens and the earth, even if it was mad. In front of the stone, let him not be humble.

The mad stone heard the words of Qin Shi and frowned. "Is it not?"

"Oh, you move your head. If I am caught, will I be so easy? And, do you think that if I am caught by him, will he hand me over to you?" Qin Shi smiled Dao: "Actually, I asked him to bring me to see you. Originally, I was still thinking about how strong this 20th-level controller would be. It’s a pity that it seems to be the case, and there are some wooden fish in the head. ""

Listening to Qin Shi’s words, the frenzied brows are getting tighter and tighter, and he gloomyly looks at the Seven Devils: “What is going on here?”

The Seven Devils were stunned by the mad stone, and the magic body could not help but tremble. He quickly stunned and slammed on the ground: "Back, return to the demon, this does not blame me, I am not his opponent, he let me Bring him to see you, I thought to myself, the devil will be able to kill this kid, so I will push the boat, bring him, demon, forgive me."

When I heard the words of the Seven Devils, the mad stone was silent for a while, and the magic eyes were slightly serious. At this time, he explored the power and shrouded around Qin Shi, feeling the fluctuations of his own world around 800,000 meters around Qin Shi. A smug smile: "Oh, 800,000 meters of your own world? Kid, is this your capital?"

Speaking, the mad stone held a big hand and smirked at the Seven Devils. "You are doing very well. Since this is a small death, then he does not have to leave to live!"

There was a ecstasy in the seven devils' hearts. At this time, he was exposed to the smear of color. The remnant of the soul slammed into the distance, and turned back to look at Qin Shi. He could not see Qin Shi, but he heard the mad stone saying that Qin When the stone was only 800,000 meters in its own world, it suddenly picked up because he knew it. The world of the mad stone reached 850,000 meters.

We must know that the power of our own world is absolutely suppressed. If we are more than 10,000 meters, we will have to master the 10,000-meter-long Tianzhu and the tens of thousands of meters of heaven and earth. Therefore, there will be a huge gap between 10,000 meters. Of course, This point does not work for Qin Shi.

In these years, he has gone out of the barren town and has been experiencing rough times. He has almost always been in a leap-level murder. Without this means, he has long known that he has become a loess bone.

"Kids Although I don't know, what is your destination in the Casting Soul Tower, but since you came to my mad stone cave, you will stay here today." Suddenly, his foot swooped fiercely. From the rock on her body, the flame pattern was melting the ground. Numerous hot magma was still boiling, and suddenly merged into the body of the stone.

"Explosive feet!"

The smashing of the stone and the foot of the foot, the virtual space is the crack of the numerous flames, and the space is suddenly crushed.

In the face of the raging stone, Qin Shi is also dignified. The power of this mad stone is not simple. The world of 850,000 meters, plus the special strength of his fierce ancient demon family, the strength is comparable to 90. Stronger than 10,000 meters.

Qin Shi’s black scorpion flashed coldly, and his big hand suddenly arranged countless blue dragon patterns, and the volley rushed to the stone.


Suddenly, a huge force rushed to the sea, violently rolling towards the sides.

In an instant, the two played against each other and a fierce battle broke out in Dongfu.

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