Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1758: 1 paragraph

When I heard the words of Qin Shi, the heart that was hanging wildly could not help but let go.

"However, life can stay, you are the head of the palace, I think you should know what to do?" Qin Shi did not care about the faint words at this time, but each word is full of commanding tone.

Many strong people now heard the words of Qin Shi, they can not help but pity and eccentric look to the green mad.

Qin Shi’s words are very clear, meaning that you can be exempted from sin and sin.

"Oh, this kid is trying to quit the madness."

"Well, if you are crazy and let out the position of the palace, this may end here, if he does not want to..."

"Oh, I am afraid this is not going to be so simple."

The madness naturally listened to the meaning of Qin Shi’s words. Although the heart was full of unwillingness, he did not dare to speak.

Nowadays, this huge seven thousand sea palace is just a speech of Qin Shi. Qin Shi then let him surrender the position of the palace. If he dares to say half of the words, I am afraid that Qin Shi is not needed. Hands-on or what to say, I am afraid that the rest of the sea palace will be flocking at this time, in order to please Qin Shi and attack the Qingwang Palace.

Qing Yan, Qing Yu, then the face is red, and the eyes are full of anger.

At this time, in the Qingwang Palace, many of the younger generations are full of playful colors. In the past, the young and the green feathers were not deceived in the Qingwang Palace. Now, if the blue madness retreats to the palace, the two will lose all the protection. In the Green Palace, there will definitely be many cold eyes.

"Father...! No."

"Yes father, my green palace, when did he get involved with an outsider?"

"That is, we would rather die than die! There is also the little monk of Qingyan! If it is not because of him, look at this dog man, why is our Green Palace falling to this step?" Qingyu can not bear this huge gap, then the voice A sinister curse.

The sound of Qing Yu has just fallen, Qin Shi’s black scorpion is slightly gloomy, and then the green screams are scared to Qing Yu.

"Oh!" Suddenly, waiting for Qin Shi to start, Qing mad back to the scorpion to slap a slap, the green feathers are all bleeding trails: "Small beast, how do I give you such a kind of cockroach! Qingyan is your little aunt If you dare to hurt her, then I will drive you out of the Green Palace!"

Qing Yu was slapped by Qingyan and looked at the panic with a look of panic: "Father, father, you hit me? I didn't say anything wrong. I said the truth. You said it yourself, Xiaogu is a Xiaoyan, when the Tuoba Palace was destroyed, he sent Xiaogu to Sanqing Palace to be a son-in-law. You also said that he should be the plaything of our Qingwang Palace!"

The color of fear in the heart of the mad heart climbed very fast, when he glared at Qing Yu.

At this time, the madness of the mad remorse to the extreme, how do you give birth to this waste?

"Oh, the Green Palace Lord, can you say this?" Qin Shi's faint voice sounded.

In the mad heart, he turned around and suddenly turned to the vacant squat, the body that was once full of honor, but at this time it was like a funeral dog trembled: "The Qin Palace Lord spared! Qin Palace Lord forgive! I was also blinded for a while The heart is Sanqing Palace! Yes, it is the Sanqing Palace. It was the Sanqing Palace that forced me at that time. I was forced to do this. I was forced! The Qin Palace Lord was forgiving!"

Qin Shi’s indifference looks green and mad, and many of the powerful members of the Hai Palace are also laughing.

"This madness, asking for trouble, not giving birth to a useless son, he is so hot to his younger sister."

"The Sanqing Palace is persecuted? This is just an excuse. The Sanqing Palace has now been destroyed. Even if it is verified, there is no way to verify it."

call out! Suddenly, Qin Shi’s figure moved and appeared behind the green madness. Qin Shi did not shoot for the green, but the direct exploration of the big hand, the extremely ridiculous whirlpool of one hand, into a thousand strange lines, one will Qing Yu was caught in the hands like an ant. Qin Shi looked faintly and madly. He smiled and said: "Oh, you actually **** it. When you were in the periphery, you should die when you abused my woman."

"Green mad master, I want to kill him now, you should not have any opinions?" Qin Shi screamed at the moment.

The blue mad tiger's body was so fierce that his eyes were struggling with bright red.

How can your son have no opinion?

"Or, if you want, you can replace him, then I will let him go." Qin Shi added.

Everyone was shocked by the heart, curiously looking towards the green, all want to know what choices the young man will make.

Are you dead, or are you dead?

Qing Yu looked terrified at the madness. At this time, he was full of fear. At first he thought he could struggle, but he did not wake up when Qin Shi shot him. How ridiculous he was in Qin Shi’s hands.

"Father, father! No, no!"

"Ah!!!" The green roaring roar, then his red eyes shed tears: "Green feathers, don't blame the father, the father gave you wealth and wealth since childhood, now it is time for you to return your father, Father can't die, father still has to live for the Green Palace, Qing Yu! This is your own creation, you have to bear the consequences."

