Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1121: Resentment 1 eye

Qin Shi’s lost face pulled a small face, but immediately he shook his head. He also understood that there were some things that could not be forced. Although the eight murders were present at the same time, it was almost impossible, especially in the present. The murder weapon has been lost, but he firmly believes that since he can sit at the same time, he is able to sit on the jade, the spirit of the sword, and also see the emerald light dance, indicating that he has a close relationship with the eight major murders, one day in the future, certain There will be opportunities to witness the eight weapons of the world.

By that time, the mystery of the eight evils that the demon said, without his excessive exploration, will certainly surface.

And what he has to do now is just waiting patiently.

However, after the demon, he is full of the treasures on the list of ancient gods, but is full of pigs/pig/island/fiction www.huuo. Interested, I thought, if there is a chance in the future, I can find a way to do it. Come and play a few pieces.

Of course, his dreams have not been finished, and he was suddenly stunned by the evil spirits with cold water: "Don't be your spring and autumn daydream, any one of the top 100 in the ancient fetish list, it is impossible to meet. The priceless treasure, I still want to find a way to play a few pieces to play? Really dare to think."

"What is impossible, you have not said it, you can meet it, but you can't ask it. Maybe I will meet it." Qin Shi was not convinced, but he did not say much, because he also I know that the demon is doing a good job. These extremely precious treasures cannot be forced. Now he is the first to bear the brunt of this sword.

He feels that if the baby of the sword is properly used, it is not worse than those treasures. If you think of a helper who has a domain and masters the sword, it is a wind. thing?

He fixed his mind and fixed his eyes on the sword.

The sword of the demon, in the blue fluorescent envelope, from time to time flashing a faint sword, as if in response to Qin Shi.

"Hey, little guy, don't worry, I will take you away."

Qin Shi smiled lightly and wrapped the black robe into the fluorescent light.

Standing in front of the fluorescence, his palm sticks out from the sleeves, slowly rushing to the fluorescent touch. At the beginning, the fluorescence still evades a few times, but immediately, as if he noticed that Qin Shi was not malicious, he even took the initiative and Qin. Stone play the game, from time to time entangled from the Qin stone fingers, leaving the tail of the comet, it is very beautiful.

"Hey, it’s a naughty little thing, then can I recognize the Lord now?" Qin Shichong asked.

The demon does not care shrug: "This is whatever you want."

Qin Shi nodded, immediately in his black shackles, a props like the power of the shot, swayed over his fingertips, gently tapping his fingertips, a bright red blood dripping.

Coincidentally, the fluorescence was under his finger, and the blood drop completely fell in the center of the fluorescence, paused from the fluorescence, and was initially blocked by a few points, and then it slowly penetrated into it.


Suddenly, however, when the blood drops and touches the Sword Devil baby in the fluorescence, a sudden burst of suffocation from the fluorescence suddenly emerges.

Qin Shi almost subconsciously blinked, and his body quickly retreated.

One step to withdraw, this is not over, hundreds of **** swords, and overwhelming he rushed from the sky.

"Rely! What happened?"

Qin Shi’s shocked drink, immediately he was dodging, and when he opened the distance with the blood, he only noticed when he set his mind. When his blood drops merged with the sword, the sword was the size of the sword. The devil's baby suddenly seems to be mutated. It suddenly bursts out, and the blood-red eyes are opened. The body of the sword demon spreads a hundred feet of the virtual shadow, and the virtual shadow is more than the previous Baizhang sword. The devil is also exaggerated, like a ferocious demon.

"Hey..." staring at the shadow of the sword, the shadow is blood red, he is almost shocked by the fool: "This, what is this ghost thing?"

The demon seems to have a long-awaited smile: "Hey, little guy, how are you, do you still think he is cute?"

Qin Shi heard a fierce frown, recalling the words of the demon before, the face sinking: "What is going on here? Do you know that there will be ghosts inside?"

"There is nothing, the sword and the devil's baby are extremely fierce incarnations. They are the lords of the swords and swords. They are slowly blended by the swords of the swords, but you suddenly try to go with the blood. The confession of the Lord will surely suffer from violent rejection. This **** sword is what he originally accumulated. The sword of the sword is really lucky. If you are delaying for a while, when the sword is formed, it can be completely When it is figurative, it will be even more terrifying." The demon gloats and laughs.

"You... damn, why don't you say it early!" Qin Shi was furious.

But without giving him the opportunity to speak, the demon added: "Oh yes, forget to tell you, now the sword is still slowly accumulating, so you better have to blame me for the rest, grab it. Deal with this sword, otherwise, if the sword is really enough, what will happen next, I can't guarantee it."

Qin Shi’s gritted teeth, the shadow of the **** swords are still gathering, and it’s already much clearer than before. This makes him angry: “Damn, the demon, you pit me again! You wait, I am not finished with you!"

