Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1298: Susie was arrested


On the stage, under the raging wind, the whole audience immediately breathed, and the disciples of the whole audience were shocked by the evil spirits of the sword and the **** sword light released by Qin Shi.

"Hey...!" The two major martial arts have not only been confined to the ring, but the entire Jianzong has become dark and dark.

Fang Qing stood up on the highest honor platform, she was not relaxed, and the appearance of Shurao swordsman made her feel very jealous.

"Uncle Feng, you took the sword and others and shot, in any case, you can't let the swords and evils overflow the enchantment."

One thing is that the sand has just not said, that is the harm of the Shura swordsman, not only the devour of the user, but also the place where the evil spirits are covered, all the disciples who practice the swordsmanship will be swallowed up by their gods. , mind.

Therefore, in any case, Fang Qing can not let that evil force spread to the Jianzong, otherwise, Jianzong will fall into a huge crisis.

The sand is also clear about this, nodding nodded, said: "Okay!" Immediately, he waved at the sword, saying; "Boy, follow me!"

"Yeah!" Jian Qing got up.

Lushan blinked at this moment, and it also started to rise.

"Master Lushan, I am bothering you on the left side."

When Fang Qing saw it, his heart raised a few gratifying light paths.

Lushan smiled: "In these years, I was also drunk and dreamed of death for some days. Even when I forgot to agree to Qiqing, it is my pleasure to do something for the Jianzong."

"My master is always full of hope for you." Fang Qing lightly squats, and then the left and right wings are finally stabilized under the control of Fengsha and Lushan.

She was calm and the jade hand was slightly pinched.

Her eyes are always away from Qin Shi, because when she does not have to worry about Jianzong, the most critical of the audience is undoubtedly Qin Shi, he is the first to face the evil spirits of the sword, and there is nowhere to escape: Boy, everything depends on your own creation, don't be blinded by the sword."

"Master, protect him."

In the ring, the more violent the earth shakes.

Seeing, the sword and the evil spirits and the **** swords are finally gathering together in a group, and countless people in the field are holding their breath.

"Winning and losing, it is at this moment."

Haoyue, Yuyue, Xu Qingfeng, and countless people at this time are all cold sweats for Qin Shi.



Finally, a loud noise.


In the ring, suddenly there was a violent epitome of the formation. Then, the two great forces were instantly compressed into a huge vortex, vortex, half red, half black, rubbing each other.

After a while, the vortex suddenly exploded.


In a sudden time, a huge mushroom cloud of tens of thousands of feet was immediately lifted off, and the entire platform was directly broken into powder, and a huge impulse made the entire platform dim.

No one can see the picture in the ring.

Moreover, the huge waves are still spreading wildly.

"It is now!" The sand was low, and immediately he was hand-in-hand, and a golden pattern was hit by him, and a sword-shaped fierce shot was shot on the platform.

The other side, Lushan is also true.


In the seal of the two great forces, the power seems to be hindered, however, just for a moment, the power is swollen again.

Seeing the situation, the sand and Lushan heart are shocked.

"Damn... would it be so strong?"

The power of the giant force has even passed the seal of both of them.

"Can't stop it!"

Suddenly, a soft force, like a spurt, fell from the sky.

At this time, Fang Qing shot, she holding the sword, with the sword as the eye, standing in the center of the ring, she whispered: "Repair the sword magic, go back to your sword prison."


In that evil power, a sly ghost faces a giant python.


A loud noise, the chaos on the platform suddenly exploded.

"The result is out!"

All the disciples were excited to drink.

Haoyue jumped directly to the sky, and the eyes stared at the ring.

"Qin Shi, can't you do anything, our brothers are still waiting, you take us to the top."

On the platform, what remains at this time is only the ruins of the land. Where is the half-down?

Looking at the ruins of the ruined platform, and the dust of the sky, no matter whether it is a disciple or an elder, the heart is not moved at all.

They have an idea. Is this really just a confrontation between disciples? No one has ever thought that an ordinary discipleship will eventually evolve into this.

Everyone is waiting, waiting quietly.

"How, how can it happen, why didn't it happen? It wouldn't be the two of them who died together?"

"Can't you? That's awkward. How do you have to win a game?"

"There is no chance anyway. Just the explosion, even the elders are hard to resist. Maybe they will both kill them. So maybe we will work hard, and we will have the opportunity to sit down as a disciple." ""

"Just by you? You can save the province soon. If the Jianzong disciple is dead, it will not be your turn!"

"Cut, dreaming is not enough?"

Many disciples licked their mouths and their eyes were still in the eye.


Suddenly, a soft bang sounded from the ring.

