Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1725: 跪下饶 you 1 life

When Qin Shilong's claws shredded the squally wind, the sound of the day was finally full of majestic and heavy sounds. Immediately, from the 10,000-meter cloud, a cold light burst out of space, directly smashing the dragon of Qin Shi. claw.


Immediately, a loud scream, in the cold light, all the strong are horrified, because the power of the cold is far from the previous ten elders, the real world like the heavens and the earth Force is the realm of realism.

At this time, Qin Shi was finally no longer eye-catching. Many powerful people looked into the distance. Immediately above the clouds, there were ten statues, and the ten honors, with some pride in the arrogance of the heavens, were quiet. Standing at high altitude, standing on the back.

These ten people are not the ten-party temple, the master of the millennium, the ten lords of the ten-party temple?

"Is it finally?" Many powerful people are snoring at this moment, and their hearts are relieved. Otherwise, this farce is afraid that it will become a one-man show of Qin Shi, and at this time, those who are already desperate There were a few surprises and jokes in the eyes, because the very strong cold man, just a descendant of the ten-party hall: Xiao Hu.

A Xiao Hu, is to block Qin Shi, then if the strongest Zhou Wei and Zhang Yang shot, Qin Shi and not only the second kill?

Hey! Hey! Hey!

At this time, the collision between the Han Mang and Qin Shi's dragon claws did not directly spread, but the continuous Yu Wei, which has never retreated after entering the crowd, could not help but back three steps. This again makes many strong people see hope.

"It seems that the foundation of the Shifang Temple is still stronger."

"That is of course, the Shifang Temple is the real master after all. This kid, if there are a few more years, may be able to pass, but the genius is easy to die, he is too arrogant, today is his jealous day."

"Hey! This time, I see how crazy this kid is!" A strong group of people revealing the face of the villain, it is like they are just forced to retreat Qin Shi.

Longzaki was also contemptuous at this time. She did not pay attention to Xiao Hu, but fell on Zhou Wei and Zhang Yang. These two talents are the most terrible existence among the Shifang Temple. Seeing the changes of Ryugasaki Chen Haoyi, whispered: "What's wrong?"

"The two guys are not simple. The three thousand are also in the front. Especially the curse field, even I can’t see through it. That publicity should be the peak of the world, but that week, it is probably the world. The situation is complete."

“There is a perfect situation?” Chen Yuyu’s eyes are cold, and she is now entering the realm. It is naturally clear what the concept is.

"Isn't that saying that Qin Shi is dangerous?"

"It's hard to say that Qin Shi is not vegetarian. If I can't see Zhou Wei now, then Qin Shi, I am even more incomprehensible." Longsaki smiled and shook her head, she was a dragon and a daughter. The arrogant woman, the real royal family of the seven thousand sea palaces, was unable to stretch their hands and feet at this time.

"This battle, the winner is the Qin Palace, or the Shifang Temple, just look at the results of Qin Shi and their ten people." Long Qi faintly said, Luo Yan several people are bowed their heads, indeed, to reach this point, they These people are already unable to make decisions, and the next two are the real masters. However, Longzaki looked at Qin Shi at this time, and then looked at the seven embarrassed elders.

"Oh, just before you start, he should first smother the ten old guys, and it is not easy to live from him."

Longqi said, everyone is still unknown, but Qin Shi suddenly stunned his head and moved his arm. Just after that, his arm was also a little hemp, and then he showed a smile and smiled: "Oh, finally know the pain loss." Is it right? For those who are in a strong position, for the periphery, even if you are a ten-party temple, don’t you dare to say that you die one?”

At this time, the ten-party lord was under the convulsion of flesh and pain, and successively damaged three strong borders. This is indeed their imagination. In their view, although the outside world will be extremely evil, the ten elders of the boundary will appear. That is the end point, but unexpectedly, not only did not end, but also lost the wife and the soldiers, they also joined the three elders.

"Little devil, you don't have to be proud, your way has come to the end, today is your burial place, I will pay homage to you here next year." Xiao Hu gnashed his teeth.

"My burial place? No, no, no, next year, you still give them seven people to worship!"

Qin Shi's cold sneer, then he suddenly saw the fierce light, and suddenly turned to the remaining seven elders.

Hearing the words, there was a glimpse on the field. It was obviously shocked by the words of Qin Shi. They followed what they seemed to understand. They suddenly expressed horror and whispered: "This, this Qin Shi, it is difficult to still want the rest." The seven elders also killed? In front, in front of the ten lords?"

At this time, the former elder who was almost killed by Qin Shi suddenly showed a sly color. He laughed and said: "Oh, little hybrid, you are talking big, are you not afraid to flash your tongue? By your present, you Little life is not guaranteed, do you want us to be buried with you?"