Immediately, he really did not dare to delay, just played against the hundred-foot swordsman, he has consumed a huge amount of spiritual power, and if the **** sword is made, he is definitely not his opponent.

"Swallow the dragon!"

In the hands of the hands, the spiritual power of the soul is merged and turned into three thousand dragon beads.

The **** swords and swords overflowed with swords, and suddenly the sound of the sky was soaring.

Qin Shi dried up and blinked. The three thousand dragon beads were disintegrated too quickly, so that he had no choice but to give up the far attack. The body leaned forward, one step, rushed forward, and the body turned around and went to the **** sword. After that, the Thousand Thousand Spears again gathered in the palm of their hands and stabbed them at the sword.


However, it seems that there is still the memory of the hundred-foot swordsman in this sword shadow. It has long been expected that Qin Shi will use this trick in general, suddenly jumped up, and the blade is facing the thunder.


Thunder and the blade collide, hehe!

The madness of the rolling, suddenly bursting like a frenzy, all of a sudden hurricane in the void.

Teng Teng! On the face of the huge force, Qin Shihukou bursts of numbness, almost lost a few centuries of continuous retreat, his face obviously rushed to the blood.

Lei Spear, even directly from the top, has been smashed to the tail, turned into a purple plum powder.

Qin Shi is a black and cold, and this **** sword is far more difficult to deal with than he imagined.

"Little guy, don't entangle with the blood, try to break through his defense, start with the little things in the fluorescent, that little thing is the root of all, as long as you can subdue it, this blood shadow naturally breaks through !" The demon reminded.

Wen Yan, Qin Shi face Pang and slightly angry: "Why don't you say it early! Really, the demon, I will be killed by you sooner or later!"

Immediately, he is not nonsense. After all, he is not optimistic, because his deliberate play before the demon has caused him to waste a lot of physical strength in the previous confrontation. At the moment, he must be quick and quick.

Picking up his eyes, Qin Shi’s eyesight is concentrated, all condensed on the **** swordsman. Suddenly, when the **** swordsman once again appeared in the sword for half a second, he seemed to see through the sword and the next attack went to the general, the body flashed lightly. The distance of the flashing distance is only half a inch from the sword, and when he is hiding from the sword, he immediately squats in the palm of his foot, and in the darkness, he is aroused and ejected like a cannonball.

call out!

A stride, vigorous and vigorous.

In an instant, he bypassed the **** swordsman. If it is a single speed, after entering the realm of Scorpio, he still has absolute grasp and can open the **** swords, so he does not give the **** swords the opportunity to return. The shadow of the shadow has already approached the fluorescence again, and the baby of the sword demon has flashed blood red at the moment, which is floating in front of his eyes.

"Small things, almost killed by you, now it is fast." Qin Shi's action, obviously angered the **** swordsman, a shock to the deafening arrogance, turned over and rushed Qin Shi violently fell .

The maddening swordsmanship, watching all are scary.

However, everything is late, Qin Shi will give him a chance, the palm of the hand slightly bends, turned into a dragon claw, explored the fluorescence, and grabbed it hard.

When Qin Shi’s palm touched the blood drop on the sword and the baby’s blood, suddenly it shines, the blood force is woven into a net between the two, the net looks illusory and transparent, but it is full of thick The strong bondage, in an instant, the sword of the baby, struggling like a beast.

But let the sword magic baby struggle, the blood network is slowly gathering, suddenly, and Qin Shi palm, the formation of the power of Datong, the ultimate life will be the sword magic baby seal.


The baby of the sword demon was sealed, and the **** swordsman of the moment suddenly collapsed into nothingness.

Qin Shi reveals ecstasy: "Is it successful?"

He stared at the baby of the sword demon between the eyebrows of the sword magic baby, a Sanskrit imprint that makes Qin Shi feel strange but very familiar, clearly visible.

The demon nodded: "Well, success, the imprint, it is the blood of your blood!"

Affirmed, Qin Shi was relieved.

The seal of the blood, he has heard of it, it is based on the power of the blood, the evolution of the inheritance of the seal, often in the ancient family, there will be such a mark appear, generally known as the family pattern.

When Qin Shi was on Xiaomi Cai's body, he saw this kind of ethnic pattern faintly. Once this kind of family pattern is awakened, the power of blood will increase sharply. At that time, whether it is cultivation or strength, it will become a trend of terror.

Just think about it, Qin Shi can not help but feel sorry.

It is reasonable to say that after he was the emperor, the real peak of the human world existed. The result was that the blood of the blood was damaged because of the last seal. Otherwise, he should also awaken the ethnic pattern now? In that way, his strength will certainly be more than a little stronger than it is now.

At the thought of this, he screamed at the devil.

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