Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1724: You are too much

At this time, many strong people were shocked by Qin Shi’s Thunder means, and then they were not good. They just died, but they are also strong in the name of the realm. The outer Fengmao Lingjiao, proud of the existence of the heavens and the earth, but in the hands of Qin Shi Even turned out to be as simple as crushing an ant? Even, no one has just seen it, how Qin Shi did it.

When Zhang Yi was so old, he was obviously shocked by the means of Qin Shi. This was completely inconsistent with the information he had heard. Especially when Qin Shi asked him, he seemed to have a kind of staring by a **** of death. Suddenly, I was shocked by a sweat.

"This, how did this kid do it? In just three years, it was so unfathomable from the realm?"

At this time, in the Mujia Palace, Qiu Shu’s old face was shocked. In the eyes of others, Qin Shi was from the domain to the present, but he was one of the first few people to have seen Qin Shi. At the beginning, he clearly remembered. At that time, Qin Shi was a form of being abolished, but at most, it was only a scorpio. Of course, no one knows that Qin Shi actually had a complete power in the field when he arrived at the Seven Thousand Sea Palace. However, he never had Exposed.

Originally in the seven thousand sea palaces, Qin Shi just wanted to settle down. After all, his heart is not here. This is not his world. He knows that he will return to the human world sooner or later. He just wants to be quiet. Quiet but not wanting him, so he is also determined to put away the heart that has been forbearing, determined not to endure, and this is doomed, when a fierce beast reveals a fang, the sea must be trembling.

"Small, kid, don't be proud."

"Hey, how do you become a kid? Don't change your name." At this time, Qin Shi mocked a smile, and immediately he suddenly sank, and as a cold can be broken, he immediately stabbed Zhang Yi and said: "You Trying to call me a little hybrid!"

"I..." Zhang Yi clenched his fist, but when he reached the mouth, he was swallowed back.

At this time, Zhang is next to him, and the other eight old people are all gloomy. I am afraid that under tremendous pressure, one person suddenly can't stand it, raises his hand, wants to attack Qin Shi, but suddenly, Qin Shi volleys a block. A dragon force turned all the power of the old man apart. Immediately, he shook his head indifferently: "Don't delay the time, you nine, let's go together."

Hearing the sound of jokes, it is to make countless strong people creepy, as if Qin Shi is a **** of death, in the same call to the nine people, then let the group of onlookers gradually convergence the smile of the mouth, from Mocking, turned into panic.

"We are all stunned by the Qin Palace. This kid dares to come here and dare to challenge the majesty of the Shifang Temple. It is not a gimmick. In this world, there are two kinds of arrogance. One is young and frivolous, but this kid is not at all. He is the second, it is really arrogant capital..."

Qin Shiyan stopped, he was silent for a long time, but seeing that the nine people did not return to God, he finally had some patience and long sigh.

"It seems that you are not ready to do it? Then give you two choices, either let it go, or... die!"

Suddenly, Qin Shi’s body slammed forward, like a meteor across the night sky, straight toward the center of the nine.

Seeing Qin Shi suddenly hit, such as the electric light and flint, Zhang Yi nine people are amazed, Zhang Yi is now subconsciously easy to dodge, but he just stepped out, but it is becoming stiff, turning back toward the direction of the Shifang Temple Looking at it, I couldn't help but bite my teeth. I didn't move half a step. He took a deep breath and said: "Let's stop, anyway, stop him, or we will step back, it is also a dead end!"

The other eight people looked at each other and nodded. "Let's together, even if this kid has a great ability, isn't it true that he is really invincible? We nine people, hit him one, can't you win?"

Nine people said that at the same time, each shot is a cloud, and the sky is full of light, each glory is vast, boundless, with the power of the world, nine forces, then nine pieces The heavens and the earth are generally fierce, and they are rolling toward the Qin stone. It is like nine comets colliding and turning into nine extremely fierce whirlpools.

Looking at the nine extremely powerful forces, Qin Shi was suddenly dark and dark.

"Oh, it seems that you have made a choice."

"Hey! Imp, you really don't have a small thing, but you can't get rid of you in this sea!" At this moment, Zhang screamed, and then suddenly a small size of cold light appeared in his hand, such as an ice. The gun of the cold, piercing the air, turned into a silver dragon, and rushed to the heart of Qin Shi.

Seeing that the cold light settled, the heartstrings of many powerful people were tight. At this time, the other eight strong men were surrounded by Qin Stone from all directions, so that Qin Shi had no retreat. At this time, one person proudly smiled: Hey, kid, see where you are going this time."

"Run? Hehe, I said, I want to run?" Qin Shi cold laughter, and the air around him was frozen into ice.

