Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1231: Key to the competition

Qin Shi black and cold, a touch of invisible pressure from the top of his head, so that he caught off guard quickly and fought.


Fierce, a loud noise, the ghosts of the Taoist people seem to have a heavy weight, Rayleigh's rushing to the Qin stone face.


Half of the caves were all trembled, and the interface of the confrontation immediately broke through the kilometer gully. Qin Shi’s body was smashed and slammed out of a few hundred meters to regain her strength.

"Hey...!" The mouth was cold and the Qin Shi felt dizzy, and the arm was flushed with a tingling sensation. The strong impact made his hands unable to lift.

"This old guy!" Qin Shiyi looked up.

"Haha, boy, aren't you crazy? You don't want to be a savior, save the world's beings? Hey, I will send you to accompany them now!" Ghosts squinted, and there was no need to let go of Qin Shi after a blow. The meaning of the foot, a slap in the face, a sham, once again approached Qin Shi.



In the twinkling of an eye, the ghosts and shadows of the people have been shot for more than a dozen times. Each time, Qin Shisheng was repulsed. For a time, Qin Shi fell into an absolute disadvantage.

Qin Shi licked his teeth and snorted: "This feeling of being crushed is really uncomfortable!"

However, he has no way. If he is in the heyday, perhaps he is not so passive, but he has been extremely depleted for the nearly one hundred ghosts, even though he has been running the rain in the body at full speed, but It is impossible to recover in a short time, plus the majestic ghosts and gods, the sword and the baby can not be used, he is not the ghost of the ghosts.

"Kid, what's wrong? You just got the smug strength? How do you become a cockroach eggplant now?" Ghosts and singers are more proud, and they hit the three palms and forced Qin Shi to retreat. He sneered: "Why, not ready for you." The gods of the gods come out to help you?"

"Hey, this old guy, dare to provoke me, boy you let me go, I will deal with him!" The temper of the flaming temper is suddenly ignited, and the eager eagerness will rush out of the spirit of the sword.


Suddenly, Qin Shi grabbed the spirit of Jianzong hard, and the five fingers merged and sealed the way out.

"Kid, what do you mean by this? Let me go!"

Qin Shi always stared at the ghosts and ghosts. After half a ring, he shook his head: "No, you can't come out."

"Well?" I was so embarrassed: "Why? You shouldn't want me to help you? Besides, your current state is not the opponent of this old guy. If you don't, you will be dead."

"Even if it is not life, it will not work." Qin Shi decidedly.

"Are you crazy?"

"I didn't!" Qin Shi face became serious and took a deep breath. "Although I don't know what is going on, but the huge ghosts seem to have a special suppression of the beasts. Knowing your existence, he still irritates you deliberately. There must be danger in this, I can't let you take risks."

"This...!" For example, the flower suddenly calmed down. After hearing the analysis of Qin Shi, I felt that it was very possible. My heart was inexplicably flowing through a warmth, grinning: "Hey, you are an idiot!"

The ghosts saw the movement of Qin Shi’s old eyes flashing dark, and shook his head in disappointment: “Hey, look, you are not going to let her shot?”

"Old guy, I will not be on you." Qin Shi indifferent.

"Haha, it’s a little smart, your kid is a little smart." Ghostly voices screamed without a cover, and immediately his eyes became sinister, and his hands violently opened: "Hey, that’s why I don’t have to I will ink you again, now I will send you to the West!"

"Shadow bat wings!"

"Hey!" Deep in the earth, suddenly there was a strange humming sound, and the sound seemed to come from hell, constantly approaching the surface of the earth.

Qin Shi fiercely frowned, but he had not had time to react. Under him, a series of arachnoid gullies split open and connected to each other, which ejected a black flame, surrounded by layers.

When the black fire came out, it instantly changed into the appearance of a bat, flapping a very strong batwing, and its sharpness was as sharp as a spirit.



In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of fire bats crossed, shattered under the Qin Shi, and Qin Shi’s heart was shocked. The fingerprints flipped: “Swallow the Dragon!”

Three thousand dragon beads, the dragon is light.


A series of explosions sounded, and the fire bat hit by Dragon Ball broke in an instant.

However, due to the large number of fire bats, the three thousand dragon **** were swallowed almost in the blink of an eye.

When Qin Shi wanted to shoot, it was too late.

He is a black and fierce glimpse.

"Kid, let go of your hand!" He screamed anxiously.

At a critical juncture, Qin Shi’s forehead was sweating, but despite this, his hand was still holding the spirit of the sword.

