Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1122: Devouring the sword

"Don't look at me with that resentful little eyes? At the beginning, I was not asking for the seal of the emperor, not to mention that I was a victim at the beginning!" The demon roared.

Qin Shi grinned and looked at the demon innocent and with grievances. Finally, he shook his head very helplessly. Now he is complaining that everything is too late, and he does not think that there is anything wrong with it.

Perhaps, when the emperor passed down the power of the blood, he and the entire Qin family may have to take a lot of detours, not to mention whether they can reach the height of the current eight domains, at least look at the red Yan Qin stone do not believe, there will be a second The family can have the existence of a monk.

However, although the power of the emperor’s inheritance has not been left behind, it is precisely because of this that he has today, every bit of it is relying on = pig = pig = island = novel ww.zhuzh to work hard, accumulate this today General achievement.

Moreover, it is also because of this, he and the demon have had this friendship today.

He feels that there are reasons for everything, and there are reasons for it. It is worth it.

You can also feel the fluctuations of Qin Shi's heartstrings, and the demon will gently smile.

"In any case, it is finally successful."

The baby of the sword demon, was imprinted by the Qin Shi brand, and suddenly seemed to sleep in the heart of Qin Shi’s palm, staring at the baby of the sword-sized sword, and staying asleep, Qin Shi relaxed and laughed. .

Immediately, he raised his eyes and looked at the black scorpion in the darkness ahead.

That piece, always waved swords.

Set the god, he cleared it and said: "It is really a long delay, and I don't know if there is time limit for this sword. Then it is time to continue going up."

"Wait a minute!" Suddenly, the demon said.

Qin Shi frowned. "What happened to you? I have been pitted several times. Isn't that enough?"

Qin Shi is really afraid, the demon is a blatant pit teammate.

The demon also saw the unpleasantness of Qin Shi, and smiled awkwardly: "Oh, I want to hone you too. If you are too big, you will not be pitted."

"You still know that you are pitting me." Qin Shi groaned and asked: "Let's say, what else?"

"Don't go, this layer, there are two sleeping swordsmen."

"There are two swordsmen?" Qin Shi was slightly surprised. The sword and the devil had horror. He knew it. I didn't expect it to be only the 20th floor of the sword. Even though there are four swordsmen at the same time?

But right away, he blinked: "Even if there are two, what does this have to do with me? I told you, don't think about pitting me!"

"Whoever hangs you, I want to help you!" The evil spirit said indignantly: "It is a good heart to be a liver and lung."

"Help me?" Qin Shi calmed down. After all, the evil spirits were well-informed, so he was still ready to listen: "You talk about it, how can these two swordsmen help me?"

"In fact, the sword magic is also divided into grades. Generally, this kind of life composed of aura is often divided into eight grades, namely red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, gold! ”

"Red is the lowest level, gold is the highest level, and the sword in your hands is only the lowest level, red." When it comes to this, the demon reaches out and Qin Shi looks at the sword, at the hilt of the sword, indeed There is one, very subtle curse, and there is a flash of light around the curse, which is red.

"Now, you have just tamed this sword, and this sword is in its infancy, the root elements of the body are still unstable, it is the period of the highest growth space, if this time allows it to swallow a few swords Yuan, will be able to develop a lot of potential."

"Is there such a thing?" Qin Shi’s eyes flashed a bit of surprise. He didn’t know the swordsman’s level, but he didn’t know that the strength of the swordsman could be improved.

"Of course, this sword magic, although it looks like a sly, but it is not awkward, you can also say that he is a spiritual body with a life mechanism, and absolutely has room for growth."

"And, you know, like this kind of spirit, if you can reach the golden level, then the strength is terrible, even in the ancient 30,000 years ago, the golden spirit can only reach the size of the palm, that is, the purple is also the most Thousands, these can all compete with the boundaries."

“Competing with the environment? Is it so powerful?”

Qin Shiyi’s big eyes, but he thinks back, but he also feels a little reasonable. After all, it’s just a red-colored sword demon. It’s already a big domain, and it’s still a supreme kendo. This is only the lowest level of spirit. If you can really reach the golden color, what kind of horror will it be?

At the thought, Qin Shi’s heart was hot.

Although, he also knows that according to Qin Shi, ancient times only had the golden spirit of the palm of the hand. He wanted to raise this sword to gold, which must be very difficult, but... even if it can be upgraded, Or two levels, it is also good, so when the baby of the sword is mature, the added power to him will increase exponentially.

"How? Do you want to try it?" The demon fingers slammed into two different directions: "The two swordsmen are in these two places."

After a moment of indulgence, Qin Shi finally decided to gamble.

After all, the growth of this sword magic is full of temptation to him.

"In any case, I have escaped several times in the dead. It is not bad this time, I will gamble!"