For a moment, the voice took the heartstrings of everyone.

"There is a movement! Look!"

"Who is it!" The whole audience is determined.

At this time, I saw it on the platform, and a piece of gravel was pushed away by force. A wolverine figure stood up and stood up.

His face was so embarrassing, he saw his figure, and his eyes sank.

"Haha, hahaha, hahahaha!!!!" piercing laughter, when standing firm, Su Shi is crazy: "haha, kid, kid, you are dead, you are dead, the last winner is me!"

"Haha, haha, I said, no one can beat me, the whole sword will be mine."

"That may not be!"

Suddenly, another faint voice sounded.

The same piece of gravel, the same effort was pushed away, in the opposite kilometer of Su Shi, Qin Shi wrapped in a broken black robe, shaking up.

At that moment, Hao Yue and other people's eyes were red.

"Qin Shi!"

Fang Qingyu’s eyes suddenly relaxed, and she could not help but smile.

"Good boy!" The sandstorm excitedly jumped up.

Su Shi’s eyes are cold: “You, you are not dead?”

"You are not dead, how can I die?" Qin Shi smiled contemptuously.

For a moment, Su Shi was extremely angry: "I killed you!"

However, he just left, but his body could not help but step by step, and suddenly he fell to the ground, his eyes suddenly flashed an incredulous surprise.

"I, my spiritual power...! How, how come, how can this be?" Su Shi looked at his hands with a dull look.

There was nothing to believe in, but he couldn’t use the slightest power in the body.

At this time, Fang Qing suddenly stood up, her jade body gently swayed, has already jumped into the ring.

Her eyes are indifferent: "Su Shi, the end, your Shura sword magic, has been re-sealed by my sword, and all the spiritual power in your body has been sealed at the same time. In this final, you have lost, then you Be prepared to accept the sanctions."

"This, this is impossible!" Su Shi did not believe in madness.

Fang Qing shook his head in disappointment, and immediately she waved her hand and said: "The law enforcement hall, take him down."

"Yes!" The elders of the Law Enforcement Church should immediately go down. They seem to have some time to wait for this moment. The dragon is very strict and makes them full of hatred towards Su Shi.

Su Shi was shocked at the bottom of his heart, and he was suddenly picked up by several elders.

He madly angered and raised his head and yelled at Zhang Weidao: "Master, Master... Master saved me! You can't look at the disciple and get caught like this!"

In this regard, Zhang Hao’s old eyes flashed indifferently: “You have never been my own.”

"What, what?" For a moment, Su Shi’s heart fell to the bottom.

Zhang Wei’s response completely broke Susie’s hopes.

Until he was taken down by the law enforcement hall, his eyes flashed, and he was only unbelievable.

Su Shi eventually lost, and the final result of the annual disciples also appeared. Qin Shi is undoubtedly the winner of this competition.

This time, he also completely captured the hearts of the whole Jianzong, and he was no doubt about his retreat.

Fang Qing took a deep breath and could see that this contest made her feel very tired: "The end, the elders of each church will bring their disciples back, and three days later, they will open the Swordsman's Church."

"Yes!" Countless elders sighed, the results of this contest are also good, the process is worth it, it is really too rough, and even many people can not help but shake their heads.

In this competition, Zhang Wei is also a complete loss.

His old eyes can't help but flash the cold: "Damn!"

At this time, Qin Shizheng is right opposite him.

Qin Shi looked up and looked coldly at Zhang Wei. He smiled and said: "Elder Zhang Hao, in fact, you never thought of letting Su Shi be a rehearsal disciple? Everything you do is just for yourself. Take Jian Jianzong, I said, right?"

In this case, Qin Shi is a voice, even Fang Qing did not hear, Zhang Hao old eyes can not help but cold, sneer: "Oh, kid, you are very smart, and you are also very lucky, you Well said, Su Shi is just my abandoned son, but this waste does not live up to expectations. I thought that before he died, he could at least pull your boy to be a back, but it was not a cure for me. I didn't expect you to survive."

"Zhang Wei, you remember, no matter what you want to do, what you want to achieve, I will not allow you to do it." Suddenly, Qin Shi was very serious.

Zhang Hao couldn't help but sigh, and immediately his old eyes sank until Qin Shi left, and his thick killings did not dissipate.

Fan Yan, Shen Tianyang appeared at the side of Zhang Wei.

"Big Brother, what do we do?"

Zhang Qian took a deep breath, his old-eyed cold light was like a sword: "No problem, a hairy boy, I want to marry, even if he survives, he can turn up any wind and waves, wait, and my final retreat. It’s just around the corner, hey, wait until I break through, this whole sword, I want it to surrender for me!"

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