Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1216: Cooperation

In high vigilance, Qin Shi successively evaded several ice cones. In this way, he did not know how far it was going along this ice and snow. About tens of thousands of meters, he realized that something was wrong and stopped. `

"The cave, just before and after the peak of the mountain, how, this mouthful, there is such a far?" Qin Shiyi looked up, trying to sacrifice the power, want to see the situation next week.

It was just a matter of disappointment. His mind was just exposing the skin and he was subjected to great resistance. It seemed to have an invisible force, and his soul was suppressed in the body.

“The soul blocks?” Qin Shi was slightly surprised and secretly said: “In the snow, there are hidden enchantments that block the soul?”

His face became difficult to look at, and the power of the soul could not be used in this infinite snow, which is undoubtedly a great bad news for his status quo.

For a time, he was like a bird trapped in a cage. The sky was in front of him, but he couldn’t fly anyway.

"damn it!"

Qin Shi’s heart is dark, so he can only take one step step by step.

He continued to move forward, and his eyes were more than 10,000 meters. Suddenly, he slammed down and stared at a huge iceberg in front of him, and fell into silence.

"This is the iceberg I just passed by?" Thinking of this, Qin Shi turned around and tried to see the clues from his footprints. However, he was disappointed again. The violent storm here continued, almost he walked ten steps before. The footprints were covered by snow.

"Little guy, this snow, is a huge foggy circle. Everything you see now is just an illusion. In fact, it is always spinning in the same place." The path of the evil spirits.

Qin Shi’s heart sinks. In these years, he and the book are in jade, and he has a very unique understanding of the law. He can always make him feel unconscious.

"Oh, it seems that I am still a small cave." Qin Shizhen began to look at it. Since he knew that it was necessary to practice the law, blindly moving forward was obviously useless. Simply, he stopped and thought alone, a purple thunder He emerged in his hand. `


The lightning flashed brighter and entwined along his black robe for a week, like a dexterous snake. Suddenly, his palm slammed against the ground: "Broken!"

The little snake swelled and eventually turned into a six-legged Thunder Dragon, and the whistling rushed toward the iceberg in front of Qin Shi.


Suddenly, the iceberg trembled, and the dragon that was sacrificed by Qin Shi destroyed it in one fell swoop, igniting a strong avalanche. Qin Shi’s foot slammed and jumped to the sky. Under the whole movement, his palm continued to inject spiritual power into the dragon. , let Leilong continue to extend.

"About 50,000 meters?" Qin Shi’s forehead ran out of sweat. The length of the brontosaurus was refining to 50,000 meters and 50,000 meters, and it was enough for several cities. What a terrible length?

However, the length of 50,000 meters, Lei Long has not yet reached the end, which makes Qin Shi's eyes sink, he is sure that the dragon's walking track is absolutely not biased.


Suddenly, his eyes changed and there was a dragonfly behind him.

He was subconsciously surprised and his body was fierce.


However, even if this is the case, his shoulder is still very painful. This is not the most amazing. What really surprised him is that he just hit him, but it is a purple dragon. It is not the mine he himself sacrificed. Dragon?

This Thunder Dragon, actually came back from his rear?

Qin Shimeng stopped to inject the spiritual power into the dragon, and the black scorpion sank: "This must be enchanted, is it connected before and after?"

Qin Shi reveals a difficult color, since it is connected before and after, that is to say, the left and right are also likely to be the same? At the thought of this, he waved in his palm, and Rayon swayed in the direction of the wind, and opened the wind and the sky.

Lei Long hit the left side of Qin Shi, and suddenly he shot from the right.

Qin Shi flashed, the dark road: "Sure!"

"This is simply a land with no way to seal!" Qin Shi could not help but cripple.


I don't know what Qin Shi was alarming, and another huge ice cone shot down him.

Qin Shi panicked and quickly avoided.


The earth was shattered again, and a hundred-meter-long spider web gully converges in the center. It is a huge pit that is pierced by a cone of ice.

"Well?" Staring at the huge pit, Qin Shi suddenly frowned, as if thinking of a silence for a while, slammed his head.

"No, this space is not without a way to go. This ice cone is clearly pierced into the earth. If this is really completely opposite, it should fall again from the sky. However, I experienced a lot of ice cones on this road, but once The fall of the earth has never appeared again. That is to say, he is up and down, is it not connected?"

Thinking of this, Qin Shi reveals a surprise, staring at the brilliant blue-blue sky under the snow, and the mouth is rising: "I know, the exit of this enchantment is on this day!"

With some breakthroughs, he couldn't wait to jump up and walk a few steps in a row.