Qin Shi raised a smile, which made the demon first a glimpse, and then haha ​​laughed: "Well, I like it, you are cool."

"Hey, I’m laughing there. If you dare to hang me this time, I will definitely fight you!" Qin Shi waved his fist, and immediately his eyes turned, suddenly from the road to the 21st floor. At the sword air, he moved to one of the two places pointed by the demon and slowly stepped out.

In the outside world, seeing Qin Shi’s action on this wind, the wind and sand frowning slightly, the rest of the disciples may not be clear, but he knows very well about the Jiange, naturally knows the direction to the 21st floor, and he explains: “This little guy What kind of ghosts are you doing? You have already found the right thing. How suddenly changed direction?"

Fang Qing is also confused and shook his head: "I don't know, but this kid has never taken the usual path. Should he have his own plans?"

"It's really a worry-free guy!" The wind blows his beard.

boom! Suddenly, both of them were shocked and were shocked by the picture in the sky.

"That is, the sword magic?" Winds and old eyes are cold.

When Qin Shi entered the darkness, a sleeping sword demon was arrogant. However, this time, the sword demon did not directly attack Qin Shi directly to the former two, as if from Qin Shi. On the body, I felt the breath of the two swordsmen before, showing a few taboos, heavy snoring, trying to push back Qin Shi.

"Hey, little things, don't be so nervous, come, let's talk." Qin Shi completely ignored the threat of the sword, and the pace was steady and slowly approaching.

His movements completely confused the sand and the square.

"What happened? Clearly have a chance to leave, why should he go to provoke the sword?"

"Is it... he wants to devour these swordsmen?" Suddenly, Fang Qing seemed to think of something. Qin Shi had just conquered the sword and the baby, and she and the sand were all in the eyes. Qin Shi’s luck and timidity, but now, if Fang Qing’s vision is good, then Qin Shi is simply a madman.

The sword demon saw the Qin stone approaching, and suddenly it was mad.

"Hey!" roaring, suddenly, the sword demon violently rose, rushed to Qin Shi slammed down.

However, Qin Shi had already seen through the movements of the sword, wrapped his tight black robes, and gently swayed, smothering the sword, followed by his five fingers, slightly bent, five Leilong, gathered from his fingertips.

"Give me broken!"

boom! Hey! In an instant, when the swordsman and Qin Shi were passing by, Qin Shi’s five fingers pointed upwards, almost in the blink of an eye, and five Leilong violent bombardment on the sword sword.


The sword magic violently twitched, the blade directly bent, and a gap, very stunned, followed by it directly shocked out.


In the dark, they are all shocked.

The sword demon apparently did not expect Qin Shi to be so fierce. After flying to the ground, he suddenly became wilted, staring at Qin Shi with amazement.

Qin Shi rushed to the sword and sneaked a smile. Immediately, he did not pursue, but spread the palm of his hand and sacrificed the small sword and the baby. The baby of the sword magic just emerged, and immediately felt the sword of the wolf. Breath, can not help but swear a few greedy and excited contempt.

"Okay, little things, for you."

Get Qin Shi sure, the sound of the sword and the baby's excited scream, immediately like the bow and arrow that has been waiting for a long time, hey, a broken air, a piercing piercing the body of the sword.


The sword demon, almost at the speed visible to the naked eye, was quickly eaten by the infant of the sword.

Seeing this scene in the outside world, Fang Qing and Feng Sha are both eyelids twitching, Fang Qing said: "He, actually did this?"

"It's a crazy guy!" The wind and sand helpless smile, Jianzong has a history, the patriarchs of the past, dare to use the sword magic as a hunting target, I am afraid that only Qin Shi alone?

This is unprecedented in the Jianzong, Qin Shi is also unprecedented, and no one came after.

When completely swallowed up the sword magic ~ ~ Sword Devil's baby is still not enough to make a full, immediately it is lazy to fall in the hands of Qin Shi, sinking to sleep.

Staring at the little thing, Qin Shi laughed.

Immediately, he once again shifted his target and aimed the target at the last sword of the 20th floor. Soon, he came to the territory of the sword demon. With his previous experience, he was almost effortless. Defeat the sword, as the ration of the sword demon.

Continuously absorbed the swordsmanship of the two swordsmen, when the infant of the sword demon returned to the hands of Qin Shi, the surrounding breath was obviously refined, and even the curse of the eyebrows changed from the original light color to the extremely thick red color. .

Qin Shi nodded with satisfaction, it seems that the demon did not lie to him.

"Well, now, this twentieth layer, there is no sword magic, then it is time to move on."

Taking a deep breath, this time Qin Shi really wants to go up. He finally took a step after squinting. After walking out of the kilometer, the passage leading to the 21st floor is a beam of light. In addition to the passage, there is also the arrogant sword air array, which is also reflected in the eyes of Qin Shi.

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