"You can shoot, maybe I can live, but it is you who die, it is a dead and a dead, it is better to die than the one who is me, always stronger than the life of remorse." Qin Shi bite his teeth.

"You...!" For example, the flower was mad.

"Haha, stinky boy, you are dead." Ghosts screamed.

In the distance, the rest of the contestants also saw the cold sweat for Qin Shi.

"This kid, can't escape this time?"

"Well, even if he is strong, after so many, it is impossible to block this blow."

"Oh, I have to say that he is indeed a genius. If he is given some time, he will be the focus of the eight domains. It is a pity that he is a talented person."

"No way, who told him to offend the wrong person."

Many contestants shook their heads helplessly, and they all believed that Qin Shi would die.

At this time, Qin Shi suddenly took a deep breath. He was very frustrated when he said something like a flower. However, sitting still is not his style. He rolled up his sleeves and screamed: "Demon, demons, get out of me! Kid I am going to die, are you ready to watch the movie all the time?"

"Come me early, I thought that you are so powerful, you can't use me." The demon lazily dragged the long voice.

Qin Shi Khan: "You are really calm when you arrive. If you don't shoot again, I guess I am dead. You can't use this flesh."

"What panic, panic, give me the right to control the body." The demon stunned.

Qin Shi heard it and suddenly showed a smile.

Qin Shi’s smile is very strange, so many contestants are aware of the following: “Well? This, what is going on? He, he’s dead, even, still laughing?”

"Is it scared?"

"Kid, what are you laughing at?" Ghosts are also a glimpse.

The curvature of Qin Shi mouth is more obvious, suddenly, said: "What are you laughing? I laugh, you will be bad."


The ghosts of the ghosts frowned, and his old eyes were fierce.


Qin Shi’s arms trembled, and his body slammed into a strong suffocating suffocation. The suffocating gas just emerged, and half of the heavens and the earth were destroyed. The 10,000 fire bats in the sky were swallowed up in an instant and spontaneously ignited.

"This, what is going on?" Many contestants were shocked.


Immediately, Qin Shi hit three empty palms in succession, and three black inflammations shook the ghost's chest.


Ghosts were caught off guard by surprise, and a blood spurted out.

Under the three black inflammations, even the ghosts and gods that are always majestic are instantly disintegrated.

"Good, the power of terror...!"

Many contestants were shocked. Even Qin Shi himself could not help but sigh and shook his head. He secretly exclaimed: "It is really the ancient two great devils, this power is really powerful and exaggerated."

Every time the demon shot, Qin Shi will be shocked, which can not help but let him have some expectations, if one day, the demon return to its heyday, then what will be the power to destroy the earth.

"Kid, don't get cheap and sell it. I can't take it anywhere. Although the beast has a barrier to protect it, the outside world can't observe it. However, what to say, the domain owners of the eight domains are outside, with their repairs as It is easy to detect my anger."

"What? Then why are you still shooting?" Qin Shi was shocked.

The demon grinned: "What should I do? Is it difficult for me to watch you die?"

"I...!" Qin Shi was dumb, but his heart was full of emotions. He looked at himself with a self-blame and suddenly said: "If they perceive you, I will not let you go wrong. Even if it is fighting my life."

"Okay, don't be The reason why I dare to shoot this old guy is because I feel the scent of the group from his surroundings, rest assured, I just released the suffocation, The breath of the group has been melted away."

"Really?" Qin Shi sighed.

The demon nodded and immediately paused: "But... Next, I am really not good to help you again, everything depends on yourself, leave here first."

Qin Shi heard the words, and it was a pity to look at the ghosts of the ghosts. If the demon can still be used once, he will be able to take the life of this old guy, but now he has to quit halfway.

"Forget it, let this old guy live someday."

Qin Shi sighed with a long sigh, and immediately when he turned around, his eyes suddenly fell on the huge body of the mammoth.

As soon as he bites his teeth, his sleeves are turned, and the trapped cages are ready to be sacrificed. He wants to take this mammoth and take it away.

"Kid, don't you kill? This is the only way to escape. Why don't you know how to cherish it? The old guy will soon recover! If you don't leave, you can't really get away." See you, 驴Such as the flower to jump the feet of the drink.

Qin Shi clenched his fist: "No, I have to conquer this miraculous mammoth, this mammoth is the key to this competition."

"Idiot, who told you that this mammoth is the key to this contest? Listen to me, leave here, go in the direction I am pointing, I promise you can meet this mammoth A beast that wins more."


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