Suddenly, Qin Shi’s big hand explored, and his five fingers were close together. Immediately, he used the flesh to meet the silver rifle. This made countless powerful people surprised: “This, this kid, use the flesh to stop? What kind of joke? Above the Spirit, there is a spirit, and it is impossible to be a mortal. If it is a savage animal, the rough skin can not be blocked?"


Suddenly, a metal collision sounded, only when the palm of the hand and the pike hit, on the palm of the hand, there was a dragon scale, reflecting the glow under the light beam, for a moment, the cold gun from Zhang Yi Is it suddenly broken? The crowd was shocked at this moment.

But this does not seem to be over. Qin Shi will break the cold gun, black as a knife, fiercely aiming at one person beside him, his mouth rising and his palm shaking.


A loud bang, the broken cold gun head was directly inserted into the heart of an elders in the world. The elders were blind and glaring, and they were unbelievable. At this time, another elder was degraded and there was only The next eight people, and the most important thing is that if it is said to kill the first person, Qin Shi is lucky, but this time, he is in the presence of all the other people, as the air is generally blatantly killed, while the other eight I have not been able to stop it.

At this time, all the strong people are stunned. Although they are all outstanding in the periphery, it seems that they are just like ants in front of Qin Shi.

Qin Shi’s cold laughter, when he suddenly turned around and rushed to the other eight people: “Oh, killing the two, hasn’t it reacted yet? It seems that the ten old guys are quite calm and sullen. I will give them a chance, but since they don't cherish it, wait for the eight of you to collect the corpse."

Qin Shiyan stopped, his body suddenly burst, Zhang Yi saw his eyes wide open, he quickly explored his hands, and two spirits, will lift the spirits, want to kneel down to Qin Shi, but face Two spirits, Qin Shi shook his head indifferently: "The best spirit? Oh, indeed, in the spirits, it is the best, but it is nothing but a spirit, in front of the gods, can not stand a blow!"


Suddenly, an eight-wind movement, a sword light entwined with eight rays of light suddenly picked up, actually destroyed the two spirits in Zhang Yi’s hands, and then, Jianguang did not stop dividing, directly from Zhang Yi’s chest. Penetrating the past, Zhang Yi Meng's blink of an eye, can not directly lift it in one breath, immediately died, then, the other seven people, are big eyes, even Zhang Yi, also died?

"This, this kid, not a person!"

"Damn! We all underestimated him, fast, fast withdrawal!"

"Now want to withdraw? Is it late?"

Qin Shi is like a ghost, and suddenly appeared in front of one of them. The man saw Qin Shi immediately screamed: "Miyame! Save me!"

"Today, no one can save you!" Qin Shi black and cold, immediately he palms out, such as the fish water is generally turned into dragon claws, is facing the elder's back heart, directly through its life, the old man A face of shock, a stream of blood sprayed out.

Third place... But during the respite, the three boundaries were actually killed by Qin Shi, and, is there a spike that has no power to fight back?

Although these three boundaries are only a small world, but even if they want to kill, they can kill it.

At this time, Longzaki was in the distance, and his eyebrows were gently picked up. Although he was not satisfied with his heart, he couldn’t help but screamed: "This guy has become so strong in such a short time? Now, Even if it is me, I am afraid it is not his opponent."

Long Qi can still remember that when she first met Qin Shi, she was confident that she would kill Qin Shi within three strokes.

At this time, Chen Yu is also full of pride, and the cherry mouth is beautiful and smiles: "Oh, Xiao Gu, I said, the man I value, must not be wrong."

Luo Yan can't help but smile. She has read countless people in her life. How can she not know when Qin Shifei is a dragon? Just Her earliest worries, isn't she worried about the horror of Qin Shi? The more powerful Qin Shi, Chen Hao is next to Qin Shi, it is the more difficult, the woman who wants to be a king, will it be easy?

"I have to work hard, otherwise I will really be pulled down by him." Although Chen Hao is very enchanting and sexy, but it is not the kind of willingness to make vases, she wants to go with Qin Shisheng and die. Accompanied by, can do women who can help Qin Shi.

The three worlds were killed in a row, completely overturning the cognition of countless powerful people. At this time, the other seven strong people were afraid of life.

"The next one." Qin Shi faintly said, as if the hand has a spectrum of life and death, in charge of the judgement pen, can freely determine the life and death of others.

At this time, Qin Shi’s eyes turned and fell on an elder in the realm. The elder couldn’t help but shudder. The subconscious mind wanted to retreat, but he did not wait for him to retreat two steps. After being stepped by Qin Shi, he appeared directly in front of the elder. At this moment, he squinted his head, and the human and animal sneered innocently. One hand suddenly rushed toward the elder's throat.

"The palace owner, the palace owner! Save me!" The elder screamed.

"Boy! You are too much!"

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