Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1757: The fear of the Green Palace

In just one month, the seven thousand sea palaces were shocked and thundered. ??

In the past, the surrounding ten-party temples were different, and the inner three thousand three palaces were different. The inner and outer sides also reached an unprecedented unity. This is impossible in many Haigong people’s eyes, but now it’s really because of a call. Qin Shi’s young boy, Qin Shi’s two words, finally resounded through the seven thousand sea palaces, which are household names.

The word Qin Palace finally laid the hegemon of the Seven Thousand Sea Palace.

At this time, countless powerful people saw the Sanqing Palace, which was once prosperous. Now it is as ruinous and devastating. If it is not seen by the eyes, I am afraid it is really hard to believe. All this is true, which makes many strong people The teenagers who are proud of the volcano above the ruins let their hearts know clearly. This boy should not be provoked, or it will lead to the disaster.

If it is said that some Haigong still questioned the strength of Qin Shi because of Lei Shenzhu, after Qin Shi killed the evil group of the scorpion group, it completely disappeared.

At this time, Qin Shi’s mouth was faintly smiling, looking around, and the sharp knives, such as the sharp knives, swept a circle from the heads of many sea palaces, making many of the sea palace’s strong people not very natural, as if there were species The wild beast stares at it.

Qin Shi grinned at this moment: "Now, are you still dissatisfied with my Qin Shi? It doesn't matter, if you don't accept it, even if you stand up, it is still the previous sentence. As long as anyone can win me, the overlord of the three Qing dynasty Bit, my Qin Shi handed people, of course, if you lose, I will not repeat the result, lest everyone feel that my Qin Shi seems to be bloodthirsty killing, I just do not want to leave trouble and trouble for myself. And already."

Many strong people have heard the bitter laughter. Who is afraid of this situation?

There is no such thing as a fierce demon, and there may be strong people who have a chance to be lucky.

But now, there will never be.

Qin Shilang’s laughter was like a sigh in the valley. After a long time, no one opened his mouth and smiled again: “So, in this case, are you deciding to recognize this new hegemon? I don’t think that I still have qualifications. Shallow, I am still young, not worthy of this hegemon?"

"Qin Xiaoyou, you are too polite, your strength is obvious to all. I think that in addition to the small friends in the seven thousand sea palaces, I am afraid that no second person dares to sit in this hegemon position...!" At the time, a very high-ranking Haigonggong master smiled.

Qin Shi, this is completely sarcasm, is still young?

How old is it? Sanqing Palace was destroyed in the hands of Qin Shi.

"Right right, now in the seven thousand sea palace, not the dragon family, Qin Xiaoyou can be described as the first person who deserved to be worthy. If Qin Xiaoyou said that he is not worthy of this hegemon, I am afraid that in the seven thousand sea palace, no one can deserve it. On, Qin Xiaoyou took this position, we served!" At this time, the successive Hai Palace began to cater to the present, and now Qin Shi’s hegemony has been confirmed, they all want to take advantage of the most powerful in the seven thousand sea palaces soon after the end of the battle. power.

"Yeah, not to mention, Qin Xiaoyou is still the son-in-law of the Dragon family... As the saying goes, I went into a door, not to say two words. There is a dragon family behind Qin Xiaoyou, but this is the power that Sanqing Palace did not have, if someone I dare to say that the little friend is not worthy of the position of the overlord. I am the first to stand out and must have pinched his neck."

"Who dares to fight against Qin Xiaoyou, even if I am a family, I will definitely help my little friends." All kinds of flattering sounds continue.

Lishu looked around at this moment and smiled mockingly: "Oh, it’s really a utilitarian guy."

Chen Yu smiled, then she was full of gratification to look at Qin Shi, at this time Qin Shi in the crowd seems to be the most awkward star in the night sky.

"Small Lishu, now you know, why do I value him?" Chen Yan smiled.

The Lishu nodded bitterly. Who can think of a teenager who can subvert the seven thousand sea palaces that have been rooted in the roots in just five years?

"Chen Chen, if today, he is defeated?"

"If he is defeated, I am the soul of his dead in the tomb."

Chen Yu did not think about it, and immediately stopped at the Lishu: "Small Lishu, I let you stay with him at the beginning, really is to let you help him, but you must believe that he is a person worthy of your follow. ""

Lishu nodded, his eyes could not help but become hot: "Well, indeed, he is a person worth following. I can't wait to see how he will grow up in the future. At that time, I am afraid that this place will be for him. Trembling?"

Lishu always believes that staying at Qin Shi will definitely see the most magnificent battle between heaven and earth.

That battle was no less than the ancient battle of the world.

Lishu also hopes that he can sway his fingers and leave his own grandeur in the future books of ancient books.

For the indulgence of countless Haigong, Qin Shi is a faint smile.

He knows very well that these sea palaces are just wall grasses. If they are defeated today, they will win the Sanqing Palace. They will also say such things to Sanqing Palace. Even... will be even more excessive. Now they are all about themselves. Respect, I am afraid that there will be only ridicule.

Qin Shi waved his hand: "Since all of you are like this, then I am not polite. I am sitting in this position of the hegemon today. Of course, if there is a future, if anyone in the room feels that Qin Shi is not qualified, he can stand up. Challenge me, as long as I can win, this is the position of the hegemon, just like the hand, of course, I will first put the ugly words in front, as long as I am still the hegemon, if anyone dares to anger my Qin Palace, then don’t blame my Qin Shi The heart is hot."

