Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1299: Sword magic

Wen Yan, Fan Yan and Shen Tianyang hesitated, and no longer nodded. ≥

After leaving the ring, Qin Shi took the top honor of Jianzong under the guidance of Fang Qing. At this time, Zhang Wei had left from here. On the high platform, Fang Qing grabbed Qin Shi’s hand and held it up. .

At this moment, she laughed out: "This year's annual disciple contest has ended, let us congratulate Qin Shi for winning this championship!"

"good good good good!"

The whole audience is boiling, this time is no surrender.

Qin Shi also laughed. To be honest, he was also very excited. Of course, what he valued was not a title of the champion, but the next Sword of the Holy Spirit.

Nowadays, he is in desperate need of improvement, and this sword and soul hall will undoubtedly become the best boost for his ascension, which will also allow him to reduce the irritating time to find ways to improve.

In the whole game of boiling, Haoyue rushed to smile and said: "Little guy, I think I have to congratulate you."

"This is thanks to the help of the squadron's transmission matrix." Qin Shi is a grateful heart.

I am swinging my hand: "Oh, I will help you, it is your own creation. If Lingsha has an accident, I will not care for you. It is what you have won." Immediately, she turned and looked forward to Fang Qing. , smiled: "Oh, since I have seen the good play, then I will not be disturbed."

Fang Qing Shen Suhui, suddenly said: "It's rare to come once, if there is nothing, you may wish to stay more, and attend the championship awards banquet?"

When Yuyue Yubu pauses, thinking will smile: "I think, Fang Qingzong left me, should I just invite me to a banquet?"

Fang Qing said very directly: "Really, in addition to this, there are some private things that I want to talk to you. If the banquet is over, I think we can talk to the Central Hall."

Haoyue didn't think it was a strange smile: "Oh, I said, if it is not something, you can't help me go, how can I stay with me so enthusiastically."

"You don't want to stay, it's leaving, I didn't force you." The two men suddenly burst into a spark.

Qin Shi couldn't help but smile. I thought that the grievance between the two men was really a backlog. I quickly advised me: "Hey, the lord of the moon, yes, if nothing happens, let's stay." ”

婉月白眼眼青青, said: "Well, kid, look at your love is difficult, but also your awards banquet, I will stay."

Qin Shi heard the words, and quickly pulled the green sleeves underneath.

Fang Qing took a deep breath, and this shouted: "Swordsman Elders, arranged for the rest of the month."

"Yes!" Sword rushed forward and bowed to Haoyue: "The Lord of the Moon, come with me."

The moon was light, and she immediately looked at Qin Shi and smiled. "Little guy, don't forget the agreement between us."

Qin Shi can't help but smile. He understands that the words of Haoyue refer to the power of purgatory. In fact, from the very beginning, he understands that the reason why Haoyue will use space for him is actually not because of Zi Lingsha. And more likely is to supervise him.

He didn't even doubt that if he hadn't resisted the power of purgatory in the confrontation with Susie, he would probably ignore him and directly kill him in the ring.

To this end, he laughed a few times: "The Lord of the Moon is relieved, and the younger generation wants to live more than a few years."

Haoyue Yingying smiled: "Yes, it is a child of interest."

After that, she followed the sword.

"Boy, what did you agree with Haoyue?" asked the wind and curiously.

Qin Shi did not look good with a white glance: "What is the agreement, what is the relationship with you."

"Hey, I said you kid, how is it so rude?" The sand was not happy at the moment, blowing his beard and blinking.

Fortunately, Fang Qing stopped him at this time and shook his head at him: "Uncle Feng, since he does not want to say, don't be embarrassed about him."

"That is, you look at the Sovereign, and then look at your old guy, all of them are a lot of age, how curiosity is still so heavy? Gossip!" Someone gave support, Qin Shi even more unscrupulously grinned.

"Drink, you are a stinky boy, I have to clean up you today!" Fengsha rolled up his sleeves, and he was going to start with Qin Shi.

But suddenly, Qin Shi’s stomach was awkward and his face was very painful.

The wind and sand smashed and said: "Hey, boy, you want to lie to me, do you think I will believe? I will definitely let you go today."

After all, the wind and sand approached a few steps, but when he suddenly appeared, Qin Shi’s face began to appear blue, and even his lips were slightly purple. He realized that he was not right and said: “Hey, kid, are you okay?”

Fang Qing was embarrassed at the rear, but also stepped forward. Her jade hand grabbed Qin Shi, and her internal vision was a little. The jade eyes sank and said: "Qin Shi, have you been hurt by the sword?"

Hearing the words, the old eyes of the wind and sand are also amazed. The running spirits probed Qin Shi. When he saw the incomprehensible appearance of Qin Shi, he couldn’t help but **** the air.