"Qin Gongzhu, do it, this scorpion **** it."

Qing Yu stayed in an instant, and he did not dare to love his father in the past. He would really let Qin Shi kill himself.

Qin Shi’s smile, the deepest part of the eye, flashed cold and cold.


Qin Shi has no nonsense, and one hand directly pinches the throat of Qing Yu.

Qing Yu was killed, and the blue madness was lost. But he first shouted: "Qin Gongzhu, please let me go, you just said yes, I am indeed old and not forgiving. I am willing to give up the position of the palace owner."

"I will go back and pick one, the right person will let you."

Qin Shiyan shot, indifferent: "You don't have to wait for you to go back and hand over the palace master in your hand."

The green madness does not think about it, directly handing a piece of blue jade to Qin Shi.

When he got the jade of the Qingwang Palace, Qin Shi nodded with satisfaction. At this time, he threw it at Tuoba: "Tuo Yushu, Qingwang Palace, will be handed over to Qingyan."

Tuoba madly grasps the jade of the Green Palace, and the bottom of his heart is the bitterness that cannot be said.

Looking back at the beginning, what is the remoteness of the Green Palace in his view? Now the life and death of the Green Palace is only between his thoughts.

The public lost his hate and smiled at this moment: "It seems that we are not mistaken, he is the one who asked us to wait."

"Well, he is the son of that fate." Takuya nodded with satisfaction.

The Green Palace is almost destroyed now, which makes many Haigong secretly fortunate that he has not offended this terrible boy.

Qin Shi was extremely tired at this time. Under the long and tight heartstrings, when he was finished, he gradually relaxed and finally made him black.

"Qin Shi!" Long Qiqi panicked forward, and will hold Qin Shi.

"How are you?" Longqi worried.

Qin Shi licked his fangs, and a violent vertigo rushed into his heart. This time, he confronted the Sanqing Palace and the scorpion group, letting him almost empty all his blood and reach the limit. He whispered: "It doesn't matter, It was a little collapse, let Chen Hao take me back to rest."

"Let Chen Hao take you back?" Ryusaki frowned and stunned.

"Do you still refuse to recognize me? Qin Shi, if it is not because of that accident, are you not willing to tell me even one sentence?"

Qin Shi squatted, and immediately could not help but laugh, knowing that Ryugasaki had misunderstood himself, and this forced the hand to wipe out the delicate face of Ryugasaki.

"Stupid girl, I have already said that you are a woman of Qin Shi, and let Chen Hao take me back to rest because you still need to stay to control the scene."

"Chen Chen's strength is not enough, almost all of the three thousand Haigong strongmen are here, only the background of your dragon family can shock them." Qin Shidao.

Ryusaki stunned, and this smiled, and she snorted: "Well, give it to me here."

"In addition, don't let go of the madness."

"Well?" Long Qia couldn't figure out and ask: "Crazy? You want to kill him?"

"The tiger poison is still not eating. The green madness is still alive for its own son, but it will be a problem for the future." Qin Shi said, in fact, if Qing mad chooses to die, Qin Shi may On the face of Takuya mad, put their father and son a life, but the choice of green madness, but greatly out of the imagination of Qin Shi, which also makes Qin Shi completely killed.

Qin Shi does not want to leave a bane on his side.

At the point of Ryusaki’s enlightenment, Qin Shi added another sentence: “Do a little cleaner, don’t let the topography mad.”

Qin Shi felt that the body was weak to the limit, and finally the mental power could no longer support the heavy body and fainted.

Seeing Qin Shi slumbering, as Qin Shi expected, the inner three thousand strong scorpions are all slightly changed. Qin Shi’s current degree of weakness can easily be killed by a domain. If this is the case, Kill Qin Shi, the three thousand ~ ~ will once again fall into the state of no master.

It seems that I feel the greed and killing from the eight parties. Longzaki Liumei slightly picks up. Immediately, she sent Qin Shi slowly to Chen Hao’s hands. She was alone in her own hands. In her cuffs, there was a hidden cold. Mang's sleeve sword, at this time, if someone dares to come forward, she will not hesitate to shoot it directly.

Now, Ryusaki prefers to kill a thousand, and will certainly not let a person close to Qin Shi.

Lingzhu Palace, at this time also decisively choose the station.

Seeing the defenses of Ryugasaki and Lingzhu Palace, many of the sea palaces were ultimately not hands-on.

This huge alarm finally came to an end at this time. The seven thousand sea palaces ended with the emergence of Qin Shi, and the internal and external reached an unprecedented unity.

In the next half of the month, Qin Palace fell into a crazy busy life. Under the joint work of Lishu and 6 Peng, the voluminous palace that had fallen from the original Sanqing Palace was once again dragged by three clean air, slowly being given by the big hand. Dragged into the sky, but on the island, but not in the three palaces of the court, but a large unified palace, just above the palace, there is a bright pearl, the center of the pearl, is a Eye-catching Qin.

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