Qin Shi’s sentence is to the audience, he has no jokes and feelings.

Let many sea palaces are once again creepy.

For a moment, Qin Shi saw many strong nods and was satisfied with a smile.

"Qin Gongzhu." At this time, a middle-aged man, dressed in Tsing Yi, smiled at Qin Shizhen's grin.

When Qin Shi saw the middle-aged hesitation, he immediately showed the color of taunting.

"Green Palace?"

Middle-aged man, it is the palace of the Green Palace: blue mad.

The father of Qing Yu and Qing Yu.

At this time, many of the three thousand strong men are also curious and eager to see, because they clearly noticed a little cold from the corner of Qin Shi's eyes.

"The Green Palace, is there a contradiction with Qin Shi?"

"No? That Green Palace, in the future three thousand, I am afraid it will not be very mixed."

"Really, the Green Palace, with the help of the four kings of martial arts, has been screaming for tens of thousands of people in the past 100 years. If they are given some time, they may even enter the former Ten Sea Palace, but now it seems that the Green Palace is not It’s ok.”

"Oh, I know something about this, can you still remember the Qingyan of the Green Palace?"

"Qing Yan? The beauty of the city of the Green Palace?"

"Of course, remember, when the young Yan, the number of the strongest in the three thousand is the object of pursuit?"

"Well, it’s a pity. I heard that Qingyan chose a small seaside palace."

"Is it because of this?"

"Oh, yes, when Qin Shi did not establish the Qin Palace, he has always been the elder of Xiao Haigong, who was chosen by Qing Yan." At this time, many powerful people suddenly realized that it was because of this incident?

"That's not right, the Green Palace, it should be considered a blessing in disguise."

"Oh, it should have been like this, but the madness has made the wrong choice. He thought that the Green Palace is the inner three thousand. The future is boundless. I look down on the small sea palace outside. I am not only suppressing the small sea palace everywhere, but also because of this. Qing Yan has been banned for a long time." Many strong people now know that the original ignorance nodded, and the eagerly eager to see.

For the madness, Qin Shi was very indifferent and smiled: "You look for me, something? Or lose, you want to avenge your two sons?"

The mad horns couldn't help but twitch, very helpless smile.

revenge? Qing mad really thought, after the end of the deep sea source pool, the blue mad hate to smash the Qin stone corpse, but now that he has seen the strength of Qin Shi, even if he borrows his ten courage, he does not dare.

Qing sighed and sighed: "Where is the Qin Palace Lord, I deliberately apologize to you. It was the old husband who was not disciplined. The children collided with your gods, and I hope you don't care about my Green Palace."

Qin Shi’s cold snoring, without paying attention to the madness, turned directly to the arrogant eagerness to follow the Lishu.

At this time, Takuya madly saw the madness, his shackles clenched his fists, and his heart was an indescribable resentment. In these years, he was not under the pressure of the Green Palace, and he did not suffer the humiliation and ridicule of the Green Palace. On the outside, he dared to point his nose.

What the blue madness seems to see, then quickly turned and smiled at the Tuoba madness: "Sister husband..."

"Sister-in-law?" Takuya suddenly laughed out loudly, and the laughter was extremely sad: "Oh, when did you treat me as your brother-in-law? Because of your own selfish desires, because of your little vanity, let me and Qingyan separated for centuries, and Qingyan sneaked out once, but you almost completely destroyed my Qingwang Palace. In your eyes, when did you treat me as your brother-in-law?"

The voice of Takuya is a little excited. In the past few years, he has really suffered too many eyes from the Green Palace.

The blue madness can't help but bow down.

Indeed, in the past few years, he has not slammed the Tuoba Palace in the back, and it was also because of his acquiescence that the Yang Palace dared to shoot at Tuoba Palace.

He always wanted to destroy the Tuoba Palace, but he couldn't do it himself because of his identity.

"Tokyo Uncle, as long as you say, I will help you destroy the Green Palace." Qin Shi was very plain at this time.

Many of the strong men in the three thousand were shocked by a cold sweat. The survival of a sea palace was so spit out by Qin Shi.

However, the most frustrating thing is that no one dares to question him today.

Hey! The madness of the heart is fierce, full of prayers and eagerness toward the top: "Sister husband... brother-in-law... Anyway, look at the face of Qingyan, you have to help my brother to say something, Qingwang Palace It is also the home of Qingyan who grew up from a young age. You don't want to see Qingyan homeless?"

"I can also help you kill Qin Shi sees the green mad at this time to move out of his sister, very cold looking down.

Tuoba’s mad heart was shaken, and to be honest, he really wanted to smash the corpse.

But in the end, Takuya mad is the shaking head of the smile, he does not want Qing Yan to hate him, no matter how mad is the brother of Qing Yan.

Seeing that Takuya swayed his head, Qin Shi smiled faintly. In fact, he knew that the Takuya madness would not be mad, even though Qin Shi wanted to shred the scum of the blue madness.

The reason why he said this is that he must give the Qin Palace a victory, and the second is to let the Green Palace know that their lives are given by Tuoba.

Qin Shi said earlier, sooner or later, the Green Palace will be proud and gratified because Qingyan chose to expand the madness.

"You have a good woman in the Green Palace, she saved your life." Qin Shi said lightly.


This chapter is the third more to make up yesterday.

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