I saw that Qin Shi’s five internal organs were dislocated, and even half of the lungs were destroyed. This is not to surprise him. In Qin Shi’s blood and meridians, he was faintly aware of one another. The black and the strange sword, the sword, is not the evil power of the Shura sword?

Qin Shi’s expression was a little bit awkward, and the big mouth gasped a few mouthfuls and said: “No, nothing, I can adjust myself.”

"Noisy! Sword magic into the body, if this is not good, but it will ruin all your swordsmanship repair, you kid, suffered such a heavy injury, why not say, but also like nothing, you really Don't kill!" The wind and sand rushed, and he immediately looked at Fang Qing: "Qinger, what should I do?"

Fang Qingbei teeth bite the lips, and the jade eyes are constantly struggling.

"Sword magic into the body, no way, can only destroy all the swordsmanship of his body, so as to avoid being swallowed by the sword magic, or ... ... will not be long, he will be completely controlled by the sword."

The wind and sand is anxious: "This is not good. If it is abolished by his whole body swordsmanship, what is the difference between him and his life? The spiritual repair will not continue to break through. For the rest of his life, it will be abolished! Is there no other way? ?"

"No, the swordsman has never been seen before!"

The sand and the old eyes are desperately sinking: "Why, how can this be?"

"Give me this little guy." Suddenly, a heavy voice sounded, Lushan did not know when to jump to the side of the two.

When I saw Lushan, the sand was hesitant: "Give it to you?"

Lushan nodded. "Well, I have been studying medicine in Tianxiangge over the years. Maybe there is a way to help him."

“Really?” The sand was excited.

Although there is no special relationship between Qin Shi and Feng Sha, in the eyes of the wind, he is even more loved by Qin Shi than his apprentice.

In fact, the wind sand has always wanted to accept Qin Shi as a disciple, but when he thought of the black market in Yingcheng, Qin Shi decisively refused his appearance. Every time he reached his mouth, he could not help but swallow.

However, the attention and cultivation of Qin Shi has never stopped in these years.

Qin Shi also always understood that it was only because he promised to go to Park Quan. He didn't want to be one day, and he was turned into a person who was betrayal.

What he hates most is Su Shi, who is a blind person, so he does not want to be Su Shi.

For a moment, Fang Qingdao: "Master Lu Shan, can you really control the swordsman in his body?"

The sword magic is not the same thing, it is the jealousy of Jianzong for thousands of years, so Fang Qing does not dare to easily sever. Once the sword is in the sword, it will be like a plague, it is likely to ruin the entire sword. .

Lushan silent meeting, said: "I can't guarantee, but I can try."

"Try?" Fang Qing frowned, for a time she was in trouble, she could not take the safety of the entire sword as a bet.

The wind and sand saw it, and the eagerness said: "Qinger, he is the one chosen by Qi Qing."

"Yes, I know, but... the sword is also the master's efforts."

"Sovereign, I have a two-pronged policy." Seeing the two people talked about no results, Lushan suddenly said.

"any solution?"

"The seal will be sealed by Tianxiangge." Lushan paused and said: "In this way, even if I fail to control the swordsman in this little guy, I will not let the magic of the sword spread to the whole sword."

"This is a good way." Fengsha's old eyes lit up and nodded. "This trip, I am willing to personally take the shot and make the spiritual source of the seal."

In this regard, Fang Qing is silent.

Suddenly, she suddenly looked up and looked at Lushan very seriously: "Master Lushan, can you think about it? Sealing Tianxiang Pavilion can really give Qin Shi the opportunity, but also to keep the sword from being affected, but Qin The power of the stone's swordsman is completely sealed and it is said that once you can't control it, your old safety..."

Later, Fang Qing did not say anything more, but the words have been very clear. Wind sand was shocked, he just worried too much, have forgotten this, once sealed Tianxiang Pavilion, Qin Shijian If the force is explosive, Lushan will have nowhere to escape.

Even if Lushan has a great ability, once it is entered by the sword, it will not help.

Wind and sand look to Lushan.

Suddenly, Lushan smiled and laughed. He laughed so easily. It has never been seen in the past few decades: "I think so. For decades, I actually think a lot, sometimes I am really alive. Tired, it is not as comfortable as Qi Qing. This kid is the one chosen by Qi Qing. It was because of Qi Qing, I have today, I am a young man, and I can’t have any achievements, but here. On the body of the kid, let me see countless hopes, haha, these years, can make Zhang Wei suffer, this kid is also the first person, if you use my life, can make this kid, it is also my Lushan, and finally A great contribution from Jianzong."

Wen Yan, Feng Sha and Fang Qing could not help but stay.

In the cold wind, the two did not think that Lushan would make such a decision. The sand and Lushan had been settled for three thousand years, and his old eyes could not help but be red.

"Qi Qing did not misread you at the beginning."

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