"No, not funeral, even if it is, they are ten. I haven't lived yet, and you seem to have forgotten. Why did you just die? He said what I am, you made the same with him. Wrong." In this extremely eye-catching and extremely dangerous situation, Qin Shi’s voice was extremely dull, as if the ten masters had shot, and did not let him feel any danger, which made the audience scream again.

"This kid... isn't it too sleepy?"

"Drink, I really don't know how to live and die! Then I want to see how you kill me?" At this time, the elder suddenly came to the bottom of his breath, and actually he stepped on the sole of his foot and suddenly shot a few steps forward, approaching Qin Shi. A punch in the volley, such as thunder, such as a huge stone, squatting toward the door of Qin Shi.

At this time, all the disciples of the Qin Palace were holding their heartstrings.

boom! However, the punch was heavily hit, and everyone was shocked. The punch was in the eyes of everyone, and it was really on the face of Qin Shi, and the weight, that is, a hill would be crushed? Hit Qin Shi's face, Qin Shi is not dead, but also at least seriously injured.

"Well?" But suddenly, the elder himself was shocked, because he knew very well that the punch had just passed through the face of Qin Shi, but there was no obstacle, as if he was in the air, he, Didn't hit it at all?

Snapped! Suddenly, a big hand, from the void, only sees Qin Shi as a teleport, just turned into a virtual shadow, and he appears in the air on the side of the elder, a dragon claw, a catch The elder's throat, Qin Shi at this time, like Shura, looks fierce, he sneered: "Oh, I said, the death will be you, and I will not accompany you to die."


The elder, even the effort to return to God did not, the sound of a few broken bones in the air, was actually Qin Shi, directly pinched the throat?

All this is a matter of course, the electric light and the flint, around the ten lords, are too late to shoot, and at this time, Qin Shi in front of their face to kill another elders in the realm, and finally let their ten faces look gloomy, The previous three people, they can find excuses, are not present, but this person, Qin Shi is the red fruit in the face, sly face.

"Kid, you are looking for death!" Xiao Hu was so gloomy at the moment that he couldn't help but reach out.

"I haven't arrived yet, and I am waiting for you on the side!" Suddenly, Qin Shi's virtual shadow flashed, and it was directly bypassing Xiao Hu's big hand, appearing in front of the other six elders in a ghostly manner, immediately The palm of his hand is empty, and the ridiculous breath is to smash the air, such as a huge force, to capture the bodies of the three elders, and the ridiculous breath is actually to take the life of the three elders to dry. Become three dry bodies.

A blink of an eye, three people.

At this time, the rest of the three were screams, but they just wanted to retreat, Qin Shi did not give them a chance, a step, two hands again turned into dragon claws, from the left and right toward the two throats At this time, Qin Shi, like a murder machine, no one can be.

The two elders saw it, and now they were all in horror.

"The palace owner, save us!" The two madly retreat, hehe.

However, for a moment, Qin Shi had already turned the kilometer into nothing. The fangs, like the beasts, sneered: "I said that you are going to die today, then don't say they are ten. I can't save you from the king of heaven!"

"Give me death!"

boom! boom! Two bursts, Qin Shishengsheng will hit the dragon into the two bodies, then the dragon force is like a volcano that has settled for thousands of years. Suddenly it can't bear it and burst out. It immediately shattered the five internal organs of the two elders. Like the meat grinder, Longli has hollowed out the bodies of the two elders, and eventually the skin is crushed and dead.

"Little beast!" This time Qin Shi really angered ten temple owners.

Qin Shi actually continually lowered their eyelids and killed a group of six elders.

"There is no end." However, Qin Shi still did not terminate. At this time, the ten lords of the temple could not stand, and the former sages and arrogances that were like the heavens and the earth were all kinds of means. They are anyway. We must keep this last elder. Otherwise, their ten-party hall will surely be defeated in this battle. If it wins, it will definitely suffer a huge negative impact.

However, Qin Shi’s shape is like a dragon, and it’s very fast in the ten-person offensive. It’s until he approaches the elder. He’s actually a hard-blocked Xiaohu’s palm, which makes his arm numb, but it’s also Therefore, let him arrive in front of the elders, the elders are at the moment, he can't believe that Qin Shi would be so powerful, which is completely different from the news he got.

"Next, it's up to you." Qin Shi sneered, then his green light rose on his shoulder, and Rain Rain quickly recovered his injury. He finally stopped in front of the elder, and at this time, he was indifferent. Looking up, my eyes are full of anger: "I didn't want to do this, and I didn't want to provoke the temple. It's all forced by you."

"Your Majesty! Please me! I will let you live!"

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