Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1230: Fight



For a time, the electric light flint, thunder and smashing, among the caves, were thick smoke and war. More than a dozen contestants encircled the two smashing knives in front of each other, but they carried out cruelty and murder between each other.

Qin Shi could not help but shake his head away from the distance: "It is a sad guy."

Immediately, he was black and condensed, looking around the audience, and finally fell on the ghost shadow of the ghosts, and the corners of his eyes gradually merged.

"This old guy, it seems that you have to act." Qin Shi thought.

Sure enough, the attention of many contestants was diverted. The ghost ghosts suspended in the air and gasped a few mouthfuls. It can be seen that the martial arts that had just been displayed also exhausted most of his physical strength.

He gasped and looked up, staring at the huge gods and mammoths like a smirk: "The gods list, finally let me get it!"

"Hey-!" The gods mammoth like the roar of anger.

"Don't struggle here, it's useless." Ghosts smiled, and immediately he sacrificed his own trapped animal cage, rushing to the mammoth like a sacrifice: "You can rest assured, I will not kill you now. I will wait until the last item of the contest, refining you in the face of the entire eight domains. Haha, the eight domains don’t know that the magical characters of the gods have never appeared again for thousands of years. This time, I will To be a person who has left a great legacy in history, the name is passed down!"


The trapped animal cage stopped at the eyebrows of the mammoth, and immediately he folded his hands together, and drunk hard. The soul **** was sacrificed outside the body, and a huge soul spider swept the gods.


However, when you look at it, you will succeed. Suddenly, a clear sound will make the ghost's old eyes change.

A black shadow swayed, and a black robe boy emerged from the ring of the trapped beast that had just stabilized. He flexed his finger and struck through a thunder, and the ghostly monster's trapped beast ringed fiercely, and the soul spider web followed. broken.

"Bad boy, what do you want to do?" Ghosts and old people sullen and gloomy.

Qin Shi mouth raised his smile and smiled: "Old guy, you want to rely on the two swords and mammoths to attract the attention of others, and then take this gods and mammoths as yourself? Is it really good? Abacus."

Qin Shi clapped his hands and suddenly said coldly: "Just, you seem to have forgotten me?"

The ghost's mind was debunked by Qin Shi, the old eye was smothered, and the fangs said: "Boy, I advise you, it is best not to find yourself uncomfortable, you are now retreating, maybe I can let you live more."

Qin Shi shrugged indifferently: "Don't be arrogant? If I am not mistaken, your current physical strength is less than 30%?"

"You...!" Ghosts are angry and straight.

Qin Shi leisurely continued: "In fact, you and I all know that this mammoth is the key to this competition. With this mammoth character, who can get it is basically a champion, you think Will I give it to you easily?"

"It looks like, are you really ready to be an enemy with me?" Ghosts tried to calm down and suddenly smiled at Qin Shi.

"Are we not an enemy early? At the beginning." Qin Shi responded.

Ghosts and glimpses, and then laughed with laughter: "Well, your kid has strength, so if that's the case, don't blame me for being so hot!"

"Lonely soul!"

Suddenly, the shadows of the ghosts are stunned, and a fierce evil spirit is freed from his eyebrows. The evil spirits are like the fierceness of hell, and the **** teeth are biting down Qin Shi.

Qin Shi was shocked. He didn't expect the ghosts to be so decisive. The evil spirits made him feel a little unprepared. He wrapped his tight black robes and swiftly stepped back and forth, which made him barely avoid. .

However, with a single blow, the evil spirit does not seem to intend to give up, flipping a circle, and attacking Qin Shi is a fierce attack.

From the smell of this evil spirit, Qin Shi felt a strong suffocation.

"This is, the evil spirits in the underworld? This old guy, even in his own body to raise the evil spirits in the underworld?"

"The evil spirits in the underworld, what is that?" Qin Shi stunned.

For example, flowers have some condensate: "The evil spirits in the underworld are generally formed by the strong powers that cannot be stepped into the reincarnation. However, this kind of soul is often resentful and cannot be controlled by people. I did not expect this. The old guy actually took his own flesh and blood as an opportunity to raise the evil spirit in his knowledge of the sea."

"It’s really a beast." Qin Shi heard it, his eyes were fierce. He stared at the underworld evil spirit and shook his head: "Although I have never met, I will help you once today, go to the nursery."

"Golden brand!"

Qin Shi learned the true identity of the evil spirit, suddenly stopped, a little finger, a gold pattern, into the evil spirits of the eyebrows.


