Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1215: Cold wind ice cone

C_t; Unlike the disciples who are present, the goal of the ghost film is obviously not in this mammoth. For him, it seems that this mammoth can not satisfy his ambition. [Update fast, website page is refreshing, advertising is small, and most like this website, must be praised]

His eyes always stayed in the cave.

In the distance, seeing his strangeness, Qin Shi is also curious to look down the cave, the black screams flashing a bit strange.

There is nothing unusual about this cave, but the cold wind is full of animalism. It is conceivable that there must be extraordinary beasts.

The rest of the contestants saw it and felt that it was wrong. It was only because of the special status of ghosts and ghosts. Few people took the initiative to speak.

After the old man in the winds accepted the mammoth, he glanced at the ghosts and glares, and he was full of disdain in the deepest part of his old eyes, but on the surface he still smiled and smiled: "Oh, ghost brother, do you find any baby?" Would you like to share it with us? Don't always hide and squat."

Ghostly white glanced, indifferent: "Do you want to know?"

"That is of course, everyone came to participate in the devil contest, who would not want to achieve a good result? Although we are not as brave as ghost brothers, but no one wants to be busy once, everyone said yes?" The old man said, don't forget to scream at the people next to him.

I heard that all the contestants were eager to move, nodded in a hurry, and compounded: "Yeah, ghost brother, ghost predecessor, what is a good discovery, and we all talked about you, you ate meat and let us know The bones are also good."

"That is, your old strength, the eight domains are well-known by the public. Even if you let us follow you, you must be old and old. We are small, this magical contest, who doesn't know, you are a champion. We have no competition with you at all, just to think about you and let us see the world, right?"

For these flatteries, ghosts and people are indifferent, and they rushed to the cave with one hand: "Don't just pick it up, this cave is in front of you. If you are curious, you don't know if you go in and see."

In other words, he paused and added: "According to the animal nature revealed here, if I did not guess wrong, this cave is probably the old nest of the mammoth."

"What? You mean, there is a mammoth in this cave?"

Ghosts shrugged shoulderlessly.

Affirmed, many of the contestants are exposed to greed, and the mammoth is like being infinitely close to the existence of the gods, and the temptation for the contestants is too strong. [See the latest chapter of the book, please go to]

Seeing the fiery flame in the eyes of the contestants, the ghosts and people smiled awkwardly. Immediately, he slowly walked into the cave: "I also said it. As for whether you believe it or not, or if you can get it from the bones, it is not mine. It’s a thing, I’m going to go in now.”

Originally, the contestants were still hesitant. This time, the ghosts and Taoists wanted to enter in person. Everyone was determined. Many of them quickly rushed to the ghosts and smiled. "Hey, ghosts, seniors, Your old identity is honorable. There is still danger in this cave. I think we will help you explore the road first."

Ghosts do not care to stop: "Okay."

Seeing ghosts and people agree, everyone is a joy, and they immediately look at each other, and one after another, they jump into the cave.

This thing, I am afraid of embarrassment, no one is going in, there may not be anyone eager, this person enters into it, each person is afraid of falling, generally, in the blink of an eye, more than a dozen contestants, even the old people in the previous winds have followed the trend .

It was a ghostly Taoist. After everyone entered the cave, they did not move slowly. They kept silent outside the cave.

Qin Shi shook his head in the distance and said: "This group of idiots who have been sold to give back money!"

Ghosts and wise people are clearly using them. They only blame this group of guys for being attacked and have lost their minds, so they will be unaware.

In the blink of an eye, the scent of the half-column was gone, and a sudden **** smell suddenly appeared in the cave.

Qin Shi sniffed and shook his head without accident.

"A group of sad guys!"

After the smell of blood gradually faded away, the ghosts and talents smirked and walked toward the center of the cave. However, suddenly, the atmosphere of his body changed, and an invisible airflow rolled up in the air.

Soon, the air flow rushed to Qin Shi, and Qin Shi’s heart was shocked. The ghost ghost turned back and glanced at the place where he was, sneer.

"He found me?"

Qin Shi thought in his heart that the subconscious would want to retreat. However, after the ghosts discovered him, they not only did not have any movements, but instead seemed to have nothing to happen, and they jumped into the cave and slowly jumped into the cave.

Until the ghosts disappeared, Qin Shi’s back could not help but be stirred up by the cold sweat.

"It's a terrible pressure!" Qin Shi picked up the black skull.

"Why, little guy, are you ready to give up? It seems that he is deliberately stimulating you. If you also enter this cave, it is estimated that he will not please you."

The sound of the demon sounded.