With his current strength, it can be said that it is a thousand meters in a blink of an eye. In a blink of an eye, he jumped into the sky at 50,000 meters. After 50,000 meters, he did not return to the origin from below. This made him more sure of his ideas. Excited smile, and fiercely accelerated.

"Jade sister was really right at the beginning, there is no way to break the world!"


It was 50,000 meters. After 100,000 meters, the snow suddenly stopped. This made Qin Shi breathe a sigh of relief. The surrounding scenery has been wrapped up from the silver, and once again changed back to the endless darkness in the cave, which is proof. He has already stepped out of the enchantment.

Going along the darkness, and then 30,000 meters later, a ray of light suddenly emerged.

Seeing the light, he was happy in his heart, wrapped in a black robe and then turned into lightning and galloped away.


All the way to the rush, until he arrived until the light, he stopped to come, immediately in front of the light, he saw two figures can not help but frown.

The two are also traces of Qin Shi, and they turned back. Cheng Xu’s eyes were cold: “Boy, are you?”

Qin Shi smiled and said: "Oh, it’s a coincidence, we actually met again?"

In the face of Qin Shi, Ye Fengqi is still the look of hatred and disgust, coldly said: "It is not coincidental, it is really bad luck, and even see you this beast!"

Wen Yan, Qin Shi frowned: "You woman, really a poison tongue."

"Don't I make a mistake? In your eyes, life is like a mustard. Isn't this the same as the beasts in this crack?" Ye Fengqi said with a grin.

Qin Shi shook his head helplessly: "Forget it, I don't want to explain anything to you."

Qin Shi regressed, but Ye Fengqi did not want to forgive him: "You don't want to explain? I don't want to hear it, Qin Shi, I tell you, I will not forgive you in this life, I will never, I admit, I am now It's not your opponent, but if one day, you fall into my hands, I must let you die, you can't die, I will let you pay for what you do!"

"That's just you." Qin Shi felt unreasonable, no longer said, got up and walked toward the light behind the two.

Suddenly, Cheng Xu flashed to the left, blocking Qin Shi’s way. Qin Shi’s frowning, the whole body was rolling up the cold, very cold road: “How? I am not looking for you, are you still tired?”

"Oh, Qin brother, this is what, this time you really misunderstood me, I am looking for you this time, I have a business to talk to you." Cheng Xu smiled, installed very sincere, if you do not know the two previously The grudges are afraid that if outsiders see it, they will think how good the two are.

"Cheng Xu, what are you talking about with him?" Ye Fengyu changed his face and angered.

"Feng Yu, don't ask too much, is the so-called crowd high, the water is flowing low, the family should not solve the problem, we have no big enmity with Qin brother, why not turn it into a jade?"

"Do you want to die? Are you forgetting how the five elders died? Good, good, good, Cheng Xu, I tell you, if you cooperate with him, then we should not be together!"

"Feng Yan, don't you do this." Cheng Xu will Ye Fengqi in his arms, swearing: "Hey, I will definitely hurt you."

Girl, always can't listen to sweet words, Ye Fengqi gradually intoxicated in Cheng Xu's gentleness, and his expression eased a lot.

Qin Shi helplessly shakes his head The heart feels worthy for Haoyue.

However, he stopped and asked: "You said something is going to talk to me? What?"

"Hey, I think Qin brother should also see it. This cave is unusual. The beasts are the top two in the list of ancient beasts. If I didn't guess wrong, there is probably a possibility. A very strong beast, that is the ultimate treasure for the devil contest."

"You want to join me and compete for the strongest beast in this cave?" Qin Shi mouth suddenly rose.

"Hey, Qin brother is really a smart person, I like to cooperate with smart people." Cheng Xu's eyes flashed a clever man's clap, said: "Although this cave is likely to have precious beasts, but this cave is also extremely dangerous. And there are other participants who are immersed in it. I think, why don't we join hands? With Qin Xiong and my talent, if you join hands, I am afraid that this is the whole magical contest, no one is our opponent except the ghost predecessors. Is it?"

"That, as long as we can get the strongest beast in this cave, isn't this magical contest at our fingertips?" Cheng Xuyue said that the more excited, and finally he danced.

Ye Fengqi was frowning beside him, very unhappy.

Qin Shi heard the words, but it was silent for a while, looking at Ye Fengqi’s expression. Suddenly he thought of something very interesting. He nodded unexpectedly: “Okay, actually, I also have this intention, like Cheng Xuxiong. Excellent teammates, but I have always dreamed of it. Let's join hands. That is really a strong alliance. The treasures in this cave are not allowed to be chosen at will?"

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