Suddenly, the evil spirits froze fiercely, and Qin Shi exerted a powerful wave under the gold-printed mark, and the soul between the evil spirit and the ghost ghost was cut off.

The evil spirits lost the control of the ghosts, and the light of a reincarnation was shot from the sky, and the fierceness of the evil spirits was dispelled. Eventually, it disappeared slowly under a grateful face.

See you, ghosts and people are furious: "Bad boy, you dare to ruin my evil spirits!"

"Manipulating the dead, you can make such a damaging thing, it is a shame of the magician!" Qin Shi disdained.

"Hey, do you think that you can save him alone, can you save the people? I want to see if you can save everyone!" The ghosts were furious, and suddenly his arms were shaken. Immediately, the caves trembled.

Qin Shi’s frowning: “What is going on?”

"No, this old guy wants to use Spiritualism to recall all the undead here. Kid, stop him!"

"What?" Qin Shi black sly, he knows the spirit of the soul, it is the top ban in the magician, is a martial art that goes against the sky and has a devastating effect.

"I didn't expect this old guy to be a spiritualist!"

Qin Shi licked his teeth, but when he wanted to stop, everything had become too late, the earth shook, the hills shattered, and countless undeads rose from the ravine.

Nearly a hundred ghosts and evil spirits, the group will be surrounded by Qin Shi, most of them are formerly slaughtered Knife Mammoth, there are those who died, the old man of the wind, Lian Chengxu, among them.

"I, I am not dead?" Cheng Xu looked at his hands with a dull look.

Suddenly, however, ghost ghosts waved their fingers, and many of the undead were uncontrollable, aiming at Qin Shi.

"Ghost old dog, what do you want to do?" The old man in the wind angered.

"You are all dead, and it is better to do something for me before you die, lest you die so useless." Ghosts sneered.


"Ghost, you are a beast, I will not let you go in the next life."

"Haha, then you have to have a lifetime."

Ghostly disdainful laughter, and immediately he stared at Qin Shi: "Hey, kid, I see how crazy you are this time!"

"Kill him!" The ghosts of the Taoist soul control of many undead, so that hundreds of undead are like a marionette, can only let him at the mercy.

Qin Shi’s eyes sank and he quickly retraced a few steps.


Nearly a hundred knives, all kinds of martial arts filled the sky.

"Kid, kill me, I don't want to be such a beast!" Many souls prayed for Qin Shi.

Qin Shi took a deep breath and suddenly he stopped. He was really irritated by the ghostly actress who was not as good as the human beings. He said: "Ghost, I won't let you succeed."

"Kid, what are you going to do?"

Qin Shiyi’s eyes: “Release the soul!”

"Little guy, please, please." Qin Shi first spread his hand, a touch of green light flashing, the size of the sword magic baby jumped out, accompanied by ethereal contempt.

"Help me stop the old guy!" Qin Shi's baby on the sword.


The sword demon baby promised a quick reply, and immediately stunned to the ghosts, it seems that he was still stunned by the previous disappointment, and he rushed to the ghosts.

"Damn, this is the **** sword!" Ghosts are sinking.


A series of sparks.

The baby of the sword demon dragged the ghosts to the Qin Shi was relieved, he calmed and shouted: "Begin!"

"Golden brand! Broken!"

Qin Shi fiercely opened his eyes, his black scorpion turned into gold, and the brand imprinted quickly hit the undead, and cut off the tie between them and the ghosts.

One of the undead is free, and grateful to the relevant Qin Shi.

Half-column scent, Qin Shicai will rescue nearly 100 dead souls. However, his physical strength is also a lot of wear and tear. Just when he is forced to look forward to ghosts, he mourns and makes his heart sink.


The painful sound of the sword demon baby echoed the cave, and the giant sword-like body was shaken out, and the impact of life hit the cave.

Qin Shi black scorpion condensed, only behind the ghosts and ghosts, the vain and full of majestic ghosts and sorrows, the giant axe to the sword of the evil baby gave birth to the earthquake, has been elevated above the head, see It is necessary to break the baby of the sword.

"Damn, that is martial arts?" Qin Shi was shocked. He quickly reached out and shouted at the sword-sister baby: "Little guy, come back!"

The baby of the sword demon was shrouded in spiritual power, and his face turned into green light and returned to the eyebrows of Qin Shi.

However, Qin Shi had just recovered the baby of the sword, and a emptiness of the wind swayed in front of his eyes, and a sly old face slowly emerged from his vision.

Ghosts and people smiled at his cold smile: "Kid, this time, I want to see you, how can you fight with me!"

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