According to the demon, Qin Shi was naturally clear, and smiled and shook his head: "Yes, but that can't give up. Who told him to make a promise, even if he broke his teeth, he could only swallow his stomach." Besides, I really owe her too much."

As if I had expected Qin Shi to say this, the demon smiled and said: "Do not worry, in the chaotic domain, I dare not protect you, but in this beast world, no one can take your life."

"It is enough to have you!" Qin Shi nodded.

"You don't want to be proud. Although you can keep you from dying, but you can get the beast that makes you win, you have to look at your own skills. I can vaguely feel that the beasts here are a bit strange, there is a make me Very contradictory breath reads;"

"Let you resist the breath?" Qin Shi stunned and stunned.

"Well, I am worried, what is the team's hands and feet, so I will help you properly and the old guy to deal with it, if the murderer here is likely to be perceived by the outside world." Demon Road.

Qin Shi suddenly realized that the relationship between the chaotic domain and the scorpion group had long been self-evident. The demon said that it was not impossible. He nodded: "Well, I know, if I can, I try not to shoot you." ”

Qin Shi is no longer the savage boy of the original, and now the safety of this magical contest Zi Lingsha, so he did not say anything very full.

After all, he looked up at the cave and took a deep breath to enter.

"Little guy, wait a minute, someone is coming!"

"Well?" Qin Shi just wanted to leave, could not help but immediately, he immediately recited his power, two familiar figures emerged, let him glimpse: "Is they?"

In the secluded forest, two roads broke, and Cheng Xu and Ye Fengqi appeared in the cave at the same time.

"Just the fluctuations, is it here?" Cheng Xu greedily smashed his hand, rushing Ye Feng said: "Feng 扆, let's go in and see, there must be extraordinary beasts here."

Ye Fengqi was quite hesitant, but just seeing Cheng Xu insist on it, he compromised the dagger. From this simple little action, it is not difficult to see that the relationship between the two is not ordinary, which makes Qin Shi feel helpless.

The appearance of Ye Fengqi caused Qin Shi to pause, until the two entered the cave, and Qin Shi slowly followed.

Once in the cave, Qin Shi fiercely frowned. This cave is completely different from the outside world. As soon as it entered, it was a huge three-headed hoe. Each one had a height of one kilometer and the hole in the hollow hole. Spilling three different colors of light, red, blue, yellow.

Under the huge hoe, a pair of blood mouths open, all of which are a road to darkness.

"What about your mouth?"

Qin Shi thought about it, his eyes fell on the blue hoe, and he got up and jumped into the center of the blood.

As soon as it entered, it was an extremely cold force covering the whole body.

Qin Shi subconsciously took a nap, this chill has been felt for so many years only in the snow heart.

"Here, is the ice enchantment?"

"Well, these three roads should be three different tests, blue represents ice, red should be flame, yellow is corrosion, this test is very common in the animal world." Demon Road.

Qin Shi nodded, and the heart was still full of respect for the ice. However, if it came, it was safe, he looked up and followed the frozen rift slowly.


Suddenly, a huge snow monster jumped out and a few avalanches followed the avalanche.

Qin Shi subconsciously flashed back.

Rumble readings;! ! !

Immediately, the ground was shattered by the students, and the snow monsters were full of a fierce expression, staring at Qin Shi.

"This is the 279th Taishan Snow Demon in the ancient list of beasts?" Qin Shi squatted, did not expect this ordinary snow monster, has such a high ranking.

However, 279, this ranking is not enough to get a place in the devil contest, so Qin Shi is not prepared to waste time, a wave of sleeves, a touch of purple thunder, wear along the chest of the snow demon .


The snow demon was suddenly shot and flew out.

Defeat the snow demon, Qin Shi continues to move forward, from time to time there will be strong and fierce beasts to intercept, but the rankings are around 200, so he shook his head helplessly.

In the frozen snow, about 10,000 meters, the black scorpion of Qin Shi suddenly slammed, and the body slammed back.


A huge ice cone, falling from the snow, the sharpness of the ice cone is comparable to the sword without a trace, and the snow penetrates several kilometers.

Staring at the snow pit that could not be seen at the end, Qin Shi slammed the mouth and said: "Hey, good terror penetration."

"Little guy, be careful, this is the cold wind ice cone array. It is an ancient taboo method. The ice cones here all have soul blessings. Once they are shot, they will directly pierce your soul."

"Is there such a thing?" Qin Shi blinked, and his heart was full of fear.

With the reminder of the demon, he became extra cautious and the speed of progress slowed down noticeably.


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